Panther Commando

Chapter 5667: purpose of ambush

Wang Dali, who was concealed in the mountains on the side, also under the instructions of Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, raised the muzzle and swept a string of machine gun bullets towards the summit.

Vigorously use the ferocious firepower of the machine gun to suppress the enemy sniper hidden on the top of the mountain, preventing this kid from pulling the trigger on his companions down the mountain again.

Wan Lin saw that the enemy sniper at the top of the peak had quickly disappeared behind the peak, and he immediately lowered his muzzle and aimed towards the steep hillside. Several black shadows are drilling out from under the raised rocks on the hillside, running along the raised rocks on the hillside, running laterally to the side slopes.

"Pfft", Wan Lin's muzzle followed by a faint flame. On the hillside in the distance was a black shadow who had just drilled out from under the rock, and immediately a red blood mist rose from Wan Lin's gunshots. , followed by rolling down the steep hill.

Wan Lin killed an enemy with one shot. With his right hand, he quickly pulled the bolt of the gun. At the same time, the muzzle of the gun aimed at another shadow on the hillside that was burrowing under a rock.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he was running towards the dark shadow under the rock in the distance, and suddenly paused in the air, then raised his hands up and fell sideways to a boulder on the hillside, and the boy followed from the steep hillside. roll over.

At this time, "bang bang bang", "da da da", a burst of gunfire from machine guns and assault rifles also sounded at the same time, and the other two shadows that drilled out of the rock also stumbled a few steps in the deafening sound of gunfire. At the same time, he fell down a steep hill. Two assault rifles also followed from the rocks beside them, jumping down towards the mountain.

Wan Lin saw the shadows rolling down the hillside, and immediately understood that the enemy he was targeting just now must have been killed by the snipers on his side. Shot dead.

He hurriedly shrank under the rock and turned his head to look sideways. At this time, he had already reflected that it was probably the little monk who was in distress just now, and he pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle again.

The other sniper, Lin Zisheng, was in the mountains near Chengru. From Lin Zisheng's hidden position, it was impossible to see the enemy who was drilling under the rock.

Sure enough, the little monk was lying between the rocks on the side more than 30 meters away, and Xiaoya and Lingling were not far away. After the little monk pulled the trigger, he shrank under the rock, raised his right hand and pulled the bolt.

Wan Lin saw that this kid was about to lean out and aim in front of him again, he hurriedly shouted into the microphone: "Jingheng, change the sniper position immediately, you are courting death!"

The little monk was stunned when he heard the sound coming from the earphone, and Lingling on the side also turned to look at the boy and shouted, "What are you doing stupidly? Hurry up and change the sniper position!"

The little monk heard Lingling's roar, and then he realized that the leopard head asked him to quickly move the sniper position. He replied to the microphone next to his mouth: "Yes yes yes!" The rocks swayed a few times quickly.

He followed behind the rock, suddenly plunged under the side rock, he fell under the side rock, and then crawled between the rocks to the crevice between the two rocks. He then quietly extended the muzzle of the sniper rifle forward, and his movements were very concealed.

Wan Lin saw that the little monk had safely moved to the sniper position, and then he leaned behind the gun and aimed forward. At this time, on the steep hillside several hundred meters ahead, two black shadows were rolling down, and the gunfire around and between the mountains on the side had become sparse.

Obviously, the two enemies who rolled down the hillside in front were killed by the wind knives on the side and Chengru's three groups. Now there are no other enemies on the hillside. The remaining enemies must have been raised by the surrounding rocks. The cover, backed out from the mountain.

At this time, Cheng Ru's voice came from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard head, in addition to the sniper on the top of the mountain just now, there are about five other enemies who escaped from the hillside. Are we going to catch up immediately?"

Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's request, and immediately ordered into the microphone beside his mouth: "Cheng Ru, your team covers Feng Dao on the spot and they rushed to the foot of the mountain. Zou Brigade, Feng Dao, you bring Xiaobai and the second group to approach. At the foot of the mountain in front, chase it directly from the mountain."

He followed behind the gun, carefully observed the terrain in the mountains ahead, and whispered: "From the current situation, the purpose of setting up an ambush here is to delay the time and cover the black snake from escaping the border. ."

He retracted his sniper rifle, crouched under the rock and commanded: "Don't worry about me, I will bring Xiaohua directly to Zhangwa's group in the mountains in front of me, and try to stop the black snake before the border, you two groups. And the three groups will follow, and we will fight back and forth to kill these bastards!"

He then asked into the microphone: "Zhang Wa, report your situation and location immediately." Before he finished speaking, Zhang Wa's breathing sounded in his earphones: "Leopard head, we have already seen from the side. In the mountains slanted to the border to find and insert, there is no trace of the black snake, and no enemy encountered on the top of the mountain just now. How is the situation on your side?"

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's report and immediately ordered: "We killed a few enemies in ambush, and the remaining enemies are fleeing towards the border. Their purpose must be to cover the black snake. You continue to approach the border. I'll take Xiaohua with me now, we'll attack back and forth, and kill these **** before the border!"

As he said that, he raised his gun and drilled out from under the rock, making a loud hawk croak in his mouth, and then ran along the towering rocks in front of him like a smoke to the mountains ahead. Xiaoya immediately stared at the mountains in front of her, and made a crisp bird chirping.

The sky has completely dimmed, and the towering peaks have turned into shadows. Following the commands issued by Wan Lin and Xiaoya, two leopards suddenly emerged from the rocky mountain.

Xiaohua followed Wan Lin's dashing figure and ran straight to the hillside in front of her. Xiaobai turned to face Xiaoya and the others who got out of the mountains at the same time, and ran towards them like smoke.

The gunshots that sounded just now suddenly disappeared again, and the dimly lit mountains were dead silent. In the whole dark mountain, only with the sound of eagles croaking from Wan Lin, there was a faint echoing sound of eagles and falcons in the mountains in the distance.

Wan Lin rushed to the foot of the mountain in front, followed by sloping up the hillside, and ran straight to the back of the mountain. At this moment, Xiaohua had already rushed in front of Wan Lin. A faint blue light flickered in her eyes, and she ran straight to the dim mountain in front of her in the dark.

In the darkness, Wan Lin had already raised all his strength, and followed the little flower in front of him at a very fast speed. The man and the beast were like two black smoke, flickering from left to right among the dimly lit rocks, circling and drilling towards the dimly lit mountains in front of him. go.

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