Panther Commando

Chapter 4679: dark tree hole

Wan Lin heard Feng Dao's analysis in the cave, he also raised his flashlight to look behind him, and said in a cold tone: "Yes, these little fish and shrimp are not to be afraid of! Come on, let's follow the cave on the left. Go out and see where those two boys hid the communication equipment."

As he said that, he lowered his head and said to Xiaohua who was standing at his feet: "Xiaohua, continue to search for the smell!" The blue light flashed in Xiaohua's eyes, and she turned and ran towards the dark cave on the left.

Not long after, Wan Lin and the others had passed through the low, narrow cave on the left and entered the spacious main cave beside the cliff. At this time, a rapid sound of "crashing" suddenly reached the ears of several people, and a bright light appeared in the dark cave in front.

Xiaohua, who was running in front, sniffed the wall of the cave hard, then stopped close to the wall, and turned to look at Wan Lin who was following behind.

Wan Lin and the others saw Xiao Hua sniffing the dark cave wall, and immediately understood that the two boys had stopped here and looked out of the cave intently.

Wan Lin strode to Xiao Hua's side. He raised his head and carefully observed the cracks in the surrounding cave walls, then looked out. It is indeed close to the entrance of the cave, and the bright sunlight is entering the cave through a triangular hole.

At this time, Scorpion, Chengru, and Fengdao also strode over. Scorpion raised his finger and pointed to the entrance of the cave in front of him and introduced: "This is the entrance of this cave, and from here is the canyon near the lake. Be careful, outside the entrance of the cave is the rushing river, and on the river is a simple wooden bridge built with two thick tree trunks."

As he said that, he glanced at the cracks on the surrounding cave walls and said, "Instructor Wan, from the current situation, the two boys did not hide things in the cave, did they let Xiao Hua go to the canyon outside? Looking for it?" "Okay!" Wan Lin replied, raised his finger and pointed to the outside of the cave and said, "Xiaohua, go outside and look for it."

Xiao Hua watched Wan Lin wagging her tail, and then jumped out of the dark cave. Following Xiao Hua's figure, "Oops!" An exclamation sounded from outside, and Wan Lin and the others hurried out.

A turbulent river rushed forward quickly along the cave wall, and a white wave was splashing outside the cave. Sean and a falcon team member were carrying assault rifles and jumped to a boulder on the side of the cave in some panic. The little flower that suddenly sprang out of the cave obviously startled them.

As Sean stepped back, he could see that Xiaohua was rushing out. He quickly grabbed his subordinate who was about to raise his assault rifle and said, "It's the little brother next to Instructor Wan, don't shoot!"

He stood firm on the rock beside the cliff, looked at the little flowers running across the wooden bridge like a stream of smoke in astonishment, and then asked Wanlin several people who ran out of the cave, "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Wan Lin and the others didn't care to answer Sean's question. They raised their hands to greet Sean, jumped directly onto the two tree trunks beside the hole, and followed Xiaohua swiftly over the rushing river.

Then the scorpion that followed ran to Sean, and he whispered: "Little brother is taking us to find the hidden communicator of those two brats!" Sean was stunned for a moment, and then said with great joy: "You guys Have you found the traitor who sent the communication signal?"

With that said, Sean turned his head to the men beside him and said, "You go back and follow the arrangement I just said, and I'll go take a look with them." After that, he pulled the scorpion, lifted his foot onto the narrow wooden bridge below, and quickly Xiang Wan Lin followed behind the others.

Sean flew across the narrow wooden bridge, turned his head to look at Scorpion, and asked, "Scorpion, what's going on, and who is the traitor?"

Scorpion ran and recounted what he found in the cave's confinement room. He followed in a low voice and said, "Now, the little brother is looking for the hidden communication equipment of the two bastards. By the way, you lead someone to search the new students. Is there a station?"

Sean jumped onto a rock in front of him, he stopped, looked at Wan Lin and the others who were running into the canyon in front of him and replied in a low voice, "I searched and found nothing! The two R-descendants entered the canyon. After that, they were put in the confinement room. They didn't enter the station at all, so no contraband was found in the station. Did you search these two boys in the confinement room?"

The scorpion also stopped and said in a low voice: "I searched, but I didn't find anything. Instructor Wan and the others suspected that the two boys had thrown the communication equipment in the canyon when they were locked in the confinement room. They should have been in the middle of the night. Slipped out of the confinement room to find communication equipment, and sent a contact signal by the way."

Sean said in shock when he heard this: "Sneak out of the confinement room in the middle of the night? How is this possible, isn't the confinement room closed?" Daotiemen is fine with ordinary people, but it's useless to those with internal skills."

After speaking, he raised his finger and pointed at the backs of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru and said, "Just now, Instructor Cheng and Instructor Wan easily bent the two iron bars on the door. The thick iron bars of these people can't play a role in imprisoning those who have internal strength."

When Sean heard this, he said in a hurried voice, "If that's the case, the two boys can sneak out at any time to send a signal. Have you killed those two bastards? It's too dangerous to keep them!"

Scorpion replied, "Instructor Wan said to keep these two **** and see if we can use them to catch all those **** outside the Tiankeng."

As he said, he looked ahead and said, "Brother Xiaohua has stopped by the forest. It should have found something. Let's go and see." He followed and ran forward, and Sean quickly followed.

At this moment, Xiaohua had stopped at the forest edge opposite the canyon. A faint blue light flashed in its eyes, and it looked at Wan Lin behind him, and its thick tail was also raised high.

Scorpion and Sean ran to the edge of the forest. Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao were standing on the intertwined roots of a big tree, looking up at a dark tree hole in the trunk.

Scorpion ran to Wan Lin, and he asked in a hurried voice, "Instructor Wan, did Brother Xiaohua find anything?" At this time, Xiao En followed the eyes of Wan Lin and the others.

He looked at the tree hole more than three meters high and exclaimed in surprise: "It must be in this tree hole, I'll go up and take a look!" As he said that, he bent his legs, and when he got up, he would jump up a tree as thick as a person.

Wan Lin quickly grabbed Sean's arm, and he whispered, "Don't go up, there may be poisonous insects hidden in this kind of tree hole, I'll let Xiaohua go up and have a look first."

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