Without the cover of the trees, no matter how strong or fast the monster is, it is just a living target when faced with the helicopters shooting down from the sky, and there is no way to escape.

Just force it out of the woods. As long as it is forced out of the woods, this action will be successful!

In the dense forest, He Wei, who was running quickly and shooting in a standard posture, trying to improve the accuracy as much as possible, had a faint look of enthusiasm in her eyes at this moment.

Compared with physical strength, even if the monster is injured, he cannot compare. Compared with the single combat power, even if you have a gun in your hand, it is difficult to hit it.

It is almost impossible to kill this monster by yourself!

The only way is to force it out of the woods and kill it with the help of external forces. This was exactly the tactic that He Wei had decided on from the very beginning. Now, this set of tactics of mine is about to succeed!

The monster can just run a few dozen meters more!

But at this moment, in He Wei's eyes, the monster suddenly stopped.

He Wei didn't hesitate and hit it with a single shot. The monster's body moved suddenly and started to avoid again. But after evading this time, it still didn't continue to escape as before.

At this moment, the roar of helicopters came from the sky more and more. I don't know how many people and helicopters have gathered here. The bullets splashing down from the sky were like thunderstorms, breaking the branches and leaves of trees and flying gravel. But because there was no good vision, these bullets did not hit the monster. At most, they only restrained it, preventing it from moving at will.

It is foreseeable that once there is no cover of the woods, it will be attacked violently.


It seemed to realize that it would lead to a dead end if it continued to move forward.

So, what will it do? What would you choose?

He Wei was shooting calmly while thinking rapidly in her head. But before she could think of a result, the monster suddenly turned and began to rush toward her!

"It wants to kill me first and then run away? Is it because I'm here and it can't run away at all? No! No! Even if it kills me, it can't run away! It's already injured! Its body keeps bleeding. With traces, so many people, and such rigorous searches, we can always find it!

From the beginning, it couldn't run away and I kept chasing it. Now, it's impossible for it to run away again! Even if we don't force it out of the forest, it is already dead! There is no way out!

It's about venting anger! It's trying to hold me back! "

Suddenly realizing the situation, He Wei calmed down more and more.

It was his desperate pursuit and the threat of the firearm in his hand that slowly brought the situation to this stage, slowly driving the monster to death.

I'm afraid that at the beginning, the monster didn't expect that the situation would turn out like this. Otherwise, it won't run at all in the beginning, and will directly rush up and fight with you.

If you kill yourself and then run away, no one will be able to pinpoint its location.

But, by now, it's too late.

He Wei stood still, facing the monster that kept changing its position, and kept shooting. Although she failed to hit it, it forced the monster to never get close to her.

However, the number of bullets is limited. The monster didn't seem particularly eager to get close to him and kill him at the moment.

It is deliberately consuming its own bullets! It can be predicted that once you run out of bullets, you will immediately receive a thunderous strike from it!

At this moment, in the sky.

Realizing that the light spot representing He Wei no longer ran, but stayed at that position, Zhang Dingshan immediately said: "Stop shooting! Land for support!"


Taking a helicopter, the first batch of more than fifty guards who arrived immediately began to slide down the rope hanging from the helicopter. It would only take a few minutes at most for them to reach the location of the light spot.

"The shooting has stopped! Support will be here soon! Three minutes at most!"

As long as he survives these three minutes without dying in the hands of this monster, it will be impossible for him to kill him again.

But...there are not many bullets left. The monster's persecution became more and more fierce, forcing He Wei to consume a large amount of bullets at all times to ensure that it did not get close.

"Oh shit!"

After another shooting, He Wei had to stop relying on bullets to keep the monster away. She put away the gun in her hand and took out a charcoal-black dagger from her waist. Instead of running away, she fiercely rushed towards the monster.

Don’t retreat but advance!

"Either you die or I die!"

The monster howled and rushed towards He Wei fiercely.

At the moment when the two sides were about to get close, He Wei ducked to the side to dodge. At the same time, he stretched out his arm and slashed the monster's waist with the special dagger. The monster also made almost the same reaction at the same time. It also dodged, and then the bone knife that its arm turned into slashed hard at He Wei's chest and abdomen.

In the flash of lightning, He Wei raised her arm to shield herself.

She knew very well that the monster's bone knife was extremely sharp. At the temporary base, the bone knife of Experimental Subject No. 1 can even cut that special rope!

But this knife failed to cut off He Wei's arm. When the two intersected, they just made a loud bang.

The stab-proof and body-proof vest worn by He Wei has ceramic gaskets on the arms, chest and abdomen, back, legs, etc.!

Although this knife cut open the bulletproof fiber, it was eventually blocked by the ceramic gasket.

On the contrary, He Wei's knife gave her a clear feeling that something had been cut.

The two figures missed each other. Regardless of the severe pain in his arm - although the monster's bone knife was blocked by the ceramic gasket, its power was real. Judging from the pain level, He Wei suspected that she had a slight bone fracture - He Wei immediately turned around and looked at the monster again, and saw that there was a gap in the monster's waist, and an unknown color of liquid also began to flow. come out.

"Come again!"

He Wei roared and lunged forward again.


The monster also howled and rushed forward fiercely.

This time, the two were fighting together.

During the fierce hand-to-hand fight, He Wei didn't know how many blows she had received. She only knew that if it weren't for the body armor and gaskets protecting her, she would have been cut into pieces by the monster at this moment. And, if it weren't for the special dagger in his hand, I might not even be able to cause any damage to it.

Even the strongest human beings, without adequate technological equipment for protection, are helpless against this monster! And this was after this monster had been injured by him before and its combat power was greatly reduced!

