Panther Commando

Chapter 5723: Classic example

The little monk grinned, grabbed Xiaoya's arm and said with a smile, "Hehe, I...I don' doesn't hurt, it''s itchy!" Xiaoya and the others all laughed when they saw the boy's appearance , Xiaoya followed by holding the boy's left wrist and looked up at Wan Lin.

At this time, Wan Lin said into the microphone next to his mouth: "Zou Brigade, immediately report the battle situation to your military region. The black snake and his accomplices who entered our territory to ambush have all been killed by us."

He followed and glanced at the smiling little monk, and scolded in a low voice, "You brat, you are still laughing after getting shot twice." Tian and a few people also showed up in the mountains, but they did not dare to cross the border line and have already left. In addition, several soldiers at the border guard post were also injured in the battle. You ask the border guard force to send a helicopter over and treat the wounded as soon as possible. The personnel will be sent to the hospital, and we will send the details of the battle later."

When Xiaoya saw Wan Lin finished issuing the order, she then pulled the little monk to stand up from under the rock and said, "Leopard head, this kid is not injured, but his breath is a little unstable."

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's report, he smiled and said, "This kid was alive and kicking just now. I know he has nothing to do with him, but he is a little uneasy. Let's go." After speaking, he strode towards the mountains behind.

The morning was bright, and the gray rocks and steep slopes in the mountains were clearly displayed in front of Wan Lin and the others. A few green weeds stubbornly emerged from the cracks in the rocks and were swaying with the slight mountain wind. .

Wan Lin and the others strode to the mountains behind. He looked at Zhang Wa and the others who were standing up from under the rock, and quickly stared at the blood-stained bandages on their bodies and shouted, "Zhang Wa, you have injuries, Do not move!"

He ran to Zhang Wa's side, stared at the bandage wrapped around Zou Tao's arm and asked in astonishment, "Brigade Zou, why are you injured too?" He followed Xiaoya and asked, "Xiaoya, what are you doing? No report?"

Zou Tao carried the assault rifle in his hand, looked at Wan Lin and waved his hand and said, "Leopard head, I didn't let Xiaoya tell you, what is this injury?"

Xiaoya also quickly walked over and said, "Zou Brigade's left arm was hit and the arm bone was broken. I have used a splint to fix it. He, Doll, Da Zhuang and A Feng all need to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible for follow-up treatment."

At this time Fengdao came over, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "It's my responsibility that Zou Brigade is injured, I was around at the time. After Zou Brigade was injured, I asked him to hide on the spot, but he still followed up with a gun in one hand. , we can't stop him."

Hearing this, Zou Tao stared at the wind knife and shouted: "What is your responsibility? How can you fight without casualties." Didn't he come up with an injury? Why can't I, I haven't died yet! Do you look down on us from the Southwest Brigade? Treat me as an outsider."

Fengdao saw that Zou Tao was angry, and he was about to explain in embarrassment, Wan Lin quickly looked at Fengdao and waved his hand, took Zou Tao's arm and said with a smile: "Zou Brigade calm down, calm down, brothers are not worried about you, you But the comrades who died with us, how can we treat you as an outsider."

The little monk also pointed his head and said with a ghostly brain: "Yes, yes, Zou brigade rests... angry, we are comrades in arms who are born and die together, who... if anyone dares to look down on you, I... I will go and clean up for you... them!"

Zou Tao laughed when he saw the little monk's ghostly appearance. He raised his hand and pulled the boy to his side and said, "Good boy, I didn't hurt you in vain. In the future, whoever looks down on the members of our Southwest Brigade, you will take care of them for me. In the future, I will rely on you, this little monk, to prove to us the reputation of our Southwest Brigade!"

"Hahahaha..." The surrounding people all burst into laughter, the little monk also grinned, and Wan Lin patted the little monk's helmet with a smile.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Feng Dao and He Xiaoya and Lingling and ordered, "Hurry up and take a look at the outpost. Several soldiers were injured there." "Yes." Feng Dao, Xiaoya and Lingling replied, and hurried to the side Run to the outpost on the hillside.

Wan Lin looked at Zou Tao and said, "Team Zou, is it alright?" Zou Tao immediately replied, "It's fine." Wan Lin said, "Then let's go and see Zhang Wa and the others." Zhang Wa under the rock walked away.

Wan Lin and Zou Tao had seen a few wounded people. Zou Tao followed up and recounted the situation of the ambush in the canyon last night, and he sighed: "Leopard head, after this battle, I'm really convinced. Outnumbered, the terrain is treacherous and unfavorable, and Zhang Wa and a few others were suddenly injured in an ambush, none of your team retreated, rushed out of the canyon under impossible circumstances, and completely wiped out the enemy. A classic special combat battle!"

He raised his finger and pointed at the wounded Zhang Wa, and said excitedly: "During the battle, even the wounded team members, regardless of their own safety, appeared in the best fighting position in time, and rushed to cover with firepower. Comrades on both sides of the canyon."

He lowered his arms, looked at Wan Lin and said, "From their judgment and determination on the battlefield situation, it can be seen that they are all capable generals. No wonder you, the battlefield commander, dare to leave the troops alone in action. To go after the black snake, it is no wonder that their rank is so high. To tell the truth, in this regard, I, the commander of the special team of the Southwest Military Region, are ashamed. "

Wan Lin heard Zou Tao's He quickly waved his hand and said, "Zou Brigade, you are being too modest. Our team members are only experienced in actual combat, and we have been fighting side by side, so they are not on the battlefield. The situation is extremely sensitive, and it will naturally appear in the battle position where it should appear most.”

He followed the right hand he grabbed and said sincerely: "Brigade Zou, if you want to talk about commanding the troops, let alone Zhang Wa and the others, even I, Wan Lin, can't manage a brigade like you."

"The battle, training, eating, drinking, and sleeping of a large group of people give me a headache when I think about it. You are the true general! The battle last night was because of you, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa. , so I can go after the black snake with confidence. Stop talking about it, have you reported the situation to Minister Qi and the others?"

Zou Tao lightly patted Wan Lin on the shoulder, and then replied: "I have reported the situation directly to Minister Qi of the Operation Department of the Military Region, and the Military Region has ordered the border troops to send helicopters and bring a squad of soldiers to the post to take over. The wounded soldiers here, what will you do next?"

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