Panther Commando

Chapter 5545: black man thrown out

Wanlin saw that Xiaoya had dropped the little monk's pistol, he sternly scolded the little monk with a sullen face, "You tell the shit, who told you to point a gun at someone?"

The little monk blushed and shouted: "Report... report, I... I didn't want to take... take a gun to... face people, just... just... instinctively turn around..."

He followed and looked at Xiaoya, who was holding a pistol, in astonishment. He really didn't expect this senior sister to move so fast, and in a blink of an eye, his pistol had already dropped.

The stammering voice of the little monk did not fall, and the soldiers who were approaching couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, and the two soldiers couldn't help but discuss: "How can a little monk come in the military compound? This marksmanship is amazing!" "That's right, this little monk must have shot before, otherwise how could he have such an excellent marksmanship"...

Next to a dark-faced, sturdy warrior, he glanced at the little monk with a smile, then looked at Xiaoya, who was carrying a pistol and wearing casual clothes, and said in a low voice, "Where is this beauty? It's so beautiful. , the movement of her shooting was really neat just now. Hey, my hands are itchy, I really want to go and learn a few tricks. "

The two soldiers beside him heard the boy's muttering, and they pushed him and laughed: "Heizi, then you can compete and compete with beautiful women, what are you polite? Let's learn from each other."

"Yes, yes, you are not known as a strong martial artist, go up and compete with beautiful women." A group of soldiers around also let out a burst of laughter, coaxing and pushing the sunspot towards Xiaoya.

At this time, the lieutenant leading the team on the side was holding a walkie-talkie and reporting the situation to his superior. Just now, he had seen from the stern faces of Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin that the three people who appeared here in the jeep were not ordinary people. He knew that ordinary people could not get close to the shooting range at all.

At this time, he heard the screams of his subordinates, and hurried over to stop the group of boys from messing around. When Li Dongsheng heard the cry of the group of soldiers, he looked to the side with a smile on his face, and he waved his hand as he looked at the running lieutenant.

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they heard the coaxing of the soldiers. At this moment, the little monk was looking at Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin nervously. He heard the soldier beside him challenge Xiaoya. He suddenly turned to face the soldier on the side, stared at the two bright black eyes and shouted: "Who...who...who wants to compete with sister?"

A group of soldiers laughed when they saw the little monk stammering, and a group of bad boys pushed the sunspot forward vigorously, shouting in unison: "Little monk, this is the boy!"

When the little monk saw the strong man staggering towards him, he raised his arm to point at the strong man who was almost two heads taller than him, and stammered out, "You... you dare to compete with... my senior sister? are not qualified, I...I will compete with you!"

In the shouting, the boy's right leg suddenly rose up, and his little foot kicked the opponent's chest with a gust of wind. Hei Zi, who was rushing in, was shocked. He put his left hand on his chest and raised his right palm to chop off the right foot that the little monk kicked.

But at this moment, the right foot kicked by the little monk suddenly retracted, his right foot took half a step forward, his left hand raised, and quickly grabbed the opponent's right wrist which was vigorously chopped off.

His body was on one side at the same time, and his right arm and elbow hit the opponent's heart from bottom to top. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent bent over, he grabbed the opponent's right arm with his left hand and threw it forward vigorously, and at the same time, his right hand raised the opponent's abdomen and sent it forward.

The little monk's movements were very fast. He raised his legs, stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's arm, and vigorously threw the opponent out. He made several movements in one go. The shoulders fly forward.

A group of soldiers were all stunned! They stared blankly at the flying companion, and then at the little monk whose head reflected light in front of them, their mouths opened in astonishment.

The little monk's strength was great, and this sturdy warrior flew straight to Li Dongsheng and Xiaoya. Li Dongsheng Wanlin and Xiaoya smiled when they saw the little monk's actions.

Xiaoya lifted her foot and took a half-step forward. She stretched out her left hand and grabbed the shoulder of the flying warrior and pulled it upwards. She lightly pressed the opponent's back with her right hand, and in a blink of an eye, the force of the warrior's advance was relieved. She took a step back as she released her hand and stood beside Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin again.

The rushing Heizi blushed, and his dark face was already full of blood. He fell to the ground and glanced at the girl who was retreating in surprise, followed by a naive voice and shouted: "Thank you!"

He knew in his heart that he was thrown out with great force. If it wasn't for this beautiful woman's shot, he would have to roll on the ground in embarrassment for at least a few weeks after landing, in order to unload such a great momentum.

He looked at Xiaoya with a flushed face and thanked him, then turned around suddenly to look at the little monk standing behind him and shouted, "Little bastard, do you dare to attack Laozi?" After saying that, he raised his foot and rushed towards the little monk like a tank. go.

At this moment, the lieutenant standing behind hurriedly ran forward from behind, grabbed Kuroko's arm and shouted, "Heizi, what are you doing?"

The lieutenant had already seen that the little monk moved very quickly, and with one move he threw out Kuroko, a warrior who had practiced martial and the slender **** the side threw it out on Kuroko. strength.

He knew the fighting ability of his subordinate called Heizi, and he knew that even the deputy company commander, who was proficient in fighting techniques, could not throw out a person with good martial arts skills in one move.

If the two people in casual clothes in front of them did not have profound martial arts, they would not have been able to defeat Kuroko in one move, nor would they have the ability to lightly relieve Kuroko's forward force. Even the lieutenant and deputy company commander himself, I am afraid he can only hug Kuroko and withdraw together.

Heizi heard his deputy company commander's roar, he fluttered his arm and struggled, raised another sturdy arm, pointed at the little monk and shouted: "This boy sneak attack, I want to practice with him, take a look at him What's the real ability?" In front of so many people and a beautiful woman, he was thrown out by a half-old child, and he really couldn't hang his face.

The dozen or so soldiers around also took half a step forward. They raised their heads and looked at Feng Dao and Zhang Wa who were standing beside the little monk, with a look of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

They have already seen that Feng Dao and Zhang Wa, two people in casual clothes, are companions with this little monk. At this time, they were really embarrassed and challenged this little monk and that beautiful girl directly, so they all fixed their eyes on Feng Dao and Zhang Wa's faces.

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