Part-time BOSS

Chapter 607 God Killing

The Wilderness of Life, this outer plane independent of the main material world, is the birthplace of natural life in the entire universe.

The green sky is full of vitality, and the ground is covered with towering trees, gorgeous flowers, and green grass that exudes life and nature.

Winding rivers spread throughout every ravine in the wilderness, water vapor bubbles between waterfalls, the light of the rainbow emerges on the blue waves, and fairies with transparent wings soar among the grass, trees and flowers, spreading life.

The entire wilderness of life presents a fantasy scenery like a fairy tale.

In the core area of ​​the Life Wilderness is the Life Courtyard, which is the residence of the goddess of life, Nautina, and is formed by the natural growth of countless ancient plants.

The power of nature shows miraculous achievements. Trees have grown into palaces and houses, shrubs and thorns have formed walls and gates, and grass and flowers have turned into green carpets...

Around the courtyard of life, there are countless huge and strange plants. Many huge spore balls can be seen on the rhizomes of these plants, and the outlines of animals can be vaguely seen inside, constantly squirming, flashing with the colors of life.

It is a new life transformed from the soul of the wilderness demigod through the divine power of the goddess of life.

The goddess of life Nautina is the protector of all demigods in the wilderness. Those demigods who can return to the world are reborn here, such as Cenarius.

Of course, not every demigod has such an opportunity. If the goddess of life feels that a wilderness demigod has a violent personality or is evil at heart, she will refuse to resurrect him.

There are also some wilderness demigods who are unwilling to return to the material world after their resurrection, preferring to stay with the goddess and enjoy eternal comfort and peace in the endless wilderness of life. They can be found everywhere in the forests and grasslands, mountains and rivers around the courtyard of life. You can see huge birds and beasts, and all kinds of strange life forms. They are all demigods of the wilderness. They not only come from Azeroth, but you can also see various natural life forms unique to other planets...

This outer plane seems to be always peaceful and peaceful, but today, this eternal peace is finally going to be broken.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the sky, and the space was torn apart by powerful magical power. Something broke through the barrier between the real world and the wilderness of life. An eagle half-length noticed the strange scene. It raised its head and looked. Looking at the crack, his eyes were uncertain for a while.

Just as he was hesitating whether to investigate or directly warn, the next second, a huge strange figure flew out of the crack.

The majestic body of the Ancient Dragon King shocked the Eagle Demigod, and one after another, the ancient dragons swarmed out.

The eagle demigod looked at those strange beings in surprise. The rock-like body seemed lifeless, like an inorganic object that was incompatible with this world full of life. The thick dragon wings did not seem to comply with aerodynamics. The crimson thunder light lingering on the giant dragon's scales made the eagle demigod feel a strong sense of danger.

It was about to sound an alarm when several red dragon thunders struck through the air.

Boom boom boom!

Three dragon thunders hit the target and killed them instantly.

Alexstrasza (Ancient Dragon Archon): "This is the Wilderness of Life. Lord Dragon God, the residence of the Goddess of Life is down there. The Goddess of Life Nautina is not good at fighting, but the many demigods of the wilderness she rules are not good at fighting." Disdain, although the strength of individual wilderness demigods is uneven, it will be very troublesome once they are gathered together.

During the War of the Ancients, the power of the wild demigods was even enough to defeat the Burning Legion. "

Murphy was soaring in the sky, listening to Alexstrasza's introduction while observing the situation below.

There are so many wilderness demigods, there are probably hundreds of them as far as the eye can see, and this is just around the courtyard of life. There are probably tens of thousands of wilderness demigods in the entire life wilderness.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "My loyal followers, let's start taking action according to our previous plan!"

He gave the order and rushed directly towards the courtyard of life. Several ancient dragons followed him and rushed down. The rest of the ancient dragons quickly dispersed around the courtyard of life to form a defense line, preparing to prevent the demigods of the wilderness from supporting their goddess.


The huge ancient dragon king landed with a crash on the grass of the Courtyard of Life, its rock-like dragon claws trampling the grass and flowers without any regard for the life under its feet.

Nautina looked at the huge ancient dragon in front of her with a solemn expression. She looked like a forest fairy, wearing a gorgeous flower-like long dress. Her appearance was extremely beautiful, yet it made people admire her, full of sanctity and care.

Nautina (goddess of life): "God from another world, what makes you come to the abode of natural life, trample on the life that I carefully protect, tell me your purpose, otherwise you will face a 'life threat'."

