Shu Changshan, who looked haggard and had dry and gray hair, was pushed out of the ward, and several people worked together to push him into the helicopter cabin.

After being fixed, the helicopter took off with a roar and flew towards the direction of Nanli Laser Research Institute.

It didn't land, but kept hovering nearby.

There is no doubt that from the air, it is the best observation point to check whether the projection on the cliff is qualified.

He Wei was on the helicopter with several guards and medical staff carrying first aid equipment and medicines, accompanying Shu Changshan to ensure that any emergency situation could be handled immediately.

A temporary field hospital was specially placed less than five minutes away from the helicopter. Its purpose was to provide emergency treatment to Shu Changshan.

In any case, at this most important moment, nothing can happen to Shu Changshan.

His importance is well understood by everyone who knows about it.

"I'm in position."

At this moment, here at Nanli Laser Research Institute, Lu Ming nodded to Zhang Dingshan after receiving He Wei's report.

Zhang Dingshan turned around and looked at the array of laser projectors at different heights behind him.

Each of them is the size of a large box, with thick cables connected behind each one. There are hundreds of staff members busily shuttled among them, conducting a final check on their status.

Because the picture that needs to be projected is too large and it is impossible for a single projector to complete it, we can only choose this method and complete it through the combined efforts of the previous projector. During projection, each projector will only project a small part of the picture. Thousands of pictures are put together to form the final magic eye image.

This requires extremely high precision, angles, etc. Even if the projection angle of one of the projectors deviates even a thousandth of a degree, after amplification over a distance of several kilometers, the picture will be severely shifted, ultimately affecting the overall effect.

It is obviously an extremely difficult task to ensure that the images projected by these thousands of projectors are perfectly integrated into the final image.

But fortunately, the staff of the projection team can accurately control them through high-precision steering rudders and electronic systems, which can be regarded as solving this most difficult problem. But even so, people do not dare to take it lightly.

"Phalanx No. 1 is ready."

"Phalanx No. 2 is ready."

"No. 3..."

"No. 4..."

"The electronic control system is ready."

"The energy system is ready!"

The dozens of subsystems that make up this projection system have finally completed their last inspection. When the final results were reported to Zhang Dingshan, he looked at Lu Ming.

"Go ahead."

Lu Ming was silent, walked to the main console, took out a USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer.

The USB flash drive contains a high-precision picture of the CSK-9602 galaxy.

Prior to this, due to the need for confidentiality, the entire projection team, including the staff of Nanli Laser Research Institute, did not know what the final picture they would project was, and they did not know why they would do this and the significance of it. Where.

They just received the tasks issued by the second action team and simply completed the requirements. Everything else had nothing to do with them.

It was only at this moment that they finally realized that what these thousands of projectors needed to project was actually just a star map.

This star map is a high-definition image that Lu Ming specifically contacted the Yuanwang Space Telescope Base and obtained from them.

This space telescope has been in service for about six years. Among the space telescopes owned by human civilization, its performance ranks in the middle. Actual verification has proven that the CSK-9602 galaxy pictures taken by this telescope will not cause mutation at all.

Because these pictures have been published on the Internet a few years ago, anyone can download and view them, but there has never been any mutation event.

As for the clearest pictures taken by the Mercury Space Telescope, they are still in the strictest blockade stage at this time. Unless authorized by Operation Team 2 and the Planetary Security Bureau, no one may view or copy it.

In this way, the star map that cannot cause mutation in the first place, coupled with the reduction of accuracy again after projection, there is no need to consider the risk that this experiment may cause an unpredictable crisis.

This is a true reflection of Action Team Two's attitude towards Shu Changshan: "Listen to his words, watch his actions, but don't believe them all."

We can do what you ask for, but these things must be carried out only after possible risks have been eliminated.

In this way, even if Shu Changshan is really an undercover agent, he will not cause any unacceptable consequences to himself.

The picture stored in Lu Ming's USB flash drive is very large, several gigabytes in size. After the copy was completed in a moment, the staff imported it into the projection program and started processing it automatically.

This took several minutes. After that, it was divided into thousands of parts and transmitted to different projectors according to different numbers.

The electronic chip of the projector also started working immediately, adjusting the hardware according to different picture data, and was ready to convert the data into optical signals and project them out.


A person in charge of the projection project reported the results to Lu Ming. Lu Ming nodded and looked at Zhang Dingshan.

Zhang Dingshan's expression remained calm.


"Yes, start!"

The person in charge pressed the start button. Immediately, huge energy was transmitted to each projector through cables. The excited lasers, with different colors and intensities, poured out of the outlet like a flood and passed forward at the speed of light.

Under the dim sky, thousands of light beams of different colors immediately appeared in front of the projector array. However, these light beams did not extend too far, and they were no longer visible to the naked eye after leaving the array for about a hundred meters.

Lu Ming knew that this was because the air in Nanli Mountain was purer and there were fewer particulate matter.

The reason why people can see light pillars is because the tiny particles in the air reflect the light. If there are few particles and insufficient reflection, it will naturally not be visible.

The invisible light extended forward, projecting in a standard straight line onto the cliff several kilometers away. At this moment, a huge eye suddenly appeared.

This cliff is obviously unqualified as a curtain. Its surface is not flat, but uneven, and its angle is not the standard ninety degrees, but has many distortions. Especially since there is still a gentle slope below the cliff, not even a cliff anymore.

This will cause the image projected onto it to be extremely rough and difficult to see carefully. But at this moment, for He Wei, who was about two kilometers away from here in a straight line and in the air, the scene as a whole was still extremely shocking.

