Part-time BOSS

Chapter 598 The main course appears

"So your whole purpose is to recruit more teammates?" Murphy asked in surprise.

"That's right." Wang Xuan nodded and then shook his head, "Unfortunately, the level of players in this game is much lower than I expected. It has been more than three years now, and you are the only one who has completed the original story. The entire questline of the mission, and wasn't willing to join my party.

So I had to work harder and add some conflicts to the game plot, such as creating a will of the void or something. "

"Aren't you afraid of ruining your game? The power of the Will of the Void has been beyond the control of the system. What if it doesn't follow your cards? What if its plan to destroy the world really succeeds? Once the physical universe is destroyed Transformed into the Shadowverse, all will perish.”

This possibility is not impossible. Murphy still understands the way game companies control games, but judging from the current signs, game companies cannot directly modify the data.

Instead, it needs to be regulated indirectly through the system.

According to Wang Xuan, even the system must act according to the rules. Just like the version BOSS, it can only be assigned to the BOSS that poses the greatest threat and strength in the current version, and only one at a time.

Originally, he could still be evenly matched with Will of the Void, but now that Will of the Void has become the version BOSS, even he can only avoid the edge for the time being.

The four major camps can't even defeat Archimonde when they join forces, so how can they possibly defeat a god-level existence like the Will of the Void?

Unless the game system controls the power of the deus ex machina, if the will of the void really develops, the world may really be destroyed.

Wang Xuan smiled, "Hahahaha, you don't have to worry about this. I have already prepared and fully designed the plot of the game. I can't play it. Are you playing games? Of course, the stronger the BOSS, the better. BOSS The stronger the strength, the stronger the hero who fights the BOSS can grow.

Who told you not to accept my recruitment? In this case, I can only place my hope on others, whether it is Godwin, Morgan Lisa, or others. If they can defeat the Will of the Void, their strength will It won't be any weaker.

Moreover, Void Will is just an appetizer. The real meal has not yet been served. With continuous training, there will always be strong ones who stand out. "

"Feast? Is there a BOSS more powerful than the Will of the Void? Sargeras? Pantheon? Or..."

"Haha, don't guess. You will understand soon. A truly destructive power is about to appear on the stage of the sky world, and a good show is about to take place. Well, I think we will say goodbye for the time being and look back. See."

Wang Xuan's figure gradually disappeared into the air, as if he had never appeared before.

Looking at where Wang Xuan left, Mo Fei snorted coldly. He hated this kind of behavior of the Riddler the most.

However, I couldn't help but be intrigued.

Destructive power...what could it be?

He couldn't help but think of the Dragon God's prophecies. Now it seemed that most of the prophecies had come true.

Frost freezes life, and the dead are everywhere in the world. As the first disaster, the Scourge was successfully resolved by the Alliance with the help of adventurers and the Ancient Dragon King.

The flames burned the world, burning up the rivers and mountains. The Burning Legion was also defeated on Mount Hyjal, and Archimonde fell. At least for a short time, he should not be able to threaten the world.

The earth collapsed and shattered, and terrifying monsters appeared. This should refer to the Will of the Void. Although the Will of the Void comes from the Shadow Void, the ancient god consumed by the incarnation of the Will of the Void was previously sealed underground. Now terrifying monsters have appeared, which are unprecedented enemies of the four camps. .

The doomsday storm is coming, and the old world has fallen. This prophecy is the real main course... Is the doomsday storm related to me? But he will not destroy the world. There must be other explanations.

No matter whether he is a humble mortal or an extremely powerful person.

If one of the ten cannot survive, none of them will be spared. How terrible would this disaster be? Can’t save one out of ten? If understood in a literal sense, this is a bit exaggerated. Even the Burning Legion and the Lord of the Void may not have such an effect.

Although many people died in Lordaeron, Godwin has escaped. If the four major camps join forces, they will not be left alone.

When all things are destroyed, the Dragon God returns. He has returned, but all things have not been destroyed yet, or maybe the destruction has already begun, but it just needs a process to be completed, so he is not aware of it yet?

The thread of the world's destiny will no longer be visible... What does this mean? Could it be that the world will be completely destroyed?

Looking at the prophecy alone, the departments behind it seem somewhat confused, but what if it is combined with Medivh's prophecy?

Murphy recalled Medivh's prophecy again.

[Four horrific disasters will come to this world.

History once written has faded.

Destiny's child will finally live up to his beliefs.

Evil will eventually become good, and justice will eventually become evil.

