Panther Commando

Chapter 4664: panicked medic

In the dimness, Xie Chao followed and opened his eyes. He glanced at Wan Lin beside him, and then looked around. At a glance, he saw Instructor Scorpion, the military doctor, Feng Dao, and Wu Xueying, who were already sitting on a rock not far away.

Immediately there was a look of astonishment in his eyes. He had already entered a state of forgetting both things when he exercised his power just now. He didn't even know that Feng Dao and the others had rushed over with the military doctor.

At this time, Wu Xueying, who was sitting next to him, stood up in surprise. She ran to Xie Chao, grabbed his arm and pulled him up, followed by pulling him towards the Fengdao group. He asked, "Xie Chao, how are you feeling now?"

Xie Chao replied in a low voice: "Thank you, Sister Yingying, I have basically recovered." He then turned to look at Wan Lin who was still sitting cross-legged under the tree, and asked in a low voice with some worry: "Sister Yingying, Leopard Is your head still working?" He glanced around and asked, "Where's Xiaohua?"

Wu Xueying raised her finger and pointed at the thick branches and leaves above Wan Lin's head and replied, "Xiaohua is protecting the leopard's head on the branch, and no one is allowed to approach." After saying that, she took Xie Chao to the front of Charlie and the others, Xie Chao quickly looked Charlie and the others stood at attention and saluted.

Charlie sat on the rock and waved his hand between his foreheads, then whispered, "Thank you, sit down and rest for a while, how are you feeling now?"

Wu Xueying pulled Xie Chao to sit on the two rocks beside Chengru Mountain. Xie Chao looked at Charlie and replied in a low voice, "Report to the principal, I'm all right."

At this time, the wind knife has reached out and grabbed Xie Chao's left hand. He focused on Xie Chao's wrist pulse, and then said to Charlie and Scorpion: "Xie Chao has basically recovered, it's all right."

Cheng Ru also stared at Xie Chao's eyes through the moonlight, and he nodded. At this time, he has seen that Xie Chao's red eyes have become clear, and he knows that Xie Chao has recovered his power after adjusting his breath.

Xie Chao sat down and looked at Cheng Ru and asked in a low voice: "Instructor Cheng, did the infuriating energy I forced out just now not hurt you?" Cheng Ru raised his hand and patted his shoulder lightly and replied, "It's okay, just now I Carrying the leopard's head with all your strength and running forward, I don't care to lift up the infuriating energy to defend against the cold air coming from your body, I have already worked hard to drive the cold air out of your body." As he spoke, he looked up at Wan Lin under the tree.

At this time, Wan Lin had been sitting quietly under the tree for more than two hours, but his face was still a little pale. Cheng Ru frowned, looked at the wind knife and said in a low voice: "Old Feng, how are you hurt? If you can still raise your true qi with all your strength, let's go and help the leopard head. The leopard head is too powerful, I am alone. I can't heal him with infuriating energy."

Fengdao immediately replied in a low voice: "No problem, we'll go over now." After speaking, he stood up. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who were sitting next to them, also stood up at the same time, and they both said in unison, "Let's go over together."

At this moment, Wan Lin, who had been sitting quietly under the tree, suddenly had a pink breath around him.

Immediately, a cloud of dust rose up around him, and the dense branches and leaves above Wan Lin's head swayed violently in this protruding wind. In the darkness, a blue light beam shot straight above Wan Lin's head! The little flower that has been lying on the branch above has stood up, and its eyes are gleaming and staring at Wan Lin who is sitting under the tree.

Charlie and the others were shocked, and they stood up suddenly! At this moment, Wan Lin, who had been hanging his head all the time, suddenly raised his head in the darkness, "Pfft", a dark red column of blood roared out of his mouth!

"Broken! Instructor Wan must have ruptured his internal organs, causing massive bleeding!" the military doctor shouted nervously, grabbing the first aid kit beside him and jumping out.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao saw the military doctor suddenly sprang from their side. The two took a step forward in shock and stretched out their hands to pull the military doctor's arm. At this moment, the military doctor suddenly exclaimed, as if hitting an invisible wall, and flew straight behind with his feet off the ground.

Cheng Ru stretched out his arms and hugged the military doctor, and he took a few steps back with a strong force. The air knife also stretched out his uninjured arm, grabbing the first aid kit that fell from the medic.

Charlie and Scorpion next to him were shocked, thinking that the military doctor was suddenly attacked! The two quickly picked up their weapons leaning on the rock, and raised their guns around the tree. They followed the guns and took a step forward. Charlie shouted sharply: "Ready to fight" and then the surrounding sounded A sound of pulling the bolt.

At this time, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng had already taken a few steps forward. The two reached out to stop Charlie and Scorpion, and Wen Meng shouted in a hurried voice, "Everyone don't go there!"

At this time, the two of them, Chengru and Fengdao already understood that the Leopard Head had already forced out the body-protecting infuriating energy in the exercise, and any creature that approached without authorization would be attacked by his powerful internal force.

The military doctor rushed forward recklessly in anxiety, just happened to be hit back by this body protection infuriating. Fortunately, he did not make an attacking stance, otherwise he would definitely be hurt by this body-protecting infuriating qi.

With Wen Meng's hurried shout, the Eagle Falcon members who were already lying in the dark turned their heads and looked back, with a nervous look on everyone's face.

Just as everyone looked nervously at Wan Lin, Wan Lin suddenly raised his hands and drew a circle around him. The pink aura that filled his surroundings immediately spun around him quickly~www.wuxiaspot .com~ then rushed towards his chest like a long dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the pink aura under the starlight had disappeared in front of him. At this moment, a leopard's roar from the necklace suddenly sounded from the dark canopy, and Xiao Hua jumped down from the tall tree branch with a "swoosh" and rushed straight to Wan Lin's body. At this time, it has understood that its master has passed the danger safely!

Wan Lin had already opened his eyes at this time. He looked up at the little black shadow who was jumping down from under the tree. A smile suddenly appeared on his still pale face. .

Charlie, Scorpion, Sean, and several Eagle Falcon team members who were on guard all opened their mouths and stared at the magical scene in front of them in astonishment. The military doctor who was hugged by Cheng Ru and stepped back a few steps also widened his eyes, looking at Wan Lin who was still sitting cross-legged under the tree in horror.

At this time, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng saw that Wan Lin had finished their work. They raised their feet and ran under the tree. They followed and bent over to grab Wan Lin's arms and asked hurriedly, "Leopard head, how are you feeling? ?"

"It's much better, help me stand up!" Wan Lin said in a low voice, Wu Xueying and the two quickly helped Wan Lin up from under the tree. At this time, Cheng Ru and Charlie were already running towards Wan Lin in the dark.

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