Chapter 45 One is missing

Lu Ming knew that the previous vigorous mountain search operation with so many people recruited was just a foreshadowing. The real mountain search operation didn't begin until this moment.

The helicopter roared in the night sky. Looking down at the bright lights in the mountains, which were as bright as the reflection of stars, Lu Ming was speechless.

This is our last chance. It was the opportunity that Shu Changshan fought for at the last moment of his life at the cost of his life.

At this moment, there are still many people walking through Nanli Mountain, searching. But because it's night, the search intensity is always much lower than during the day.

Because there are many people who have not received professional training and are not suitable to work at night. At the same time, there are also many places with dangerous terrain that are simply inaccessible at night.

This is the second loophole intentionally left open by the second team for the monsters to exploit.

I just don't know if the monsters will use it in the end.

The helicopter roared and patrolled the night sky. The hour hand quietly pointed to ten o'clock in the evening.

From now on, the window time for holding the Guidance Ceremony has arrived. Monsters may start performing rituals at any time. It also means that Shu Changshan can start working.

In the cabin, Lu Ming, Zhang Dingshan, and three emergency personnel were waiting silently. In the comprehensive life support cabin, Shu Changshan closed his eyes and breathed gently, but there was no movement at all.

If the data on the brainwave monitoring and life monitoring equipment did not show that Shu Changshan was still awake at this moment, Lu Ming would have even thought that he was dead or had fainted.

"Mr. Shu, are there too many people now? Will it affect your inspiration?"

The three medical staff looked at their noses and hearts, as if they had not heard Lu Ming's words.

In fact, except for Shu Changshan's physical condition that required their intervention, they would pretend not to know anything else they saw and heard. And after the mission is over, it will not be mentioned to anyone.

Once the secret is leaked, the prison door will be opened for them immediately.

Shu Changshan, who had his eyes closed, raised his hand slightly and waved it, indicating that he would not.

Shu Changshan said before that because he was too close to death at the moment, his sensitivity of inspiration had been enhanced to the limit. He no longer needed to block or turn off radio contact, so he could clearly feel everything he needed to feel.

It's just that Lu Ming is still a little worried. In fact, he believed that even if he ordered the mountain searchers to give up the search temporarily at this moment, it would not arouse the monsters' suspicion anymore.

After all, the night is already deep.

Shu Changshan signaled no need, and Lu Ming said nothing.

Time passed quietly. Shu Changshan always lay there motionless. The bright spots in the mountains under the night sky began to gradually decrease.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

It lasted until about 2:30 in the morning. Shu Changshan, who had always had his eyes closed, suddenly opened them.

His eyes, which were already dim, cloudy, and dull, suddenly became brighter at this moment. He raised his arms as if struggling to sit up.

Above the integrated life support cabin, the numbers showing his heartbeat and blood pressure were rising rapidly. Three emergency doctors immediately came forward and tried to check his physical condition, but Shu Changshan raised his hand to stop him.

He panted and looked straight at Zhang Dingshan: "I, I sensed it."

What? !

Really feel it?

Before this moment, Lu Ming had even prepared that he would find nothing this night, and then Shu Changshan would be unable to hold on and die, and he would have to find another way to continue the investigation.

Thinking about defeat before winning, Lu Ming never expects his side to achieve a goal just because of good luck.

but now……

Are the monsters really so impatient that they couldn't wait to hold the guidance ceremony as soon as Shu Changshan died?

Or do they know enough about magical creatures like the protoss to know that the protoss can't wait any longer, so they have to hold the ceremony in such a hurry?

Regardless of these things, Shu Changshan finally sensed something at this moment!

"That, there, about ten...eighteen kilometers."

Shu Changshan gasped, raised his arms tremblingly, and pointed in a certain direction. Zhang Dingshan immediately said: "He Wei, take me as the base point, sixteen degrees east by north, eighteen kilometers."


Even late at night, among the helicopter formation that was always patrolling the mountains and rivers, ten helicopters quietly changed their course and flew in that direction.

The helicopter Lu Ming was on also changed its course and flew there as well.

A few minutes later, Shu Changshan opened his eyes again.

"There, nine kilometers away."

The closer the distance, the more sensitive and accurate his sensing becomes.

Zhang Dingshan once again informed He Wei of these data. In this way, constantly approaching and adjusting, the helicopter finally hovered in one place.

"There, about three kilometers away, it's unmistakable, right there. Well, such a strong evil force..."

Shu Changshan panted violently, his face turned dark red, his heartbeat quickly climbed to more than 110 beats per minute, and large beads of sweat flowed out of his forehead.

He seemed to be under extreme pressure.

The three medical staff still adhered to the principle of indifference. Except for making quick physical adjustments to Shu Changshan, they ignored everything else.

After completing this last guidance, Shu Changshan finally let out a long breath, and his body fell limply into the comprehensive life-support cabin.

The three doctors and nurses talked in low voices for a while. Finally, the leading doctor reported to Zhang Dingshanhui: "The patient is in danger now and may die at any time. I suggest returning to the base and rescuing the patient immediately."

Shu Changshan opened his eyes hard and his lips kept trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out, and he could only make some vague gurgling sounds.

Veins popped up in his arms. He groped and trembled, and grabbed Zhang Dingshan's arm with force.

The doctor said anxiously: "Rescue immediately, otherwise it will be too late!"

Zhang Dingshan sighed. He did not answer the doctor, but gently patted Shu Changshan's hand that was holding his arm tightly, and said in a deep voice: "We will stay here and not go back until the monsters catch us."

Shu Changshan's strong hand immediately relaxed and fell weakly into the life-sustaining warehouse. His whole body began to relax, but his facial muscles were still straining, and he kept his eyes open and refused to close them.

