Part-time BOSS

Chapter 606 Gambling

Murphy listened to Wang Xuan's words and remained silent.

This is indeed a problem. After the previous attempt and the analysis and excavation of the system, Mo Fei knew that what Wang Xuan said was true.

The system is like a neural network rooted in this world, and it is also a meticulous network that penetrates into every cell. Everything in this world is included in the framework of the system.

There seems to be no way to strip the world apart from total destruction.

However, the creation of anything has its own rules, and the person who created this game must have his own method.

"I guess you have something to do, right?" Murphy asked.

Wang Xuan nodded, "Yes, and this is exactly what I want to say. Considering that you will probably try it no matter what, in order to prevent you from ruining everything, I have a proposal. How about it? Do you want to listen to it?" Take my advice."

Murphy nodded, "Okay, you say it, I'll listen."

Wang Xuandao: "I will tell you how to separate the game system from this world. A correct method. You can also complete all this, but this process will never be easy. What we are betting on is whether you can do this. everything.

If you win, the world will naturally be free.

But if you fail, or choose to give up during the process, you lose. In that case, you have to join me, become my teammate, obey my orders, and work with me to accomplish that great thing. plan of. "

Murphy was somewhat curious and joked, "How great is it? Is it greater than saving a world?"

Wang Xuan said disdainfully, "Humph, of course, so what if you save the world? So what if you give them freedom? They are just a group of ants who know nothing about the truth. They live their lives in ignorance. Life will not be more meaningful than becoming an NPC in the game.

But my plan is completely different, through which you will understand the truth of the universe, the origin of all things, and everything! Trust me, you won't want to miss that. "

It really sounds like that.

Murphy said: "But how do I know you're not lying to me?"

"Hahaha, don't worry. People at our level don't need to be clever. And if you really feel that I lied to you, then just refuse to pay the bet. We are playing with gentlemen. As promised, I will not use any coercive means with you.

Even if you feel that the method I gave you is wrong, then you don’t have to do it, then you will not fail, and our bet will never have a winner. Of course, this world will also Will never be free again.

So, that's fair. "

Murphy thought for a moment and had to say that Wang Xuan's attitude was quite calm. "It's indeed fair. Okay, let's make a bet. Now you tell us how to liberate this world."

Wang Xuan smiled slightly and began to explain the method.

"This game universe is made up of the six forces. You must already know this, but there is no way to rewrite the system just by relying on the six forces. To do this, you must find the [concrete form] of the six forces. Object], there are six powerful gems in this universe, which respectively represent the six forces and are also the embodiment of the laws of the six forces.

They are - Gem of Order, Gem of Chaos, Gem of Life, Gem of Death, Gem of Shadow, and Gem of Light.

These six gems are the command keys of this game. When I was building this game, for the sake of safety, I stored these six gems in the loot pools of six different bosses to avoid being hit by others.

You need to defeat these six bosses respectively and explode these six force gems. This is the first step,"

After hearing this, Murphy thought to himself: Why is this setting so familiar?

"Then what, then I can control the system?"

Wang Xuan shook his head, "Of course it's not that simple. The six gems are just secret keys. If you want to control the system, you also need to find the core control center of the entire game.

Somewhere on this planet, there is something called the Pillar of Creation, which is the control center. Haha, but I won't tell you where this place is. You need to find it yourself.

When you find the Pillars of Creation, you will find that there are six grooves on it. Put the six Force Gems into them. At this time, you will have the authority to control the entire game. You can destroy the universe and reset the universe. , control the balance of the universe. Of course, you can also give freedom to this universe and return everything to its original form. "

Pillars of Creation? Wait a minute, could it be the remains of creation?

Although there is a word difference between the two, Murphy feels that there is definitely some connection between the two.

"It's that simple?"

"Haha, simple? If you really think so, it's that simple. Oh, by the way, I haven't told you who the bosses of these six guardian gems are, so you have to listen carefully.

The death gem is located in the underworld, on the body of Naraku, the ancient god of death.

The Life Gem is located in the Wilderness of Life, on the body of Nautina, the goddess of life.

The Chaos Gem is on the body of the Dark Titan Sargeras in the Twisting Nether.

The Stone of Order is in the body of the Pantheon, Aman'Thul, the Father of the Gods.

Finally, the Shadow Gem, in the hands of the Will of the Void.

The Holy Light Gem is in the hands of the Supreme Will.

