Panther Commando

Chapter 5665: Raised eagle croak

Xiaohua jumped up on the rock. It glanced at the surrounding mountains vigilantly, then turned to look back, and a blue light suddenly flashed in its two round eyes.

It then jumped off the rock and slanted down a steep hill in front of it. Under the rock on the side, Xiaobai's figure followed, and in a flash of red light, it went straight to the front of Xiaohua and chased after him.

Wan Lin saw the light in Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes, he slammed his right foot on the rock under his feet, his body rose into the air, and he jumped diagonally across a deep ditch more than two meters wide.

He landed on the opposite rock, and immediately rushed under a rock that was as high as one person in front of him. He followed and stopped under the rock, and quickly extended the muzzle from the side of the rock and aimed forward.

While staring at the steep mountain in front of him, Wan Lin commanded into the microphone in a hurried voice: "Attention to all groups: Xiaohua and Xiaobai have found traces of black snakes, and there may be black snakes in the mountains ahead. Concealed in the original position, keep a distance from me, ready to fight at any time!"

Wan Lin got out from under the rock when he gave the order, and quickly ran to another rock in front of him. Under a rock more than 200 meters behind him, Zou Tao and several others followed.

Zou Tao and the others crossed the deep ditch and ran to the rocks on both sides behind Wan Lin. In a blink of an eye, the figures of several people have disappeared under a jagged rock.

The sun has fallen to the peaks of the western peaks, and the setting sun shines through a few thin white clouds on the undulating mountains, and the steep cliffs between the mountains reflect the golden light in the setting sun.

Several clusters of dead grass drilled out of the rock crevices of the cliffs swayed in the wind, and the mountains that had just appeared desolate and dangerous seemed to suddenly become resplendent.

Wan Lin rushed under a cliff in front of him. He followed the hidden under a rock and raised his gun to aim forward. Not far in front of him was a mountain more than 300 meters high.

There are boulders protruding from the hillside, and twisted cracks are scattered among the rocks. The black cracks are like snakes with ferocious faces, entrenched on the steep hillside.

The two leopards were running up and down between the jagged rocks under the cliff. Whenever they jumped from the rocks, their little heads kept looking at the surrounding mountains.

At this time, the eyes of the two leopards already revealed a faint red and blue luster, the sharp nails on their claws had burst out, and a faint golden light flashed in the setting sun.

Wan Lin saw the demeanor of the two leopards, and already understood that they had smelled the black snake very strongly. They were already in a state of battle and were ready to deal with the dangers that appeared in the surrounding mountains!

Wan Lin could clearly see the state of the two leopards. He whispered into the microphone beside his mouth and ordered: "Every team, pay attention, Xiaohua and the others are already in a fighting state. We should be close to the black snake, all team members should be careful!"

He issued a warning, and with a sniper rifle he got out from under the rock, and ran quickly to the end of the cliff along the cracks in the rocks that rolled from the cliff.

Wan Lin rushed to the end of the cliff like a smoke, then stopped under the cliff, and quickly lay down under a rock more than half a person high. He followed from the gap between the two rocks, and quietly put out the muzzle of the gun and aimed forward.

The sun has already set, and the mountains in the golden light seem to have taken off their gorgeous coats in an instant. The rocks in the mountains have re-exposed their dark gray color. The whole mountain is in the afterglow of the evening, giving people a feeling of depression.

Wan Lin stared at the mountains in front of him through the scope on his sniper rifle. The peaks of various shapes are like the undulating waves in the vast ocean, endless, extending straight into the distance. Not far ahead is the hillside that Wan Lin observed under the cliff. The hillside is only about five or six hundred meters away from the cliff where Wan Lin is located.

Blocks of dark gray boulders were raised on the steep hillside, and the boulders seemed to roll down the hillside at any time. The two leopards were rising and falling among the rocks in the mountains ahead, rushing straight to the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin quickly moved the muzzle to observe the surrounding terrain. His brows wrinkled, and an ominous premonition suddenly occurred in his heart. He lowered the muzzle and quickly aimed at the two leopards in the mountains ahead.

The terrain here is extremely unfavorable to them. From where Wan Lin is located to the hillside in front, the distance of five or six hundred meters in the middle is an open field. Although the mountains are full of rugged rocks, if the enemy sets up an ambush on the hillside in front, their group will The whereabouts of people will definitely be exposed to the muzzle of the enemy.

Wan Lin carefully observed the movements of the two leopards, and he grabbed the sniper rifle and was about to drill out from under the rock. At this moment, a goshawk suddenly rose from the back of the high mountain in front, "Hey...", a mournful hawk croak followed from the sky, and the goshawk flapped its wings vigorously and went into the air~www. In the mournful sound of eagles croaking, two beams of light, one red and one basket, suddenly flashed from the mountains in front, followed by a deafening leopard roar. Wan Lin's expression changed greatly when he heard the sound of eagles and saw the red and blue light beams flashing in front of him!

He reacted very quickly, grabbing the sniper rifle with his right hand, and shoving the rock in front of him with his left hand, and shot backward with his body upside down. "Whoosh!" A sharp piercing sound followed from in front of him, and a bullet whizzed past the helmet in front of his face!

On a rock not far behind him, there was a banging sound, and a few pieces of gravel hit by bullets slammed into the Wanlin helmet that was shot backwards. superior.

Wan Lin hugged his sniper rifle tightly when he landed, turned and rolled out under another rock on the side. At this moment, "da da da", "da da da", a burst of violent gunshots followed from the mountains in front, and a few pieces of gravel hit by bullets also flew from the rocks behind him. A wisp of dust and mist rose up!

Wan Lin rolled under the rock on the side, followed by a sharp eagle croak, ordering the two leopards to hide on the spot. He already knew in his heart that there were enemies who came to meet up in the mountains in front of him, and with the rapid sound of gunfire, it must be a rain of bullets that went straight to the two leopards in the mountains in front of him.

He issued a "covert" command to the two leopards, and then he shouted hurriedly into the microphone: "There are snipers on the hillside in front. Zhang Wa, you lead a group to quickly detour from the side of the mountain and intercept them. Retreat. Cheng Ru, you lead three groups from the side of the mountain to suppress the enemy's firepower. Zou Brigade, Feng Dao, you lead the second group to approach the foot of the mountain, pay attention to concealment!"

Wan Lin issued a series of commands in a hurried voice. With his left hand, he grabbed a rock with a big head beside him, and then stretched out the rock in his hand from the side of the rock.

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