Aidandron (Dragon God): "Don't blame the beautiful goddess. There is something in you that I need. For a greater goal, I must get it. I'm sorry that my actions may cause some additional damage. But we’re pressed for time, so let me get started.”

Without any unnecessary nonsense, when Murphy said the first sentence, he was already approaching Nuodina.

Facing the Ancient Dragon King who was getting closer and closer, Nautina also felt tremendous pressure.

"Alexstrasza? Did you choose to betray after all? I gave you the power of life. Is this how you repay your god?"

Alexstrasza (the ancient dragon archon): "The authority of life you gave me comes from the inheritance of my lord. You never really gave me anything, but now that my lord has returned, he is the true leader of the dragon family. God.”

"Then so be it, Uruk, Essien, Resex, come to me."

Uruk, half a giant bear, has a majestic body like a mountain.

Essien, the tiger demigod, roared across the sky. Countless wilderness demigods heard the sound and rushed towards the Courtyard of Life.

And Resex, the thunderbird demigod, spread out his golden wings in the sky, releasing a thunderstorm that filled the sky, blasting at the rock-like enemies.

But Mo Fei didn't care. An existence of the level of a wilderness demigod was no longer a powerful enemy for him. Even his ancient dragon consul could easily challenge him in a one-on-one fight.


Neltharion swooped and knocked the Thunderbird demigod backwards, interrupting the release of Thunderstorm.

After transforming into an ancient dragon, Neltharion's huge body became stronger and more powerful, directly pressing the Thunderbird demigod with a wingspan of more than 100 meters under him. The dragon claws tore the wings of the Thunderbird demigod, and the dragon thunder bombarded him. Holding those golden feathers, he almost suppressed this powerful demigod in one face-to-face encounter.

Nozdormu used the power of stasis of time, and cast a time-stopping barrier, instantly immobilizing the strongest bear demigod. The Uruk had thick health, high defense, and tyrannical power. It was Naudina's most powerful force. The powerful dependents now have great power but no chance to display it.

Essien, on the other hand, was forced back by Filek's chaotic flames...

Murphy didn't pay attention to the fighting of his men. He had great trust in these family members.

He has only one goal, the goddess of life Nautina.

As the goddess of life, Nautina is not good at fighting, but after all, she is one of the twelve main gods and a powerful goddess with great divine power.

Facing the Dragon God who was approaching quickly, she directly used her best skills.

"I am the goddess of life, in charge of the laws of life in all worlds. The new dragon god, you have messed with the wrong god."

Life - taken away!

Nautina raised her slender hand, and with just a slight finger, Murphy felt a powerful divine power instantly enveloped him. He felt that the life in his body was rapidly draining, and all the vitality seemed to be taken away. , without any warning, his blood volume began to drop crazily.

Fortunately, the ancient dragon has an immortal body like a rock and does not belong to the natural life of this world.

Mo Fei resisted the opponent's blood draw and blasted past with a dragon thunder.

Super Dragon Thunder Breath!

Boom, red lightning struck her body, but Nautina remained unmoved. Damage numbers kept popping up on her head, but no blood bar appeared.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Nuodina's face.

"The reborn Dragon God, I am the master of life and possess endless power of life. As long as I stay in the wilderness of life, you cannot kill me."

She said, peeling off Murphy's life force harder.

Unfortunately, it has no effect either.

But at this time, the roars of the wilderness demigods came from the distance, which still made Murphy's heart tighten.

Nautina showed a victorious smile, "My dependents will arrive here soon, and they will tear you apart."

"Oh, really... I admit that ordinary damage is indeed ineffective against you, but what if I directly erase you from the material level?"

Force detoxification!

As soon as Mo Fei raised his hand, the six forces were released at the same time. This was the trick he used to crack the system before. Even the system could not withstand such power. All matter would be turned into nothingness, let alone the flesh and blood of the goddess of life. body.

Her body continued to turn into broken powder, decomposing into its most primitive form. Nautina looked in horror at her gradually disappearing arms, coat, skin, flesh, and bones...

So what if you don’t have a health bar? What if you can’t be killed? Just wipe you out and you’ll die.

"No, what are you doing! You can't do this!" Nautina, who was originally filled with a divine aura, now had a look of fear on her face.

As the goddess of life, she never thought that she would also die one day. No, this is not death, this is dissolution that is more terrifying than death.

