Panther Commando

Chapter 5722: Color Li Nei

At the critical moment, Fujii's brain turned extremely fast, and he already knew in his heart that if the towering boundary monument in front of him had not stopped the ferocious leopard-like leopard team members in front of him, I am afraid that the leopard head would have carried that ferocious little animal, Rush to the hillside where several of them are.

At that time, with just a few of them, no one could get out of this desolate mountain area alive. Therefore, Fujii was really worried that Kuroda's remarks would irritate the ferocious Leopard players on the opposite side, so he wanted to quickly pull Kuroda away from this dangerous area.

Hearing Fujii's anxious dissuasion, Kuroda stood firm and stared viciously at Xiaohua who was standing on Wan Lin's shoulder. He raised his arms and threw away Fujii, shouting angrily, "Let's go!"

Kuroda is a rare hero. When he felt the panther head aiming at his head with a sniper rifle, he already understood the current situation.

Just now he was just swept away by anger, so he stood up from under the hidden rock regardless. Now, he knows that if he speaks rudely again and angers these terrible opponents in front of him, I am afraid that without the leopard's head, the leopard players who suddenly appeared in the mountains on the opposite side will rage over the boundary monument in front of him. People will definitely be shot into sieves by random guns!

Kuroda finished speaking sternly, completely ignoring the muzzle of the gun aimed at him in the opposite mountain, and turned around and strode towards the back hillside. He knew in his heart that as long as he did not raise the muzzle at the opponent to provoke the opponent, the other party's active duty in China Soldiers will not leave the land of China.

Hearing Kuroda's order, Fujii let out a sigh of relief. He quickly waved his hands to the surroundings and said, "Rush down the muzzle, take up the weapon and withdraw!" He then bent down and picked up the sniper rifle that Kuroda had placed under the rock. , with a sniper rifle and ran to the back hill.

Several bodyguards glanced at each other and followed them out of the rock. With their assault rifles on their backs, they quickly chased after Kuroda and Fujii. As they walked, they turned their heads and looked back in horror. A layer of cold sweat had already formed on their foreheads. They were afraid that the muzzles of the guns behind the boundary monument would spew flames.

On the hillside behind the boundary monument, Wan Lin stared coldly at the few Kuroda people who were gradually disappearing from his sight. His right hand tightly pressed the little flower lying on his left shoulder. Punch out.

The little monk at the foot of the mountain stood beside Feng Dao with the sniper rifle **** firmly on his shoulders. He aimed at the backs of several people in Kuroda and shouted anxiously: "Feng... Senior Brother Feng, the enemy will Let's go, let's chase... catch up, quietly... kill them, shall we?"

Fengdao heard the cry of the little monk, he hurriedly lowered the muzzle, grabbed the sniper rifle in front of the little monk and shouted in a low voice: "We are all soldiers, it is strictly forbidden to step out of the border without an order, do you hear?"

The little monk heard Feng Dao's stern voice, and he quickly replied: "Yes, yes, I...I am...a soldier now. I have to obey...orders, no...not to cross the border."

At this moment, Wan Lin's command voice suddenly came from the earphones of several people: "Chengru, Dali, you cover up, and the rest retreat!"

In Wan Lin's command, Feng Dao grabbed the little monk's arm and whispered, "Retreat in a hidden way." He then pulled the little monk and ran down a towering rock behind him. Xiaoya and a few people, who were standing in the mountains on the side, immediately ran to the mountains behind with the cover of the surrounding rocks.

Cheng Ru and Wang Dali disappeared under the rock behind the boundary monument. The barrels of a sniper rifle and a machine gun quietly protruded forward from the crack in the rock, aiming straight at the hillside where Kuroda and the others disappeared. , to prevent these brats from suddenly turning their heads and shooting.

Wan Lin ran down the hill with Xiao Hua. He followed Xiaoya and Lingling and asked in a low voice, "How are Zhang Wa's injuries? Are they life-threatening?"

Xiaoya quickly replied: "Report, none of them are life-threatening! Zhang Wa's neck was shot through, but it didn't hurt the vital part, but the vocal cords were affected. Da Zhuang and Yu Wenfeng were hit by exploding shrapnel. There is no danger to life."

Lingling also said with some fear: "Thanks to the new type of body armor that Sister Yu gave us, it protected their vital parts, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable. The body armor covers on the three of them were all smashed by bullets and shrapnel. , Ordinary body armor can't stop this kind of close-range killing. Leopard head, when we were attacked in the canyon, why couldn't we contact you?"

Wan Lin nodded when he heard Xiaoya's report, he followed Lingling and replied, "I followed the black snake into the cave and couldn't receive external signals."

He followed the wind knife and the little monk who were running, and whispered to Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, Jingheng was hit by the enemy's pistol bullet at close range, you can show him."

Xiaoya and Lingling were shocked! The two of them turned around and ran to the little monk's side. They pressed the boy under the rock involuntarily. Xiaoya said hurriedly, "Where did the bullet hit?"

The little monk quickly pushed away Xiaoya's outstretched arm and replied, "Senior sister, I...I just got hit twice on the chest and under the ribs, it's fine. seemed like I was hit hard at the time, I couldn't breathe, Leopard The head followed... and rushed over. Hehe, after a while I'll... be fine, one... nothing at all... nothing!"

Xiaoya and Lingling heard the description of the kid, and looked down quickly, and they found bullet holes on the chest and under the ribs of the kid's bulletproof vest, and the silver-white metal plate inside was shining brightly in the morning light.

Lingling sucked in a breath of Knowing that it was the new type of body armor that saved the boy's life, she raised her hand and tapped the boy's helmet and said, "Go back, boy, thank you Mrs. Yu, yes. The body armor she gave you saved your life."

The little monk nodded his head vigorously and replied, "Yes, yes, yes, I must... thank you very much, I... I'll go back, I'll just... buy it for Big Sister Yu... buy a big... big elbow and... and two trotters."

A few people around laughed when they heard the kid's answer, and Feng Dao also raised his hand and patted the kid's helmet and said with a smile, "You stupid kid know how to eat!"

Xiaoya smiled and put her hand into the little monk's body armor. She pressed the little monk's chest and asked, "Does it hurt?" The little monk replied, "One... It doesn't hurt at all."

Xiaoya then moved her hand to the little monk's rib, pressed the boy's rib and asked, "Does it hurt here?" Before she finished speaking, the little monk had already twisted his body and laughed "giggling". stand up.

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