Panther Commando

Chapter 4661: 1 Going forward

At this time, the sunset hanging on the top of the mountain in the distance suddenly jumped twice, and then quickly sank to the back of the mountain. The mountain suddenly became dark, and the originally fiery red clouds suddenly turned into dark red, undulating clusters. The mountain is like an ink painting with suitable shades.

Charlie looked up at the sky, and he quickly looked at the two guards standing behind him and ordered: "You go around the guard and see if the military doctor has arrived? Remember, strangers are strictly prohibited from approaching this area!"

"Yes!" The two team members replied in a low voice. They wiped the sweat from their faces and ran towards the side of the mountain with their guns in hand. At this time, Xiaohua was standing on the rock beside Wen Meng. It turned to look at Wan Lin and the others, and then jumped off the rock and quietly ran to the tree behind Wan Lin and the three.

It jumped up and grabbed the thick tree trunk, and climbed lightly to the branch above Wan Lin's head. It immediately lay on the branch without making a sound, with a faint blue light in its eyes staring at the surrounding mountains, and it looked very alert.

Charlie looked up at Xiao Hua who was lying on the branch, and then whispered, "When we were catching up just now, I heard Brother Xiao Hua roar quickly, it seems that he is really in a hurry!"

Wen Meng looked at Xiao Hua who was lying on the branch and said, "Yes, this has never happened to a leopard's head before, so Xiaohua was really anxious when she saw the leopard's head in a coma!"

Sean sighed: "You are lucky to have such a loyal little brother by your side!" He then looked at Wen Meng and asked, "When we entered the battle position just now, Instructor Wan was fine, he When did he get injured? He doesn't have any wounds on his body. " Charlie also looked at Wen Meng with some puzzlement.

At the end of the battle just now, Charlie and the others saw that Wan Lin was fine, but when he returned, he suddenly developed such severe symptoms. Charlie and Sean were indeed puzzled.

Wen Meng heard Sean's questioning, and she quickly replied: "At that time, a few of us and a team of students led by John, after entering the position at the foot of the mountain, suddenly found three teams of mercenaries."

"Instructor Wan, in order to rescue the captured people, ordered Instructor John to lead a combat team of students, lurking in the mountains on the right to block the enemy team on the right. He and Instructor Cheng led a team of students, hiding at the foot of the mountain and on the side slopes. "

She raised her finger and pointed to the back of the mountain and continued: "At that time, instructor Wan was hiding on the top of a three- or four-meter-high boulder in the mountain. There is a high point except the side hillside. Xie Chao and I were in charge of the side mountain. Fire support to three cadet groups."

Charlie and Sean both have rich combat experience. They have understood the reason for Wan Lin's injury after listening to Wen Meng's story. Charlie turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin, who was sitting cross-legged under the tree, and he whispered to Sean: "Snipers are the focus of the opponent's attack. Instructor Wan must have killed several people in order not to give up this high position. After the enemy, the sniper position was not shifted in time."

Wen Meng followed in a low voice and said, "Yes, Xiaohua was attacking a team's enemy from the side. At that time, instructor Wan saw Xiaohua pinning down a team's enemy and immediately ordered us to attack."

"Although we attacked the enemy unexpectedly, the enemy was several times as strong as us, and the firepower was too strong. Without the team of Instructor Wan and Instructor Cheng, who suppressed the enemy with condescending firepower, we simply couldn't put so many victims. The prisoners were rescued."

When she said this, she raised her hand and rubbed her red eyes, and then whispered: "At that time, our leopard head was hit by a *** on the boulder under him. He must have exploded after the explosion. He used his internal strength to forcibly suppress the injury, and then he went into battle, directing us to cover Xiaohua and bring the hostages tied by the livestock to the back of the rock safely."

When Sean heard this, he looked at Charlie and sighed: "The Chinese soldiers are so brave! When we arrived at the battlefield, the four Chinese snipers, Instructor Wan, Instructor Cheng, Instructor Wen and Xie Chao, had already Covering the captives and John's team withdrew from the fight."

"We were really shocked at that time. Instructor Wan and the others actually brought a small team of troops to rescue so many captured people, and they also covered John and the others to safely withdraw from the battlefield. This really surprised us!"

When Charlie heard Sean's sigh, he looked at Wan Lin and the others sitting under the tree and said, "That's why I always wanted to hire Instructor Wan and the others to teach! I've played with them before, and they have a strong sense of urgency. The fighting spirit of bravery on the battlefield is indeed admirable!"

He then turned to look at Sean and sighed: "This kind of courageous spirit is the soul of an army! The technical and tactical level is not good, we can strengthen training, but this kind of spirit is not easy to train. It came out. I don’t know if you noticed, Xie Chao and the others have significantly higher combat power than other students this time, because they have Xie Chao and other Chinese students around them!”

Charlie He turned his head and looked at Wen Meng and asked, "Instructor Wan was injured so badly on the rock, how could he act like nothing at that time, and persisted until the end of the battle? Can you suppress such a serious injury? As far as I know, a serious concussion is very dangerous."

Wen Meng looked at Wan Lin and replied in a low voice: "Our leopard head has extremely high skill. He must have used his superb skill to suppress the internal injuries in his body to ensure the completion of the task, and he persisted until the end of the battle."

She then raised her finger and pointed to her face and explained: "Our faces were all painted with tactical paint, and covered with gunpowder and dust during the battle, and few of us didn't notice his face. His face should have been very bad. After the battle, he suddenly relaxed, and the injury that was forcibly suppressed suddenly appeared again."

When Charlie and Sean heard Wen Meng's explanation, they both looked down under the tree with emotion. Charlie looked at Wan Lin, who was sitting still under the tree, and said worriedly: "From the situation just now, Instructor Wan's The internal injury must be serious, otherwise he would not have lost control."

He looked at Wen Meng and asked, "Instructor Wen, I saw that you gave Instructor Wan a pill just now. How is his injury now? Is he in danger?"

He didn't understand the principle of Huaxia's internal energy, and he didn't know what kind of pills Wen Meng gave Wan Lin just now, and there was no trauma on Wan Lin's body, so he couldn't see the severity of the injury at all, so he really did Some anxious.


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