Panther Commando

Chapter 4675: Turtle in a urn

At this time, the scorpion had already straightened up from the gate of the confinement room, and he scolded in a low voice with a furious expression: "It must be these two bastards! There is nothing to avoid, now let's go directly, if we find the iron bars of the gate. There are signs of being bent, which means that the two boys must have sneaked out in the middle of the night and sent a communication signal."

"Grandma's, if it were them, I would have killed these two bastards!" As he said that, he held the assault rifle on his shoulders in his hand and turned to walk into the dark cave in front of him.

Seeing his impulsive appearance, Fengdao quickly grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "Scorpion, don't be impulsive!" He followed and pulled Scorpion to his side.

He looked at the scorpion and whispered, "If these two r-descent boys are really the ones who sent the radio signal, it means that they must be undercover agents sent by the Yamaguchi security guard. They sneaked out at night to signal, and they must be trying to communicate with the outside world. Those mercenaries in the mountains establish contact and report the approximate location here."

Wan Lin also whispered: "Yes, now, Eagle Falcon has ordered the telecommunications team to closely monitor the radio signals here, and no radio signals can be transmitted. If these two boys are really the security guards of Yamaguchi, they will use the communication equipment again. Nor will we disclose the situation here.”

Having said this, he raised his head and glanced at the dark cave in front of him, and then said, "Regardless of whether the signal is sent by these two new students, those who are conspiring to do bad things are already in the Tiankeng. These people are the turtles in the urn!"

With that said, Wan Lin stretched out his hand to hold down the assault rifle held by Scorpion and persuaded in a low voice, "So, now we are not in a hurry to clean them up, and after we have identified the suspects, we will discuss with Eagle Falcon before making a decision to see if we can do it. Use them to annihilate the security guards at the mountain pass outside the Tiankeng in one fell swoop."

Cheng Ru also said: "Yes, although we annihilated the mercenaries of the three squads yesterday, but from the analysis of the known situation, there must be other people in the Yamaguchi security guards who are active in this mountain, and we will strive to catch them all!"

Hearing the persuasion of Wan Lin and the others, Scorpion put the assault rifle on his shoulder again. He stared at the dark cave in front of him and said, "Grandma, let's first check whether these two boys sneaked out. Ever? But if we don't startle the snake, we can't just walk over and check the fence gate under the eyes of these two boys, right? If these two boys are really the ones sending the signal, they must know that we have our eyes on them."

At this time, Feng Dao pondered and said: "Scorpion, can you find a reason to transfer these two boys to another confinement room first?" Scorpion heard Feng Dao's suggestion, he frowned and said, "What reason do you find? Huh? There's no reason for them to move in this kind of confinement where they don't care about eating or drinking."

As soon as he finished speaking, two faint blue light spots suddenly flashed in the dark cave in front of him. Wan Lin said in a low voice, "Xiaohua is back." With that, he raised his flashlight and took a step forward.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaohua had run over from the darkness without a sound. At this time, Wan Lin and a few people saw that Xiaohua was actually holding a small white snake with a slender body of more than twenty centimeters in her mouth. At this time, Xiaohua's mouth was tightly holding the underside of the snake's head, and the slender snake body was shaking vigorously on its side.

Scorpion stared at the white snake that swayed violently in Xiaohua's mouth in astonishment. He took a half step back in astonishment, and then whispered: "The snake here may be poisonous, little brother, be careful, and quickly clean it up!"

At this time, Wan Lin had already raised his flashlight and stared at the white snake in Xiaohua's mouth. He turned his head to look at the scorpion and said, "It's okay, this snake is not poisonous. Xuebai, Xiaohua must have seen this white snake rather unusual, so she brought it over to show us."

Wan Lin's eyes suddenly lit up when he said this, and he said in a low voice, "I have an idea. Let's have Xiaohua secretly drive this little white snake into the confinement room where the two boys are. We noticed snakes coming in in the dark. When they were panicking, we heard the sound and appeared in front of the door of the confinement room, just under the pretense that there were poisonous snakes in the room, and transferred them to the next confinement room. In this way, we could carefully check the iron at the entrance of their hole. Fence gate."

Hearing this, Scorpion immediately showed a happy expression on his face. He looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Can Xiao Hua send this snake in?" "No problem!" Wan Lin replied immediately, and he squatted on the ground, Looking at Xiaohua, he pointed to the white snake in its mouth, and then pointed to the confinement room beside him and said, "Xiaohua, send this snake to the confinement room in front of you."

As he said that, he was about to move his arm to point to the dark cave in front of him, when Xiaohua had already lowered his head and ran to the door of the confinement room. It lowered its head and was about to let go of the white snake that was biting in its mouth.

Wan Lin quickly pressed its back and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hua, it's not this confinement room, it's the one in front of you where people are being held. Why are you throwing this white snake here?" Xiaohua smiled recklessly.

Xiaohua heard Wan Lin's Then she caught the white snake and looked up at Wan Lin. Wan Lin raised his finger and pointed to the dark cave in front of him. He whispered, "Xiao Hua, don't alarm the people in the confinement room, just drive the snake in quietly. We'll be there in a while, don't show up." He raised his hand and gestured towards Xiao Hua a few times, then followed and pointed to the front.

Xiaohua saw Wan Lin's gesture, and then wagged her tail, holding the white snake in her mouth, turned and ran into the dark cave in front of her. Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they looked at Xiao Hua's back. Wan Lin stood up and said, "Okay, Xiao Hua already understands what I mean. Come on, let's follow him and take a look." He raised his flashlight. Walking towards the hole in front, the scorpions and others quickly followed.

Scorpion strode forward, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and sighed: "You little brother is so human, it runs without a sound, it's just a ghost!"

When Wan Lin heard him praise Xiaohua, he smiled and said: "It has followed me since childhood, so it has been connected with me and can basically understand what I mean. Moreover, it is petite and has thick four claws. The pads, so it makes no sound when running. Sometimes it appears next to me, and I don't even notice it."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Scorpion said enviously, "Brother Wan, you are so lucky to have such a humane and brave little brother by your side."

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