Part-time BOSS

Chapter 498 Dragon Slaying Brothers

boom! Boom boom!

Explosions came one after another, and the red dragon swooped down, spraying deadly flames.

On the towers around Longshang Castle, anti-aircraft ballistas were also firing desperately into the air.

Ballistas and fireballs were flying all over the sky, and thousands of adventurers were attracted by the reward orders issued by Roland and joined the battle.

Especially those players who have advanced to the level of Dragon Thunder Knight, they regard this battle as a great opportunity to increase the reputation of the Knights, and jump into the battle risklessly.

Not only can you get rewards by participating in the defense battle, but the materials on the red dragon that you defeated are also quite valuable, not to mention the ancient red dragon that led the attack. If you can defeat this world BOSS, you can drop legendary equipment. of.

It's a pity that the ancient red dragon never had the intention to come down to join the battle. He just let a few adult red dragons lead a group of young dragons to attack.

This wave of offensive ended quickly. Dozens of dragons were killed and injured, most of them were baby dragons. Dragon Shang Castle also suffered a lot of casualties.

Both sides took the time to repair and prepare for the next battle.

In one morning, the dragon group had launched three air attacks. Except for the first wave, which was unprepared and was beaten a bit miserably, the subsequent two waves were perfectly defended.

Without it, with free cannon fodder like adventurers, the casualties of the Knights can be greatly reduced.

Taking advantage of the break in the battle, Roland also began to inspect the castle.

"Lord Roland, those dragons are going to attack again."

"Prince Anvilmar, is the anti-aircraft firepower still enough?"

"Don't worry, I learned some new techniques when I was in Ironforge, and I will use them this time. I can definitely give those big lizards some color."

"Well done, brave adventurers. You tenaciously resisted the attack of the evil dragon. The Dragon Knights will never forget your contribution. When the dragon disaster is over, Prince Aidan will definitely reward you."

After a round, the morale of the defenders of Longshang Castle was high.


The roar of dragons sounded again in the sky, and Roland looked towards the sky. This time, blue dragons and green dragons appeared in the invading dragon group, and their size more than doubled.

The ancient red dragon even personally led the group of dragons to attack, and overwhelming flames fell down.

"Lord Roland, we can't stand it for much longer. We must find the captain for support." A first-generation dragon thunder knight shouted.

"No! You must not do this." Roland looked at the battle in the sky with a solemn expression, "Don't you guys feel it yet? This is a trap. The dragons are not using all their strength to attack. They are putting pressure on us. If we If your guess is correct, their purpose is to lure the leader back and then ambush him.

We must not let these evil dragons succeed, and we must not put Lord Aidan in danger. "


After the tower in the corner of the castle was bombarded by the ancient red dragon, its durability finally reached zero and collapsed.

The ancient red dragon took the opportunity to get close to the ground and spit out bursts of flames.

At this moment——

boom! A bolt of lightning suddenly hit it. The damage was not too high, but it shocked it.

This thunder boosted the morale of the knights.

"Look to the sky!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

I saw the howling wind, and a huge storm was gradually forming, quickly covering the sky of the castle. The dark clouds blocked the sun. The rolling thunder kept flashing in the storm, and the wind element was constantly derived. The strong wind blew the young dragons away. They sway in the storm like leaves falling in the wind.

Thunder and lightning continued to fall. Although the environmental damage was limited, the continuous thunder still caused a big blow to the dragon group.

It even fell into chaos.

Anvilmar took the opportunity to give an order, and a burst of artillery fire was fired into the air, knocking down more than a dozen dragons.

Seeing that his army suffered heavy losses, the ancient dragon roared unwillingly and finally retreated again.

"It's the power of the Storm Dragon!"

"It's Captain Aidan who appears!"

There was a burst of cheers from the city wall.

Roland also breathed a sigh of relief, "The leader already knows what happened here. I'm not sure whether he will come back. All we can do is to guard this castle for the leader. Please cheer up, those evil dragons I won’t give up just yet.”

"Lord Roland, the Dragon Knight has discovered that a large number of monsters have appeared near the castle. The number exceeds 10,000 and is still increasing. They seem to be coming towards us."

Roland's expression suddenly became solemn. The dragon group's air attack now included an army of monsters.

It seems that the other party is bound to take over this castle and force the leader to come back.

It seems that we have to think of something.

"Go to the kings of Alterac for help. As members of the Alterac Federation, they have the responsibility to support us."

