Panther Commando

Chapter 573: all or nothing

At this time, the phone on the desk suddenly rang in the office of Ye Feng, director of the Provincial National Security Bureau, Ye Feng put down the document in his hand and picked up the phone: "Director, the bank notified that the account of Mr. Xiao, which we monitored, suddenly If you want to transfer 180 million cash abroad, ask us if we keep it."

"Stop, not a penny can flow out, immediately freeze all his company and private accounts," Ye Feng replied immediately.

"Haha, I finally can't hold my breath anymore, I want to leave after seeing Vice Governor Hu." Ye Feng hung up the phone coldly and said to himself.

In Young Master Xiao's ward, he was walking around the room holding the computer, when a line of characters suddenly appeared on the computer screen "System failure, transfer failed."

"Damn, the system is broken, when something goes wrong, it has to go wrong now." Xiao Gongzi scolded angrily, and threw the computer onto the bed.

Xiao Zhen was stunned, he knew it would never be such a coincidence, "Look at other accounts immediately to see if you can transfer money." Mr. Xiao immediately lay on the bed, quickly entered another bank account, and waited. After a while, he said frustratedly: "Damn, it's a system failure."

"It's broken, the bank account has been blocked." Xiao Zhen stood up abruptly, his face turned pale, and he no longer had the composure he had just now.

Obviously, the relevant departments have already taken action in advance, first freezing the bank accounts related to them, if this is the case, the possibility of letting the son go abroad no longer exists, the account is blocked, and it is even more impossible for people to go out.

"Damn, let's fight to the death." Xiao Zhen gritted his teeth and said a sentence. Hearing his father's words, Xiao Gongzi slowly got up from the bed with a desperate expression on his face. He also understood the current situation. .

He looked at Xiao Zhen and said, "Dad, what should I do now." Xiao Zhen looked at his calm son, sat down on the sofa, and quickly analyzed the current situation. He could only follow Vice Governor Hu's advice. Prompt, clean your butt, sink the boat, and fight to the death, you must not leave any evidence.

He looked at his son and said, "I warned you a long time ago to keep a low profile, but you just don't listen. Every day you bring a group of gangsters around to show off. Let's see what kind of people you make friends with."

There were bloodshot eyes in Young Master Xiao's eyes. He looked at his father and said, "Don't mention this, just tell me what to do now."

Xiao Zhen glanced at him, there was a cold light behind the thick lens, and said coldly: "What else can I do, find a way to wipe the **** clean, think about other places where people can grab the handle, by the way, When the accident happened, some of the waiters in the small restaurant went somewhere, and that was witness."

"Okay, don't worry about it." Xiao Gongzi grabbed the jacket on the sofa and walked out the door, "Why are you going, just make a phone call?" Xiao Zhen shouted from behind, but his son went straight as if he didn't hear it. went out...

Xiao Zhen got up and wanted to get his son back, but he stopped immediately. The restaurant incident was the cause of the whole incident, and it was also a breakthrough for the other party to investigate himself. If the joint investigation team from above found a few witnesses, they could follow the clues and start from a simple one. The crime of molesting women, followed the clues to investigate his son's company, and then investigated himself.

A small person is not a gentleman, a drug-free and a husband. He must never let a few witnesses appear. Once his son is gone, he will never let a few witnesses appear in front of the investigation team. He knows his son's methods.

In the compound of the headquarters of the Southwest Military Region, the members of the Leopard Commando and the members of the Special Operations Brigade of the Southwest Military Region conduct joint training together every day.

Through the contact with the old man, the Feng Dao people finally knew why the Chengru people were so powerful and made rapid progress.

Returning to the station after lunch that day, Feng Dao, Bao Ya, Brother Feng Yu, Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang surrounded the old man, Feng Dao said with a smile: "Grandpa, you see that we are all Wan Lin's brothers, how many of them do you take? All of them are in your door, why don't you take all of us too."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Hehehe, you also want to learn Wanjia internal skills, no, I have seen all of your kung fu, all of you are people with internal skills, and kung fu It’s not all shallow, if I’m not mistaken, you have such a solid foundation of internal skills at such a young age, it must be the ancestral internal skills that you practiced since childhood, and Da Zhuang is the outer skills you practiced since childhood.”

Feng Dao looked at each other and nodded. The old man said, "It's not that I don't teach you, it's that you have been unable to practice my Wanjia internal skills. You can ask Chengru about this."

Since the old man who had become a Confucian and practiced two kinds of internal skills at the same time, almost went into trouble, he really did not dare to teach the internal skills to people with a foundation of internal skills. It was too dangerous. In front of the old man, this kid did not say that he was killed on the spot, I am afraid that he would also be maimed.

Feng Dao and several people turned their heads to Cheng Ru, who was bewildered, and Cheng Ru quickly told them what happened. Only then did they understand and nodded, and their faces were full of regretful expressions.

The old man smiled and said: "Your kung fu is good, I can help you with your moves, and you can call me anytime if you have any questions." Several people quickly said, "Thank you, grandpa." , that is better than reading ten years of books.

At this time, Wan Lin came in from outside, and grandfather turned his face and called him over, saying, "Are you okay now?" Wan Lin replied, "It's nothing."

Grandpa said: "Then go to Chairman Liu's place with Let's take a look at the little waiters in several restaurants, one of them is our little fellow, I'm a little worried, you go with me have a look".

"Okay, wait, I'll borrow a car from Minister Qi." Wan Lin said and ran out. After a while, he ran back with the car key: "Go, Grandpa."

The three jeeps of Liu Hongxin's company that they had driven when they came out of the mountains had been returned long ago. They were official vehicles of their company. Now they live in the military compound, and they can temporarily ask for a car from Minister Qi.

The two walked out of the gate of the resident courtyard, only to see Qiuqiu looking left and right on the courtyard wall, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had been taken away by Xiaoya and Lingling.

This is also because this little ball is always facing his parents, putting on the air of a king of the mountain, so that the parents do not dare to dangle in front of this little ancestor when there is nothing to do, lest it dictate to him and make himself boring.

The bored Qiuqiu saw his grandfather and Wan Lin come out, and immediately got into the jeep excitedly and waited for them to get in the car. Grandpa made the car pat his little **** and said with a smile, "You bullied your parents and ran away again. Come on." Qiuqiu jumped onto the bridge with a big mouth.

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