In addition, don’t think that you can get these gems by talking or other methods, because even the six bosses themselves don’t know the existence of these six gems. I put them directly into their loot pools, so if you want to rely on It is impossible to steal or communicate to obtain it.

Of course if you can convince them to let you kill me I didn't tell you. "

Mo Feixin said that no wonder Wang Xuan was so confident. These six bosses were all gods, and they were not ordinary gods. The God of Death and the Goddess of Life should be the weakest, and the remaining few were all super gods. level existence.

It's really not simple. These six bosses are all god-level or even super-god-level existences.

Any one you pull out is like a ceiling, and the place where they live is even more difficult for ordinary people to reach.

Not to mention killing them all, none of them are easy to deal with.

But the more this happened, Mo Fei realized that what Wang Xuan said should be true.

"But the will of the void is the supreme will, right?"

"That's right, so you need to defeat him twice. Of course, the premise is that you can defeat the Will of the Void first, but he is now a super god-level BOSS. Thanks to you, even I can't stop him, so Just wish yourself well."

It's a bit difficult indeed.

But after Murphy thought for a moment, a confident smile appeared on his lips.

Even as the Dragon God in charge of the top ten powers, Murphy could not say that he was completely sure of such a goal.

However, being able to seize the power of authority is your biggest reliance. As long as you solve them one by one from weak to strong, it is not impossible to succeed. Every time you defeat one, you can strengthen one authority, and your strength will increase. Become stronger, so that the difficulty curve of the guide will not be raised too high all at once.

Yes, it should be possible.

But looking at Wang Xuan's proud expression, he always felt that the other party still had some information that he had not yet said.

Wang Xuan must have something else to rely on.

But he didn't ask, since Wang Xuan would definitely not tell him anyway.

Moreover, if he can defeat these six super-god-level bosses, by then his strength will be unprecedentedly powerful, and he will no longer be afraid of Wang Xuan's insidious tricks.

"So that's all? Nothing else?"

"Of course, I keep my word. As long as you can do this, you can save the world. Otherwise, you can only destroy the world and the game system together. There is no other way. How about this? Did you accept the bet?"

"No problem, just a word from a gentleman."

"It's hard to chase a horse, so that's it."

Mo Fei and Wang Xuan nodded to each other, and Mo Fei teleported away.

Wang Xuan looked at where Mo Fei left and let out a long sigh of relief. He turned around and looked at the huge craters on the ground, and couldn't help but scratch his head. These messes would have to be cleaned up for a while.

Fortunately, I am not alone.

He directly sent a private message to two teammates, "Hey, brothers, don't be idle. Come over quickly and help clean up the mess."

Whoosh, with two white lights, Su Wenrui and Zhang Zhen appeared next to Wang Xuan.

Su Wenrui (Messenger of the Gods): "Let me go, is this all done by that Murphy?"

Wang Xuan nodded,

Zhang Zhen (Envoy of the Gods): "This guy is a little out of control."

"Don't worry, the problem has been solved. I made a bet with him. Before the outcome of the bet is determined, he should stop doing random things."


Wang Xuan nodded, "Yes, it's a bet. I told him how to control the game system. I bet that he can't unblock the system. If he loses, he will join us. If he wins, haha, then Just give the world freedom.”

Su Wenrui blinked and suddenly reacted, "Hahahaha, boss, you are so smart. You must have given that kid some false information, right? Let that kid be deceived."

Wang Xuan shook his head, "Am I that kind of person? What I told him was correct information, including the location of the six Force Gems."

Zhang Zhen was immediately shocked, "Holy shit, boss, you are crazy. What if he really collects all six force gems? Really let him disable the system of this game? Then wouldn't all our efforts be in vain? Are you busy?"

Wang Xuan smiled confidently, "It's useless to collect them all. Don't forget the security program we set up on the Pillars of Creation - Doomsday Judgment Patch 2.0. The Pillars of Creation are the center of the entire game system, which also means that there is The most powerful place to control the system is that as long as he opens the Pillars of Creation, he must act according to the rules of the game and become a plot character in the plot of the Doomsday Judgment.

Even if he is the Dragon God, he is no exception.

Originally, with his power beyond the control of the game, there was nothing I could do against him, but once he entered the framework of the game system, I was no longer afraid of him.

At that time, even if he has thousands of magical powers and all kinds of abilities, he will still have to follow the rules of the game.

