After returning to the temporary base, Shu Changshan once again received the highest standard of medical care in the temporary base. Top doctors from around the world once again gave him a comprehensive physical exam to assess his condition.

The result was quickly presented to several members of the second action team.

"Judging from the examination results, there is nothing serious about Shu Changshan's health. Although his legs are paralyzed for unknown reasons, it is not uncommon for even disabled people to live to be eighty or ninety years old. This should not give him a long life. Make an impact.”

Shu Changshan said that he would not live long. But the most comprehensive and top-notch medical equipment inspections gave the opposite answer.

But this does not mean that some people can start to be optimistic.

"Although the results show that Shu Changshan is fine, I noticed that more than a dozen data directly related to health conditions have experienced abnormal declines or increases. Although he is not sick at the moment, his physical condition is undoubtedly deteriorating. "

This is consistent with what Shu Changshan said: "I won't live long."

"Observe for two more days."

Two days later, Shu Changshan was examined again. Then a few people could clearly see that the dozen or so data had further deteriorated.

Shu Changshan's body is still deteriorating.

However, we have clearly given Shu Changshan the best care during these two days. Everything he eats is prepared by professional nutritionists and is rich in nutrients and in reasonable proportions. In addition, there are professional rehabilitation therapists to provide him with health care and adjust his physical condition.

He was eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and no matter where he looked, there was no reason for his body to continue to deteriorate.

"What did the doctors say?"

"There is no conclusion. The doctors feel very baffled and cannot find out the cause."

At this moment, although we do not completely believe Shu Changshan's judgment that he "will not live long", his credibility has been greatly improved.

Afterwards, the three members of Operation Team Two came to Shu Changshan's room.

"Mr. Shu, what is your own judgment about your body?"

Shu Changshan said bitterly: "It can be as fast as two months, or as slow as half a year at most."

"Is there no way to change it? Whatever materials you need, as long as they are available on the earth, and as long as the world government can do it, we can help you."

This commitment and strength are not small.

Shu Changshan still shook his head.

"It's useless." He murmured: "The earth is too small in the universe..."

Lu Ming was silent.

Our side has no understanding of the Cthulhu system. Previously, it was possible to find a way to revive Shu Changshan through a large-scale investigation, such as blood transfusion.

Shu Changshan said there is no way, that means there is really no way.

"So...what suggestions do you have?"

"Unless you can force the monsters to hold a guidance ceremony in the near future. But, I'm afraid you can't."

Lu Ming said: "Under what circumstances would the monsters have to hold a guidance ceremony in advance?"

"I don't know." Shu Changshan shook his head: "There is no reason. They have no reason to hold it in advance."

"Okay, just have a good rest. Don't worry, there will always be a way."

Several people left Shu Changshan's room and came to the conference room.

"Now it seems that we really can only find a way to force the monsters to hold the guidance ceremony in advance. Otherwise, once Shu Changshan dies, we will have no way to find them."

He Wei was a little distressed: "Shu Changshan has no choice in the Cthulhu system, so we can only use conventional means to force them. With conventional means, it seems... we can only search mountains on a large scale, right? Let them notice that if we don't If you hold a ceremony, the only outcome is that we will find you?"

"This is useless."

Lu Ming shook his head: "According to Shu Changshan, the monsters only need to be within a hundred kilometers of the mental hospital when the guidance ceremony is held. When the ceremony is not held, it is entirely possible for them to hide elsewhere."

Nanli Mountain is just a branch of Dali Mountain extending southward. The entire Dali Mountain runs east-west and is more than a thousand kilometers long. It is a veritable mountain. There are all kinds of undulating mountains, cliffs, valleys, rivers, forests and grasslands. Even if hundreds of thousands of people are thrown in, there is no way to search it in detail.

The monsters left Nanli Mountain and hid in Dali Mountain, but even the gods could not find them.

Searching the mountain is simply not feasible.

"What should we do?" He Wei murmured: "Can we just wait for Shu Changshan to die?"

