Panther Commando

Chapter 4662: mysterious white smoke

Wen Meng heard Charlie's anxious questioning, and she stared at Wan Lin's face and replied, "Judging from the current situation, Instructor Wan's complexion has improved, and his rapid breathing just now has become steady and long. Control the injury, the dangerous period should be over."

She followed and looked at Xie Chao, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass and exercising with his eyes closed, and sighed: "The power of Leopard's head is much higher than ours. It is very difficult for us to push infuriating into his body to help him heal, but I didn't expect that. Xie Chao's cold energy can actually penetrate into his body, helping him to re-condense the scattered true qi in his body, and at the same time, the medicinal power of Shebao Pills can be used in time, otherwise the leopard head is really dangerous."

She then looked at Cheng Ru and said in a low voice, "Instructor Cheng has managed to expel the cold air from his body. You can see that the cold air coming from under his helmet has disappeared now."

Xiao En looked at Cheng Ru intently, and he asked in confusion, "Instructor Wen, why did the mysterious white smoke come out of Instructor Cheng's head just now? It's so strange."

Wen Meng immediately explained: "That's not white smoke, it's that he used his internal energy to force out the cold air that Xie Chao had invaded into his body, white air is the water mist produced by the cold air coming into contact with the air, just like the cold air that comes out of opening the refrigerator door. ."

Sean shook his head when he heard Wen Meng's explanation. He looked at Charlie and sighed: "Eagle, Huaxia's kung fu is really amazing, they can actually practice such a cold breath." Charlie also sighed and said: "Huaxia It has been a magical country since time immemorial, and there are many things there that we really cannot understand."

Several people were talking when a guard's report suddenly came from their earphones: "Report, Scorpion, Instructor Feng and Instructor Wu are coming with a military doctor and two team members with stretchers."

Charlie immediately ordered in a low voice: "Hurry up and bring the military doctor here!" He turned his head and glanced at the mountains on both sides, and then said to Sean, "You are on guard here, pay attention to the mountains on both sides." , he took Wen Meng to trot all the way to the side of the mountain to meet him.

Charlie and Wen Meng had just run to the foot of the mountain in front, Feng Dao and Wu Xueying had already run over with assault rifles in one hand, like a gust of wind, Feng Dao saw Wen Meng who was approaching, he carried the assault rifle with one hand and grabbed Wen Meng. dream arm.

He was sweating profusely and asked in a hurried voice, "What's wrong with the leopard head?" Wan Lin's sudden injury made Feng Dao and Wu Xueying, who were on the cliff on the side of the Tiankeng, really messed up.

Wen Meng saw Feng Dao's anxious look, and she quickly replied: "The leopard's head was injured by a close-range explosion during the battle. It should be that the internal organs and head were strongly shaken, and now he has been able to recover. I'm infuriated, I'm healing." As she said that, she pulled the air knife and ran behind her.

At this time, Charlie had already run to the front, and he shouted to the military doctor who came running: "You hurry up and check with Instructor Wan!" "Yes!" While panting, the military doctor turned around and took the order handed over by a Falcon team member behind him. The medicine box, then rushed past Charlie.

Charlie reached out and grabbed the scorpion, which was already staggering. He looked at the two sweaty Eagle Falcon members and said, "Instructor Wan and the others are doing their exercises to heal their injuries. Don't go there, just rest here."

He could see from the sweat-soaked uniforms of the Scorpions and the others that the Scorpions must have run all the way and rushed here from the valley.

At this time, Scorpion had already pointed his head to look at Wan Lin and the others at the foot of the mountain. He gasped violently and asked, "Eagle...Eagle, what's wrong with Instructor Wan, he...why isn't there any blood on his body?" While carrying the assault rifle, he raised his right hand, wiped the sweat from his face, and threw it to the ground.

Charlie took off the water bottle from his body and handed it to Scorpion, and he replied: "Instructor Wan was injured by a close-range explosion. It should be a serious internal injury. The specific injury is unknown. Instructor Wen has given He ate an elixir, and from the current situation, Instructor Wan's situation has improved."

Scorpion heard that Wan Lin had improved, he took a few deep breaths, took the kettle that Charlie handed over, raised his head and drank a few sips, followed by panting and said, "Scared to death. I'm here! When I received a report from Sean just now, I was terrified. I ordered the military doctor to rush to the top of the cliff with a medicine box. Several of us used ropes to descend from the top of the cliff, otherwise we would not be able to. Can't get here."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the two sweaty team members and said, "You two should sit down and rest for a while." He followed Charlie to the foot of the mountain near the Wanlin group, and sat down to the foot of the mountain with a tired look. On a rock, the two of them looked up and looked down the tree.

At this time, Cheng Ru had finished adjusting his breath. He opened his eyes and saw Wu Xueying rushing towards him like a gust of wind. He quickly stood up, took two steps forward, and reached out to stop Wu Xueying, who was running in a hurry. At this time, the military doctor also came running from behind with a first aid kit and sweating Just as the military doctor approached the tree, a black shadow flew straight to the top of his head with a "swoosh". Frightened, he quickly jumped out to the side.

Cheng Ru saw Xiao Hua suddenly pounced on the military doctor from the tree, he quickly whispered: "Xiao Hua, come back, this is the military doctor, my own!" Xiao Hua heard Cheng Ru's shout, and then pushed the military doctor hard The shoulders turned and ran onto Wu Xueying's shoulders. There was a fierce light in its eyes, and it still stared at the military doctor, preventing him from getting close to Wanlin under the tree.

The military doctor looked nervously at this ferocious little animal. He stood there panting, while Wu Xueying and Cheng Ru looked at him. He knew in his heart that this little animal was loyal to its master, and that an outsider himself couldn't get close to Instructor Wan at all.

Wu Xueying saw the nervous look of the military doctor, she quickly raised her hand and pressed the flower on her shoulder, followed by looking at Wan Lin with sweat on her face, she immediately grabbed Cheng Ru's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head What happened?" She then looked at Xie Chao, who was sitting cross-legged, and asked in surprise, "Xie Chao is also injured?"

Cheng Ru looked at her anxious look, and quickly pulled her to the side and whispered: "The leopard's head was strongly shaken by the explosion of the ***, and now he has been able to gather his true qi and is healing his wounds. Don't disturb him. Xie Chao is fine, just now he healed Leopard's head and his internal strength was too great. Now he is recovering by adjusting his breath."

He followed Wu Xueying to the side and said in a low voice, "Take Xiaohua to the side and adjust your breath first. I will introduce the leopard's head injury to the military doctor."


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