Paranormal incident investigation notes

Chapter 303 Massacre of the Village

Hearing Shu Changshan's question, Lu Ming was startled: "What?"

"It stinks." Shu Changshan's voice remained calm, but his sadness could be clearly felt under the calm: "I can feel that I am rotting. I sprayed some perfume to cover up the smell before setting off, but it still couldn't be covered up. live."

Lu Ming was silent.

Regarding the deterioration of Shu Changshan's physical condition, we are really helpless and have no idea what to do.

This made us convinced that no matter what the reason was, in short, it could be as short as two months or as long as half a year, Shu Changshan was really going to die with a high probability.

"Mr. Shu, don't worry, we..."

"No need to comfort me." Before He Wei could finish her words, she was interrupted by Shu Changshan: "I know my own body. The only thing I hope now is that you can keep your promise, take good care of my child, and let him live in peace. Grow up peacefully, take the right path, and don’t take the evil path.”

Lu Ming said solemnly: "Don't worry."

"If the child is fine, I won't worry about it anymore."

Shu Changshan said quietly: "By the way, I have a solution for the monsters. I'm not too sure, but... you can give it a try."


Lu Ming and He Wei immediately became serious.

"Let's go back and I'll talk to you in detail."

Lu Ming and He Wei pushed Shu Changshan back to the base and came to the conference room.

"This is inspired by my own body."

He smiled faintly, somewhat sadly: "I tried to use perfume to cover up the stench caused by the decay of my body, so I thought about whether I could use some method to cover up the smell of being alive and let the monsters They thought I was dead."

"Fake death?" Lu Ming considered his words: "How do the monsters sense whether you are still alive?"

"Inspiration. Just like I perceived their location through inspiration. I was cursed by them, and I have the residual breath of the curse on my body. They can also use their inspiration to sense whether I am still alive."

"So, is your method to cover up the aura of your own curse?"

"Yes. Unless you die, the curse cannot disappear completely. Once they can no longer sense the curse, they will most likely think that I am dead."

This is indeed a solution.

"How to cover it up?"

"When the smell cannot be eliminated, you can only use a larger and stronger smell to cover it, or neutralize it. In this way, others cannot smell it. The same is true for the breath of life, or the breath of curse. It cannot be done To eliminate it while a person is alive, we can only use a richer, stronger, and more powerful life form to cover it and neutralize it so that others cannot perceive it. So... the most powerful thing we know What is the life form?”

Shu Changshan smiled faintly, like a senior inspiring the younger generation.

"Elephant? Blue whale? Or a stronger apex predator? Tiger? Lion? Shark in the sea?"

Shu Changshan smiled and shook his head: "Don't limit yourself to the earth."

Lu Ming was startled and immediately reacted.

"Star Spirits, Light Chasers...the most powerful ones are the Demonic Eyes."

"Yes. The Demonic Eye. Theoretically speaking, the aura of the Demonic Eye can completely cover up the breath of curse on my body, making the monsters completely unable to sense it. Of course, this is only theoretical. I am not 100% sure that this will work. .”

Zhang Dingshan said in a deep voice: "How can I use the aura of the Demon Eye to cover up your aura?"

The smile on Shu Changshan's face disappeared and he looked directly into Zhang Dingshan's eyes: "Project the figure of the magic eye. The projection must be large enough, preferably one kilometer by one kilometer or more. I am in the figure of the magic eye, and then pass through With certain rituals, there is hope for that.”

Lu Ming was startled and subconsciously felt a sense of absurdity.

One kilometer times the scale of one kilometer or more? How can this be? It is simply impossible to build such a projector and screen on earth. Besides, even if humans really have the ability to manufacture, it is impossible to actually do it.

Projecting such a big magic eye, are you looking for death? Still think that not many people have seen the magic eye? Still think there are not many people who mutate into monsters?

Lu Ming and He Wei looked at each other, and both saw a hint of absurdity in the other's eyes. Zhang Dingshan raised his hand to block the two people's rebuttal, and still said in a calm voice: "Mr. Shu, we humans do not have this kind of technical ability."

