Part-time BOSS

Chapter 599 The fourth disaster is coming on the day

Murphy stood in the square of Pinewood Town, looking at the densely packed players all around who were excitedly exploring this new world. He had only one thought in his mind - So that's it!

Inferring from the announcement is ultimately not as intuitive as seeing it with your own eyes.

Pinewood Town is just a remote novice village, and Alterac has no sense of existence. With so many players pouring in, it is not difficult to imagine how many players there will be in an important country like Stormwind Dalaran. fear.

In a short period of time, the number of players in the Firmament World may increase several times.

The impact of such a huge influx of players will be unprecedentedly catastrophic.

The expression on Mo Fei's face remained calm, but his heart was pounding.

Everything became clear instantly.

He has observed the future several times in the past, but found no trace of the fourth natural disaster at all. Although the world of the sky is troubled by disasters, there are countless events that may lead to large-scale crises at countless time nodes.

But none of them matched the predicted fourth natural disaster.

A disaster more terrifying than the Scourge of the Undead, the Burning Legion, and the Void Invasion.

However, looking at the endless adventurers in the Novice Village, looking at the wild monsters that had been slaughtered just after the refresh, and looking at the village guards outside the town that had been attacked in less than half a day, Murphy immediately realized, The fourth natural disaster - refers to the players.

The so-called fourth natural disaster...

Players will bring destruction and will use various methods in the game to earn benefits from plot characters. This was already revealed during the Second Orc War.

When the Alliance and the Horde fought in the wetland, players from both camps cooperated with each other to kill the heroes of the other camp.

Kargath Bladefist, Genn Greymane, and many less famous hero lords all died at the hands of players.

And this is only when the number of players does not account for the majority.

Now with the influx of massive players, the entire game ecology will inevitably be disrupted, and the impact will most likely not be a good one.

Not to mention, there are a lot of game studios getting into gaming these days.

Although there were studios in the Cangqiong world in the past, the number and scale of studios were very limited due to the high cost of starting a company. After all, a game helmet in this game costs 80,000 yuan, and a high-end template starts at 100,000 yuan. Even if you are an adventurer, you still need 500 coupons per month.

Moreover, it cannot be played on multiple machines like traditional games. Setting up a studio with dozens of people would cost millions, not counting the cost of templates and point cards.

This makes the studio only play a supporting role in the game, reselling materials, engaging in construction, or forming adventure groups to help heroes.

Generally speaking, it is not much different from ordinary players.

But now, with the launch of cheap helmets costing several thousand dollars each, it is not difficult to imagine that a large number of studios will enter this game.

The currency of this game is very strong, and it goes without saying how attractive it is to game studios.

The studio's exploration of game loopholes, sensitivity to interests, and bottom line when playing games are far beyond ordinary people.

And game studios don’t care about game sentiment, only money is valuable to them.

In addition, the heroes, elites and other plot characters in this game can all explode their equipment, and if they are killed in the plot, they will all explode. This is even more profitable than fighting the BOSS.

Even without the power of time to predict the future, Murphy can already predict that in the future there will be countless game studios interested in these plot characters, just like the players of the Alliance Tribe who killed each other's heroes from the opposing camp.

Now that the four major camps have taken shape, they are not completely at peace with each other. They kill each other's heroes and NPCs without much punishment. If this continues, every plot character may not be spared in the end.

Faced with coordinated attacks between players, there may even be enemy secrets around you, and even the most powerful heroes may not be able to resist them.

They even couldn't understand why they were attacked, why their enemies knew all about their movements, and why their allies in the same camp betrayed them.

In the end, only players may remain in this game, all plot characters will be killed, the entire world of the sky will become a ship of Theseus, and all traces of the original will be erased...

Murphy felt a chill in his heart as he imagined the future.

[Whether it is a humble mortal or an extremely powerful person.

If one of the ten cannot survive, none of them will be spared. 】

This is the true meaning of this prophecy.

(I see, everything is already clear. The reason why Morpheus risked his life to seize the power of the Dragon God was to save the world from such a terrible ending?)

"Morpheus, Morpheus, you are indeed a respectable opponent."

Murphy was talking to himself, a little sad and a little emotional.

