Paranormal incident investigation notes

Chapter 307 Search Mountain

Lu Ming could clearly feel that Shu Changshan obviously had little confidence in his judgment.

But, as he said, he tried his best, but he... he could only do his best.

At this stage, follow the previously planned route.

According to Shu Changshan's request, several helicopters roared off and flew to the cliff. They dropped some on-site survey and construction personnel and some equipment, and the construction of the temporary field hospital began.

People picked a gentle slope, and after it was slightly leveled, helicopters hoisted some steel plates and the like, and directly assembled steel houses here, followed by various medical equipment, consumables, supplies, oil, etc., just In just four days, a small field hospital was completed.

Shu Changshan was eventually moved here.

During these four days, the projection array conducted several more tests, and the technicians obtained a lot of valuable data. They are now further optimizing and adjusting them to make the equipment run more stably. However, the Demonic Eye was not projected at this moment.

So Shu Changshan didn't feel that kind of oppression again.

But even so, his physical condition was still irreversibly deteriorating.

Before the hospital bed, Zhang Dingshan, Lu Ming, and He Wei were all here.

Shu Changshan coughed twice weakly and smiled miserably: "When do you plan to start?"



Shu Changshan murmured: "Inject me with anesthesia and make me comatose. Wake me up again that night. The pressure of the magic eye is too strong. If I were awake, I might not be able to withstand it. I'm in a coma. A little better."

Zhang Dingshan was silent for a moment and said: "The doctor does not recommend anesthetizing you for such a long time. By then, you will most likely not be able to wake up at all."

His body was too weak and his condition was too bad. Even the medical team has stated that failure to wake up is a high probability event. Shu Changshan would die directly in a coma.

"It's okay. I understand my own situation. I will definitely be able to wake up on that day." He said slowly: "But... I can only wake up this time."

"Mr. Shu, you..."

"Cough cough, cough cough!" Shu Changshan coughed again and still smiled: "It doesn't matter, I already knew I wouldn't live long."

Judging from Shu Changshan's appearance, he was almost certain that even if he could wake up again, the best case scenario would be to survive the ceremony and complete this last mission, and then he would definitely die.

This opportunity, for our side... is really the last chance.

It's a pity that we don't have any means to force the monsters to hold the ceremony at this point, let alone have them all mobilize at this opportunity, so that we can catch them all without leaving any fish behind. There is simply no way for our side to ensure that our profits are maximized in this last opportunity.

If the monsters don't choose this time to hold the guidance ceremony, or only send out some members, then...

"Don't worry too much. Creatures like the Protoss... have a rather impatient personality. If they don't get guidance for a long time, they may go back. The monsters should also be anxious. We, we don't have any chance. No."

"hope so."

A doctor came in with a trolley with some medicine and a syringe on the tray.

Shu Changshan smiled weakly: "Okay, it's time for me to go to bed. Goodbye. Hope, hope... we can still, can meet again."

The doctor picked up the syringe, filled it with medicine, and injected it into Shu Changshan's body. His eyes slowly closed, and there was no movement at all, as if he was dead.

He did not, as he said at the beginning, project the image of the magic eye and then supplement it with certain rituals to completely cover up his aura.

According to him, the power of the magic eye exceeded his previous expectations. Moreover, the speed of his own deterioration exceeded his previous expectations. The combination of the two, making me weaker and weaker, and the breath of life getting weaker and weaker, plus the breath of the magic eye that exceeded expectations, was enough to achieve the goal, and there was no need to perform any more rituals.

Looking at Shu Changshan who was in a coma, Lu Ming had a complicated expression.

His feelings about Shu Changshan are indeed complicated. On the one hand, he always warned himself not to believe everything he saw before him, and to always be aware of the possibility that Shu Changshan was an undercover agent. On the other hand, looking at this frail old man, even though he has reached the end of his life, he is still thinking about completely destroying those monsters, but he can't help but feel more sad in his heart.

Even if he did this for his son, it is still understandable. After all, from an objective level, no matter what the reason, he has provided too much help to his side.

After gently leaving the ward and standing on the edge of the field hospital, the three of them looked at the laser projection array in the distance at the same time.

At this moment, the place is completely ready.

"Then...let's begin."

"Yes. Start!"

After receiving the order, the person in charge of the projection array immediately pressed the start button. After several days of debugging, the projector, which ran more stably, once again projected the image.

For a moment, that place was filled with dense light spots visible to the naked eye, which were very dazzling.

This is because your position is exactly on the path of the light beam.

Lu Ming turned around and saw that the cliff behind him, as well as the relatively small field hospital, were all covered in a layer of green and red colors. The colors are so blurry that no specific pattern can be seen at all.

It's like a person standing in front of an elephant, unable to see the entire elephant because he is too close.

At this moment, according to Shu Changshan, his life breath and the curse breath he carried have been covered up. Monsters can sense this through the inspiration in the dark.

If it goes well, the monsters will think Shu Changshan is dead.

However, we still need some cooperation from our own side. After all, once Shu Changshan is really dead, it is impossible for us to do nothing.

What would we do if Shu Changshan was really dead? What would we do now?

"Tune someone in."

Under Li Wenhua's coordination, an army of more than 5,000 troops was stationed here directly and temporarily obeyed Zhang Dingshan's deployment.

This army is a field army with rich experience in mountain and jungle combat. On the other hand, combat experience in mountainous jungles can also be considered as search experience in mountainous jungles.

Coupled with some private search forces organized by the local government, not counting logistics and support personnel, the total number of people directly involved in the search has exceeded 10,000.