"let me think again."

The hope of breaking the situation once again fell on Lu Ming.

At night, Lu Ming tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. After tossing and turning for two hours, Lu Ming simply stood up, left the room, and once again started walking aimlessly in the temporary base.

Even in the dead of night, the temporary base is still heavily guarded. Guards are on alert on the high walls and patrolling guards can be seen everywhere in the base. But no one bothered Lu Ming.

This allowed Lu Ming to be completely immersed in silence and completely immersed in the problems in his mind.

But no matter how Lu Ming thought, he couldn't find a way.

This is so difficult.

Except for Shu Changshan, we have no control over the monsters, and we have no idea of ​​their weaknesses. There is no handle or weakness, so how to force it?

"I don't understand the Cthulhu system at all. It is impossible to come up with results by thinking within the Cthulhu system."

After thinking for a long time to no avail, Lu Ming had to make this point clear first. After that, the second conclusion came: "Only within the scientific system is it possible to obtain results."

However, the Cthulhu system is incompatible with the scientific system. When one is established, the other must collapse.

If Lu Ming decided to find a solution to the problem within the scientific system, he would first deny everything in the Cthulhu system.

This will directly lead to a consequence, that is, he must also believe that Shu Changshan is wrong.

The so-called magic eyes, the so-called light chasers, the star spirits, the great beings existing in the starry sky have pollution, guidance rituals, inspiration, etc. for human beings, etc., etc., everything is wrong.

However, if all of this is false and wrong, then it will inevitably lead to the next conclusion: Shu Changshan is on the side of monsters.

The reason is simple. If all of this is wrong, what Shu Changshan did clearly had an effect. For example, through Shu Changshan's inspiration, we completed an encirclement and suppression of monsters.

The corpses of those monsters were real.

The wrong approach is unlikely to achieve real results. If it is achieved, then it is either a coincidence or a double act.

The probability of a coincidence is too low. After all, Shu Changshan's guidance is too consistent with the monsters' actions.

Shu Changshan said that wherever there were sacrifices buried by the monsters, he found the sacrifices there. Shu Changshan said that Experimental Subject No. 1, who was imprisoned in the temporary base, dug out his eyeballs that night. The fact is that it dug out his eyeballs. The person who saw the star map mutated into a monster, and even though it was almost impossible to leak the secret, Shu Changshan also knew it clearly.

Shu Changshan said where the monsters held the ceremony, and he found the monsters there.

How lucky and how low of a probability does it take to achieve this kind of fit?

Lu Ming did not consider this possibility.

Since it's not a coincidence, it can only be a double act.

Shu Changshan was sent by the monsters to our side, and in order to achieve a certain goal of the monsters, he intentionally provided us with some wrong guidance. At the same time, in order to make these guidelines seem correct and to strengthen their trust in Shu Changshan, the monsters did not hesitate to stage a painful trick and show that Shu Changshan was correct at the cost of their lives.

After all considerations, if Lu Ming denies the Cthulhu system, this can only be derived.

However, the reality at this moment is that no matter what, the Cthulhu system has too much evidence to support it. We were unable to find any doubts about Shu Changshan. Moreover, the scientific system is too weak when facing this problem at this moment.

No matter how you look at it, people from Zhou Tianyang's team and Luo Yang mutated into monsters just because they looked at the secondary star map. This is after all real and cannot be fake at all, right?

It seems difficult to insist on finding solutions to problems within the scientific system.

The most important thing is that the scientific system is completely unable to explain the motivations and purposes of the monsters.

"Shu Changshan accurately told his situation", as well as the subsequent "Shu Changshan accurately found the burial place of the monster sacrifices", "Shu Changshan accurately predicted the time and place of the monsters' ritual", etc., are regarded as double acts between Shu Changshan and the monsters. So, what did the monsters get in this process? What was achieved?

Yes, we did blockade Nanlishan District for more than ten days because of Shu Changshan's request. During this period, the monsters may indeed do something - maybe this is their real purpose, but the monsters What have you done?