If he had said those words to Morpheus just to comfort the dying man, now his words came from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't worry Morpheus, I will fulfill your wish for you. I will bring freedom to this world, and I will liberate it from its terrible fate."

Before, Murphy was dispensable with this promise, but now he has finally made up his mind.

Because this world is not only Morpheus's world, but also has many of his friends.

Varian, Arthas, Jaina, Knight Roland...these people who fought side by side with him, whether they were real lives or virtual programs, how could the former friendship be false.

It can even be said that these people have a better relationship with him than his real friends. People in real life will betray for the sake of profit, but friends in this world will be willing to sacrifice their lives for each other.

With this belief, Murphy quit the game.

He stood on the roof of his building, looking at the city below him.

He wanted to observe the future and figure out when the fourth natural disaster would begin and when it would completely erupt.

He must complete the action before the sky world is destroyed.

In the game, he cannot observe the existence of the player, so he cannot observe the exact time when the destruction comes, but if he observes it in reality, it must be different.

Specific clues must be found in the timeline of the real world.

He closed his eyes.

Time authority - the future appears!

Murphy opened his eyes suddenly, and for a moment, the world seemed to have turned into an endless net.

From where he was, he could see countless events happening at the same time, and countless scenes intertwined with each other along the lines of time.

Time has become an observable three-dimensional image, and he is as if he is in a four-dimensional space, outside the time network in a transcendental form.

The scene in front of him reminded him of the four-dimensional space in Interstellar, but it was more complicated than that four-dimensional space. After all, Interstellar only showed a few scenes, but what he could see was the entire world.

Mo Fei walked in the air, walking between different time nodes, listening to the conversations of human beings.

Get information from some text pictures on the screen.

Pay special attention to the parts related to the game. Although it cannot be understood intuitively, you can also get information about the internal dynamics of the game from these conversations and from the video broadcast of the news.

The more he observed Mo Fei, the more frightened he became. The fourth disaster happened just as he had guessed.

There were some killings in the first month. The scale was not large at first, and the chance of success was not too high. However, people cannot be resurrected, and the number of plot characters continued to decrease.

By the third month, as the studio's account levels rose, large-scale killings began.

What surprised him was that some characters in the plot seemed to have discovered the clues, and from the conversations between those players, it seemed that the game players had become two hostile factions. One group of players did not care about the lives of NPCs at all, and only wanted to get rid of them. More equipment exploded from his body.

The other faction wanted to play the game normally and get along with the NPCs normally, but it was easy to destroy and difficult to build. After all, the destruction faction had more people and had the upper hand.

By the fifth month, almost all important NPCs were dead, and the entire game became a war game between players...

He took a deep breath, the future scene was more terrifying than he expected, and he had to complete the action before mass killing began.

Three months is the time for players to level up. Within three months, adventurers can basically reach level 40 or 50.

Thousands of adventurers will pose a huge threat to the plot characters. As long as they are matched with a heroic player, these plot characters can be completely wiped out.


Murphy suddenly discovered a strange place. In the long river of time he observed, there was one person missing.

Wang Xuan!

Just like he couldn't observe the player in the game, in reality, he couldn't observe Wang Xuan's future.

There is no presence of Wang Xuan in any of the pictures.

How is this going? Could it be said that Wang Xuan is not from this world?

Murphy felt horrified in his heart.

If you explain it this way, everything will make sense. Technology like holographic virtual games is indeed a bit beyond the level of modern technology.

It seemed like he appeared overnight. If Wang Xuan came from another universe, it would make sense.

Murphy returned to reality from the four-dimensional space.

Although he obtained a lot of information, Murphy felt that it was still not enough.

The information learned only from the side is not intuitive enough after all, and the three-month period is too broad. During this period, who died and who survived? Did any of the dead people have any friends? These are very important.

Is there any way to observe the game and reality at the same time? If he can combine reality and games and conduct observations at the same time, then he can truly predict the entire future.

But how to observe two worlds at the same time? I can’t separate myself—hey, I have it!

Murphy looked at the game warehouse, but a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

You will know if you can succeed or not by giving it a try.

Whatever he wanted to do, Murphy lay down in the game cabin and slowly closed the hatch.

After starting the game and looking at the countdown numbers on the screen, Murphy did not close his eyes.