At this moment, it seemed as if the entire mountain had turned into a monster. It lay dormant on the earth, its body stretched with no end in sight. It only raised its huge head, revealing a single eye, silently watching the world in front of it.

At this moment, He Wei's heart quietly lifted, and her body tensed slightly, like a leopard full of strength.

Lu Ming has always been worried about whether excessive size will cause unpredictable risks. The answer to this question will soon appear.

She looked at Shu Changshan and saw that Shu Changshan's expression was extremely serious, so serious that he was even a little stiff. His body was trembling slightly, and his previously dull eyes were extremely sharp at this moment.

Well, Shu Changshan is bound to have some reaction. This is very reasonable and there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

She looked at the guards and medical staff around her again, and saw their faces full of shock, staring at the huge eye.

It's normal to have this reaction when you suddenly see such a shocking scene.

He Wei quietly observed them and found that there were no further changes, and her heart was slightly relieved.

At this moment, Nanli Laser Research Institute, the projector array, Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming were also closely observing the hundreds of technicians, logistics personnel and security team members present.

People here can also see that eye directly with their naked eyes.

Ever since that eye appeared, everything seemed to have been put on hold. Everyone stood there quietly, looking at the "eye" in the distance that seemed to have some magical power, feeling its vastness and mystery, and their minds were completely taken away by it. was just a shock, nothing else.

Lu Ming felt slightly relieved.

In order to ensure safety, in addition to choosing pictures from the Yuanwang space telescope instead of Mercury, and reducing accuracy through unqualified "curtains", Lu Ming also intentionally set the test time in the evening instead of late at night. .

During the day, the light is too strong and the images projected by the projector cannot be displayed at all. At night, all interference is lost, and Lu Ming is afraid that the projector picture will be too clear.

Put it in the evening, neither dark nor bright, just right.

The institute was quiet. After dozens of seconds, one person sighed.

"It's spectacular."

With this sigh, it was like a switch was pressed, and the venue instantly regained its vitality.

"Check all units!"

"Yes! Phalanx No. 1 is normal! Energy supply is normal! Equipment is operating normally!"

"The energy load is normal! The interface is normal!"


Everything is normal, no surprises at all.

The hard work of hundreds of technicians over the past few days clearly showed the results at this moment.

Next, we have to look at Shu Changshan.

At this moment, in the helicopter, Shu Changshan was still staring at this huge eye, motionless.

He Wei resisted the desire to ask him out loud and continued to wait patiently.

Suddenly, Shu Changshan's face turned red and his face began to become distorted. He Wei straightened up and held the pistol at her waist with one hand, her face full of solemnity and concern.

She stopped the medical staff who wanted to go forward to check, and just asked: "Mr. Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Shu Changshan coughed violently, coughing and coughing, and suddenly he spit out a large mouthful of blood. The next moment he slumped down, his body weak and slumped in the wheelchair.

"Mr. Shu? Mr. Shu?"

The medical staff wanted to step forward, but they saw Shu Changshan waved his hand feebly, indicating that he was fine. But his eyes never opened, and he made no other movements.

"He Wei, what's wrong with Mr. Shu? What happened?"

"Return! Return to base!"

He Wei gave an order first, and then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shu just vomited blood, and the situation is unknown at the moment. I will return to the base first."


Zhang Dingshan responded, and then said to the team leader: "The test is over. You need to inspect the equipment first."


After that, Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming hurriedly boarded the helicopter and hurried to the base.

"I hope he's okay, I hope there won't be any more troubles..."

Lu Ming thought silently in his heart.

Regardless of whether Shu Changshan was an undercover agent or not, Lu Ming did not want more changes to happen at this moment.

The two rushed to the base and saw that Shu Changshan had been sent to the emergency ward. After a long time, a doctor came out and said: "The patient's physical condition is very bad, but basically stable, and his life is not in danger for the time being. He is asleep now."

"Why are you vomiting blood?"

"The gastroscopy detected several bleeding points in the patient's stomach. It was gastric bleeding."

"Why the bleeding?"

"It is suspected of gastric ulcer, but we are not sure why there is gastric ulcer. This kind of disease should also be understood. It occurs under the combined effect of multiple factors."

He Wei gave up her plan to inquire further.

This kind of thing has no final result, and it is impossible to determine whether the gastric ulcer appears due to natural causes or some strange force, such as a curse.

The doctor left, and He Wei told the two people the details of what happened.

"It shouldn't be anything serious. Let's wait until he wakes up."

That's all it can do now.

Shu Changshan didn't wake up until the next day, but his condition was still very bad, listless and weak.

There was an oxygen tube under his nose, breathing oxygen.

"I underestimated the evil power of the evil eye. It was just a low-definition picture, but it brought me so much oppression."

Shu Changshan's face was full of bitterness.

"So...what's the impact?"

Shu Changshan sighed: "I'm afraid we only have this chance. I...I can feel that I won't live long, at most one month."

In the next month, only the time point of eighteen days can hold the guidance ceremony. If this opportunity is missed, Shu Changshan will die before the next time point comes.

"And... I didn't expect the pressure from the Demon Eye to be so great. I'm afraid you have to build a hospital on that cliff to sustain my life. Otherwise, under its pressure, I won't even be able to survive for a day. will die."

"Of course there is no problem in building a hospital. It's just...Mr. Shu, can you hold on until that day? On that day, will you...still be able to sense the monsters?"

Shu Changshan was silent for a moment, and then he said quietly: "I will try my best."

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