Panther Commando

Chapter 574: kill

Wan Lin took his grandfather and drove the jeep borrowed from Minister Qi to the gate of Liu Hongxin Shuangyi Group.

The security guard at the gate saw Wan Lin driving the car from behind the railing, and quickly raised the railing with a smile. They had known this little lieutenant colonel for a long time. At that time, Wan Lin and the commandos were in charge of the entire group together with them. The security work, so everyone is very familiar.

Wan Lin parked the car in the parking lot next to the office building. At this time, Captain Liu of the security team ran over and greeted Wan Lin from afar. He received a notice from the security guard and ran over to greet him specially.

Wan Lin jumped out of the car with his grandfather, Captain Liu ran over and glanced at the old man, and asked, "Vice Captain Wan, who is this old man."

"Hello, Captain Liu, this is my grandfather," Wan Lin said, turned around and introduced to his grandfather: "Grandpa, this is Captain Liu of the security team of the chairman's company." Captain Liu quickly came over to say hello to grandpa. When I heard about the old man, I admired this old man from the bottom of my heart.

Captain Liu greeted the old man and asked Wan Lin, "Are you looking for the chairman of the board? The chairman just went out and is not in the company now. I have notified the director of the office, Xiaohui, and asked her to take you up first." No, my grandpa wants to see the waiters in a few restaurants, you can just show us." Wan Lin said with a smile.

At this time, Xiaohui ran out and greeted Wan Lin from afar, then ran over and pulled Grandpa's arm affectionately and was about to walk into the building, Wan Lin said quickly: "The chairman is not here, we will If you don't go up, grandpa wants to see the waiters in those restaurants."

Xiaohui glanced at Captain Liu. These waiters were placed in the company's single dormitory. The usual accommodation and travel were arranged by Captain Liu. Xiaohui really didn't know their usual whereabouts.

Captain Liu said: "It's really unfortunate. Just now, the waiter named Hongxia and Xiaohan said that they wanted to go back to the restaurant to pick up some things. The two of them left just now. For safety, I specially sent two security guards to follow." .

"How many waiters in total, how did they get there?" Wan Lin suddenly felt a sense of unease in his heart.

"There were a total of four people at the restaurant at the time, one lady boss and three waitresses. At that time, the lady owner's house was nearby, and she had to take care of the restaurant, so she didn't come. The other three waiters came back with us today. The ones who went there were the waiters named Hongxia and Xiaohan, they went back by bus," Captain Liu explained.

After listening, Wan Lin said to Captain Liu, "I'll go with my grandfather to have a look, and I'll drive them back in a while. By the way, where is the restaurant." "I'll go with you, I've been to that restaurant, and I'll drive. Captain Liu opened Wan Lin's car door and got into the cab.

Captain Liu watched Wan Lin pull his grandfather into the car and quickly drove out of the company, "What, is there any problem." Grandpa felt Wan Lin's mood change, "I can't tell, but I have a bad feeling. "Wan Lin answered from the passenger seat.

When Captain Liu heard Wan Lin's words, he was also a little anxious. He drove the car very fast. The grass-green jeep kept overtaking the vehicles in front of him on the road. After 20 minutes, he came to the street where the restaurant is located.

"It's not far ahead," Captain Liu said while driving. At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly saw four shadowy figures on the side of the road in the distance. He seemed to be dragging two people towards a white van parked on the side of the road. .

"Quick." Wan Lin sank in his heart and shouted loudly to Captain Liu. Captain Liu also saw the scene in the distance and stepped on it hard.

"Woo", the jeep jumped forward with a loud roar, at this time, the white van in front had already started to dig forward, and the traffic flow in front of it quickly disappeared.

"Squeak..." Captain Liu braked the car and stopped the car in front of the restaurant. Wan Lin and Captain Liu quickly jumped out of the car. Wan Lin glanced around and quickly walked towards the restaurant. Captain Liu also jumped out of the car and walked quickly. When he came to the door of the restaurant, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door of the restaurant that had been re-glazed. Wan Lin pulled him behind him and slammed the door open sideways.

A strong smell of blood rushed out from the open door. Wan Lin reached out and touched his leg, but he didn't touch anything. He forgot that he didn't bring any weapons when he came out this time.

He listened carefully, and rushed into the room, Captain Liu and his grandfather also rushed in.

Two people in security uniforms fell on the floor of the restaurant. Both of them had multiple stab wounds and blood was bleeding from their abdomens. Both of them fell to the ground motionless.

"Old Li, Xiao Wang." Captain Liu shouted, "Stopping the bleeding" Grandpa stepped over and tapped the two stomachs a few times.

Wan Lin's eyes were red, and he stepped into the operating room with a curtain hanging next to it. A middle-aged woman fell on her back on the ground in front of the stove. There was a long knife mark on her neck, and blood flowed under the stove. , a large pot on the stove is still steaming hot, and there is a rag next to it.

Apparently, the proprietress who was cleaning the restaurant was killed by someone. Wan Lin turned around and walked out of the operating room. He shouted to Captain Liu, whose eyes were red, "Tell 120 to call an ambulance, don't call the police."

The old man ordered a few acupuncture points for the two security guards and also stood up, the white hair on his head stood up, his eyes twinkled, and he raised his feet and rushed out of the door, Qiuqiu let out a low The hair on the top of his head also stood up, and he rushed out the door.

"Crack", "Crack"... With the old man's footsteps, the hard tiles on the restaurant floor were shattered, and the old man could no longer contain his anger. The deaths and injuries of these innocent people were indirectly related to him.

Wan Lin took out his mobile phone while walking, lowered his head and dialed a number, and said in a low voice, "Director Qian, I'm Wan Lin, the restaurant owner's wife was killed in the restaurant, your National Security Bureau will deal with it."

"Qiuqiu, lead the way." Grandpa said from the gap between his teeth, "Ow..." Qiuqiu let out a roar in the sky, and jumped to the motorway with a "squeak", and flew like a fly in the middle of the road. Grandpa and Wan Lin got up and jumped to the center of the road, chasing them forward...

"Where are you going?" Captain Liu looked up at them rushing out, raised his head and asked loudly with blood-red eyes, but the grandfather and grandson were no longer visible outside the door.

Qian Bin was stunned when he received Wan Lin's call, then ran out of his office and loudly ordered his subordinates who ran out of the room next to him: "Quick, No. 56 Xiafei Street!" He ran out of the office building and got into his car , rushing out of the bureau compound where the Provincial National Security Bureau is located, taking a taxi, and the seven or eight people from the operation department who followed quickly got into the vehicle and rushed out the gate.

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