Part-time BOSS

Chapter 499 Falling into the Shadow

The female priest seemed to have not yet calmed down from the chaos, looking around blankly until a knight stepped forward to shackle her.

The female priest suddenly let out a scream, and the power of the shadow that had been dispersed once again covered her body.

Shadow Nova!

A force of shadow spread in all directions, and several paladins hurriedly raised their shields.

The power of holy light is connected together, and the energy of shadow cancels each other out.

"Quick, continue to purify her!"

"She is powerful!"

"Holy Light, give me power!"

A series of magical spells fell towards the female priest, but the female priest seemed to explode. The shadow energy turned into shock waves, and she was able to resist an entire team of people by herself.

The magic of holy light is often counteracted by the power of shadow before it falls on her.

Hammer of punishment!

Until a golden hammer condensed with holy light hit the female priest's head hard, causing the female priest to fall down.

"What's going on?" Murphy asked in surprise as he looked at the knights who tied up the female priest and took them away.

"It's the Shadow Demon. It's a monster hidden in the hearts of humans. It used to be hidden in the darkness of Lordaeron, but now it can't hide under the illumination of the Holy Light."

The knight explained, but his tone was far from firm.

Shadow Demon? What is that thing? Why does it look like the shadow form of a priest?

It is said that shadow priests are not uncommon among adventurers, but among NPCs, they have never been seen before.

The carriage continued to move forward, and when it reached the King's Road, Murphy saw several carriages equipped with steel cages, all containing similar prisoners, both men and women, heading towards a cathedral.

"These humans possessed by the Shadow Demon will be sent to the cathedral to undergo a purification ceremony. As long as the purification is completed, their souls will be redeemed."

"How many are these shadow demons?"

"It's not too many. About a dozen of them appear every day recently."

"Will they become normal people after being purified?"

"Well, it's almost the same. It's just a little dull. Other than that, it's no different from normal people. Ah, we're almost reaching the royal city. Please be prepared."

The knight deliberately changed the topic, and soon the motorcade drove into the gate of the palace.

When he came to the reception room, Murphy actually saw Prince Kael'thas.

Now he is the Grand Duke of Kael'thas, and Quel'Thalas has been incorporated into the protection of Lordaeron as a subsidiary principality of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Murphy, the protector of the country, is technically on the same level as Kael'thas.

"Prince Kael'thas, ah, he must be the Grand Duke Kael'thas. Long time no see."

Kael'thas bowed his head in greeting gracefully, "I also say hello to you, Duke Aidan, and thank you for your help in the battle to conquer Silvermoon City."

Murphy was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was talking about the miracles he had performed.

"Well, it's just a small feedback to the believers. Why are you here?"

"I was summoned by His Majesty Godwin and came here to see you." Kael'thas' tone was very calm, but Murphy could still hear a bit of sadness.

Can you not be upset? The man who was supposed to succeed him as king is now a grand duke and has to be ordered around by others. It's such a low price.

But the situation is stronger than people.

Murphy patted Kael'thas' shoulder comfortingly. Kael'thas resisted at first, but then accepted it calmly with a wry smile.

At this moment, Godwin was holding a kingdom meeting in the main hall, listening to lords from various places reporting various situations to him.

Godwin's thoughts were somewhat boring, but although the king was majestic, it was really boring to hold meetings all day long to deal with the affairs of the kingdom.

His eyes were focused on the huge Lordaeron King's emblem on the floor. Historically, Arthas was in this room where his father was a loving father and his son was a filial son who killed his father. He didn't know where that kid went.

"Your Majesty, there have been more than a dozen incidents of falling into the shadows in recent days. Archbishop Fa'ao hopes to suspend the training of Holy Light priests and conduct a large-scale prayer ceremony to pray to the God of Light to find the cultivators of the Holy Light who have fallen into the shadows. s reason."

Godwin was fully aware of the reasons for these descents into the shadows.

Holy light and shadow are two sides of the same coin. If a holy light practitioner releases the holy light excessively, he will enter the shadow form.

The Naaru, a creature of holy light, will transform into an entropy demon, a creature of shadow, after excessive release of holy light energy.

The Void Crystal used by the Ashbringer is the remains left behind by a Naaru after his fall. Once it is bombarded and purified with a powerful enough holy light, it can also be transformed back into the Holy Light attribute.

