Paranormal incident investigation notes

Chapter 309 A fish slipped through the net

Killing them all, and missing one monster, are two completely different endings. Even if annihilating all the monsters is worth 100 points, as long as one monster is missing, the score will drop to only 30 points, or even 20 points!

It doesn’t even count as passing!

This kind of monster is too dangerous, has too many hidden dangers, and is too good at hiding. God knows what they can do if someone slips through the net. Maybe it can create more monsters, and then once again perform rituals in places where it is not aware of, providing guidance to the protoss!

Did the only monster not participate in this ritual, or did he also participate, but his hiding place was not discovered by his side?

If it is the former, there is nothing we can do. But if it was the latter, it clearly participated in this ceremony, but it was allowed to slip through the net because we failed to find it. This is absolutely unacceptable to He Wei.

This is an unforgivable mistake and mistake!

Now, the only thing we can do seems to be to search the surrounding area again and find the fish that slipped through the net without alerting the monsters.

However, one hour and ten minutes have passed. In about fifty minutes, the ceremony will be over.

Fifty minutes is too late.

He Wei's heart beat loudly.

A decision must be made immediately at this moment, but what should we do?

At this moment, Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming both looked serious in the helicopter cabin, which had been temporarily away from the core area to avoid alerting the monsters.

Zhang Dingshan first looked at Shu Changshan who was trying to open his eyes.

"We have only found a total of seventeen monsters, and there is still one monster that has not been found. Mr. Shu, I wonder if you can find it?"

Shu Changshan's face trembled for a few times, then relaxed again without any expression.

He must understand the dire consequences if a monster escapes the net. But at this moment, he seemed to have no way to deal with this matter. What's more, with his physical condition at the moment...even if there was a way, he couldn't tell.

At this moment, I can only solve this matter by myself.

Lu Ming frowned and his thoughts began to spin rapidly.

What to do, what to do...


Lu Ming suddenly raised his head.

"I have a solution!"

At this moment, he was even out of breath: "If that monster really comes to participate in the ceremony and performs a vigilance mission, I have a way to find it! But if the monster doesn't come at all, I have no choice. "

Zhang Dingshan said in a tone that left no doubt: "Seventeen monsters are here, there is no reason why the last monster is not participating! It is very likely that it is also here, but we didn't notice it!"

"Okay, then follow this!"

He immediately switched to the combat channel.

"All combatants listen to the order! Immediately lock on all monsters within sight and ensure that once the order is received, they can fire immediately and kill the monsters immediately!"

He didn't hear a "yes" reply, only radio wave signals representing "yes" came back one by one.

"Captain! You assign those thirteen monsters to the soldiers."

Lu Ming did not have time to communicate with Zhang Dingshan in detail, so he directly overstepped his authority and issued instructions to Zhang Dingshan. Zhang Dingshan agreed immediately without any hesitation.

"He Wei, listen to me. Here's the method. I looked at the positions of the four monsters responsible for peripheral security and found that there was a large gap in the northeast. From the perspective of security, the last monster was in that direction. It’s the most reasonable and possible!”

There was silence in the headset, and no voice from He Wei came out. But he knew He Wei was listening carefully.

"But just knowing the general direction is not enough. I know we don't have enough time to search there. Now, you have to do this. I want you to take the initiative to expose yourself in the northeast while avoiding the monsters that have been discovered on both sides!

Every time you are exposed, you must determine in advance from which direction and angle you will be discovered. If there is no change after one exposure, immediately change to another position and be exposed again!

If that monster spots you, it will definitely sound an alarm, and the monster group will definitely react. In this way, you can roughly determine the location of the last monster! "

He Wei perked up. After thinking for a moment, she realized that although this method had some drawbacks, at this moment, it was the only method she could use.

She pressed the button and silently sent a received signal to the rear. After that, she quietly turned around and moved quickly to the northeast.

In less than ten minutes, she had already moved to the predetermined location. After briefly observing the surrounding terrain, she confirmed that if she were to be exposed at this location, she would only be found on the cliff on the left and the woods on the right.

She was fully alert and took the initiative to stand up slowly.

Once you stand up, all disguise is lost. This is a very simple truth.

However, no movement was heard. The combat channel was still quiet, and no one reported any unusual movements from the monsters.

This means that there are no monsters that can find him in this area.

She was not discouraged and moved her position again. After confirming the surrounding terrain, she stood up again and exposed her figure to the surrounding environment.

This time too there was no movement.

She began to shift position again.

There is a gentle slope ahead, and there is a low cliff next to the gentle slope. This time, she planned to go around the short cliff and show herself to the other side.

She crawled forward quietly, trying not to make any noise. When she finally arrived quietly, she stood up slowly and slowly leaned out to the other side of the short cliff.

At this moment, under the low-light night vision device, she suddenly saw something like a tree covered with sharp leaves.

At this moment, even with He Wei's state of mind, she couldn't help but be slightly startled. The next moment, the tree-like thing seemed to notice the movement behind it and turned around suddenly.

Then, a figure of a monster with a small head, dark skin, and ferocious bone spurs appeared in front of He Wei.

He Wei's head buzzed, her blood rushed instantly, and her heart beat violently. Almost subconsciously, she picked up the gun and pulled the trigger. At that time, the monster let out an extremely sharp and ear-piercing howl.

The silent night was pierced by this shrill howl at this moment. Immediately afterwards, a violent clicking sound began. Along with the rattling sound, there was also He Wei's roar that was so sharp that it seemed to break the sound.


This order was instantly transmitted to the ears of all the soldiers participating in the battle. At the same time, the monsters that had been targeted by the guards stood up straight no matter where they were, as if they had heard some call from somewhere.