In addition to people, there are also a large number of high-tech equipment such as drones and helicopters to assist in the search.

The Nanli Mountain District, which covers a total area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers, has been divided into more than 1,000 areas by the Soushan Command. On average, each area is allocated separately according to the different terrain and the difficulty of search. A team of five to twenty people is responsible for searching the area.

Zhang Dingshan gave an order, and these tens of thousands of people dispersed into the vast mountains, carefully searching for the "large and vicious criminal gang that had fled to the mountains for serial murder, organ trafficking, and human trafficking."

This is what he would do if Shu Changshan really died. After all, without Shu Changshan's guidance, the only way we can rely on to catch those monsters is to search the mountains on a large scale.

Now, Shu Changshan's aura is covered by the magic eye, and we seem to have no choice but to launch a large-scale search of the mountain. The monsters should not be suspicious again.

There is no way to deal with monsters with extremely high intelligence, this must be done.

However, Operations Team 2 also intentionally left loopholes.

The search team of more than 10,000 people seemed huge, but the number of people was still too small in the face of Nanli Mountain, which was so vast, had such complex terrain, and was so difficult to search.

If the target is an ordinary criminal, then it doesn't matter, even if the manpower is reduced by half. After all, people can't move so quickly, and they can't move quickly. If they have to make a fire to cook or sleep, they will leave many traces. You can catch them with a little search.

Monsters are different. In fact, until now, we still don't know how the monsters live in the mountains. After that night attack on the base, we didn't even find any trace of the existence of these monsters.

In this way, the mountain search team of more than 10,000 people appears to be very powerful and unwilling to give up, but in fact there are loopholes everywhere. There should be no way to have much impact on the monsters.

In other words, if the monsters really want to hold a ceremony at this time point, they can always find a way.

This is the planning intention of the second operation team.

It is necessary to search the mountain on a large scale so that the monsters will not be suspicious, but also to leave loopholes. The search cannot be so rigorous that the monsters cannot perform the ceremony at all.

The degree of this must be grasped. Because of this, after discussion, the number of people searching the mountain was set at around 10,000.

Of course, in addition to this, the second action team has other arrangements.

For example, manpower has been deployed to strictly guard the cliffs that serve as curtains, the Nanli Laser Research Institute, and other places where you can directly peek into the scene.

In this way, the search for the mountain began in a lively manner.

Several roads are full of vehicles, one supply point after another is filled with various supplies, radio waves are flying everywhere, drones and helicopters are roaring all the time, and there are many people who have to dig three feet into the ground to achieve what they want. posture.

Regarding this, He Wei was a little worried, but also slightly looking forward to it.

"I wonder if the monsters will attack the searchers..."

The command did not announce the truth. The people who participated in the search really believed that they were searching for a very large and vicious criminal gang. They also didn't know the true intention of Operation Team 2, and they didn't know to deliberately leave loopholes. From their perspective, they must be doing this very seriously.

In this case, even if they were prepared, their defense against monster sneak attacks would definitely be insufficient.

Lu Ming shook his head and reassured: "Each search team has almost half of the field army members, with high military quality and weapons. Moreover, judging from common sense, there is no need for the monsters to expose themselves at this time. Even if you want to take revenge on us, it would be a better choice to find a few small villages where no one is paying attention and kill people."

Just like the previous village that was slaughtered by the whole village.

"I hope so. Well... the mountain-searching team of more than 10,000 people, I wonder if they will really find the hiding place of those monsters."

Of course there is a certain probability of this. But Lu Ming knew that the probability was very low.

"It's a long shot."

He Wei nodded silently.

The mountain search operation was carried out vigorously. During this period of time, the projection array has been projecting the image of the magic eye onto the cliff without interruption. In the temporary field hospital under the cliff, Shu Changshan has also been in a coma.

Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, the scheduled time point arrived. However, the mountain search operation that lasted for nearly ten days did not yield any results.

On this day, Zhang Dingshan, Lu Ming, and He Wei met and arrived at the field hospital.

It was supposed to be the time to re-inject the anesthetic drug at this moment, but the injection was not continued today. Not only that, the medical team also adjusted some instrument parameters to help Shu Changshan wake up as soon as possible.

"The patient's condition is very poor. If he leaves the life support machine, he will not survive for even ten minutes. Now he is just barely surviving."

The doctor's tone was a little heavy: "Now, I'm not sure whether he can wake up."

Long before the plan started, several members of the second operation team already knew the result. But I have no choice but to do this, knowing that this is the case. I can only place my hope on luck.

While waiting in silence, Shu Changshan slowly opened his eyelids and looked at the ceiling blankly. His awakening was immediately reflected on the testing equipment.

After a quick check, the doctor's tone became more relaxed: "The patient is still unconscious at the moment. But this is a good thing. He should fall asleep again after that, and when he wakes up again, he will really wake up."

It's only noon now, it's still early before dark, and there's still time.

Sure enough, Shu Changshan fell asleep again. I woke up again at seven o'clock in the evening.

This time, he regained consciousness.

He seemed to be getting weaker, and even his speech was slurred. But luckily I am conscious.

"The time has come, has it come?"


"Okay, okay...huh..."

Several people were silent, watching the doctor start to work.

A helicopter with its cabin modified and life support equipment installed was parked nearby. The doctors carefully transferred Shu Changshan to the cabin. After confirming that Shu Changshan was not in an accident, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Given his physical condition, it would not be surprising at all if he really died during the transfer process. But fortunately, fate seems to be on his side this time.

This took about two hours. After that, after waiting for a while, the helicopter took off with a roar and came into the sky again.

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