I don’t believe it. With my authority as the GM, how can I lose to him in the game? "

However, Su Wenrui and Zhang Zhen were not as confident as Wang Xuan.

"Boss, what if, I mean what if he loses the game? What if he resists the final trial and really unlocks the game?"

Wang Xuan shrugged, "What else can I do? Let's do it cold. If it doesn't work, we can only play other games. But don't worry, there is absolutely no way he can survive. In the end, I guarantee that he will be convinced that he lost."


Mo Fei was unaware of the conversation between Wang Xuan and the other two GMs. At this moment, he had returned to the Sky City.

As soon as he landed next to the Dragon God's Throne in the Sky City, a group of ancient dragons immediately surrounded him.

Alexstrasza (Elder Dragon Archon): "Lord Dragon God, what just happened? Aren't you predicting the future? Why..."

Edandron (Dragon God): "It's nothing, I just had a fight with a certain guy. Don't worry, it's over."

Neltharion (Gu Long Archon): "I can feel that Tanaris has suffered huge damage. Do you need me to deal with it? After all, it is our duty to protect this world, isn't it, Lord Dragon God?"

The latter sentence is somewhat ironic in it, but Mo Fei doesn't care. He knows that Deathwing is still somewhat concerned about the things he controlled at the beginning, but in the face of the status of the Dragon God and his retinue, this point A little care doesn't hurt.

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "Don't worry, someone will take care of the aftermath for us. We have more important things to do. Gather all the ancient dragons. I have something to announce."

Soon all the ancient dragons were gathered together. In addition to the ten ancient dragons in charge, seventeen more ancient dragons received blessings during this period and returned to the order of ancient dragons.

A total of twenty-seven ancient dragons were present.

Mo Fei also transformed into the form of the Ancient Dragon King, suspended above the throne of the Dragon God, overlooking the family members below. Their bodies were all rock-like scales, surrounded by red lightning.

The atmosphere is solemn and mysterious.

Murphy glanced at the audience, and all the ancient dragons fell silent.

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "Old dragon clan, my loyal followers, I am about to launch a great expedition to attack all realms and conquer the gods. We will face unprecedented powerful enemies, those ancient Gods, those Star Soul Titans who hold the power of the universe, those unknown existences beyond the gods who were born at the beginning of the universe.

This expedition will determine the life and death of this world and the ownership of power in this universe. This will be the most difficult battle for the ancient dragon clan. Therefore, I only need to be absolutely loyal to my warriors and not accept any doubts.

If you have any doubts about this expedition, you can stay and take care of this world that is about to undergo fusion for me.

If you trust me, then shout out your oath and fight with me! "




The roar of the dragon sounded loudly.

Murphy heard determination and determination from the dragon's roar.

He nodded with satisfaction, very good, no one flinched.

"Neltharion, I will give you the authority of the earth. May you use your solid body to support high walls and become a solid shield for the ancient dragon family.

Alexstrasza, I give you the authority of life. May you protect your fellow ancient dragons with a compassionate heart, so that the blood of the ancient dragons will not be spread easily.

Ysera, I grant you the authority of my soul. May you communicate with the dragons with the power of your soul, let me use my arms and fingers, and unite the dragons as one.

Nozdormu, I grant you the authority of time. May you be aware of crises and disasters, and let the dragons avoid all dangers.

Kalecgos, I grant you the power of order. May you use your arcane power to slay powerful enemies.

Lesajes, I give you the power of the storm. May you use the power of the storm to sweep away the enemies that stand in my way, and let the name of the storm resound throughout the world.

Willanoz, I grant you the power of my shadow. May you use the power of shadow to obscure the enemy's sight, hide the traces of the dragons, and make the enemy unpredictable.

Irudikoon, I give you the authority of the Holy Light. May you shine upon the dragons with the power of your holy light and remove all shadows on the expedition.

Fresanx, I give you the power of death. May you use the law of death to save your enemies and send them to the underworld to be buried as undead.

Philek, I grant you the power of Chaos. May you use the power of chaos to destroy all enemies and render them invisible.

Ancient dragon clan, rise up, roar, shake the sky with your dragon roar, stretch your dragon wings to cover the sky.

You will fight with me. Maybe this battle will bring us to the end. Maybe this battle can rewrite history and control destiny, but no matter what the outcome, your gods will walk side by side with you.

The Gulong Clan—Let’s go! "

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