We didn't notice it at all.

Is there anything that needs to be blocked for more than ten days?

Don't forget that during this period, we have also provided relatively complete security measures for every human settlement.

It seems like nothing has to be done. In this case, it seems unreasonable to say that Shu Changshan is cooperating with the monsters.

The more Lu Ming thought about it, the more confused he felt. The more he thought about it, the more clueless he felt.

Things were tangled up like tangled yarn. There seemed to be threads everywhere, and there seemed to be no threads at all, and there was no way to untie them.

Lu Ming glanced at the room where Shu Changshan was, with complicated eyes.

If possible, Lu Ming really wanted to pry open Shu Changshan's head to see his true thoughts to confirm whether he was really trustworthy. As long as this was confirmed, he would have a clear direction in the future.

But he knew that even if he really opened Shu Changshan's head, he wouldn't get the answer.

At the human hospital, Shu Changshan's head had been examined countless times. The excellent doctors didn't find anything unusual, and it was even less possible for them to find it themselves.


Lu Ming let out a long sigh, returned to his room, and fell asleep while tossing and turning.

The next day, Lu Ming appeared in the conference room with two big dark circles under his eyes. He Wei didn't seem to have slept well either, and was in a bit of a bad mood. Zhang Dingshan still looked calm and composed.

Lu Ming recounted his thoughts and speculations last night.

Finally, he said: "I think...confirming whether Shu Changshan is really trustworthy may be a node to solve the problem."

He Wei looked at him: "Can you be 100% sure that the scientific system is the underlying law of the operation of our universe? Or in other words, can you be 100% sure that the so-called Cthulhu system is not true?"

Lu Ming was silent for a long time, shaking his head with some difficulty: "No."

He Wei sighed: "Even you, who was so firm in science in the past, are a little shaken now, let alone us."

"I haven't wavered, I just..." Lu Ming subconsciously wanted to refute. But he immediately got stuck, and finally lowered his head and murmured: "Okay, I'm really shaken."

Zhang Dingshan said calmly: "At this stage, we cannot use any method that can be detected by Shu Changshan to test his credibility."

"I see."

Lu Ming nodded silently.

At least as of now, we don't have any evidence to prove that Shu Changshan is not trustworthy. However, at least from the outside, Shu Changshan has paid too much and made great contributions in order to help himself. Without any evidence, to doubt him, test him, or even take more drastic measures, such as interrogating him and torturing him, is not the way to treat a hero.

"I..." Lu Ming hesitated for a moment, then said: "I'll push him out for a walk. Didn't he say before that the base is too stuffy?"

Previously, we rejected him due to security reasons.

He Wei said: "I'll go with you. If we mobilize more guards, it should be fine."

Zhang Dingshan looked at the two of them: "Pay attention to your methods and don't chill his heart."

"I see."

Under the protection of a large number of guards, Lu Ming pushed Shu Changshan out of the base gate. He Wei walked beside Lu Ming.

Pushing the wheelchair, Lu Ming looked at the back of Shu Changshan's head where white hair had sprouted. Lu Ming's eyes were full of complexity.

The weather was sunny at the moment, and the temperature was neither high nor low. Because it was located in the suburbs, when I left the base, I saw the greenery outside. Not far away, there are ordinary people riding bicycles, driving agricultural vehicles, cars, etc. passing by, full of the atmosphere of life.

Shu Changshan watched all this quietly, his eyes a little numb.

"Mr. Shu, where did you grow up when you were a child?"

The three of them chatted casually about something, hitting on each other. Unconsciously, the group of people walked a long way.

A gust of wind blew in his face, and Lu Ming suddenly smelled a vague stench, as if something was rotten.

Lu Ming, who was speaking, paused unconsciously before continuing.

"...That's a good place."

Shu Changshan did not answer the call. He was silent for a moment and then said quietly: "Did you smell it just now?"

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