There is no distinction between good and evil, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

The man who is supposed to save the world will destroy it.

The man who is supposed to destroy the world will save it. 】

The four disasters perfectly correspond to the Dragon God's prophecy. Who will be the child of destiny? From the perspective of the history of Warcraft, it should be Arthas, but from the dialogue between himself and the Dragon God, the child of destiny should be Morpheus. Now that Morpheus is dead, it may also be himself.

What is my belief?

Evil and justice... justice and evil... Do you think I will turn black? Destroy this world. In this case, the doomsday storm ahead seems to be facing us again.

But there is a reversal in the last two sentences. Destroy the world or save the world. What a headache.

But Murphy had a feeling that he might have an answer soon.

While Murphy was deep in thought, a message suddenly appeared in the private message.

Morgan Lisa: Aidan, hahahaha, I have good news for you, I have become a guardian! Those old men actually chose me!

Aidan: Congratulations, how about Guardian Power? Is it powerful?

Morgan Lisa: That's quite powerful. Of course, it's still far behind your Dragon God's power. Moreover, I only completed the first ring of tasks, became a guardian, and gained powerful magical power, but then I will continue to do tasks after this. The new task is called [Pursuing the Truth]. It requires me to explore the origin of the world and grasp the true laws of this world. I have no clue at all. It seems that I have something to do.

Aidan: Well, take your time and don’t rush. It took me two years to do the original plot mission.

Morgan Lisa: By the way, at the previous party, I asked you if you wanted to take the original plot mission. You said you must take it. There will be great benefits if you complete it. Now that I have completed it, can you tell me what the benefits are? Already? Isn't this the reward for becoming a guardian?

Aidan: The good thing is - you should be able to use magic in real life now.

Morgan Lisa: Hahahaha, you really know how to joke. Reality is not an online novel, so don’t be ridiculous.

Aidan: Seriously, you can give it a try. Of course, if you are not interested in magic and don’t want to experiment, forget it. Anyway, it’s not me who loses.

Morgan Lisa: Are you serious?

Aidan: Anyway, you won’t lose anything by giving it a try, right?

Morgan Lisa: Okay, then I will believe you once, but if I find out in the end that you are teasing me, then I can only say that you are really boring.


Murphy did not wait for the result of Morgan Lisa. Although he became the Dragon God, there was no need to fight monsters, upgrade and do quests.

But that doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with him.

Ever since he asked his men to release the news about the return of the Dragon God, ancient dragons have been coming to the Sky City and rejoining the ancient dragon clan's camp.

Mo Fei doesn't reject anyone who comes, and transforms them all into ancient dragons.

In just three days, there were already more than twenty ancient dragons in Sky City. Although they are not comparable to those at the peak of Sky City, the strength of these ancient dragons transformed from ancient dragons is generally much more powerful than the ancient dragons of the past. few.

Not only that, Murphy also began to contact the Dragon Worship Cult.

Now Mo Fei has realized that although he cannot fall out with the game company yet, as long as he becomes strong enough, the game company will be unable to do anything to him. This has been the case since Wang Xuan needed him to help control Death. Wings can be seen.

Game companies do not have complete control over the units in the game.

Now his level and rank are beyond promotion.

Although it is possible to increase the levels of hero templates and BOSS templates, doing so does not actually make much sense.

What can really enhance his strength is the power to strengthen authority, and the other is the power to spread faith.

For this reason, Murphy specially met with Griffith and ordered Griffith to spread a new doctrine for him-the belief in the Dragon God.

Unlike the Dragon Worship Cult, which worships the dragon race, the Dragon God Faith is a true belief in gods.

The doctrine is somewhat exaggerated. The dragon god Aidandron is the supreme dragon god who is omniscient and omnipotent and controls the power of billions of authorities. He is the source of the birth of the universe and the end of its demise.

The physical universe is just a link in billions of reincarnations. The universe will eventually perish. Belief in the Dragon God can not only obtain the power given by the Dragon God, but also survive the death of the universe and follow the Dragon God into the next reincarnation.

After all, belief is just like MLM, it must be attractive and have a selling point, and the pie must be beautifully painted.

If it just gives power, it seems to be no different from other gods' beliefs, but with the addition of a transcendent universe, it seems much taller.

On the one hand, this can strengthen his ability to perform miracles. Although this thing is not very useful, it can cast spells globally. It is very useful to protect his younger brother. On the other hand, it also allows him to share his authority with his dependents. .

