Panther Commando

Chapter 5546: fame

Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin both laughed when they saw the expressions of a group of soldiers. Wan Lin walked over to the little monk and was about to speak when an off-road vehicle roared from the side.

The grass-green off-road vehicle parked on the side of the shooting range with a piece of dust, and the slightly chubby head of the military guard regiment Yang opened the door and jumped out of the car.

The lieutenant, who was pulling Heizi, saw Captain Yang coming, and he quickly let go of Heizi's arm and shouted loudly, "Stand at attention..., salute!" A group of soldiers also quickly turned their feet and stood at attention, looking at Captain Yang who was running. Raise your hand in salute.

Colonel Yang ignored the group of soldiers and lieutenants. He ran directly to Li Dongsheng and raised his hand to salute: "Deputy Minister Li, why are you here?" He then looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were standing next to him, smiling. Hehe said: "Haha, it turns out that those few wearing plain clothes are you."

Li Dongsheng raised his hand and waved it between his forehead, then lowered his arm, pointed at the little monk standing on the side, and said, "We are watching this kid shooting a target."

Captain Yang put down his arms, turned to look at the little monk, his eyes lit up and exclaimed: "Haha, you are that little monk, right? You are famous!" He followed the lieutenant and asked, "Deputy Captain Qiu ,what happened?"

Deputy Company Commander Qiu quickly reported the situation just now, and he asked in a low voice, "Captain, is this kid the little monk in the legend?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Dongsheng asked with a smile: "Captain Yang, how do you know about the little monk?" Chief Yang replied with a smile: "Haha, this kid took the commander of the spy company and more than a dozen special forces. He fell to the ground, now this little monk has a great reputation in the military compound, and he is not inferior to the little mountain people back then."

When the little monk heard this, he secretly grabbed the arm of the wind knife, looked at the head of Yang and asked, "This... this chief is... who is it? And the little mountain people... who are they?"

Seeing the boy next to him, Zhang Wa smiled and grabbed the boy's collar and walked to Captain Yang. He patted the boy on the shoulder and introduced, "Little monk, this is Captain Yang!"

The little monk was staring at the military rank on Captain Yang. He heard Zhang Wa's introduction. He put his feet together and raised his right hand in a salute. He shouted loudly: "Report... Report to Colonel Yang. ...Bing Jingheng is you..."

Before the boy could finish shouting, there was already a lot of laughter around. Head Yang liked to pull the boy in front of him and laughed: "If you are stammering, don't report it." He followed and looked at the group. The smiling soldier shouted, "What are you laughing at? Are we the little monk to clean up you!"

Commander Yang followed and pointed at the sturdy Heizi and shouted, "Hei Zi, didn't you always think that you are good at kung fu, and you are still shouting to go to the field army? Okay."

He then raised his finger to the little monk and Xiaoya and said, "You can choose this little monk and beauty as you like. As long as you can defeat one of them, I will ask Deputy Minister Li to transfer you to the special forces brigade!"

"Really, his words can count?" Heizi pointed at Li Dongsheng who was wearing plain clothes and asked in surprise, Captain Yang scolded with a sullen face: "Little bastard, Deputy Minister Li is the brigade commander of the special forces brigade, I lied to you. What are you doing?"

Li Dongsheng looked at this swarthy big man and smiled: "Haha, your head is right, I am the brigade commander of the special forces brigade, you can choose any of these people around me, as long as you can defeat one of them, I will I will never break my promise to get you to the special operations brigade spy company."

"That's great!" Heizi exclaimed in surprise. He followed Li Dongsheng and raised his hand in salute. This boy has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he always wanted to go to the field army after he became a soldier. He turned around and glanced at the little monk, but then he looked at Xiaoya standing beside Wanli.

The kid immediately shook his head, then stared at Wan Lin and the others with wide eyes. Li Dongsheng and the others all laughed when they saw the boy's appearance, knowing that this black boy was embarrassed to ask the little monk and Xiaoya to do something, for fear that he would be laughed at by the people around him for his inability to win.

At this time, Zhang Wa raised a finger and pointed to his nose and smiled: "I said you, black boy, meet each other? Just me." After speaking, he raised his foot to step forward.

The wind knife quickly reached out and pulled Zhang Wa behind him and said with a smile, "Hey, I'm the only one who looks ugly here. I'll do it." He knew that the wound on Zhang Wa's **** had just healed, so he was worried that he was moving too much. Big tear just healed wound.

At this time, Captain Yang kicked Heizi's **** and scolded: "Bunny, you can't even beat the little monks, and you still want to fight these little monks' brothers? Don't you embarrass me!" Then, he raised his hand and pushed Kuroko towards the lieutenant behind him.

Hei Zi staggered back to the back, Deputy Captain Qiu grabbed his arm, Hei Zi said in a low voice with a flushed face, "That little monk was a sneak attack, I didn't lose to him, I'll go up and practice with them now. !"

"Shut up, you're not ashamed!" Deputy Captain Qiu looked at Feng Dao and Zhang Wa and roared at Heizi, and then he looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya next to Li Dongsheng.

He looked at Wan Lin, who was standing motionless beside Li Dongsheng, a light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he strode up to the head of Yang, looked at the small monk and asked in a low voice with some doubts, "Head of the head. , is that little monk really the little monk who defeated a spy company?"

The little monk's performance on the training ground a few days ago had already spread all over the military compound, and the little monk suddenly disappeared without a trace as if he had evaporated. This Deputy Company Commander Qiu did not expect that this little monk would suddenly come back here again.

When Colonel Yang heard the question from Deputy Company Commander Qiu, he scolded in a low voice: "Nonsense! Where do you think this is? This is the military headquarters compound, and not everyone can appear here casually. Except for this small Monk, have you seen other monks haunt here? If you don't believe it, have you tried two tricks for this little monk in the past?"

When Deputy Company Commander Qiu heard Commander Yang say that the little monk in front of him was the one who defeated a group of officers and soldiers of the spy company, he quickly waved his hand and replied, "Please forgive me, I haven't done the same thing as the spy company commander. Why don't you go up there for a fight?"

He then glanced at Feng Dao and Zhang Wa who were standing beside the little monk, and asked in a low voice, "Head, are they that mysterious special..."

Although the identities of Wan Lin and the others were kept secret, the Guard Corps cooperated with Wan Lin and the others to perform many tasks, so the veteran, Deputy Company Commander Qiu, had indeed heard of a mysterious leopard unit in the military region.

Before Deputy Company Commander Qiu had finished speaking, Captain Yang had already stared at him and said angrily: "Didn't I tell you about the discipline of the military guard regiment a long time ago, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't ask if you shouldn't! What are you doing? Forgot again?"

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