Panther Commando

Chapter 4677: floret's breakfast

In the swaying flashlight beam, Xiao Hua rushed out from Wan Lin's feet when she heard the sound, and ran directly into the dark confinement room. In the narrow confinement room, there was a sound of sharp claws slicing through rocks, followed by a "hissing" sound of a snake letter, followed by a "kakaka" chewing sound.

When Feng Zhi heard the voice inside, he raised his flashlight to take a picture of the dark confinement room, and then said, "Xiao Hua's movements are so fast, he will catch the snake in such a short time."

Wan Lin looked at him and said, "Xiaohua has a pair of night eyes, and that snake can't escape its claws." Feng Dao heard Wan Lin's answer, he raised his flashlight vigilantly and lit the dark cave in front of him, followed by moving the flashlight. Take a photo of the confinement room around you.

Xiaohua was lying on the bottom of the innermost cave wall, pressing the slender white snake with her two powerful front claws, opening her mouth to eat. Fengdao looked at Xiaohua's greedy eating, he smiled and said, "That snake should be Xiaohua's breakfast."

Feng Dao sighed and nodded. He knew that this was the confinement room where the students were being held. Once the snake was hidden here and the students who were locked in were aware of the existence of this snake, they would definitely be like the two boys just now. Frightened to death. In this confinement room, where no fingers can be seen, no one can judge whether this is a poisonous snake that can kill people.

At this time, Wan Lin was already squatting in front of the iron fence door. Using the electric light in the hand of the wind knife, he carefully checked the iron bars on the iron gate. He immediately reached out and touched the two iron bars in the middle, then turned his head to look at The wind knife standing beside him said: "Yes, the two adjacent iron bars have been bent, these two boys must have left here in the middle of the night!"

He then stood up and stared at the dark cave in front of him, and then said in a low voice, "At least one of these two boys has internal skills, and ordinary people can't bend such thick iron bars at all."

He turned around and looked at the wind knife and said, "Old Feng, go inside and check carefully to see if they have hidden communication equipment inside?" "Okay." A narrow confinement room.

At this time, two bright flashlight beams were already lit up in the dark cave in front, and Scorpion and Chengru walked out of a branch hole in front with their flashlights.

The two walked quickly to Wan Lin, and the scorpion asked in a low voice impatiently, "Instructor Wan, have the iron bars on the fence door been used?" Cheng Ru also squatted down in front of the opened fence door and raised it up. The flashlight shines on the fence gate.

Wan Lin nodded when he heard Scorpion's question, and then raised his flashlight to look at the gate of the fence in front of Cheng Ru, he said in a low voice, "The two iron bars in the middle are slightly bent, the upper and lower ends of the iron bars and the angle iron There are also fresh signs of wear and tear on the connected parts, and the surrounding iron bars have not changed, the two boys did leave here."

Cheng Ru looked at the iron bars above, he reached out and touched the two iron bars that left traces, then turned his head to look at Scorpion and Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Yes, there are still some iron bars in the middle. Bends, it seems they didn't have the ability to fully reset the bars after they returned from the outside."

When Wan Lin heard this, he said coldly: "Their internal strength has not reached the level of completely resetting the iron bars!" Scorpion heard the conversation between Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, and he bent down and touched Cheng Ru's flashlight. Two iron bars.

He straightened his waist and looked at Wan Lin and said, "Yes, these two iron bars are indeed a little bent, even if you look closely with the naked eye, you can see that their strength is far worse than yours!"

Wan Lin looked at the pitch-black cave in front of him, and said coldly, "Ninja's kung fu is good at stealing chickens and dogs. In terms of real kung fu, they are far from the bastards!" Feng Dao asked in a low voice, "Old Feng, have you found anything?"

Feng Dao squatted in the low cave, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and replied, "I just asked Xiao Hua to accompany me to search, but nothing was found inside."

When Wan Lin heard Feng Dao's answer, he whispered, "Come out, it seems that they didn't put the communication equipment on their bodies. Cheng Ru, did you check the bodies of those two boys just now?"

Cheng Ru stood up from the iron gate and replied, "When I was in the third confinement room just now, the scorpion searched them carefully and found no contraband. In order to prevent them from becoming suspicious, I left the saber on my body to them. Let them deal with poisonous snakes again."

Wan Lin nodded and said, "Very good, don't arouse their alarm." With that, he bent over to support the air knife that came out of the confinement room, and then bent down again to pick up the small flower that came out and put it on his shoulders.

At this time, the scorpion stared at the dark confinement room, and he whispered a little puzzled: "These two boys must have gone out in the middle of the night to send a communication signal, but they don't have communication equipment on them, so where are they hiding their things? already?"

Wan Lin pondered for a moment when he heard Scorpion's question, and then he continued: "Since these two boys can bring the communication equipment into the base, it means that the size of the communication equipment is very small."

After speaking, he raised his flashlight and glanced at the confinement room beside him and said, "After they enter the base, they will definitely not bring such a dangerous thing with them, and they will definitely hide it somewhere in the base. The confinement room is a prison that violates discipline. Where the students are, they won't hide things here."

Scorpion followed and asked: "The day they entered the base they were sent here by us, where can they hide their things?" Fengdao said thoughtfully: "After they entered the base through the cave, they only passed by They were sent to the confinement room. From the analysis of the situation at the time, they would not have expected to be locked up so soon. Therefore, they must have been on their way through the canyon to the confinement room. He quietly threw the hidden communication equipment on his body into the mountains outside."

Hearing Feng Dao's speculation, Scorpion's eyes lit up and he said, "Then they sneaked out in the middle of the night last night. They must have been looking for this communicator and sent a contact signal by the way."

Wan Lin nodded and said, "Yes, it must be so. They must be worried about losing the communication equipment thrown in the mountains outside, so they took such a big risk and slipped out of the confinement room to find it."

Cheng Ru followed up and said: "It must be like this, the terrain in the canyon is complicated, and the communication equipment they carry is very small, and it is indeed easy to be blown away by the strong wind or be carried away by the wild beasts in the mountains for a long time, so they took advantage of the Sneaking out to look for it in the dark, it should be theirs to send the signal."

Scorpion said with glowing eyes: "It must be like this. After the two **** sent the signal, they immediately hid the communicator in a place they thought was safe!"

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