The same is true for humans who use the power of Holy Light. Once they use the power of Holy Light excessively, they will run the risk of entering the shadow form and converting the power of Holy Light in the body into shadow power. This is the case with the so-called Dark Priest.

Holy light can bring people positive emotions, such as justice, mercy, forgiveness, heroism, sacrifice... while shadow energy, on the contrary, can bring completely negative emotions to the user.

Killing, brutality, hatred, anger, greed...

Even sane people can easily turn into evil monsters if they are affected by shadow energy.

Therefore, spellcasters who use shadow energy are naturally regarded as evil beings.

Although there are a large number of shadow priests among adventurers, there is nothing surprising at all.

However, in the plot, the shadow priest is an absolutely taboo existence.

Once discovered they would be hunted as heretics.

In fact, there have been incidents of falling into the shadows in the past, but they were very rare. First of all, the number of Holy Light practitioners is very small, so the quality is relatively high. If you want to learn the Holy Light, you must first take several years of cultural classes and complete ideological education. Okay, then we can start the actual operation.

Therefore, shadow priests rarely appear. However, with the birth of the Golden Tree, the number of Holy Light practitioners in Lordaeron has increased exponentially. Many people do not understand the Holy Light practice method at all, and they are just practicing blindly.

Secondly, in the past, there was a strict education system for cultivating the Holy Light. There were archbishops, bishops, chief pastors, and high priests who strictly controlled and taught earnestly. People had a reverence for the Holy Light, so there were few problems.

But things are different now. Because of the Golden Tree, it is too easy to practice Holy Light. As a result, there are Holy Light practitioners everywhere. Many ordinary people have a slight sense of Holy Light and often start practicing blindly.

Because Godwin wanted to publicize the power of the Holy Light, but could not prohibit it, as a result, more and more humans fell into the shadows in Lordaeron, where the Holy Light shines.

Godwin had no other choice but to control it as much as possible.

Fortunately, there are more shadow priests and more holy light practitioners. Tens of thousands of priests and paladins can completely purify the occasional fallen ones.

In addition to causing some damage to the soul of the person being purified, it also controlled the situation.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "I understand, but there is no need to waste time. Light and shadow are one. The only reason for falling into shadow is that the cultivators of the Holy Light are not strong enough and have too much darkness in their hearts.

Pass my order and issue an edict to the whole country, requiring that when using the Holy Light, we should try our best to train together, not practice in private, and strengthen ideological education. Only with good intentions can we truly embrace the Holy Light.

And it is strictly forbidden to overuse the power of the Holy Light. Twins of light and darkness, twins of light and darkness, I have said it so many times. "

The Kingdom Council is finally over.

As soon as Godwin walked out of the hall, the attendant came forward to report.

"Your Majesty, Grand Duke Aidan and Grand Duke Kael'thas have arrived."

"Is Princess Jaina here?"

"Yes, she is among the entourage."

"Very good."

Godwin suddenly smiled when he heard that Jaina had arrived.

In recent times, Godwin can be said to be in high spirits. With Quel'Thalas joining Lordaeron and becoming an autonomous domain of Lordaeron, the Lordaeron Empire plan has finally taken its first step.

Next is Stromgarde. The Young Wolf Lord has rescued all the 100,000 orc prisoners in the shelter and is about to launch an attack on Stromgarde. After Stromgarde is breached, he will then take advantage of the situation to include Stromgarde in the territory of Lordaeron. .

He has already negotiated the purchase price for the King of Gilneas, and it will be a matter of course when the time comes.

Although Dalaran is called a kingdom, it does not have a king. Instead, it is ruled by a parliament, which can be deeply controlled through political means.

Kul Tiras is a powerful naval nation and will need Kul Tiras' support to expand overseas territories in the future.

And Godwin had already thought of a plan to annex these two countries.

The key lies in Jaina. Jaina is a personal disciple of Antonidas and the daughter of King Daelin. If he can marry Jaina, he can support Jaina to ascend to the throne and become the queen of Kul Tiras and Dalaran. speaker.

At that time, the merger of the three kingdoms will be a matter of course, and the Empire of Lordaeron will truly be realized.

As for Alterac, when that time comes, I’m afraid it won’t be possible not to join.

With the huge military power of the Lordaeron Empire.

Plus the power of Holy Light faith brought by the Golden Tree.

Plus the magical power of Dalaran.

