"Dingshan, are you there?"


In the silent village, Zhang Dingshan's cell phone rang. When the call was connected, Director Li Wenhua's voice came out.

"What are your opinions on how to deal with this matter?"

Zhang Dingshan was silent for a moment and said: "Let's just say that this murder was caused by an illegal god worship organization that used the lives of everyone in this village as sacrifices and held a sacrificial ceremony."

Under the current circumstances, it seems most appropriate to use the excuse of illegally worshiping gods and organizing sacrifices to cover up the truth. After all, there are too many evil and strange things in this matter, which just fits the characteristics of an illegal god worship organization.

In this way, all the things, such as the marks of beast bites on the victims, eye patterns on the walls, not vendetta, not robbery, etc., can all be explained and very convincingly.

Illegal god worship organizations are so illogical, everyone thinks they like to do this kind of thing. And, in fact, throughout history, they have done this kind of thing a lot.

Li Wenhua said: "This case has shocked the whole world. Everyone is paying attention to this matter. The superiors have also expressed their stance to thoroughly investigate the case, severely punish the murderer, and comfort the victims."

This means tremendous pressure.

Zhang Dingshan was silent and did not speak. Li Wenhua continued: "It is okay to use the excuse of an illegal god worship organization to cover up the past. The worst is to close the net in advance and find an illegal god worship organization to take the blame. However, the key problem is that things like massacres of villages will continue in the future. It won’t happen again? What if it happens again? Are you going to blame an illegal god worshiping organization?”

This is the most difficult part of this matter.

Once you take advantage of an illegal god worshiping organization, the public will believe it. Then the second time, it was still an illegal god worshiping organization? What about the third time?

Why are there so many illegal god worship organizations? Hasn't he already been arrested? Or has the trend changed recently, and illegal god-worshipping organizations like to do this?

Zhang Dingshan said solemnly: "I can't make any guarantees."

"I see."

Li Wenhua didn't say anything more and hung up the phone directly.

Take it one step at a time. If there really is a second massacre of the village, we will talk about it at that time.

Zhang Dingshan let out a long breath.

Lu Ming and He Wei also remained silent.

Gently sniffing the faint smell of blood in the air, Lu Ming seemed to be back to last night.

The case happened late last night.

It was about two or three in the morning, when people in the village were asleep.

This is a small mountain village that has declined. The young people have left the village and gone to the larger world outside. Most of the people who stay in the village are the elderly and children.

They thought that this night was like every other night, that after a deep sleep, the sun would rise again the next day. The noise of the children will wake up the small village. The grandparents will cook for the children. After that, those who have to go to school will go to school. The children who are still young and have not yet gone to school will play in the village in small groups. .

The elderly will also have time to rest, basking in the sun, chatting, and waiting for the children who are wandering in the outside world to come back.

But the attack of monsters completely changed everything.

On this day, the sun still rose as usual, but people failed to get up again.

He Wei's heart was filled with anger. She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth tightly, wishing she could find those monsters now and torture them in the most cruel way to avenge the innocent people who died.

Lu Ming suppressed the anger in his heart and managed to stay calm.

"Now, the pressure is all on us."


"I feel that the development of things is forcing us to accept Shu Changshan's suggestions and follow his methods."

Lu Ming suspected that this was another double act.

Shu Changshan and the monsters jointly performed a double act.

At this moment, Shu Changshan's method is the only promising plan to destroy the monsters. However, only by destroying the monster can the second murder be avoided.

So, how to do it is very simple.

"But..." Lu Ming considered his words: "The greater the pressure, the less we can follow the route planned by the enemy. I still oppose the implementation of Shu Changshan's plan."

"Haha...it's really such a coincidence. Yesterday Shu Changshan just proposed the plan of suspended animation, and the monster massacre incident happened in the evening. It seemed that it was already discussed."

Zhang Dingshan stared at the bloody eye painted on the wall and said calmly: "But, Lu Ming, I noticed a contradiction in your speculation."

