Panther Commando

Chapter 4676: white snake in cave

Scorpion said, he raised his flashlight to look at several holes on the wall in front of him, and then said to Wan Lin and the three in a low voice: "There are many caves on the wall here leading to other directions. It's easy to get lost in it, you follow me, don't get close to these caves under the cave walls." He followed with big strides to the three of Wan Lin, holding his flashlight and walking forward.

Not long after, Scorpion had raised his flashlight and walked to the corner of the cave in front of him. Scorpion raised his flashlight and shone on the dark wall of the cave in front of him. He lowered his voice and said, "This is a bend like an elbow. Dao, the cave turns to the left here, the No. 2 confinement room is inside, let's turn off the flashlight first, I will go to the front and have a look, and I will call you later."

Saying that, Scorpion turned off the flashlight, touched the damp wall of the cave, raised his foot and walked to the side, Wan Lin and the three also turned off the flashlight, and carefully turned the corner ahead while holding the wall of the cave, and then stopped to probe into the dark cave in front of him. look in.

After a while, a few people suddenly heard a scream like killing a pig coming from the cave on the side, and a bright flashlight lit up in front of Wan Lin and the others. Bright.

Scorpion's roar in Y language followed: "Bunny, what's your name?" He turned around and waved at Wan Lin and the three behind him, then ran forward with his flashlight.

Wan Lin and the others also quickly turned on their flashlights. They followed behind the scorpion, trotting forward all the way. In the silent cave, there was a sound of "chachacha" footsteps.

Wan Lin and the others ran to the cave in front, and the scorpion stopped and raised his flashlight to shine on the dark cave wall on the side. Wan Lin and the others immediately saw that a low cave had appeared on the wall beside the scorpion, with a tightly closed fence door inlaid at the entrance of the hole. The fence door was exactly the same as the door of the confinement room just now.

At this moment, Xiaohua was hiding under the wall of the cave next to her with her big tail wagging. She was staring at the iron fence gate in front of her with a big mouth. She seemed to like this kind of prank very much.

Obviously, it had quietly ran to the door of this confinement room just now, and then threw the little white snake in the dark into the confinement room, and then hid beside the cave wall to watch the fun.

Wan Lin and the others saw Xiao Hua grinning excitedly, and they almost laughed out loud. Wan Lin hurried to Xiao Hua and shielded her with his body to avoid being discovered by the two students. Wan Lin stuck his head out and followed the scorpion's flashlight and looked into the cave.

The dark cave was already illuminated by the strong flashlights in the hands of the scorpions. The faces of the two R-descendants in the cave were pale. At this time, their feet were off the ground, and they were lying on the raised cave walls on both sides like two big geckos. , the two of them looked very flustered.

Wan Lin stared at the posture of the two R-descendants lying on the wall of the cave, and a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes. He could see at a glance that these two people from country R looked sturdy, but they were able to grab such a slippery rock wall in the air, which showed that these two boys had a very high foundation of light power, and ordinary people simply couldn't jump in an instant. to such a high, and clinging to a very slippery cliff. He quickly glanced at the two boys, then lowered his head and looked towards the bottom of the cave.

The little white snake was staring at a boy lying on the wall of the cave in the bright flashlight. A thin snake letter was quickly swallowed in the open snake mouth. It rang in its mouth.

At this moment, the little white snake suddenly found a bright beam of light entering. It glanced out of the door in panic, then twisted its slender snake body and quickly drilled into a gap in the innermost part of the cave.

Wan Lin stared at this rare little white snake, and he immediately understood that it was the sound from this little white snake's mouth that made the two boys in the confinement room aware that a snake had entered in the dark.

At this time, Wan Lin had already seen from the posture of the two boys lying on the slippery cave wall that the two boys must have undergone strict ninja training. If they were in the wild, they would have easily killed this sudden appearance. white snake.

But in such a pitch-black confinement room where they can't see five fingers, they can't judge the position of this snake at all, let alone whether it is highly poisonous. Therefore, in the dark, they judged the position of the snake with the "hissing" sound made by the snake letter child, and then jumped up in panic and grabbed the slippery cave walls on both sides to avoid being caught by the unknown snake. snake bite.

Moreover, these two boys have been locked here for a whole day and night. They must know that there are no guards here. Once bitten by a poisonous snake, they can only die here, so these two people will be in extreme fear. Such a panicked cry.

At this moment, the scorpion raised the flashlight and shouted sharply at the two panicked boys in the cave: "What are you calling for?" ,snake!"

The scorpion pretended not to know and raised his flashlight to look at the bottom of the cave. He followed the little white snake that was digging into the crevice of the cave and exclaimed, "Oh, it's a poisonous snake!" He quickly took it out from his waist. A key, quickly inserted the key into the keyhole to open, he pulled open the fence door and shouted: "Come out!"

The two boys in the cave heard the scorpion's nervous cry, and they pushed the wall in front of them with all their and jumped out of the cave in horror.

The two of them rolled in the cave outside, looked at the confinement room in panic and shouted, "Where is it?" The scorpion raised his leg and kicked **** the crotch of a boy, he followed and shouted: "Where's what? Go to the next cell!"

The scorpion turned to look at Wan Lin and the three and said in Y language: "Instructor Wan, this snake has been handed over to you, Instructor Hefeng." He then looked at Cheng Ru and gestured and said: "Instructor Cheng, you are taking them with me. To the next confinement room!"

"Okay!" Although Cheng Ru didn't fully understand the meaning of his words, he already understood the meaning from his gestures. He raised his foot and kicked another R-descendant student's ass, loudly using y Yu roared: "Go!" He then took off his sniper rifle, held one of the boys' backs, and forcibly escorted the boy to the dark cave in front of him.

The two boys were in panic. Before they could see the little white snake and Wan Lin in the confinement room, they were forced by Scorpion and Chengru to put their guns on their backs and staggered to the dark cave in front of them. .

Wan Lin and Feng Dao kept staring at the two students who turned into the cave on the side. Wan Lin turned around and whispered behind him, "Xiao Hua, find that little white snake, you can't leave it here."

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