Panther Commando

Chapter 4666: advanced knowledge

The military doctor said this hesitantly. He raised his head and glanced at Wan Lin who was sleeping on the stretcher, and continued: "But from the situation of the battle at that time, it is incredible that Instructor Wan can still go all out to fight."

He pondered for a while when he said this, and then whispered in a puzzled voice: "Under this kind of situation, ordinary people can't stand up at all, but Instructor Wan is still like nothing. This really puzzles me. Before I've never been in this situation before."

Charlie heard the military doctor say a lot, but he didn't answer his question. He frowned and said in a low voice, "I don't understand medical matters, so tell me he's life-threatening?"

When the military doctor heard the impatient voice of Eagle Falcon, he quickly replied: "Report Eagle Falcon, Instructor Wan is temporarily safe. He spat out a column of blood just now, which means that the organs in the body have been injured, and it should be an organ in the body. He was shattered in a violent explosion. I don't know their Chinese medicine practitioners, and I don't know how he controlled such a serious injury. Judging from his current appearance, he should have passed the dangerous period. "

With that said, he turned his head to look at Wen Meng and Feng Dao who were walking beside him and asked in a low voice, "What are the ingredients in the Snake Treasure Pill you gave to Instructor Wan? How can the efficacy of the medicine be so good."

Wen Meng heard the military doctor's question, she looked at the wind knife and translated the words of the general doctor, and then replied: "This is a unique elixir passed down from the ancestors of the Wan instructor. We really don't know what medicinal materials are used to make it. Yes, we only know that this is the grandfather of Instructor Wan, and it was made with a secret ancestral recipe. However, this medicine does have a miraculous effect on the treatment of internal and external injuries, and we have used it before when we were injured."

After Feng Dao heard Wen Meng's explanation, he also pointed to the bandage wrapped around his body and said, "We have all eaten this kind of snake treasure pill and other medicines when we were injured, and this kind of snake treasure pill is really good for healing. Instructor Wu and I were both seriously injured some time ago, and now we have almost recovered!"

After listening to Wen Meng and Feng Dao's explanation, the military doctor turned to look at Charlie and said, "Principal Eagle Falcon, judging from the injuries of Instructor Feng and Instructor Wen, their injuries were extremely serious at the time, but they were in a very short period of time. The wound has begun to heal, which is really beyond my expectations, which shows that the efficacy of their medicine is really excellent. It seems that Instructor Wan is definitely not life-threatening, I will give Instructor Wan a careful check after returning to the base. "

When Charlie heard the military doctor's affirmative answer, his nervous face relaxed, and he followed up: "That's good! Otherwise, I'm really sorry for these Huaxia brothers, Charlie!"

Indeed, Charlie's heart has been mentioned in his throat just now. Wan Lin and the others are his guests invited by Charlie. Feng Dao and Wu Xueying have been injured in the battle to rescue Johnny and Xie Chao. If Wan Lin appears again, he will definitely Regret for a lifetime!

At this time, the military doctor saw that Charlie had relaxed in the dark, he turned his head to look at Feng Dao and Wen Meng and said in a low voice, "The curative effect of your traditional Chinese medicine is amazing, can you give me some of these pills too? "

Wen Meng laughed when she heard his plea, and followed the general doctor's words to translate it to Fengdao, she immediately replied with a smile: "Hee hee, we heard from Instructor Wan's grandfather that this medicine is used in the mountains and is extremely cherished. The main medicine in it is very rare and rare. This kind of snake treasure pill is a rare treasure left by the old man to keep us safe, but this medicine is really too little, otherwise we would have contributed it long ago.”

Feng Dao also said: "I'm so sorry, that is, we rarely use this miracle drug when we are injured, and only use it when our lives are in danger."

As he spoke, he looked at Charlie again and said, "Principal Eagle Falcon, Wanjia's medicines are made with extremely precious medicinal materials, that is, the trauma medicines we gave you and Scorpion Instructor are all made with extremely precious medicinal materials, and the quantities are very small. , except for you, Scorpion, and Johnny, we didn't dare to use it for other team members."

When Charlie heard Feng Dao and Wen Meng's answers, he looked at the military doctor and sighed: "Instructor Wan used their powder for me and Scorpion. Immediately after using it, I felt a chill in the hot wound. The feeling. When I came with a team just now, we rushed to the battlefield at the speed of a forced march. If I had passed, my wound would have burst and bleed. "

After speaking, he stopped and pointed to the arm hanging on his chest, looked at the military doctor and said, "Look, there is no blood on my bandage now, which means that their medicine has completely closed my wound, and their The medicine powder is amazing!"

The military doctor stopped and stared at Charlie's injured left arm. He followed with emotion and said, "I personally took care of the injury on your arm. You took people out of the valley to attack those arms dealers two days ago. At that time, the wound had already ruptured, and I was worried about the injury on your arm just now, but I didn't expect that there was not even blood on the gauze."

He shook his head and said in a low voice, "Huaxia's traditional Chinese medicine is amazing! After I go back, I will definitely take time to study this knowledge!"

He then looked at Feng Dao and Wen and said confidently: "Hey, I will go back and study Chinese medicine, and I will definitely be able to make this kind of elixir you use. According to what I have learned You know, traditional Chinese medicine is to put those herbs with different medicinal properties together and boil them in a large pot for a while."

Wen Meng smiled and translated the words of the general doctor to Fengdao, Fengdao looked at the military doctor and said with a smile: "You think too simple, it is not so easy to make traditional Chinese medicine! Chinese medicine in Huaxia has a history of thousands of years, among them The content is extensive and profound. Now there are countless Chinese medicine practitioners in Huaxia, but there are very few Chinese medicine practitioners who can truly reach the level of ten thousand schools. Anyway, I have never seen them!"

Wen Meng translated Feng Dao's words, and then she looked at the military doctor and said: "Huaxia's martial arts are divided into countless sects, and each sect has a long history. Some of them are proficient in medical theory. We all have high attainments in diagnosing and treating injuries, and we have never seen medical skills at the level of ten thousand families, let alone making this kind of elixir."

After Charlie listened to the introduction of Fengdao and Charlie, he smiled and patted the military doctor on the shoulder and said, "Haha, your kid is too simple, Huaxia's kung fu and traditional Chinese medicine are both profound knowledge, I have been in contact with them for so long. , I still haven't figured out what their two kung fu are all about. If you kid can make such a miraculous drug, then your medical skills will be famous all over the world."

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