As a direct force under him, the strength of the Ancient Dragon Legion can also enhance his influence on the game.

Since you want to be a chess player, it is necessary to enhance the combat power of your chess pieces.

In the future, many things that are inconvenient for you to do yourself can be left to your family members to do.

At the same time, Murphy is also paying attention to the developments in Lordaeron.

After the golden tree was corrupted, the shadow corruption spread along the roots of the golden tree to most of Lordaeron's borders in just three days. Today, only some remote areas have not yet been controlled.

Millions of residents were transformed into void humans, and countless void creatures continued to enter the real world.

The entire Lordaeron has been completely reduced to a world of void monsters.

Godwin continued to gather survivors and brought them all to Stratholme, a military town in the north of Lordaeron. Because it was too far away from the royal city, Stratholme did not have a small golden tree, and it became one of the few places in Lordaeron that had not fallen. one of the cities.

At the same time, the alliance countries also began to take action. Security troops were sent to the border areas of Lordaeron. Not only that, the Horde, Dark Night Alliance, and Immortal Covenant all sent reconnaissance troops.

The terrible disaster that occurred in Lordaeron undoubtedly made all four camps feel threatened.

However, it is not that easy to launch an attack. Once Lordaeron collapses, the power reshuffle within the alliance will take some time to produce results.

Lordaeron has collapsed, and now the most powerful ones are Dalaran and the Kingdom of Stormwind. Who will lead the Alliance is a big question.

Moreover, the reconnaissance troops who entered Lordaeron soon discovered a terrible situation. Whether they were human orcs or night elves, once they stayed in an area covered by shadow for a long time, they would easily lose their minds or be corrupted. Become a flesh and blood monster.

What is more gratifying is that the undead are completely unaffected by the corruption of the void, and are hardly affected by the whispers of the void.

These walking zombies, full of negative energy, will become reliable teammates against void monsters.

However, just being able to resist corruption is of no use, because even in a head-on confrontation, the monsters in the Dark Void cannot be fought by the Undead alone. The Undead troops who rely on not being corrupted and penetrate deeply into Lordaeron will soon suffer suffered heavy casualties.

This allows the four major camps to keep their investigations in the fringe areas.

However, there are many adventurers who are not afraid of death and have gone deep into the territory of Lordaeron to conduct some reconnaissance.

On the third day, Murphy was discussing with Griffith the doctrine of the Dragon God Faith when he suddenly received a private message from Black Shadow.

Black Shadow: Boss, hurry up and go to the official website.

Aidan: What's up Shadow.

Black Shadow: Something big happened!

When Murphy logged into the official website, he finally knew what the main dish Wang Xuan was talking about was.

As soon as I logged in, I saw a large announcement.

[Cangqiong Group would like to inform dear game players.

World of Heaven has always been the most popular game. However, due to the price of expensive gaming equipment, many players are unable to play their favorite games. The company deeply regrets this.

Nowadays, with the company's development of game technology, the price of game equipment has dropped dramatically. At the same time, in order to give back to the vast number of game players who love the world of the sky, the company has specially launched a tens of billions subsidy plan. As long as you purchase a game helmet during the event, that is Enjoy discounts of up to 30% off.

Now, a basic gaming helmet only costs 8,888 yuan, and the discounted price is only 3,888 yuan.

The company has also launched a sign-in lottery. As long as you sign in every day, you can draw a lottery. Not only will there be various types of gaming helmets and game warehouses as prizes, but there will also be a gift package of game points. What are you waiting for? It’s better to act than to be excited. Come and play together.

The wonderful adventure in the sky world is waiting for your participation. 】

Murphy was shocked when he saw this announcement.

He could already foresee the impact this announcement would have on the entire game.

Although Sky World is fun, most low-income groups have no money to play due to the gaming helmets costing up to 80,000 yuan.

But it’s different now. The discounted price is 3888 yuan, which is equivalent to the price of an ordinary computer. Even if the full price is 8888 yuan, it’s almost 90% lower than the previous price. The gaming helmet is so cheap. I’m afraid The number of gamers is about to explode.

Things turned out just as Murphy had guessed. In the afternoon, gamers poured into the novice villages of various camps in the world like a tide.

In the past, gaming helmets were too expensive, and most people could only watch live broadcasts online. However, because this kind of holographic virtual game can be said to have crushed all ordinary games played on computer screens, its popularity is still ridiculously high.

It can be said that everyone is paying attention.

Now that the price has finally dropped to the point where you can buy it, how can you miss it?

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