Lu Ming looked into his eyes and looked away, unable to bear to look any further.

He knew it very well. Shu Changshan knew his physical condition and knew that he would not survive. However, he refused to settle down until he received the news that the monsters had been wiped out.

He was holding on to his breath, waiting for the final news to arrive.

But... is his heart really like what he shows?

Lu Ming's heart was filled with complicated thoughts.

Because until this moment, he couldn't be sure whether Shu Changshan was really on his side.

At this moment, the location where the monsters will hold the ceremony has been determined. Next, it is the job of the arresters led by He Wei.

Like Shu Changshan, he can only wait for the final result to arrive.

At this moment, three kilometers away from the final determined position, more than a dozen helicopters with all lights turned off were hovering. More than two hundred fully armed soldiers descended quickly through abseil, and immediately entered stealth mode.

They carefully concealed their traces and movements and moved forward quickly.

Compared to the last operation, the guards acted more carefully this time. After all, this time is different from the last time. It can be said that we caught the monsters off guard last time, and attacked them with lightning speed without any defense.

This time, as long as the monsters are not stupid, they will definitely not be defenseless.

They most likely deployed security forces around the sacrificial site.

More than two hundred guards moved forward quietly separately, searching the surroundings as they walked, looking for possible monsters responsible for peripheral security tasks.

Further out, more than a thousand field army soldiers responsible for night search tasks also began to quickly gather here.

However, due to the distance, only a few people can reach the combat position in a short time.

In this silence, a soft ding sounded from the earphones. He Wei looked at the projection on the combat helmet and saw a red dot lighting up on the map several hundred meters away from her.

A warrior moving toward the center from that direction lights up his or her icon. And this means that he has made a major discovery.

At this moment, a major discovery almost only means one thing, that is, he discovered a hidden monster within his field of vision.

According to the plan and action plan, after discovering the monster, he should hide immediately and try not to be discovered by the monster. At the same time, he should light up the icon as soon as possible to inform his comrades about the matter. Then, the comrades will be more careful to avoid there to avoid being discovered by monsters.

The plan strictly prohibited the guards from opening fire on the monsters without permission. Because this will alert other monsters that have not yet been discovered by you. Only after confirming and locking all monsters can you fire together.

The warning sounds for finding one monster, two monsters, and more monsters are different. The warning sound at this moment means that there is only one monster.

He Wei's heart skipped a beat at first, and then, in addition to becoming more solemn, she also felt a little more joyful.

Really found a monster! The monsters really held a Guidance Ceremony tonight!

Although Shu Changshan said that he sensed it, who can be sure until the monster is actually discovered?

Before that, we were worried about two issues. First, the monsters are not performing their ritual tonight. Second, the monsters held a ceremony tonight, but not all of them came.

At this moment, at least I don't have to worry about the first problem.

"I hope the monsters are all here..."

He Wei thought silently in her heart.

At this moment, Zhang Dingshan also saw the lit icon in the helicopter. He looked at Shu Changshan and whispered: "The first monster has been found."

Where there is a first head, there is a second head, and there are more heads.

Shu Changshan's eyes moved, but he didn't speak or make any other movements.

At this moment, he may not be able to do any other actions.

In the dark jungle, the guards wearing low-light night vision devices carefully avoided the place where the monster was. While still moving forward, they carefully searched everything around them.

After a moment, another ding came into He Wei's ears.

The second monster was discovered.

Then the third head, and the fourth head.

At this moment, a total of four red dots appeared on the map. They are located in four directions around the core area. At least from a warning point of view, the monsters' arrangements were reasonable.

After the fourth red dot was lit, there was no sound again. He Wei continued to move forward, and it took almost an hour to cross the distance of only about three kilometers.

At this moment, our side finally lurked near the core area.

According to Shu Changshan, it takes about two hours to hold a sacrificial ceremony. After the sacrifice is completed, even if you kill them all, it will be of no use.

At this moment, half of the time has been consumed.

At the beginning, a total of twenty-eight people in Zhou Tianyang's team mutated into monsters. Among them, eleven monsters were killed by our side in the last raid, which means there are still seventeen monsters left.

We had previously locked four monsters on the outer perimeter, so under the most ideal situation, there should be thirteen monsters in the core area.

In this way, all the monsters are present. As long as we kill them all, this operation will be fully successful. There is even hope that this case will be concluded.

It is a matter for scientists to explore whether the truth of the universe is a scientific system or a Cthulhu system, and there is no rush. They can study it slowly in the future.

Our mission at this moment is just to destroy monsters and eliminate the crises and hidden dangers facing the human world. However, as long as all the monsters are killed, this goal will be achieved.

At this moment, He Wei couldn't help but start praying silently in her heart. She was eagerly looking forward to seeing thirteen monsters in the core area, not one of them missing.

With this mentality, she looked at the core area through the low-light night vision device.

The first thing that caught her eyes was still the same as the last encirclement and suppression operation, the huge and strange eyes. After starting to search around this statue-like thing, He Wei immediately saw the shadows of the monsters.

The small head and ferocious body are worshiping around this statue...

One head, two heads, three heads...nine, ten, eleven, twelve...

As he counted, He Wei became more and more excited.


What about after twelve?

He Wei suspected that she had counted wrongly, so she counted again more carefully. The result was twelve heads.

She glanced at the number of other warriors observing and reporting from other angles. The number twelve is also clearly displayed on it.

Viewed from various angles, they are all twelve. This eliminates the possibility of miscounting or omission.

However, there are still thirteen monsters left. Why are there only twelve here?

So where did the last monster go?

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