Coupled with Kul Tiras' powerful navy.

He will become an unrivaled overlord and completely control the alliance.

When the time comes, he will defeat all tribal disasters and the Burning Legion, and he will become the greatest emperor in the world!

The more I think about it, the more beautiful it becomes, but there is still a long way to go to achieve it all.

Today's meeting is particularly important.

Trying to calm down, Godwin walked towards the reception room.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Haha, it's been a long time since I saw Aidan, and your style is still shining."

Saying that, he came up with a hug.

Mo Feixin asked why this boy was so enthusiastic all of a sudden.

However, he didn't reach out to hit the smiling man, so he could only hug him.

"I heard that you are being targeted by those dragons. Don't worry, brother Aidan. No matter how arrogant the guardian dragons are, they will not dare to run wild in Lordaeron. Under the light of the golden tree, you will always be safe."

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Prince Kael'thas, I'm glad you're here. I hope I didn't neglect you."

Kael'thas bowed gracefully, "As your subject, I have the obligation to respond to the call of the monarch - Your Majesty."

"Ha, don't take it seriously. Just call me Godwin in private. Those red tapes are just to silence those pedantic nobles. I hope we can still be friends."

"Princess Gianna, long time no see. You are much more beautiful than the last time we met."

"Greetings to you too, Your Majesty Godwin."

Jaina curtsied ladylikely.

After the pleasantries, Godwin quickly got to the point.

"This time I have called you all here for a big event. There is an ancient dragon hidden in Lordaeron. God knows what kind of conspiracy these cunning creatures hide. For the people who believe in the Holy Light, this is a big deal. It is an out-and-out threat and must be eliminated.

Considering the strength of this ancient dragon, I specially found Prince Aidan. You are a professional in dragon slaying and are indispensable for this operation.

Prince Kael'thas, your magic is also very helpful in killing this evil dragon. Of course, there is also some selfishness on my part. Although Quel'Thalas has joined Lordaeron, we still lack understanding of each other. , allowing the heroes of the high elves and the warriors of Lordaeron to fight side by side is the best way to improve team awareness.

Princess Jaina, if you are interested, you are also welcome to join..."

Godwin kept talking.

Mo Fei was a little strange. The few times we met Godwin in the past, he always felt that this guy had a gloomy feeling, but this time he seemed to be a different person. He was enthusiastic and cheerful, and his words became nicer. It was really strange. Very.

He suddenly felt a warm and comfortable feeling on his body. Looking at his condition, he had unknowingly applied several layers of halo effects.

[Glory of Holy Light: You are illuminated by Godwin, the incarnation of light, and all your attributes are temporarily increased by 5%. 】

[Light Healing: Under the illumination of the divine power of light, you can recover 5 health points per second. 】

[Sunlight Healing: Dispels a disease, bleeding, or curse effect on you every 30 seconds. 】

[Evil-dispelling light: Under the irradiation of the sacred light, all undead, demons, and shadow creatures within the range will receive 5 points of sacred damage every second. 】

These halo effects obviously come from Godwin. I don’t know what hero expertise or special skills this guy pointed out, but he actually has so many halo skills.

Even Murphy, a quasi-ally, can enjoy it.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, and he had some vague guesses about the change in Godwin's attitude.

There are no more than two possibilities.

The first is that he is the same as Morpheus in his heart. Because Godwin has played the role of Godwin, the Brilliance of Holy Light, for a long time, a hidden personality "Godwin" appears in his heart.

The second type is related to the faith in the Holy Light. When I first gained faith in the Storm Dragon, my mood was obviously affected. Later, I adapted the teachings before returning to normal. In other words, the power of faith will affect those who believe in it.

Could this kid have been influenced by the Holy Light? Holy light is the energy that can bring positive emotions, so it is not impossible.

"I will obey His Majesty the King's instructions." Prince Kael'thas said consciously.

"Haha, that would be perfect. You must be very tired after coming from Quel'Thalas. Go down and rest first. I will send someone to notify you when everyone else arrives."

"Princess Jaina, Calia missed you very much after you left last time. Maybe you can go talk to her. I think she will be very happy."

Wait until both of them leave.

Godwin smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Murphy.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Aidan, there is no one else here now, let's have a good chat. There are some things that I want to have a good talk with you about. This matter is very important. I think maybe only you can understand it." .”

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