"Yes. It's just projection. If you don't pursue accuracy, you can do it. I remember watching a travel documentary, where a travel team projected a huge, destroyed local Buddha statue one-to-one somewhere. . If I remember correctly, the height of the Buddha statue seems to be almost 100 meters. A private team can achieve this level. For you, an area of ​​one kilometer square... shouldn't be difficult, right?"

He Wei immediately said: "The Bamiyan Buddha?"


Lu Ming and Zhang Dingshan looked at her at the same time. He Wei said: "I have watched this episode, let me look for it first..."

He Wei found that episode of the travel documentary and played it to Lu Ming and Zhang Dingshan.

After seeing it, Zhang Dingshan thought thoughtfully: "You don't need to project it on the screen. Can you project it on the cliff or the ground?"


"In this case, the accuracy should be very low."

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

He had some vague doubts before. If Shu Changshan was really a monster, then, was his request at this moment concealing evil intentions and planning to use a huge evil eye image to "contaminate" more people?

But now there is no need to worry at all. Not even a screen is used, and it is projected directly onto the uneven cliffs or the ground. You can imagine how low the resolution is. And this is completely impossible to cause mutations to occur.

After all, before the Mercury Space Telescope, the images of the CSK-9602 galaxy taken by the most advanced and precise telescopes of human civilization were not enough to cause mutation. How could it be possible at this moment?

If you are really worried, the worst case scenario is that you can artificially lower the accuracy again when projecting.

"In this case... if there is a suitable venue, it should not be technically difficult to do this. There are some engineering difficulties, but it can be solved. It's just... Mr. Shu is just a projected demon Can photos of eyes cover up certain auras?"

This seems a bit unbelievable.

Shu Changshan said: "In the theory of mysticism, the figure of certain great beings, no matter which way this figure is presented, whether it is a photo or a video, it itself means some mysterious connection. You guys You must have heard that in some curse rituals, a photo of the victim is needed as a medium, right?"

Lu Ming nodded. This is true.

Shu Changshan coughed twice violently: "If the monsters think I am dead, they will start to perform a guidance ceremony. By then it will be simple, I will just sense their location again."

Lu Ming thought about it and said: "But there are two problems. First, this method can only be used once. Even if it succeeds this time, the monsters will still be the same as last time. Instead of all of them being dispatched, only one was dispatched. A small percentage, so what should we do with those who slipped through the net?”

After being fooled once, it was discovered that Shu Changshan was not really dead. The surviving monsters would never be fooled again. They will only hide deeper.

Shu Changshan said: "There is no other way. We can only pray that in this only chance, all the monsters will be dispatched."

He Wei said: "Can you think of a way to ensure that all monsters must be dispatched this time?"

Shu Changshan shook his head: "I have no choice."

Lu Ming pondered for a long time and shook his head: "I can't help it."

If Lu Ming had it, he would have tried to force the monsters to perform the ceremony in the near future while Shu Changshan was still alive, so there would be no need to go to such trouble and fake death.

Shu Changshan represents the Cthulhu system. Lu Ming represents the scientific system. At this moment, both of them gave a negative answer at the same time.

He Wei said bitterly: "It seems we can only pray."

The first question has been solved for now.

"The second question is, if after you fake death, the monsters still choose to wait and see, and are not in a hurry to hold the guidance ceremony immediately, I wonder if the time... will be enough?"

After hearing this question, several people fell silent.

Shu Changshan still has about two months to half a year left in his life. The monsters must also know this. In other words, if our side wants to implement the suspended animation plan, it will not be carried out until two months at the earliest.

If it were carried out before then, the monsters might become suspicious of Shu Changshan's death so early.

But once two months passed, Shu Changshan faced a situation where he could die at any time. Suppose the monsters wait and see for a while longer, delaying it for a month or two, then...can Shu Changshan survive until that time?

Shu Changshan smiled bitterly.

"I still have the same answer. We can only pray. Pray that the monsters are so anxious that as soon as I die, they can't wait to hold the ceremony at the nearest time. If they keep delaying it until I am really dead... then it doesn't matter. Method."