The guns that had already locked onto the monsters started to rage at the same time. The overwhelming bullets surged forward in an instant. A dozen monsters were torn apart by powerful bullets before they had time to react. A few monsters tried to escape, but before they could escape a few steps, they were also killed by a few bullets.

The battle between those sixteen monsters ended just as it started, even faster than the last battle.

Only here, He Wei suddenly met on a narrow road. After letting out a sharp howl, the monster suddenly slapped He Wei on the head, leaving traces on the tough helmet. He Wei was even dizzy, and the gun in his hand was gone. Can aim.

But even so, a few of the bullets that poured in still hit it accurately. A liquid of unknown color suddenly splashed out, mixed with the monster's increasingly painful howl. The next moment, the monster turned around and began to escape deep into the dense forest.

"Depend on!"

Ignoring the dizziness in his head, He Wei raised the gun and fired again. The monster dodged left and right deftly, but not a single bullet hit it. After tossing and turning, the monster almost left He Wei's sight.

He Wei's heart sank suddenly.

No matter what, we can't let this monster escape. No matter what the cost, keep it.

This time is our last and best chance to destroy the monster. If you miss this opportunity, you will really not be able to find them in the future.


He Wei took big strides and tried her best to catch up. But she soon discovered that even injured monsters were still physically capable of crushing humans. It is impossible to catch up with it simply by chasing it. In desperation, He Wei had no choice but to chase for a while, then slowed down slightly and aimed and fired while running.

The monster is too sensitive. Unless it makes a sudden attack, you may not be able to hit it even if you aim while lying down. It is even more impossible to shoot while running at this moment.

But He Wei never thought that she would be so lucky. There was only one thing she was thinking about at the moment.

Even if I can't hit you, I still have to interfere with your escape. I can't let you run so fast, and I can't let you get out of sight!

Sure enough, once He Wei fired, the monster had to move around, change direction, and even make evasive movements, which greatly affected its speed. In this way, although He Wei had a hard time chasing, he still stayed behind the monster and never let it out of his sight.

"Report! Sixteen monsters have been killed!"

On another battlefield, the guards cleaned the battlefield and immediately tallied the results. But this result did not make Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming feel any excitement.

Even Shu Changshan, who was lying in the comprehensive life support cabin unable to move, seemed to have his eyes opened a little wider at this moment.

Killing sixteen monsters is even worse than not killing a single monster!

After all, if a monster has not been killed yet, it at least means that one's side has not launched an attack yet, and there is still hope of annihilating all monsters. At this moment, the attack has been launched, but only sixteen were killed and one was lost. What will happen next?

In this exam, it can even be said that you will either get 100 points or zero points!

There is no middle option.

Lu Ming stood up instantly and threw himself on the battlefield plan. He immediately saw the figure representing He Wei moving quickly.

Zhang Dingshan said in a deep voice: "He Wei is still chasing the monster, we still have hope. Order all surrounding mobile forces to immediately move to He Wei's position and reinforce He Wei!"

At this moment, Zhang Dingshan knew very well that the biggest significance of He Wei's continuous pursuit of the monster was not whether she could kill the last monster that slipped through the net with her own strength. Because that's unlikely to be possible.

The greatest significance is that He Wei's constant pursuit can use himself as a mark to mark the monster's location to his comrades!

What one fears most is never the monster's combat power. No matter how powerful it is in combat, a single gun can knock it down. What our side fears most has always been the monsters' ability to hide themselves.

Once it is hidden, you will never find it!

Now, as long as the monster's location is marked, are you still worried that you won't be able to kill it?

"Captain, shall we go there too?"

Lu Ming was full of anxiety.


The helicopter immediately turned around and roared towards He Wei's position. At the same time, there were many helicopters converging there in the sky.

After a while, the position of our own aircraft coincided with the light spot representing He Wei. Lu Ming immediately looked down and saw that there were dense tree crowns below. The branches and leaves of the trees combined to cover the entire terrain below, making it impossible to see anything.

He knew clearly that He Wei was chasing the monster below, but he couldn't see anything.

Lu Ming looked at Zhang Dingshan and saw that Zhang Dingshan was looking closely at the battlefield plan and said solemnly: "He Wei has been running in this direction. The monster should be in front of her. The order is to use He Wei as the base point and shoot indiscriminately. He Wei is ten to fifty meters away in front of him!"

If the distance from He Wei is less than ten meters, He Wei may be accidentally injured. Also, it is unlikely that He Wei is so close to the monster. Because if she was so close, she should be able to hit the monster.

After all, we know very well how good He Wei's marksmanship is.

Similarly, the monster should not be more than fifty meters away from He Wei. Because it's more than fifty meters, it's too far away, and it's like losing track.

Ten meters to fifty meters is an appropriate range.

Da da da da da…

A total of five helicopters that arrived early followed Zhang Dingshan's order and immediately began strafing. In an instant, branches and leaves flew everywhere below, and gravel splashed everywhere.

As He Wei's position moved, the range of the helicopter's strafing movement also moved, always keeping the attack range ten meters in front of her.

But the next moment, He Wei's direction suddenly changed.

This obviously means that the monster's escape direction has changed, and He Wei's pursuit direction will change. And why does the monster's escape direction change?

It could only be because it was avoiding its own attack. It also means that our attack failed to kill it!

"Continue the attack!"

The helicopter flew slowly and attacked fiercely. And based on the current direction, about a hundred meters further, the trees became sparse. Three hundred meters away, a large area of ​​grass was exposed.

Once the monster is forced in there, without the obstruction of the trees, you can directly see the monster and launch an attack directly!

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