Panther Commando

Chapter 4665: puzzled

In the dim starlight, Charlie and Scorpion ran to Wan Lin. Charlie stretched out his right hand and grabbed Wan Lin's arm. He stared nervously at Wan Lin's still pale face, and asked in a hurried voice, "Instructor Wan, How are you feeling now? Sit down and let the military doctor examine you!"

Wan Lin smiled and shook his head and said, "I'm so sorry to make everyone worry! Now I feel much better. I just forced the blood out of my body, and now I can even breathe!"

At this time, the military doctor who was ejected by Wan Lin's body-protecting infuriating energy had already stood firm. He pushed aside Cheng Ru, who was holding him, and strode over, reaching out to take the first aid kit in Feng Dao's hand.

He then looked at Wan Lin and said hurriedly in Y language, "Instructor Wan, I'll check it for you!"

Wan Lin smiled when he saw the nervous look of the military doctor. He gently pushed away Charlie and Wu Xueying who were pulling his arms, raised his hand to block the flashlight from the military doctor, he looked at the military doctor and said weakly, "Thank you, I I'm aware of my body, and I'm fine now." Wu Xueying quickly translated what Wan Lin said in Chinese.

The military doctor looked at him in astonishment and said, "You vomited blood just now. It's probably internal bleeding. How can you be all right? Hurry up and sit down, and I'll check it for you." He said to Wu Xueying, who was standing beside Wan Lin. Said: "Hurry up and help him sit down!" He squatted on the ground and opened the first aid kit.

Wan Lin didn't wait for Wu Xueying to translate, he had already roughly understood the meaning of the military doctor's words, he bent down and grabbed the military doctor's arm and squeezed it hard, and then said: "Look, I can already exert my strength, now it's really okay. Just now, I did have bleeding in my body, but the pills I took have already worked, and I have sealed the injured part with infuriating energy, and the bleeding has stopped."

He followed and pulled up the military doctor who was squatting on the ground, and continued: "Don't worry, just now, I was trying to force out the congestion in the meridians, so the meridians in my body have been unblocked, and it will be fine after a few days of rest!"

He then looked at the military doctor again, and asked in a blunt Y language: "When you rushed over just now, you hit my bodyguard and got really angry. Are you all right? I'm so sorry."

When the military doctor heard Wan Lin say that the injured part was sealed with infuriating energy, he shook his head in doubt, and then replied: "Instructor Wan, if you still feel unwell, please tell me quickly. By the way, I rushed over just now. When I came over, it seemed that someone suddenly gave me a slap, but there was nothing in front of me, what the **** is going on?"

At this time, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng already understood that the blood column that Wan Lin spewed out just now was because he used his internal strength to force out the blood that had accumulated in his body, which showed that his dangerous period had indeed passed.

When Cheng Ru heard the military doctor's question, he immediately looked at the military doctor and replied: "Instructor Wan has already forced out the congestion in his body, and the dangerous period has indeed passed. Instructor Wan himself is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. You approached Instructor Wan rashly because you were hit by his body protection." Wu Xueying quickly translated his words.

When the military doctor heard Cheng Ru's explanation, he exclaimed in astonishment: "The body is infuriating, what is that?" Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw the shock, Charlie looked at the military doctor and said, "This is from Huaxia. It's a kind of magical kung fu, don't ask, we don't understand. Since Instructor Wan feels better, you can check him carefully when you go back. Now it's getting late, we immediately return to the canyon. Scorpion, put the stretcher Bring it up."

Hearing Charlie's order, Scorpion quickly looked at the few Eagle Falcon members standing guard on the hillside in front and shouted in a low voice: "Come here, use a stretcher to carry Instructor Wan back." In the dimness, the two Eagle Falcon members answered and mentioned Running towards this side with a portable stretcher.

The two Falcon team members ran to Wan Lin's side. They bent over and opened the portable stretcher on the grass, then grabbed Wan Lin's arm to help him onto the stretcher.

Wan Lin quickly looked at the two and said, "Thank you two brothers, I can go without a stretcher!" Charlie put his hand on Wan Lin's shoulder and said with a stern face, "Why not? You vomited blood just now, which means that Your injury is very serious, you lie down quickly!" Scorpion also stretched out his hand to hold Wan Lin's shoulder and said, "Sit down and let the brothers carry you back."

Wan Lin smiled helplessly at the two of them, and then he bent down and sat on the stretcher. The two Eagle Falcon team members were waiting for him to sit firmly, and they had already reached out to hug his armpits and legs, and forcibly pressed him onto the stretcher.

Xiaohua, who was being held by Wen Meng, saw Wan Lin lying on the stretcher, and it quickly broke away from Wen Meng's arm and jumped onto the stretcher, lying down next to Wan Lin's head. The two Eagle Falcon team members laughed when they saw the loyal look of this little animal. They bent down to lift the stretcher and strode towards the dark foot of the mountain ahead.

Scorpion and Chengru quickly scattered on both sides of the stretcher. The two followed up with guns. Scorpion walked, raised his head and shouted to the other Falcons around him: "Disperse and be alert around."

It was already late at night, and the thick night shrouded the rolling hills. The night sky is full of stars, and the bright crescent moon is already hanging high above the top of the mountain, and the whole mountain is quiet.

Scorpion and Chengru gathered around the and quickly walked towards the base. At the beginning, Wan Lin whispered with the Cheng Ru people around him about the battle just now. But after a while, he had fallen asleep on the stretcher. The little flower lying beside his head also purred slightly.

While walking, Charlie looked at Wan Lin and Xiao Hua on the stretcher affectionately. He knew that this little brother Wan Lin and his partner were too tired! Just now, he had heard Cheng Ru and Wen Meng describe the whole process of ambushing the mercenaries in detail. He knew that if Wan Lin and Xiao Hua didn't fight to the death, it would be difficult for their team to rescue so many captured women.

Charlie walked silently for a while in the dark, then he slowed down and whispered to the military doctor, Wu Xueying, and Fengdao to come over. The three of Air Knife hurried to Charlie's side, and Charlie looked at them and said in a low voice, "Let's talk as we walk."

As he said that, he looked at the military doctor carrying the first aid kit and asked in a low voice, "Based on the current situation, do you think that Instructor Wan is still in danger?"

The military doctor hesitated after hearing Charlie's question, and then replied in a low voice: "According to common sense, in such a violent explosion, ordinary people have lost consciousness, and their heads and internal organs will be violently shaken, which must be life-threatening."

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