The request for help went smoothly. As the messengers for help were sent, several kings sent their own troops to increase their numbers. At the same time, they each recruited a large number of adventurers in their own cities to join this 'dragon disaster'. Dragon Shang Castle has become the focus of players.

The dragon army attacks the Kingdom of Alterac. This kind of big scene is definitely a good place to mix experience and equipment.

At the same time, Murphy, who was on the endless sea, also received battle reports from several brothers.

Zhu Genbao (King of Alterac): "Brother, you are in big trouble. All five major dragon clans have arrived outside Longshang Castle, but only a small number of red dragons, blue dragons and green dragons have been sent to the scene. The remaining dragons are hiding in the nearby mountains and forests. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least a thousand dragons, and there are more than a hundred adult dragons alone."

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "How do you know?"

Zhu Genbao (King of Alterac): "The forums are all going crazy. The Dragon Covenant forum is all about this dragon disaster. The five dragon kings have issued a killing order, declaring you to be the guardian dragon of all dragons. Enemies who kill you can directly gain rank promotion and the Dragon King's blessing. Ordinary dragons can directly gain the status of dragon lords, and lord dragons can directly ascend to become legion consuls.

Now all the players who play Dragon Clan are going crazy. They are just waiting for you to come back so that they can take your head. You must not come back. "

Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "How is Dragonsorrow Castle? Can it still be defended?"

Victor (Crow King): "Don't worry, brother, we will help you defend the city. I have sent all the jackdaw shooters to support you, and also called five thousand adventurers to join the battle."

Invincible Sand Sculpture (King of South China Sea): "I also summoned more than 4,000 adventurers, and also sent the marines from my South China Sea Kingdom."

Darkseid (King Disi): "My Darrow County mercenary group has also been sent over. I recruited hundreds of dwarf musketeers when I fought trolls before. They are definitely useful."

Kissing French Fries (King Solstice): "There are also the Snow Mountain Rangers from my Solstice Kingdom. Although the number is a little small before they are formed, they are definitely elite."

Seeing the support from a few cheap guys, Murphy was somewhat moved. He didn't expect that these few people didn't miss the key at the critical moment.

"Thank you, brothers." This time he said it with emotion and a little more sincerity.

Several people felt embarrassed.

Zhu Genbao (King of Alterac): "Hahaha, look what you said, we are 'brothers'. You opened up those two trade routes and brought everyone together to make money. We won't help you." Who are you helping? Anyway, just keep doing whatever you want to do. Don’t worry about the castle. It doesn’t matter if the five dragon kings come. We in Alterac are also five kings, so we are not afraid of them.”

As soon as the five brothers here finished chatting, several more brothers immediately sent messages.

Darabeng Ba (Prince of Alterac): "Why did I get into trouble with the Aspect Dragon? I'll call adventurers to help."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Brother, is your castle okay? Do you need help?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Brother Aidan, you are not interesting enough. You don't even call me for such a big event as the dragon army. Send me an official document quickly and I will lead the troops to gain some experience." go."

Morgan Lisa (Great Elementalist): "Aidan, do you need help? If you need help, just ask. Don't be embarrassed. Anyway, I am worried that there are no plot events to participate in. It would be good to earn some plot points."

Kaya Windrunner (Light Ranger): "Aidan..."

Murphy looked at so many private messages and felt quite emotional. He didn't expect that so many people would come to support him in a crisis.

He suddenly felt confident.

Damn it, I have so many brothers and friends, so what about the five dragon kings.

You actually want to gather around the spot for reinforcements? Using Longshang Castle to lure yourself into the trap is overthinking.

When I transform into an ancient dragon, I will make you unable to eat and walk around.

Murphy replied one by one, and he was naturally not polite when thanking him. Now Longshang Castle has become a large-scale game event site. Of course, the more people, the better.

Anyone who is willing to join the battle is called over to help defend the city.

Just in time to hold off the guardian dragon, he would have time to get the last three dragon hearts.

However, the castle is safe, but Mo Fei is still a little bit confused about how to get the remaining three dragon hearts.

How about calling a few heroes to come over and download a dungeon with me?

Of course, he can also choose to do it alone.

However, in the dungeon, the BOSS has great advantages. Not only will you encounter the consumption of various gate-keeping BOSSs in the front, but the BOSS can also use BOSS strategies, and there are also attribute increases provided by the system.

This would be very troublesome.

Relatively speaking, it is best to fight in the wild.

Just as I was thinking about it, another private message was sent.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Brother Aidan, I heard that you are in trouble."

Hey, why is this person caring about me?

