Panther Commando

Chapter 5666: accurate bullet

After a burst of rapid gunfire, the mountains in front suddenly became quiet. Wan Lin immediately understood that the two leopards had disappeared from the enemy's field of vision, and the enemy hiding in the mountains in front immediately stopped shooting.

This shows that the other party has not found his other teammates, and the other party must be a security guard in Yamaguchi, otherwise they will not attack the two small animals in the mountains as if they are facing a big enemy.

Wan Lin realized the identity of his opponent, he followed with his left hand and grabbed the rock with the size of his head, sticking out from the side of the invisible boulder. He just stretched out the rock,

Just as he reached out the rock in his hand, "crack", there was a crisp sound of being hit by a bullet, and the rock fell back in pieces under the huge impact of the bullet.

Wan Lin suddenly retracted his outstretched left hand under the tremendous force on the rock. At this time, he already knew in his heart that he had been firmly locked under this rock by the snipers hidden in the mountains in front of him!

The opponent's combat experience is very rich. After a hit is not heavy, he immediately determines his current position, and the muzzle of the sniper rifle is aimed at his invisible position.

There was a gleam in Wan Lin's eyes, and he turned his head to look at the side of the mountain. He has roughly identified the opponent's position from the strength of the rock in his hand just now, and the opponent was hiding on the hillside in front.

The other party is condescending, as long as he leans out from under the rock, the other party's bullets will definitely follow him, flying from the hillside in front!

Wan Lin quickly observed the surrounding terrain, he then squatted under the rock, and gave a low command in his mouth: "Fengdao, I have been locked by the enemy sniper, the opponent is on the mountainside at eleven o'clock in front of me, cover me!"

Now, one and three groups of Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru are weaving forward between the mountains on both sides, and they don't know the exact location of their location.

The second group of Fengdao faced the mountain in front, so he immediately ordered the second group to attack, while attracting the enemy's attention, covering the first and third groups between the two wings of the mountain, and at the same time protecting himself from the enemy's sniper's lock.

Wan Lin's voice just fell, "da da da", "da da da"... A burst of deafening gunshots rang out from the mountains on both sides of Wan Lin, and a bullet roared towards the mountains ahead.

At the moment of the gunshot, Wan Lin leaned his sniper rifle against the rock, and grabbed a rock that was half a person long and one person thick with both hands, and was stuck on the ground diagonally.

He grabbed the rock with both hands, shook his shoulders, and with a "click", he pulled the rock as thick as one person from the ground, and then he vigorously threw the rock to the left side of the mountain.

On the black shadow that suddenly flew out from behind the boulder, there was a crisp sound of "pop", and a few pieces of rubble flew back from the rough rock, followed by the rock that fell behind Wanlin's side. On top, a cloud of dust rose up.

Wan Lin threw the rock and grabbed the sniper rifle leaning on the rock in front of him with his right hand. He turned around and rushed to the right side of the rock, appearing like lightning under the rock on the right side.

He had just jumped from under the rock, and a bullet from an assault rifle whizzed against the rock behind him, and a few pieces of flying debris whistled on the soles of his military boots.

Wan Lin threw himself under the rock on the right. He didn't pay attention to the rain of bullets flying behind him and above his head. Instead, he threw himself diagonally to the side of another rock that was as high as a person in front of him.

Wan Lin's movements were extremely fast, and he appeared under the rocks in front of him in a blink of an eye. He didn't stop, but under the cover of the boulders in front of him, he quickly rolled to the side among the towering rocks. He followed from the two rocks. In the crevice of the rock, the muzzle of the gun quietly stretched out and aimed forward.

In the fierce gunfire in the mountains on both sides of Wanlin, on the hillside several hundred meters in front, pieces of gravel and dust mist were splashed by bullets. The second group of members led by Feng Dao and Zou Tao were aiming ahead. A rain of bullets swept across the hillside.

As soon as Wan Lin stretched out the muzzle, he saw that in the dust mist permeating the hillside in front of him, a figure was rolling down from the raised rock on the hillside.

The black shadow rolled down the steep hillside for dozens of meters, and then fell heavily on a boulder below, stuck motionless between the hillside and the rock, and an assault rifle immediately fell from the hillside.

Wan Lin saw the black shadow rolling down the hillside in the distance, he turned his head sharply and looked to the side. He knew in his heart that the little monk must have pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle and shot the enemy who shot behind him.

Wan Lin just turned his head when he heard Xiaoya's roar suddenly coming from the earphone: "Jingheng, hide!" Xiaoya jumped out from under the rock on the left side of the little monk in the hurried shout, and she hugged her. With the little monk, he rolled out under the rock on the right.

Just as the two of them left the top of the rock, "snap", on the top of the rock where the little monk was lying on his back, a cluster of dust and mist shot up by bullets appeared!

The shouts of Feng Dao and Zou Tao also sounded at the same time: "Cover!" A burst of gunshots of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" sounded at the same There was also a sudden sound of "bang bang bang" from the side of the mountain. "Bang" machine gun sound, a rain of bullets flew straight to the mountains in front!

Wan Lin was shocked and immediately understood that after the little monk pulled the trigger to kill an enemy, he didn't hide in time! He didn't care to observe the situation on the little monk and Xiaoya's side, he turned his head and lay behind the gun, raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed towards the front of the mountain.

He had already seen from the impact point on the rock on the side that the opponent's bullet was condescending and hit the top of the rock on which the little monk was lying just now. This shows that the hidden position of the opponent's sniper is definitely not on the hillside below, but must be a peak. The position of the top or close to the top of the peak, otherwise the opponent's bullet would not be able to hit the position where the little monk was lying so accurately.

As soon as Wan Lin raised the muzzle of his gun and aimed upwards, he saw through the scope that, about 600 meters away, on the side of a rock near the top of the peak, two clusters of dust and mist shot by bullets were splashing, and a black shadow was on the side of the rock. In a flash, he disappeared behind the rock at the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru's urgent voice sounded in Wan Lin's earphones at the same time: "The opponent's sniper is at the top of the peak!" Following Cheng Ru's voice, a piece of machine gun bullets roared towards the top of the peak.

On the rock at the top of the peak, a cloud of dust was suddenly hit by the ferocious machine gun bullets, and pieces of stones shattered by the bullets flew up from the rock on the top of the peak.

Wan Lin saw the situation at the top of the peak through the scope and immediately understood that Cheng Ru on the side of the mountain and Lin Zisheng who followed behind had already pulled the trigger at the moment when the other sniper opened fire. The bullets in the gun were fired to the hidden peak position of the enemy, and hit the hidden position of the enemy sniper accurately.

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