At this moment, after viewing almost the entire Nanli Mountain within the range, the second operation team and the projection team finally found a cliff that roughly met the requirements and could serve as a curtain to host the projection.

The technology of projecting three-dimensional images directly into the air only exists in science fiction works. It is simply impossible to do it with the technology of human civilization at this stage, and the team members did not consider it at all. In this way, we can only use the cliff as a curtain to undertake these projections.

It’s actually not easy to find terrain that meets your needs. The main reason is because the size of the projection is too large.

It is easy to find cliffs with a length of more than one kilometer, but cliffs with an altitude of one kilometer above sea level are very rare. I'm afraid you may not even be able to find it in Dali Mountain, let alone Nanli Mountain, which is just a branch.

This is the cliff that I found now that roughly meets the requirements. It is very long, with a length of more than ten kilometers, but a height of only more than 300 meters. Counting the gentle slopes at the bottom of the cliff, the total altitude is only less than 500 meters, which is still far from one kilometer.

After communicating with Shu Changshan, because the image of the magic eye is long in length and short in width, such a cliff can barely be projected, and finally got Shu Changshan's consent.

He believes that this level of size reduction can probably still meet the requirements.

Even if you are not satisfied, there is nothing you can do. We really can't find a better venue than this.

After determining the location of the cliff that will serve as the curtain, the next step is to determine the installation location of the projection equipment. The most ideal state is of course the direction perpendicular to the plane of the cliff. But unfortunately, there happened to be a mountain there, and it was relatively close. And if it is too close, there will be technical difficulties in projecting such a huge picture, which can only be ruled out.

The next best thing is the sides. There were some places on the side that met the requirements. After comprehensive consideration, the team experts finally set their sights on the laser research institute.

The location and relative direction of this research institute are actually not optimal, because there is some obstruction between it and the cliff that acts as a curtain, and the distance is far. If that is used as the projection point, a larger laser is needed. power, and make certain corrections to compensate.

But it has an advantage that other places cannot match, that is, it is connected by roads and has complete infrastructure. There are water, electricity and electricity networks.

Its original scientific research facilities can also be directly requisitioned and directly upgraded on their basis, which can save oneself a lot of time and energy.

Because of this, Zhang Dingshan finally made the decision to requisition it and place the projection point at the Laser Research Institute.

After Li Wenhua came forward and coordinated with the superior organization of the Laser Research Institute, Zhang Dingshan, He Wei, and Lu Ming came here and met the director of the Laser Research Institute named Wang.

Manager Wang is about forty years old, with a slightly bald head and a rich face. He looks more like a businessman than a scientist. After meeting Zhang Dingshan and the others, he was very enthusiastic and directly invited them to the office and made tea enthusiastically.

"Our research institute must obey the orders of our superiors and resolutely cooperate with the actions of your police. At the same time, we must strictly abide by the confidentiality system and never inquire about things that should not be inquired about. There is no need to say any of this. Just one sentence, what do you say, we will Just do whatever you want.”

Manager Wang was very open-minded and made a promise while patting his chest.

Zhang Dingshan also had a smile on his face.



Manager Wang changed the topic and showed a look of embarrassment on his face: "Chief Zhang, as you know, our research institute has been short of funds for a long time, and researchers have heavy scientific research tasks. I heard that you have to requisition two or three months of time. , well, the research progress has fallen behind.

Chief Zhang, you may not know much about us. When outsiders call us scientists, it seems like a big deal. In reality, we are just scientific research dogs, and we are all ordinary people. Just like the tip in our institute, he is almost thirty and can’t afford a house, and his girlfriend refuses to get married, so he is just waiting to show results so that he can get a bonus to get married, and the old butcher in the institute, his wife My health has been not good..."

Manager Wang complained bitterly in front of the three people, telling how difficult it was for him, how he encountered key research tasks, how he had been locked up in this shabby research institute in the deep mountains and forests for a month or two, how difficult the situation was, and how little money he had. Those who hear it are sad and those who listen to it cry.

In short, in one sentence, we will definitely cooperate, but we are already so miserable, you have the heart to delay our original work and make us even worse?

Zhang Dingshan once again calmed down Director Wang's complaints with one sentence.

"After the requisition is over, all upgraded equipment and newly purchased equipment will be left to your institute for disposal. At the same time, a bonus will be given to every staff member in your institute. We will pay it, and the amount will not be less than You received one year’s salary last year.”

Manager Wang's eyelids twitched and his lips began to tremble.

"Oh, this doesn't necessarily mean money. Oh, this is great. This is too much. I'm so embarrassed..."

He rubbed his hands, unable to speak clearly.

"It should, it should."

When walking out of the institute building, Lu Ming vaguely heard the cheers of the institute staff in the building behind him.

For Action Team 2, problems that can be solved with money and power are not problems.

After finalizing the matters here at the Laser Research Institute, the construction and renovation phase has truly entered. The first thing in the construction and renovation stage is to determine the plan.

All researchers and engineers in the institute joined the team and began to actively contribute their wisdom. With the addition of this group of people, the problem faced by the projection team of "only know how to use it, but not how to build it" is easily solved.

The researchers showed great enthusiasm for this matter, and together with the projection team, they determined the rough upgrade plan in just one day. So the construction team came in and started building new buildings. Orders were also sent to major precision equipment factories around the world, and they began to expedite the production of equipment that met the needs.

The power company also entered the scene and began to upgrade the circuits here at the institute. They brought in a new high-voltage line to supply the huge electricity consumption of a town after the upgrade was completed.

The entire construction and renovation period was set at 40 days. In addition to this, about ten days of redundancy were left.

Even if it is an upgrade rather than starting from scratch as originally thought, the time cannot be said to be tight. Fortunately, there were enough manpower and material resources available for deployment. Multiple teams came in at the same time and started construction at the same time, so that the scheduled goals were achieved within the time limit.

