Panther Commando

Chapter 527: jungle chase

Wan Lin heard that the enemy's gunfire had stopped, and quickly jumped out of the hidden gravel pile, suddenly whistled from his mouth, and ran from the hillside to the forest in the distance. Two small black shadows also came from the hillside. Jumping out of the grass, he chased after Wan Lin.

Following Kong Dazhuang's fierce gunshots, several figures had jumped out from the hills around the Wanjia courtyard, and they were rushing towards the forest.

Seeing the team members rush up, Kong Dazhuang's machine gun sound also stopped abruptly, and the little devil hiding behind the big rock heard the machine gun sound stop, and immediately got up and rolled down the hill, trying to escape while the gun sound stopped. Terrible place.

But as soon as he rolled away from the block of the big rocks, "papapapa", the dull sound of sniper rifles sounded from the cliff and the hill to the east, and the gunshots of Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng rang out one after another. When he got up, a cloud of dust exploded in front of and behind his rolling body, closely following his rapidly rolling body.

Just as the little devil rolled to the front of a big tree on the hillside in front of him, and paused for a moment, two bullets slammed through his body. .

The rest of the leopard commandos had already rushed to the southwest forest from all directions.

At this time, Aoki and his group rushed down the top of the mountain and were quickly retreating to the forest. They heard the sound of heavy machine gunfire behind them, like fried beans, and they felt a chill in their hearts. The unique sound of the machine gun, this machine gun is the fierce weapon of their allies, how can it appear here.

But they have no time to think about it. They know that if they are exposed to the firing range of this machine gun, no one can escape the dense rain of this machine gun.

Aoki ran quickly, only to feel that his eyes were blackened. He never thought that the assassination he planned was perfect, but it fell into the calculation of others.

They quickly ran into the dark forest, relying on the night vision goggles on their faces, and ran quickly into the depths of the forest. At this time, they could not care about intercepting the chasing soldiers behind them, and escaping this country quickly was their only option. idea.

Wan Lin had also rushed into the forest, Xiao Hua ran to him and led the way, while Xiao Bai quickly ran up the canopy, jumping on the tree and running forward.

The forest was dark, and Wan Lin did not dare to turn on the flashlight, but took out the night vision goggles from the equipment bag and put it on his face, closely following Xiaohua.

This is a virgin forest. The forest is full of tall and various trees, which grow densely on one another. The gaps in the tall canopy occasionally penetrate a few stars, which are reflected on the forest floor full of leaves. Blocks of pale blue mottled light.

Wan Lin had already carried the sniper rifle behind his back, holding a small bow in his left hand and three short arrows in his right hand, closely following Xiao Hua. They had been tracking in the forest for more than two hours.

Xiaohua still kept her head down and flew forward, stopping from time to time to wait for Wanlin. There were many parasitic plants growing in the forest, and vines were growing in the woods. The thick trunks were covered with this kind of uneven thickness. Tree vines, if you are not careful, your hands and feet will be entangled by the vines.

Xiaohua, who was walking in front, was petite and could get through a little gap, but Wan Lin, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, had difficulty. Fortunately, Xiaohua in front waved her sharp fingernails from time to time to cut off the vines in the dense areas, allowing Wan Lin to do so. Much less hassle on the go.

At this moment, Xiaohua who was walking in front of Wan Lin suddenly stopped, raised her head and wiggled her nose vigorously. Wan Lin saw this and quickly flashed behind a big tree, sticking out half of her head from the side of the trunk to look around. Observe, the short arrow in his hand has been placed on the small bow.

Suddenly, a pungent smell wafted from the forest, and Wan Lin immediately understood that this was a powerful odorant carried by the enemy to guard against the florets they were tracking. He had smelled this smell when he was attacked in the first few days. , No wonder Xiaohua stopped his body, it turned out that his sensitive sense of smell had smelled this pungent smell before himself, and lost the trace of the enemy.

Wan Lin walked from behind the tree to Xiao Hua, and took a closer look at the vines in front of him. He saw a few white stubble on the vines that had been cut with a knife, and a sneer appeared on his face.

He knew in his heart that he was not far away from the little devils. These little devils have only used the scent agent until now, probably because they were worried that they would use it as soon as they entered the forest. The strong smell would easily attract the pursuers and expose their targets.

And now, they are not sure if Xiaohua is following with the chasing soldiers, so they use it in this deep forest and dense trees. It's his forte.

Wan Lin looked at the woods in front of him, and determined the direction of their travel from the situation of the devil's knife cutting the trees and vines. Then he bent down and patted the little flower. He suddenly jumped up under his feet, grabbed a tree branch above his head, and swung his legs over. Going up the tree branch, "swish, swish" and got into the dense canopy, and the little flowers followed immediately.

If he approaches the enemy in the dense forest, he may be ambushed at any time, and he chooses to travel on the top of the tree, which can not only avoid being discovered by the opponent, but also facilitate his concealment, because the enemy will never think that a person can be like a monkey on the top of the tree. Forward.

Wan Lin drilled into the top of the tree from the branches and leaves of the canopy, looked up to identify the direction, and looked around hopefully, and saw a small white shadow on the top of the canopy thousands of meters ahead, undulating up and down, jumping forward quickly.

Wan Lin This is Xiaobai who has been tracking the enemy on the top of the tree. The cunning little devils thought that they could get rid of the leopard's pursuit with a strong scent agent, but they did not expect that the ground could Disturbing the leopard's sense of smell by smell, but on the top of the tree can't escape the pursuit of Xiaobai with a pair of sharp eyes.

That is a pair of bizarre leopards with a pair of eyes that pierce through clouds and mists, and cut through the waves. It is not just a ferocious general animal that the little devil thinks.

Just now, Li Dongsheng and the others wiped out the enemy who surrounded Wanjia Xiaoyuan, and immediately led the leopard commandos to chase in the direction of the forest. At present, they have chased the edge of the forest, and all the team members are scattered and leaning tightly against the forest. On the big tree by the side, the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the dark forest.

"Stay alert." Li Dongsheng commanded into the microphone. After the battle, all the team members had lifted the radio silence and turned on their communication equipment.

"Wan Lin, report the situation." Li Dongsheng asked Wan Lin into the microphone, "Report the leopard head, the enemy has penetrated deep into the belly of the forest, my current position is east longitude ***, north latitude ***, I will continue to pursue, the enemy has already We used the scent agent to interfere with the leopard, and we are chasing it from the top of the tree." Wan Linfu took out a locator from the top of a tree canopy to determine his position, and quickly reported.

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