Fortunately, with enough deft fighting movements, He Wei was not restrained by the monster at this moment. Otherwise, we will have no choice but to be slaughtered by others, and even body armor will be of no use at that time.

Gritting his teeth, He Wei saw an opportunity, suddenly stretched out his foot, and kicked the monster hard. As expected, the monster also kicked out, directly hitting her abdomen.

The monster's body only swayed slightly, but He Wei was kicked away directly, and then fell heavily to the ground, next to the previously discarded firearm.

He Wei clearly realized that she could not be the opponent of this monster in hand-to-hand combat. Not even injured monsters. Even if he ran away, he wouldn't be able to outrun this monster.

It might be another minute or two before support arrives. But according to the current situation, I simply can't last a minute or two!

Maybe the next second, he will be beaten to death!

Sure enough, He Wei, who was hit on the ground, could clearly see that the monster was full of ferocity, roaring and rushing towards her violently.


This blow will definitely kill the hateful human being in front of him!

She has a gun with her, so what? There are no bullets in the gun! Otherwise, why did she throw away the gun before?

I can't run away, but even if I die, I will hold you on my back and let us all die together!


The next moment, it saw that the human who had smashed it on the ground quickly picked up the gun that had been thrown away before, and raised it very standardly and quickly, aiming at it.

A gun without bullets? aim?

It realized something. But at this moment, it was charging too hard. It was too late to adjust the posture temporarily. So, the next moment, it was shocked to see that the gun that should have been out of bullets was clicked again at this moment.

A bullet flew out and penetrated directly into his head.

The power surged away like a flood that had opened its gates. Before he could reach that abominable human being, his body fell down weakly. It only felt that its limbs were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it couldn't even move.

Me, I was actually deceived by her...

If I knew she still had bullets, I wouldn't have taken it so lightly...

The next moment, consciousness dissipates.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

He Wei gasped and used the gun as a crutch to stand up. While coughing violently, he staggered forward and came to the side of the monster.

This time, there are really no bullets.

She didn't dare to leave too many bullets. After all, this monster's IQ is too high. There is a high probability that he knows the magazine capacity of this firearm and how many bullets he has fired before.

Leave one behind, and there is still hope to cover up the past by fishing in troubled waters. Leave too much behind and loopholes will inevitably be noticed.

Throwing away the firearm, He Wei raised the dagger in her hand, used the weight of her body to pierce the monster's chest with maximum force.

The hard carapace was severely penetrated by the dagger. After that, He Wei sat paralyzed next to the monster, pulled out the dagger with all her strength, and stabbed it hard again, and so on.

After stabbing him a dozen times and confirming that the monster was too dead to die, He Wei softened and fell next to the monster.

She was panting violently, unable to make any more movements at this moment.

Chaotic and rapid footsteps came from the side. In a moment, several guards, also fully armed and holding guns in their hands, appeared in her field of vision, blocking the dark night sky and tree canopy above.

After a quick check, she heard a guard yelling into the intercom: "Sergeant He is still alive! It's okay! The monster has been killed!"

He Wei's vision gradually blurred. An extreme fatigue surged through her body, causing her to close her eyes unconsciously. I wanted to open my eyes again, but my consciousness disappeared silently.

She fell into a coma with peace of mind.

Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming, who came after him, felt greatly relieved after confirming that He Wei was fine and that the last monster had been killed.

He Wei was put into the helicopter and transported to the temporary base as quickly as possible. Zhang Dingshan and Lu Ming returned to the helicopter they were on and issued the order to return immediately.

Shu Changshan still opened his eyes wide.

Zhang Dingshan squatted on the ground, looked at him, and said solemnly: "The last monster has been killed."

Shu Changshan's eyes suddenly burst into an indescribable color. He made a coughing sound in his throat, not knowing what to say.

Lu Ming sighed and whispered: "We will keep our promise. Your son will grow up safely, follow the right path, not take the evil path, and live his life in peace and contentment."

The sound in Shu Changshan's throat suddenly disappeared. The corners of his mouth turned up, like a smile. After that, the look in his eyes disappeared, slowly closed, and there was no more movement.

Next to him, on the life monitoring instrument, the line representing the heartbeat suddenly flattened out, with no ups and downs.

Three medical staff rushed over, one performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him, and the other two hurriedly adjusted the equipment.

Lu Ming sighed slightly.

He knew that Shu Changshan was really dead and could not be revived.

"We have long said that as long as he is willing to help us, no matter what the outcome is, no matter whether he can catch the monster or not, he will keep his promise... He actually doesn't need to, there is no need to wait until now."

Zhang Dingshan was silent and did not speak.

The helicopter landed in the temporary base. He Wei had already arrived first and was sent to the emergency room for examination.

About half an hour later, a doctor came out and reported: "Sergeant He is fine. He just has a few scratches, bruises, and minor bone fractures. He will be fine after a period of rest. He is just too tired now. Go to sleep." ”

The two men breathed a sigh of relief again.

After waiting for a while, the helicopter returned again and brought back all the corpses of the monsters. After being inspected by experts, they were placed together with the corpses of the eleven monsters killed in the previous operation.

In the morgue, a total of twenty-eight broken monster corpses were fixed there like specimens.

Lu Ming and Zhang Dingshan stood here, looking at the corpses intently, each in silence.

Not so long ago, they were just normal humans.

Twenty-eight people, twenty-eight monsters.

A lot of them, they are all here.

There is still one alive, but it is also under strict surveillance by our side and it is impossible to escape.

So...is this incident over?

Zhang Dingshan looked at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming's expression was complicated. He seemed to be thinking about something, or just in a daze. For a long time, facing Zhang Dingshan's questioning eyes, he shook his head.

"I have no idea."

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