Panther Commando

Chapter 526: ambush

Before the gunshots and Ono's sneer came off, "Whoosh", a dark shadow suddenly rose from the hillside not far from them, "Boom", an equally slight bowstring sounded, and three short sharp arrows dashed like lightning In the night sky, Ono and two snipers who were seven or eight meters away were inserted into the necks.

The three of Ono fell to the side by the huge impact, and at the same time as their bodies fell, they all glanced sideways at the figure not far away who was running fast into the distance, with an incredible look in their eyes. , slowly fell to the top of the mountain.

At the same time, Kong Dazhuang and Lin Zisheng, who were hidden in the crevices of the cliff, stomped their feet and jumped out of the crevice. They appeared behind the three enemies who were lying on the edge of the cliff and watching Wanjia Xiaoyuan. "Puff puff puff" sounded a few times.

"Boom", "Da da da da", a flaming rocket flew from the top of the cliff to the bottom of the cliff accompanied by a tongue of flame, lying behind the bazooka and machine gun, fingers tightly pressing the two R's on the trigger The members of the national special forces, almost at the same time as being shot, instinctively pulled the trigger in their hands, and then fell down on the cliff, while the other team member was the first to be shot and fell on the big rock on the edge of the cliff. , staring at the starry sky, as if he didn't understand how he would encounter an ambush in this place.

A ball of fire exploded on the wall of the kitchen of the Wanjia courtyard, and flew into the air with the adobe on the wall. The fire immediately ignited the thatch on the surrounding roofs. The sky burned violently, turning the surrounding mountains into a red.

The dazzling fire was particularly dazzling in the dark mountain, and a string of machine gun bullets shot by the devil before his death on the cliff also drew a dark red arc in the night sky.

Under the light of the fire, the devils on the hillside behind Wanlin's courtyard were startled and didn't understand what happened.

At this moment, they suddenly found Wan Lin running fast on the opposite hillside, "Da da da da..." A few strings of bullets swept towards the shadow, but in a blink of an eye, the shadow that suddenly appeared had penetrated into the shadow. In the vast darkness of the night, he disappeared.

The two groups of little devils who were ambushing the north hill and east hill behind Wan's house all focused on the direction where Wan Lin disappeared and the cliff to the west. Until now, they didn't understand where their sniper team was located. A dashing figure appeared, and why did the fire support team on the west cliff suddenly open fire, and the sniper mission had been completed.

But the figure that suddenly appeared was obviously not their own. Another group of members on the hillside on the side of Ono's sniper position immediately turned their guns and swept towards the shadow, and a few strings of bullets roared into the direction where Wan Lin disappeared.

Just when they wondered why the Ono sniper team did not move, a few figures suddenly appeared silently on the hillside around the two teams, and a string of bullets swept towards them like a torrential rain. , the little devil's two groups of six people have not had time to make any action, they were hit with ruthless bullets, and even Ono and the others on the cliff and the sniper position, all twelve devils in a team will stay forever in Wan Wan. around the courtyard.

Just now, Aoki was two kilometers away, and he saw two figures, one old and one small, in the Wanjia courtyard suddenly fall to the ground through the telescope. His eyes immediately showed joy. He immediately pointed to the microphone and ordered Ono who was on the assassination mission. : "Confirm the sniper effect and prepare to retreat."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a figure rising from the sniper position of Ono, who was sniping, and then he saw the figure flying over the top of the mountain towards him.

Aoki was stunned for a moment, and quickly raised the night vision binoculars to look, only to see that the black shadow was like a flowing black smoke, rushing towards him quickly in the looming starlight, extremely fast.

At this time, the explosion of rockets and the sound of machine guns were suddenly heard around the target courtyard. The sudden change made Aoki instinctively order: "Go, support the first team." The team members around him suddenly stood up immediately.

"Crack", a fire suddenly appeared from the dark shadows flowing in the mountains, and a team member who had just stood up beside Aoki fell to the ground with an "ah" sound.

"Lie down." Aoki shouted and his teammates immediately fell down again, stood up and fell down, a spring was attached to their bodies, and they all fell down as soon as they stood up, all kinds of firearms in their hands All swept away at the dark shadow in the distance.

Cold sweat broke out from Aoki's body. The flowing black shadow was at least one kilometer away from them, and the other party actually hit his teammates while running fast under this faint starlight.

"Ah", "Ah", just when Aoki was still in shock, two shrill screams suddenly sounded from the top of the mountain where Aoki was located. Aoki and his team turned their heads and looked at two small shadows. The two outermost players jumped up and rushed down the hillside, disappearing into the grass in a blink of an eye, and the two players were already lying motionless on the ground.

"Cat." Aoki suddenly remembered the cat mentioned in the information, but what kind of cat is this? This is an animal that is more ferocious than tigers and leopards.

"Da da da da..." A burst of gunshots rang out from around the Wanjia small courtyard. Aoki and her team members immediately recognized that this was definitely not the gunshot of the H&K MP5 9mm submachine gun carried by their team members.

"Ambush in the Aoki reacted immediately, and he shouted: "Withdraw, the direction of the forest, three groups of cover", the automatic rifle in his hand aimed at Wanlin, who was flowing in the mountains hundreds of meters away , "Da Da Da" is a burst shot, get up and run to the back.

The three little devils on the top of the "Da Da Da" who were responsible for the breakup immediately shot out three tongues of flame and swept towards Wan Lin, who was flying in the distance. go.

At this time, Wan Lin had already plunged into the pile of rocks at the foot of the mountain. Strings of bullets shot on the stones beside him, causing countless rubble, and pieces of dark red bullets whistled and flew over his head. , making him unable to look up.

At this moment, "bang bang bang bang..." A dense sound of machine guns came from the direction of Wanjia Xiaoyuan. The M134 Grint heavy machine gun was the sound of Dazhuang's gunshots. Wan Lin understood that it was Kong Dazhuang on the cliff. Supporting him from a long distance with machine gun fire, only the range of his heavy machine gun can reach here.

At this time, the top of the mountain has become a sea of ​​fire. The M134 heavy machine gun's ultra-high rate of fire of four or five thousand rounds per minute covers the entire top of the mountain. The three little devils who are responsible for the breakup, except for a super-fast team member, are in the heavy machine gun. In an instant, he hid behind a big rock, and the other two were hit by machine gun bullets on the spot.

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