Panther Commando

Chapter 554: Grandpa of the armed police

The police outside the door were all stunned. Director Yu issued a killing order. Could it be because the old man injured a few scumbags who did bad things, and because these scumbags were their children, he would kill him. Really kill the old man.

Most of the policemen gathered outside had a look of pity on their faces. In fact, they all knew the evil deeds of Young Master Xiao and the director Huang Mao's nephew, but no one dared to touch them.

It turned out that several old police officers in the bureau who were going to clean up these outlaws were finally put aside by the chief officer, and some were even accused of various crimes and were invited out of the public security team. People dare to stand up.

The director of the detention center, Ji Jun, heard the director's order, put on the bullet with a "clatter", carried the pistol, and walked towards the old man with a sneer...

Outside, the dim sun shines through the gray clouds in the sky and shines in the detention center. On the high fence of the detention center, there is a power grid more than two meters high; The figure of the armed police.

This detention center is located at the urban-rural border. Two large gray iron doors are tightly closed, and there is a small door on the door that allows people to enter and leave. Outside the high fence is a row of low bushes.

Occasionally passers-by, seeing the dark gray high fence and the power grid standing on the wall, seem to feel the depression here. They all walk quickly and unconsciously, leaving this tense place, even the passing vehicles. There are very few of them, and the surroundings of the detention center are extremely silent.

The three jeeps of the Leopard Commando were speeding on the road, causing the passing vehicles to avoid them. At this moment, Li Dongsheng's cell phone rang, Li Dongsheng raised the phone, and Wang Tiecheng's voice sounded immediately on the phone: "Team Li , tell me your radio frequency and email address immediately."

Li Dongsheng immediately reported the frequency and email address of Lingling's electronic countermeasure box. Just after Li Dongsheng reported it, Wang Tiecheng hung up the phone. Li Dongsheng was a little puzzled. He didn't say anything on the phone, but also the radio frequency of the commando. and mailbox.

Afterwards, Lingling reported in the back seat: "Leopard head, I have received a topographic map and a security map of the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, without a signature."

Hearing Lingling's report, Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin, who was driving, turned red. This is the internal topography of the detention center and the distribution of the guarding armed police that Wang Tiecheng sent privately.

"Good brother." Li Dongsheng opened his mouth and shouted. He knew the value of this information. It was sent by Wang Tiecheng with his official position and future.

This is no longer just a piece of information, it is full of Wang Tiecheng's affection for his brothers and comrades in arms, which shows that Wang Tiecheng is already fighting side by side with them desperately and desperately.

It turned out that just after Wang Tiecheng notified Li Dongsheng of the accident, he then called Director Xu of the Provincial Public Security Department and reported the situation again.

On the phone, he only mentioned the identity of the elderly Wanjia, mentioned that he was the father of a hero who died for the country, and talked about the situation of the old man being detained now, but he didn't have anything about the Jacquard Leopard Commando because he didn't know about Li Dongsheng's movements, I don't know what action Li Dongsheng will take.

After listening to Wang Tiecheng's report, Director Xu immediately said: "I know about this matter, and I immediately notify Yu Qingsheng to stop all actions against the elderly Wanjia to ensure the safety of the elderly. This is a society governed by the rule of law, and this matter must be handled in accordance with legal procedures. , and never allow personal revenge.”

Hearing the reply from the director, Wang Tiecheng breathed a sigh of relief. The director came forward, believing that Yu Qingsheng would not dare not to listen, but just a few minutes later, Wang Tiecheng's phone rang.

He glanced at his mobile phone and said to Liu Hongxin, who was beside him, "The director's phone number", and then raised the phone to his ear: "Where is Yu Qingsheng? Where is he going, what the **** is he doing, you immediately find him and convey my order." Director Xu's roar came from the phone.

Wang Tiecheng was immediately stunned. A dignified public security chief disappeared at this critical moment, and no one knew where he was going. Isn't this clearly avoiding questions from relevant leaders.

Wang Tiecheng patted his head vigorously. It must have been his presence in the detention center that had aroused Yu Qingsheng's vigilance. He must have known that he would not give up and would seek the support of the Provincial Public Security Bureau. Therefore, Yu Qingsheng must have been cut off. The connection with the outside world is going to be done first, and then the old man will be more dangerous.

Wang Tiecheng's face was ashen, and he held the phone tightly in his hand, pacing in Liu Hongxin's office without saying a word, his heart was tumbling fiercely.

For the safety of the motherland and the well-being of the people, Wan Lin and the entire Leopard Commando fought in different battlefields regardless of their lives and blood. They have never made any request to the country or their own army, but which of them is not in a hail of bullets? , at the juncture of life and death, praying for the safety of his family.

But he is a dignified leader of the provincial armed police special police brigade, and he can't even guarantee this minimum requirement, and he can't protect an old man who has cultivated two generations of heroes.

Could it be because the old man taught a few gangsters who did evil and domineering, and because these gangsters had uncles and fathers who were high-ranking officials, these high-ranking officials would disregard the laws of the country and kill an old man who acted bravely~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Thinking of this, Wang Tiecheng's face changed, he punched Liu Hongxin's large desk, took out his mobile phone and dialed it quickly, asking for the radio frequency and email address of the Panther Commando, and immediately gave himself The special police team called over: "I'm Wang Tiecheng. I'm in a hurry. I immediately call up the topographic map and alert configuration map of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Detention Center, send it out at this frequency, and send the helicopter to the Biyi Group to pick me up." Out the radio frequency and mailbox of the Panthers.

Wang Tiecheng knew that Li Dongsheng and the entire commando must be on their way, and the target must be the detention center. This group of iron-blooded soldiers will never sit back and watch the danger of the elderly of Wanjia.

Liu Hongxin looked at Wang Tiecheng quietly, tears welling in his eyes, he knew what Wang Tiecheng's actions meant, and he was gratified to have such few friends who were not afraid of power.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and wiped the tears from his face, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, okay, it's a man, we have men in the armed police force too, damn, if it's a big deal, take off this official uniform, I'm Liu Hongxin. The doors of this company are always open for you, no big deal."

Liu Hongxin said, picked up the phone on the table and called Wang Molin, deputy director of the State Security Administration...

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