Panther Commando

Chapter 555: siren sound

Liu Hongxin, an entrepreneur with strong logical thinking ability, has realized that this is an extremely difficult battle.

Now, the entire Leopard Commando led by Li Dongsheng and Wang Tiecheng have been forced to be involved in this incident. He cannot predict what will happen after the incident. He must use his strength to protect the safety of these people. They are the elites of the country and the army.

Wang Molin listened to Liu Hongxin's words quietly, and then said: "Thank you, old man, don't worry, no one can hurt this group of soldiers who serve the country and the people, let alone their families, no one can hurt them. Always do evil in this country."

Wang Molin said these words loudly and forcefully, hung up the phone abruptly, and picked up a red phone on the table.

The chill of late autumn blew into Wang Molin's office, and the curtains on the windows were rattled by the autumn wind, which blew directly on Wang Molin's face behind the desk.

Wang Molin's face is like autumn water, but his eyes are red. He has never seen the old man of Wanjia, but it is this old man who has cultivated for the country two generations of heroes who have been born and died for the country. Cultivating the entire Panther Commando, a world-renowned special operations team.

If something happens to the old man, it will not only affect Wan Lin alone, but directly affect the entire leopard commando team that shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the family and the country. Those who rely on their power to do evil are destroying our family. The Great Wall of Wei.

Wang Molin, a person who has been fighting on the front line of defending his family and the country, knows what this leopard commando means to the country. He Wang Molin will never allow such a thing to happen.

He immediately picked up the phone and directly dialed Ye Feng, director of the Y Province Security Bureau. He didn't care to explain the whole story, and shouted directly: "I am Wang Molin, order: you immediately take someone to the Municipal Public Security Bureau Detention Center, in order to involve the state In the name of safety, bring the grandfather of Wan Lin, the vice-captain of the Leopard Commando, to me from the detention center, and immediately protect it. If you encounter any obstacles, I authorize you to take all actions."

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, his feet stood at attention, and he answered loudly: "Yes, I promise to complete the task." He hung up the phone, grabbed the intercom, and dialed Qian Bin, the director of the operations department: "Immediately take your people with you. Follow me to the Municipal Public Security Bureau Detention Center, hurry up." He dropped the phone and ran out...

At this time, in the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Ji Jun, the director, had a sneer on his face and anger in his eyes, as he led two subordinates with guns to force the old man step by step.

The director of the detention center with average qualifications was originally from the same police station as Yu Qingsheng. In the process of Qingsheng's rapid development, he also rose to the sky by virtue of his personal relationship with Yu Qingsheng, and gradually rose to the Municipal Public Security Bureau Detention Center. long position.

In his heart, Yu Qingsheng is his godfather. Without Yu Qingsheng, he would not have everything he is today in the Ji army. In this chain of interests, he knows that Yu Qingsheng has always been a close associate of Deputy Mayor Xiao.

Deputy Mayor Xiao was originally in charge of political and legal work. It was he who gradually mentioned Yu Qingsheng, who was the director of the police station at the time, as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Without Deputy Mayor Xiao, they would not be where they are today.

Unexpectedly, the old man in front of him would dare to directly attack the descendant of his backer, and mercilessly dropped Young Master Xiao's right hand. If he can't clean up this old thing today, how will he face his benefactor? Ah, he, the head of the detention center, is at an end.

The old man looked at the three of them quietly, his eyes suddenly showed a mocking look, his hands were quietly hanging by his side, he had put away his body protection magic, he was no longer defending, he had already made up his mind with these so-called police officers. The determination of people to fight to the death and the net to break the net.

Just as Ji Jun walked about two meters in front of the old man, the old man's tall body suddenly swayed from side to side.

"Crack", the nervous Ji Jun had already experienced the old man's kung fu. He suddenly saw the other's body suddenly move, and without thinking about it, he raised his hand and shot at the place where the old man was standing.

The crisp sound of gunfire penetrated the doors and windows indoors and spread to the sky above the silent detention center...

The two subordinates of the pre-trial department beside him also raised their pistols in a panic, but the old man was nowhere to be seen.

"Ow", before the gunshots fell, a small black figure with a violent roar, like a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the pre-trial room.

"Ah...", a shrill scream suddenly sounded from the room, and the three pistols immediately landed on the dark gray concrete floor of the pre-trial room. Director Ji clenched his right wrist tightly with his left hand, looked at his bare wrist in disbelief, and after a while he let out a shrill cry, followed by rolling his eyes and fell backwards.

Just now, the old man who flashed past the muzzle of Ji Jun's gun was about to shoot when he heard that very familiar cry.

"Qiuqiu." The old man had dodged to the side of the three policemen. He stopped his raised arm, and his eyes suddenly showed a look of ecstasy. He flew with his feet and kicked Ji Jun and the other two prison guards out. pre-trial room.

"Hahahaha..." The old man looked at the severed hand on the ground and suddenly let out a burst of hearty laughter.

Laughter, with the old man's decades of skill, followed the crisp sound of gunfire, like a sharp sword pierced through the courtyard wall of the detention center, resounding over the city.

"Ow", "Ow", two roars echoing the deafening laughter, suddenly sounded from several kilometers away from the detention center, a red light with a "hiss" sound that pierced the air, passed through the grid of the detention center wall, Like a red blade that flashed across the column of the grid. UU Reading

"Papapapa", arcs of electric arcs flickered a few times above the fence, and the energized metal mesh fell down with the columns on the wall and hung silently on the fence.

The two flying black shadows jumped more than ten meters away from the wall in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, like two projectiles, they soared five or six meters high. When they touched the high wall of about ten meters, they flew up again, directly from the power grid. The gap flew over the tall fence.

"Woo...woo..." A burst of shrill alarms suddenly sounded from the detention center. This was after the protective grid was cut off, which automatically triggered the alarm in the detention center.

When the armed police on duty in the detention center heard the crisp sound of gunshots in the pre-trial room, they nervously turned their eyes to the place where the gunshots were fired.

Before they could look back, deafening roars, screams, and laughter from the old man followed one after another, followed by two sharp roars from outside the detention center.

They quickly turned their heads and turned to the high fence of the detention center, just in time to see the dazzling red light cut off the grid on the wall, and two shadows shot from the gap in the grid into the heavily guarded detention center like sharp arrows. Only then did they hear the shrill siren.

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