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment.

Zhang Dingshan turned around and looked at him: "You are worried that such a huge magic eye will cause unknown risks, right?"


"Which aspect is the risk? The risk within the Cthulhu system or the risk within the scientific system?"

Lu Ming was startled again, his thinking a little confused. He collected his thoughts and then said slowly: "In the scientific system, there should be no risks. There is no theory to support a projection - even if this projection is a bit larger, it will cause any risks."

He Wei said: "There is no scientific theory to support the idea that looking at a high-precision star map will cause mutations. But this kind of thing does happen."

"At least in Shu Changshan's plan, the accuracy of the star map is very low."

Zhang Dingshan said: "That is the risk within the Cthulhu system, right?"

Lu Ming could only nod.

"However, if you are worried about the risks within the Cthulhu system, then you must at least acquiesce to one premise, that is, the Cthulhu system is established. And once you acquiesce that the Cthulhu system is established, Shu Changshan's credibility It will be greatly improved, and all the previous doubts about him will be dispelled, and we can almost completely believe in him. So...since we completely believe in him, why do we still doubt the plan he proposed? "

Lu Ming once again felt that his thinking was a little confused.

Yes, it would be ridiculous if you don’t even agree with the Cthulhu system but still worry about the risks within the Cthulhu system. But if we agree with the Cthulhu system, what reason does our side have to doubt Shu Changshan?

All doubts about Shu Changshan are based on the level of the scientific system.

Lu Ming had to realize that his reasons for opposing Shu Changshan's plan were simply untenable.

But he still subconsciously wanted to object.

"At least, the current monster massacre incident has put great pressure on us objectively, forcing us to implement Shu Changshan's plan. Is this always a fact?"

"Yes, it is indeed true. But... from another perspective. We have killed more than a dozen monsters in our previous encirclement and suppression. And because of Shu Changshan, the monsters will not be able to hold rituals in the near future. So, during this period, because of the Our resentment, the monsters doing things to get back at us, is also very reasonable."

This is just the thing, but there are many angles of interpretation. The explanations obtained from every angle are very reasonable and logically consistent. Then, choosing which explanation to believe becomes a matter of free heart and mind.

Anyway, no matter which angle you interpret the explanation from, there is no actual evidence.

Lu Ming felt that he had no reason to refute. Although the faint worry in my heart still exists. But at this moment, even he himself didn't know where his worries came from.

Maybe...my worries are just due to the fear of future uncertainty? Does it stem from one's own psychology rather than reason?

Zhang Dingshan patted Lu Ming on the shoulder: "There is another reason why I agree with the implementation of Shu Changshan's plan. This is, we can assume that Shu Changshan is indeed untrustworthy and is on the side of the monster. So... at this moment, the information is limited. Under the premise, the best choice is to show off one's moves at first glance. And if you want to show off one's moves at first glance, you must at least allow the other party to make moves first."

Only when the other party makes a move can you interpret the information you need from the other party's moves and increase your understanding of the other party. Only then can you finally formulate your own plan.

Implementing Shu Changshan's plan is the opponent's move.

If you don't even allow your opponent to move, how can you break up your own moves?

"It's still the same sentence. Listen to his words and watch his actions, but you can't believe it entirely. Whether Shu Changshan is trustworthy or not, just keep reading."

Lu Ming finally said: "We must do everything possible to eliminate the hidden dangers in Shu Changshan's plan."

"Of course."

"Okay, then I agree to implement Shu Changshan's plan."

He Wei scratched her head and said: "I, I am still neutral, you decide."

She really couldn't make valuable judgments about these complicated logics.

Zhang Dingshan said: "I agree."

In this way, there is no need to ask Lu Qingliang's opinion. Under the premise that both Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming agreed and He Wei was neutral, even if Lu Qingliang objected, they would still be in the minority.

"Let's go."

The three of them left the village and roared away in a helicopter.