In addition to normal construction, security has also not been left behind.

We don't know what kind of intelligence capabilities the monsters have. We only know that we can't let the monsters know our true plan no matter what, which is to project the image of the magic eye on a cliff several kilometers away in a straight line. ——If they know, then they may then know about their own plan of suspended animation, which will cause all their actions to be meaningless.

After ensuring that the monsters did not have the ability to fly and could not observe themselves from high altitudes, Zhang Dingshan arranged for guards to start guarding all places where the research institute could be directly glimpsed from the surrounding mountains. In this way, the monsters cannot see what is going on here.

In the later stage, when the projection test actually begins, the equipment begins to be debugged, and when the final stage of projection actually begins, you can directly peek into the cliff and there will also be guards stationed in all directions. The purpose is to prevent the monsters from seeing the image of the magic eye there.

If you are on the plains, this may be difficult to do. But in mountainous areas with complex terrain, this is much easier. Because there are many mountains here, the hills here can act as natural shelters. In this way, hiding behind the mountain, the view will be blocked by the mountain. If you want to look over the top of the mountain to see here, you will be blocked by squatting guards. If you want to force your way in, it's even easier.

You hid and we couldn't find you. Now you dare to throw yourself into a trap. Doesn't that just save us trouble?

The monsters just bully the unarmed and defenseless civilians. Facing the guards who are loaded with live ammunition and on full alert, a single bullet can make them realize what modern weapons are.

During the intense upgrading and transformation process, Action Team 2 has reached two more time points where the guidance ceremony can be held.

Although Shu Changshan had already speculated that the monsters would not hold the ceremony until after his death, and they should choose to lie dormant during this period, the members of the second action team still did not dare to be careless, and still let Shu Changshan hold the ceremony and use their inspiration to sense whether there was anything so-called Fluctuations of "evil forces".

After all, maybe the monsters are convinced of our side's mentality and think that we will be careless, so they deliberately choose to hold the ceremony during this time period?

This has to be guarded against, and no opportunity can be left for them.

However, these two times, Shu Changshan found nothing, which made Lu Ming feel a little regretful.

During this period of time, Lu Ming did not participate in any actual work.

Lu Qingliang provided logistical support, Zhang Dingshan coordinated the overall situation, and He Wei coordinated security and confidentiality matters. Lu Ming became a spectator.

He watched everything with a cold eye, watching people busy and watching the upgrade and renovation project progressing step by step.

If this project of projecting the magic eye image according to Shu Changshan's request was a move by the opponent, then the opponent's true intention may be hidden in it.

The scientific system, not the true intention within the Cthulhu system.

Of course, this is just a possibility that is not very likely.

Because Lu Ming still doesn't know which of these two systems is the truth of the universe.

Time passed slowly like this. On this day, several members of the second operation team finally received a piece of news.

"All relevant equipment has been installed and debugged. The first actual test can be carried out."

Manager Wang, who reported the news to Zhang Dingshan, and the three projection team leaders looked tired but also full of joy.

In any case, this unprecedented project in human history is finally completed in his own hands.

——In terms of the size of the project, this project is really not that big. But to say it is unprecedented is true.

One can guarantee that no one has ever done this before.

From this moment on, the thousands of laser projectors installed in the Laser Research Institute, occupying tens of thousands of square meters, have been theoretically capable of projecting lengths on cliffs several kilometers away in a straight line. The ability to create huge images up to one kilometer and five hundred meters in height.

"Thank you for your hard work. Then, this evening, we will conduct the first field test."


Lu Ming looked calm, still alert, looking at everything around him, trying to find possible loopholes. He Wei looked happy.

I have been busy for such a long time, and now I finally have the results.

At this moment, her cell phone rang. When I took out my cell phone, I saw that the call was actually from the previous attending doctor of the human hospital.

"Chief He, I have something to report to you."

The attending doctor seemed to be in a low mood: "Patient No. 2 just passed away an hour ago. Her physical condition deteriorated to the extreme. We took all means at our disposal, including unapproved experimental treatments, but failed to save her. Her life. Towards the end of her life, we gave her an overdose of morphine to try to relieve her pain, but it didn't seem to be working. Ultimately, she died in excruciating pain..."

Only then did He Wei realize that the death row prisoner who had exchanged blood with Shu Changshan at the human hospital had only received experimental treatment at the human hospital with her consent. Now, when a person dies, the human hospital must of course report it to him.

Now it seems that this fate should have been borne by Shu Changshan. But through blood exchange, this fate was transferred to the death row prisoner. The only pity is that although Shu Changshan woke up as a result, he did not fully recover.

"Oh, someone died? It's so... such a pity."

He Wei said it was a pity, but the corners of her mouth turned up with a smile: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about it, I will communicate with the prison."

"Yes, yes, I'm so sorry..."

After hanging up the phone, He Wei looked at the sky and said to herself, "What good news."

After that, she looked at Zhang Dingshan: "Captain, how is Shu Changshan's situation?"

In the past two months, Shu Changshan's health has further deteriorated. At this moment, he was even thinner and his body was getting weaker. In the past, although his legs were paralyzed, the rest of his body was normal. Now, he can't even raise his arms too high, and he always looks weak when he speaks.

Zhang Dingshan shook his head: "It's not very good, but it looks like it can last for a while."

"There are still nineteen days left before the next time node. Is he... okay?"

"According to the doctors, there should be no problem. As long as his health doesn't suddenly deteriorate."

Zhang Dingshan said: "Bring him over in the evening."


Now, when the project is about to be accepted, it is time for Shu Changshan, the largest Party A, to come and check whether the project is qualified and suitable for use.

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