Zhang Dingshan said: "Okay. Mr. Shu, you have a good rest first. Let's evaluate the feasibility of this plan."

Arriving at the conference room, Lu Ming immediately expressed his attitude.

"I am opposed to this plan."

He Wei scratched her hair: "I...I am neutral."

Zhang Dingshan looked at Lu Ming: "The reason for the objection?"

"The success rate is too low and there are too many uncertainties."

Zhang Dingshan shook his head: "This is not the real reason. What you are afraid of should be the uncertain risks that may be brought about by projecting the giant magic eye image, right?"

Lu Ming was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Yes."


"Currently we only know that a Magic Eye image that is too precise will lead to madness and mutation. But we don't know that a Magic Eye image that is large enough to a certain extent, such as one kilometer by one kilometer at the moment, will be so large that the Magic Eye image will be Will the eye image cause any changes that we don't know about?

All things considered, I think the risks outweigh the benefits and we should not implement this plan. "

In the video, Lu Qingliang also scratched his hair: "I, I will also be neutral."

Zhang Dingshan nodded: "Okay. Tomorrow I will find a reason to go to Shu Changshan to deny this plan."

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Zhang Dingshan followed his advice.

At this moment, Zhang Dingshan's cell phone suddenly rang. After being connected, Zhang Dingshan's expression became serious after saying just one sentence. After saying "yes" several times, he looked at several people solemnly.

"At the northern foot of Dali Mountain, more than 600 kilometers away from the base, something happened in a village called Xiushui Village."

Lu Ming was a little surprised.

What does this have to do with us?

"Last night, Xiushui Village was massacred. A total of 263 people in the village, including the elderly and children, were all killed."

Lu Ming stood up in shock. At this moment, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he immediately thought of something.

"Why did Chu Li tell us this? Is there... any sign that this was done by monsters?"

With a bang, He Wei also stood up suddenly, with a ferocious look on her face, and her eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

This is the only possibility. Since Director Li Wenhua informed us, he must have something to do with the monsters!

Massacre the village!

Zhang Dingshan solemnly said: "It's not that there are signs. It's that the monsters took the initiative to leave relevant evidence to prove that they did it. They are retaliating against us, or... they are demonstrating against us."

He held up his phone and showed several pictures. In the village in the picture, on the wall of the house, a pattern of an eye is clearly outlined in blood.

Magic Eye!

"Let's go and have a look at the scene."

The helicopter took off with a roar, and landed on a flat ground just two hours later. There were security guards everywhere, and this small and declining village called Xiushui Village was now under martial law.

There were many villagers from other villages watching around, all of them looking panicked. Many media reporters are reporting the latest news here, chasing every security officer they see, trying to get some answers.

This kind of massacre of a village has not happened on earth for a long time. No matter how you look at it, this is a major case that shocked the entire world.

Ignoring the swarming reporters, the three men went straight into the village under the protection of some security guards.

There are also many security guards in the village. They surveyed the scene, took photos, and carefully collected specimens.

There was a vague smell of blood hanging over the village.

A few people walked forward for a few minutes and saw the eye pattern painted on the wall.

The accompanying security officer whispered: "This is drawn with the blood of this family. There are five people in this family. Among them, the son and daughter-in-law work outside, and there are only grandparents and grandson at home.

It is suspected that the murderer first used his grandson's blood to paint the pattern, but there was not enough blood, so he used the grandfather's blood halfway.

Preliminary judgment showed that there were more than 20 murderers, and they entered the village with some kind of ferocious beast. Traces of bites from wild beasts were found on all the bodies of the deceased..."

He didn't know the inside story, he just thought it was done by someone.

Lu Ming clenched his fists tightly, the anger in his heart almost uncontrollable.

Zhang Dingshan's voice was still calm, but a little more solemn: "Ask all your people to evacuate outside the village. Guard the perimeter and don't allow anyone to enter. My people will come and take over here later."


The security guard saluted and left with many security guards in the village.

The new month is here, please give me some guaranteed monthly tickets.

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