Later, a large number of guards entered the village. A little later, an explosive news came out.

In the temporary command center in the open space outside the village, a police sergeant in charge of the matter faced many media reporters and solemnly announced: "It has been found that the culprit who caused this murder is a man named 'Dawn of Doom' is an illegal god-worshiping organization. This organization believes that blood can please the gods and allow them to escape the Doomsday Judgment... We have arranged forces to encircle and suppress this organization. In the future, the world government will continue to increase its crackdown on illegal gods. We will crack down on worshiping organizations and carry out propaganda to eradicate the existence of illegal god worshiping organizations..."

On the helicopter, Lu Ming turned off the live broadcast of the case.

He knew that from the perspective of public opinion, this matter had been temporarily covered up.

He set his sights on the mountains beyond the helicopter.

The mountains are undulating and the road is rugged. In many places there are no roads at all. The mountains are so steep that only birds can reach them without the help of technological equipment.

In such a terrain, the monsters traveled for more than 600 kilometers and committed this murder in a place that was completely unexpected by us. Moreover, even though we knew that the monsters might cause a second murder, we were still powerless.

There are too many villages and towns dotted in Dali Mountain. There are so many that they can't be defended at all.

The only feasible way is to use offense instead of defense.

While still in the helicopter, the three of them contacted Lu Qingliang and held another impromptu meeting. After informing Lu Qingliang of the relevant situation, as expected, Lu Qingliang still chose neutrality. So the proposal was actually passed.

After that, Lu Qingliang contacted several teams with rich experience in field projection and invited them to the temporary base.

There are too many secrets in the temporary base, and they shouldn't be allowed to come here. But for security reasons, I feel more at ease here. In terms of confidentiality, they cannot access any secrets without authorization.

When more than seventy people from these three teams arrived, it was already the second day.

"What we need is to find a way to project an image with a size of at least one kilometer by one kilometer through projection. The projection can be a cliff or the earth, and the accuracy does not need to be too high. Yours The task is to come up with a complete package. The time limit is 50 days."

Zhang Dingshan did not explain the reasons or reasons for doing this, and the members of the projection team were very conscious and did not ask.

The relationship between the two parties is just that you put forward your needs and we fulfill them. Everything else is none of our business.

But there was still some commotion in the venue.

"50 days? Isn't it too short?"

"A size of more than one kilometer by one kilometer... I dare say that no one in the world has done this. Well, of course it can be done in theory, but this is an area that no one has touched. God knows what pitfalls there are. Waiting for us to step on it. We have no previous experience to learn from."

"This demand...well, we must use customized equipment. Even if we spend money on it, the production cycle is so long that we can't produce it in a short time. There is also infrastructure, not to mention other things, just the power supply, so big The power consumption of a high-power laser generator is probably as high as that of a small county town, and a special line will have to be pulled over, which will take 50 days, isn’t it a joke?”

"This... our specialty is visual realization. We only know how to use equipment, but we don't know how to build it. We need to find those who study theory, as well as mechanical engineers and optical engineers. We can't do it on our own."

People were talking a lot. Although Lu Ming couldn't quite understand it, he could probably tell that this matter was difficult anyway.

But Zhang Dingshan calmed everyone's voices with one word.

"No matter what you need, as long as it is available on the earth, I can provide it. Whether it is people or things. For this matter, the funds and budget are unlimited."

The people on the projection team looked at each other.

That’s it, so what else is there to say? Get to work.

After a short rest, everyone set off under the protection of the guards and began to inspect the terrain to find a suitable projection site.

Finally, a cliff not far from the optical research institute came into view.

"I think it's suitable to use this place as a curtain."

"Yes. The size is large enough and the terrain is suitable."

"Is there a laser research institute there? Chief Zhang, can you recruit them? If possible, well, there are enough scientists and engineers there, so there is no need to find others. We can also use their equipment. In If they upgrade their existing equipment, we can save a lot of time."

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