Panther Commando

Chapter 4680: hissing sound

Wan Lin grabbed Sean's arm, then turned his head and glanced at the surrounding silent canyon, he asked in a blunt Y language: "Sean, there are no students training around?" "No, the students are all training in the canyon behind. , there are no students in this canyon." Sean replied immediately.

When Wan Lin heard Sean's answer, he raised his left hand and pointed to the dark hole in the tree trunk and said, "Xiao Hua, you..." Before he finished speaking, a "hissing" human voice suddenly changed from rough to rough. out on the trunk.

Sean and Scorpion looked up suddenly, a snake head the size of a fist suddenly emerged from the dark tree hole, and its open snake mouth quickly swallowed a bright red snake letter. His eyes were staring viciously at the few people under the tree. In a blink of an eye, the snake's head has quickly sprang out of the tree hole with its thick snake body, and went straight to the top of the heads of the people below!

Shawn and Scorpion were startled, and they both stepped back and shouted: "Be careful!" In their voices, the two of them didn't care to take off the assault rifle slung on their shoulders, and simultaneously pulled out the pistol in the holster on their legs with their right hands. As they pulled the bolt, they quickly raised the muzzle upwards.

At the moment when the two raised their guns, "Woo", a sharp wind sound suddenly sounded from their side, a white light with a sharp wind sound, lightning from bottom to top flew to the front of the snake.

The snake's head protruding downwards slammed upwards, and then slammed into the tree trunk above with a "snap", and a snake body more than one meter long slid out of the tree hole. It was nailed to the thick tree trunk by a small flying knife!

Scorpion and Sean held pistols and stared at the long snake that had been nailed to the top of the tree hole by a flying knife. They turned their heads and looked sideways.

Only then did they see that Instructor Wan, Instructor Cheng, and Instructor Feng who were standing beside him were still standing under the tree. Instructor Feng's right hand had been raised, and there was a gleam in his eyes looking at the tree trunk above!

"Good kung fu!" Scorpion and Sean couldn't help shouting, they already understood that just as they drew their guns, the wounded Feng instructor threw out a flying knife at the moment when the snake sprang out. The long snake that emerged was nailed to the tree trunk alive!

At this time, Cheng Ru, who was standing on the side, suddenly ran two steps forward and his body jumped up. He was in the air, he kicked a thick tree trunk on the side with his right foot, and turned around to pounce on the tree trunk where the snake was nailed.

Cheng Ru rushed to the tall tree trunk with the sound of the wind. With his right hand, he quickly passed the flying knife nailed to the tree trunk, and then he fluttered down toward the tree, and the long snake, which was more than one meter long, also fell. Come.

Cheng Ru stretched out his left hand in the air and grabbed the underside of the fallen snake head. He fell under the tree and stared at the bleeding snake head, then turned around and handed the flying knife in his right hand to the wind knife and said, "This snake is not Poison!" He looked down at Xiao Hua who was standing beside Wan Lin and said, "Xiao Hua, do you want to eat it?"

Xiaohua suddenly turned his head to one side, Cheng Ru smiled when he saw it looked dismissive, raised his hand and threw the long snake in his hand to a piece of grass on the side. Wan Lin looked at Cheng Ru and said with a smile: "Hehe, Xiaohua doesn't eat what she comes from, and it has already eaten a little white snake just now, so she is not hungry now."

Scorpion and Sean looked at the fierce Chinese instructors beside them, Sean shook his head and looked at Scorpion and sighed, "They are so good at this, no wonder Falcon wants to invite them!"

Scorpion looked at Sean and nodded. He followed to Feng Dao and reached out to take the flying blade that had been wiped with grass blades. He glanced at the sharp knife and looked up at Feng Dao Zan. Said: "Instructor Feng, it's really good work! I didn't expect you to shoot so quickly and kill you with one knife!"

Feng Dao smiled and took the flying knife in his hand, raised his hand and inserted the flying knife into the hidden weapon bag at his waist and said, "What is this, it's just a trick of carving insects." Scorpion looked at him in astonishment and said, "This is not a trick of carving insects, This is still a weapon to kill the enemy!"

At this time, Wan Lin had already raised his head and stared at the dark hole in the tree and said, "Those two boys are really experts, they should have used this tree hole with snakes to hide their communication equipment, and it is difficult for ordinary people to this height. Notice."

Hearing Wan Lin's analysis, Scorpion looked up at the tree hole and said, "Grandma, these two boys do have two boys. This tree hole is not only guarded by snakes, but also prevents the communication equipment from getting wet."

He then looked down at the injured arm hanging on his chest, turned his head to look at Sean and said, "Sean, it is inconvenient for my arm to be injured, can you go up and check it?"

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said, "No, let Xiaohua go up." Then, he looked down at Xiaohua, stretched out his hands and gestured, "Xiaohua, take out the contents. Be careful not to leave any traces. "

Following Wan Lin's voice, Xiao Hua had already sprung up from a raised tree root. It grabbed the thick trunk and climbed to the high tree hole like a smoke.

Its four strong claws clasped the tree trunk beside the hole tightly, and with blue light in its eyes, it looked into the dark tree hole, and it immediately lowered its head and drilled in.

Sean watched Xiaohua disappear into the tree hole, and he said worriedly: "It seems that this tree hole is quite There won't be any snakes in it?" Wan Lin looked up at the tree hole above. He replied, "No, if there are snakes inside, Xiaohua will definitely drive them out."

As soon as Wan Lin finished speaking, Xiao Hua had already stuck her head out of the dark tree hole. It looked at Wan Lin under the tree and flashed the blue light in her eyes. Wan Lin quickly waved and said, "Throw the things down for me." Xiaohua immediately poked out half of her body from the dark tree hole, and then threw down the thing that her two front claws were holding.

Wan Lin took a step forward, stretched out his hand to grab the falling object, and stared intently, and the surrounding scorpions quickly gathered around. Wan Lin carefully looked at the object wrapped in the moisture-proof bag and said, "It's very small, it should be the communicator for those two boys." He followed and opened the bag carefully.

Scorpion immediately stretched out his hand and pulled out a palm-and-a-half-sized, flat, grass-green communicator, and he stared at the communicator and whispered, "Yes, this is a single-soldier communication terminal, and it's really small. Wan Lin stared at the communication equipment in Scorpion's hands, and asked in a low voice, "It doesn't seem to be a satellite communicator, right?"

Scorpion carefully checked the communicator in his hand and replied, "No! This is a VHF frequency-hopping single-soldier radio. It has the characteristics of strong concealment, small size and light weight. The disadvantage is that it is greatly affected by terrain and weather, and the transmission distance will not exceed 30 kilometers. "

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