Panther Commando

Chapter 525: sniper

It turned out that Li Dongsheng asked Wan Lin to ignite a charcoal basin in the house at that time to raise the indoor temperature, so that the temperature of the two dummies was basically similar to that of the human body, just to prevent the enemy from using night vision binoculars at night. Probe.

Night vision telescopes are military night vision instruments that use photoelectric conversion technology. Night vision telescopes are generally divided into active night vision telescopes and passive night vision telescopes.

At present, passive night vision telescopes are generally used in the military. They do not emit infrared rays, but rely on the target's own infrared radiation to form a "thermal image" to detect the target. The body temperature of any animal is generally higher than that of the surrounding scenery, so night vision Telescope equipment can capture the infrared radiation emitted by the human body from a long distance.

It is based on this principle that Li Dongsheng asked Wan Lin to raise the indoor temperature and the rubber dummy's own temperature, so that the enemy would not immediately find the abnormality after placing it in the courtyard. 

Aoki held up the night vision binoculars and blinked hard, thinking that his eyes had been staring at one direction for a long time and had an illusion. At this time, Ono's voice suddenly came from his earphone: "The first team is in place, it has already occupied the place. The commanding heights around the target courtyard", Aoki replied coldly: "Act."

Just now, Ono's 12-person team was divided into four groups. Each group of three occupied the south hill in front of the Wanjia courtyard house, the north hill behind the house, and the east hillside, and the almost vertical cliff in the west also climbed up. A fire support team armed with machine guns and rocket launchers.

At this time, except for the machine gunner Kong Dazhuang and the sniper Lin Zisheng on the cliff to the west, the rest of the leopard commandos had long been hidden in the tunnels in all directions around the Wanjia courtyard.

At this time, Da Zhuang and Lin Zisheng had already retreated more than ten meters on the cliff and hid in a huge rock crevice. The two had already carried their sniper rifles and M134 rapid-fire M134 rapid-fire machine guns on their backs. The pistol with the muffler lifted, and stared up at the top of the stone crevice.

The three R people who climbed the cliff looked around vigilantly and saw that they found no abnormality. They quickly lay on the edge of the cliff. The machine gun and bazooka in their hands were aimed at the two people in the small courtyard, and the other was holding an automatic rifle. Kneeling on the edge of a rock, he watched his surroundings vigilantly.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao had already reached the tunnel entrance on the opposite hillside where Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing were. All the leopard commandos turned off their communication equipment at this time to prevent the little devils carrying electronic detection equipment from detecting the communication between the team members. , revealing his ambush intentions.

They agreed that the action time was the sound of the little devil's gunshot, and they immediately attacked when they heard the gunshot.

At this moment, Wan Lin, who was lying at the entrance of the tunnel, suddenly heard Xiao Bai's roar. The sound was not from near the courtyard, but from a few kilometers away.

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then he reacted to something, he turned his face to Li Dongsheng and said in a low voice: "The situation has changed, the little devil is divided into two groups, one part surrounds my small courtyard, while the other part is a few kilometers away. It is estimated that it is a mobile force, in case we have an ambush."

Li Dongsheng heard that not all the enemies entered the ambush circle, and some of them were left outside the ambush circle he designed. He frowned and replied in a low voice: "What a cunning little devil, actually guarding us from ambush, look. It doesn't look like a vegetarian."

Fengdao said next to it: "In this way, once the battle starts, we may be attacked by the enemy."

Standing on the side, Yu Jing, her fair face was already painted with brown and green paint by Li Dongsheng. It was the first time she participated in this kind of battle, and she was overwhelmed by the tense pre-battle waiting atmosphere. Come, at this time, she heard the wind knife say "the enemy is attacked by the belly and the back". She held the automatic rifle nervously, and quietly pulled the bolt to put the bullet on top. Her big eyes flashed a trace of panic.

Li Dongsheng heard the sound of the bolt being pulled, turned around and grabbed her right wrist tightly on the trigger of the automatic rifle, Yu Jing let out a soft "ah", her right hand was as strong as Li Dongsheng's steel hoop. Down, weakly let go of the tightly squeezed trigger.

Li Dongsheng watched her finger leave the trigger before releasing her right wrist, and gave her a stern look, making Yu Jing shudder with fright.

At this time, Yu Jing realized why Li Dongsheng prevented her from coming. She had not received formal military training, and she could not be competent for this kind of fierce confrontation with real soldiers only with enthusiasm. The tense pre-war atmosphere alone was enough. Gives a weak-willed recruit a nervous breakdown.

At this point, Yu Jing realized that she, who thought she was already a soldier, was too far, too far away from these battle-hardened team members. This is why these special forces team members are nervous and dangerous. A full picture of the life of the exciting special forces.

She shook her head in frustration, her eyes scattered to avoid Li Dongsheng's stern gaze, she realized that in this kind of combat situation, she had become a burden to the Leopard Commando.

Seeing her panicked expression, Li Dongsheng shook his head gently. He also came from a recruit. Of course, he knew Yu Jing's current psychology. This is the inevitable psychological reaction of a recruit entering the battlefield.

He looked back at Wan Lin, and Wan Lin said softly, "Wind Knife is right, the little devils from the periphery must not be allowed to enter this battlefield, I will contain them."

Li Dongsheng understands that this is the best way, not to contain the enemies on the periphery. Once the battle starts, his Panther Commando will become a sandwich in the middle like a That can be It's too dangerous.

Li Dongsheng nodded at him and said softly, "Go, let the wind knife follow you." Wan Lin shook his head and said, "No, he can't keep up with my rhythm." Then he put the sniper rifle on his back. Behind him, he rushed out a small bow and arrow, and then gently pushed the slate at the top of his head, slowly moving it to the side.

The muzzles of Li Dongsheng and Feng Dao were closely facing the tunnel mouth, covering Wan Lin's movements and preventing the enemy from being nearby. They all understood that with Wan Lin's skills, no one in the pile could keep up with him, and it might be possible by then. To be a burden to him, it is better to let him act at will.

At this moment, two small sounds of "poof" and "poof" sounded not far from the cave, and the two rubber men in the Wanjia courtyard suddenly turned back with the sound, and fell softly on the ground. on the ground.

A sneer followed from the sound. Ono and the two snipers not far away stood up almost at the same time with their sniper rifles. All three of them had cold smiles on their faces. It was clearly seen that the heads of the two sniper targets slumped and their bodies turned back.

The sound just now was the sound of two sniper rifles that sounded almost at the same time. Although the silencer was installed, it was extremely weak, but it was still extremely harsh on this silent night.

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