"I said, I want to take something from you." The Ancient Dragon King turned into a human form, and Mo Fei looked at Nuodina who was being decomposed indifferently.

He suddenly turned his right arm into an ancient dragon's claw, and inserted one claw into Nautina's chest.

In an instant, the plants around the courtyard of life were dying at an alarming rate.

A strange scarlet storm blew across the wilderness of life.

The sky turned a bright red like blood, the giant trees twisted their branches and made loud noises, and the vines danced wildly like vascular tentacles.

The grass turned into corrupt spore powder, and what flowed in the river was no longer the source of life, but stinking blood...

The main god fell, and the entire outer plane underwent changes.

The approaching wilderness demigods let out crazy roars and attacked the ancient dragons' defense line at all costs.

"Storm, listen to my command!" Lesajes released a violent storm, but it still could not stop the attack of those wilderness demigods.

The ancient dragons kept spitting dragon thunder from the sky, but they could only slightly slow down the demigod's charge.

"Master, we can't stand it anymore."

Murphy turned a deaf ear. At the critical moment, he pulled out a crimson gemstone from Nautina's chest.

A look of surprise appeared on Nuodina's face, and then it turned into countless bright red petals and disappeared into the air.

Life authority - take it!

System prompt: Your life authority has been enhanced and is now a great authority.

The two most important things have been obtained.

"Let's go!" Mo Fei no longer hesitated and turned into a dragon and soared into the sky.

The ancient dragons followed closely behind and plunged into the crack. When the black demigods of the wilderness rushed to the courtyard of life, their goddess had already died. The demigods of the wilderness let out angry and desperate roars and swore He wants to take revenge on the ancient dragon clan.

Got the first gem.

But Mo Fei has no time to celebrate, time waits for no one. The Goddess is not only a god, but also the master of all wilderness demigods and the leader of the life camp, which means that he will soon become the enemy of nature.

All wild demigods in Azeroth will regard him as their sworn enemy.

You must complete your plan as soon as possible.

In the Wilderness of Life, Alexstrasza is the guide to help guide the way. Nautina is not good at fighting, so she is the simplest gem.

As for the second gem, Murphy chose the Death Gem, but it was not that easy to go to the underworld.

Fortunately, he has his own method.

Northrend - The Frozen Throne:

"Varian, long time no see." Murphy landed on the top of the ice peak, looked at Varian sitting on the throne, and said hello.

His dragons hovered around the top of the ice peak and did not land.

Varian was a little surprised, "Brother Aidan, why are you here? Do you have a problem with me?"

Aidan (Dragon God): "Yes, I need to borrow something from you for urgent use."


"Your crown of dominion."

Varian's expression changed slightly, but he still took off the crown of dominance from his head and handed it to Murphy.

Mo Fei felt a little emotional. Good brothers are indeed good brothers. He borrowed the artifact whenever he asked.

Varian did not forget to remind him, "The Crown of Command is my key tool to control thousands of undead. Don't break it."

"I'm afraid it may not go as you wish."

As Mo Fei said, he grabbed the cheek guards on both sides of the Crown of Command and pulled hard, click! This artifact was directly torn into pieces.


As the Crown of Control shattered, the death magic trapped in it soared into the sky, and a vortex-shaped space-time rift suddenly burst out in the sky. And it was different from the temporary rift that Mo Fei had opened before using the power of time and space. This time the rift is permanent.

Through the huge vortex, you can even see the image of the underworld, which is the entrance to the underworld.

Countless spiritual bodies poured out from the cracks, whistling and circling, flying towards every corner of the material world.

Varian was shocked, "Brother, what have you done? Without the Crown of Dominance, the undead will get out of control, and you have opened the rift in the underworld, and the undead from the underworld will continue to pour into the world. You know what this means. What are you talking about? I can’t control those death monarchs from the underworld!”

Although many undead of the Scourge have gained free will and become members of the Undying Covenant.

However, there are also many undead whose souls are no longer complete, or are simply walking corpses. These undead must rely on the Crown of Command to control them. Without the Crown of Command, these undead will no longer be controlled and will act in the most instinctive form. ——Attack all living things.

Murphy spread his hands and said, "Sorry, in order to complete my plan, I have to do this. I'm afraid you will have to handle the rest."

"Damn it, you should have told me in advance." Varian was very annoyed and wanted to yell a few more words.

However, Mo Fei has already rushed into the gap with his group of ancient dragons.

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