5—4—3—2—1… When the last number emerged, he suddenly slowed down time hundreds of times.

Everything emerged slowly like a slide, light flowed through his eyes, and darkness gradually emerged before his eyes. The darkness was like a tunnel, leading to the mysterious virtual world, and the colorful lights began to suck him into the tunnel.

Mo Fei concentrated on controlling time, slowing down one second countless times. The player's thinking speed when loading the game chamber is at the speed of light. Therefore, when players log in to the game, they often just feel a flash of white light in front of their eyes, and the next second they have already appeared in the game. In the game.

At this time, Murphy had to witness all this process with his own eyes, and he had to get stuck on the most critical frame.

The tunnel is about to reach the end, and the character selection interface in the game can even be faintly seen.

It's now!

Time authority - time stands still!

In silence, everything froze. Murphy stood in the center of the tunnel, with reality behind him, virtuality in front, and programs and codes flowing with light beams around him...

Very wonderful picture.

But it still didn't work. Murphy tried it, but shook his head helplessly. Although he was between the game and reality now, as long as he took a step forward, he would enter the game, and if he took a step back, he would return to reality. .

If you want to observe the future, you must let time unfold before your eyes, and once it unfolds, you will be dragged into the game.

It's a pity... As a result, he still cannot observe the two worlds at the same time.

He was about to end this embarrassing state when he was suddenly attracted by something.

It was a string of code-like things, emitting golden light, suspended in the air, and seemed to be flowing deep into the tunnel, into the game.

There are many such codes, which form this colorful tunnel. Each group of codes has a different color, gold, black, green, red, blue, gray...

Murphy calculated that there were six types of codes in total. These codes were intertwined and mixed with each other to form channels. The channels seemed to be part of the game structure and the entrance to the virtual world.

Murphy looked at the code and vaguely felt the subtlety of the code.

He placed his hand on a string of green codes, vaguely feeling that he could control it. This was - the force of chaos!

He put his hand on another string of red codes, this is - the force of life!

Mo Fei suddenly realized that these six color codes corresponded to the six forces, light and darkness, life and death, chaos and order.

The system framework of this game is written by these six codes.

Yes, World of Warcraft is originally composed of the six forces. No matter who created this game, it seems to run according to this idea. The codes representing the six forces are intertwined to form the cornerstone of this world. That's it. I see!

Murphy became extremely excited for a moment.

He understood something more at this moment.

Why the Chosen One is Morpheus, and why only the Dragon God can liberate the world, everything becomes clear at this time.

Because the Dragon Clan is born with the characteristic of absorbing energy of different attributes, and the Dragon God can absorb different powers and authorities into the Dragon God's authority, only the Dragon God can control the six major forces at the same time.

Since this world is written by the six forces, does it mean that as long as you control the six forces, you can control the system architecture of this game.

If I control the system, can I make the world free?

The more Murphy thought about it, the more it made sense.

He has now mastered the four major forces, order (arcane), chaos (evil), life, and death. Now he only has light and shadow.

No wonder Wang Xuan didn't want him to participate in this plot event. He must be afraid that he would defeat the Will of the Void and gather all the six forces.

However, it is indeed a bit troublesome to gather the six major forces at present. Logically speaking, if you want to obtain the shadow authority, you only need to kill an ancient god. But now that the five ancient gods have merged, if you want to obtain the shadow authority, you can only fight against the void. The will takes action.

Of course, you can also enter the Shadow Void and find other Void Lords, but that is too dangerous.

The physical laws of the Shadow Void are completely different from those of the real universe, and not even the Dragon God dares to ensure safety.

The authority of light is even more troublesome. The Supreme Will has been sent, and the God of Light never appears. Gods will not easily intervene in the game world.

I don’t know if Naru has the authority of light, but I always feel that it’s a bit off.

Moreover, if he wants to take action, he will definitely be noticed by Wang Xuan. The other party seems to be spying on him secretly. Once he discovers his purpose, he will definitely stop him.

We must find a way to find something for him to do...

Murphy kept thinking in his mind, and a plan gradually took shape in his mind.

Yes, that’s it! Murphy finally thought about the last step.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After completing all the original plot tasks and becoming the Dragon God, he finally found a goal worth working for.

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