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "The five dragon kings are just trivial. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "I know you want to get the heart of the ancient dragon. Are you interested in cooperating with me? I happen to know the traces of an ancient dragon, which is located in Lordaeron. It is very easy to do it, but all dragons know how to do it. Fei, I'm not completely sure of taking him down, but if you join the battle, I'll be sure of it."

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Godwin, why do you care so much about me?"

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Haha, what you say is that we are allies after all. Last time we conquered Silvermoon City, Brother Aidan's storm miracle also helped a lot. I reciprocated the favor, and now you have met Trouble, I have to be polite, and of course my help is not in vain. The dragon heart belongs to you, but the dragon eggs must belong to me. I want to get some dragon eggs to cultivate the light-forged dragon clan, but they are out of stock."

This sounds quite reasonable.

Although the relationship between Godwin and him is not very good, and there is even a little friction, we have to admit that Godwin is very strong.

Moreover, the other party is a Holy Light profession, so the amount of milk must be sufficient. If you can bring it, it will be stable.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Okay, then I'll go to Lordaeron to find you."

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Then I'll be waiting here. Oh, by the way, is Jaina with you? Can you bring her with you? Her brother is here to inquire about her whereabouts. It seems that she is Something happened over there in Kul Tiras."


Relying on the power of the storm, the fleet sailed much faster than an ordinary fleet. One day later, the storm fleet slowly docked in the port of Lordaeron.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to Lordaeron, and the port is as bustling as ever.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Murphy looked at the golden tree in the distance. The golden tree was so majestic that one could feel looking up at it even from afar in the port.

I haven’t seen it for a while, and this tree has grown even bigger.

The originally dazzling gold gradually turned into a restrained pale gold, and the holy light also changed from radiant to calm and solid, giving people a solemn and sacred feeling.

After getting off the ship, the royal knights had already come to greet them. They took their entourage into the carriage sent by Lordaeron and drove towards Lordaeron.

Along the way, Murphy discovered that there were many small golden trees growing around the royal city, some were tens of meters high, and some were only saplings a few meters high.

These small golden trees also exude golden holy light and look radiant and gorgeous.

How is this going?

Can golden trees still be planted on a large scale?

Seemingly seeing Murphy's doubts, the royal knight explained, "These small golden trees are grown from the roots of the big golden tree. They are now spread all over Lordaeron. These small golden trees are very useful. It has the healing effect of Holy Light, and ordinary injuries can be cured directly.

It can also prevent diseases, enhance endurance, and relieve muscle fatigue. The king ordered the construction of a large number of monasteries and barracks around the small golden tree to train soldiers and priests, and the effect was very good.

Moreover, the number of holy light professionals has doubled in this short period of time, and the number of holy knights in the Knights of the Silver Hand has exceeded 10,000. "

As the convoy approaches the Royal City of Lordaeron, the pressure emanating from the golden tree becomes stronger and stronger. Ordinary people may not be able to feel it, but strong men like Murphy, especially those with the power of different beliefs, feel it abnormally. strong.

Mo Fei subconsciously released the ancient dragon's majesty, and the surrounding companions were not affected.

The closer you get to the Royal City, the more small golden trees there are. Around the Royal City, you can see golden branches extending from the soil everywhere.

On the farm, in the yard, along the road, everywhere.

I don't know why, but this scene made Murphy feel a little uneasy, like an invasive species.

After asking around, I found that the Little Golden Tree has appeared as far as hundreds of kilometers around the Royal City of Lordaeron, which means that the roots of the Golden Tree are spreading throughout the land of Lordaeron.

"How about it? It's amazing." The knight said proudly.

"It's indeed amazing." Mo Fei said thoughtfully.

At this time, a house on the roadside caught Murphy's attention. A group of knights and priests surrounded the house, seeming to be on guard for something.

A black shadow suddenly rushed out of the house. The shape of a woman could be seen in the black shadow, but the body was completely covered with the dark luster of the shadow, like a moving shadow.

"Get her quickly!"

"Don't let her get away!"

"Purify her, use holy light!"

The knights formed a circle and blocked the woman's way, while the priests used the power of the holy light.

Rays of holy light with purifying power fell on the woman. As the woman's shadow gradually faded, the woman finally revealed her true body, but she was a female priest wearing a priest's robe.

At this time, his face was full of pain and ferociousness.

In the final voting result, option 3 has the most votes, so the rest of the game will focus on the plot of the game. The actual plot will be mentioned occasionally, and maybe one or two chapters will be used to describe it, but not too much.

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