Part-time BOSS

Chapter 624 The fate of the hero

Medivh's expression changed, and the players behind him were even more confused. Where did these people come from?

Some of them are familiar with the history of World of Warcraft and can vaguely guess the origins of some of these people.

"Holy crap, isn't it? Can you still pull people from parallel time and space?"

"Wait a minute, there is parallel time and space in this game? The game company is really spending a lot of money."

"What the hell, I'm not going to do it. These heroic bosses are the top existences in the game. If you kill them, you can also explode their equipment."

"You're right, what Arthas is holding is Frostmourne, damn, let's get together and blast him!"

"Blood Roar, I just need to get a Blood Roar."

"Doomhammer can do it too."

Everyone shouted and rushed towards the reinforcements pulled from these parallel times and spaces.

And the people in the parallel time and space here have already prepared for the battle. Although the number is less than half that of the opponent, the strength of each of them is not weaker than the opponent at all, and can even be said to be stronger.

However, both sides have many internal conflicts. Let alone the players who have their own agenda, the reinforcements in the parallel time and space are also suspicious of each other. They were even enemies in another time and space, so the cooperation between the two sides cannot be said to be very good. The result was that there was no coordination at all and they fell directly into a melee.

In other directions on the battlefield, the bosses of the Dragon God camp also noticed the movement here.

Alsace heard the sound of explosions coming from far behind him, and when he looked back, his expression suddenly changed.

No, brother is in danger!

He looked at Tirion Fordring in front of him and knew that he had to fight quickly.

He suddenly raised the Void Shattering Blade in his hand, and the power in his body burst out instantly - Void Shadow Slash!

He swung out his sword and instantly escaped into the void. Tirion Fordring was slightly stunned. The next second, Arthas suddenly appeared in front of him, and the sword blade struck at his head.

Tirion Fordring was shocked. He had never seen such a move before, but his rich combat experience still allowed him to change his moves and block in an instant.

clang! There was a sound of gold and iron, and the Void Shattering Blade was worthy of being an artifact. It directly cut off Tirion Fordring's High Lord's Sword, and the sword edge was pressed against Tirion Fordring's neck.

Fording smiled in relief, not expecting that he would be defeated by his apprentice.

"Go ahead Alsace, do what you have to do."

"No, I won't kill your Uncle Fording. I know you can't understand what I'm doing, but I hope you can believe me. Brother Aidan will never destroy the world. He is saving the world. Save Everyone." Arthas said solemnly. He retracted his sword, ignored Fording, and summoned the Storm Dragon Roaring Wind with a whistle, flying towards the entrance of the Pillar of Creation.


"Illidan, look what you have done. You summoned the Burning Legion to this world. You let me down so much." Malfurion glared at Illidan, pointed at the surrounding battlefield and roared.

Illidan showed disdain, "My dear brother, your narrow vision prevents you from seeing the truth of the matter. You have been fooled. This time I am the righteous party."

"That's enough. I've had enough of your sweet words. Look at what you look like now. You're a demon. I should have buried you completely a long time ago!"

Ouch! Malfurion roared and instantly transformed into a giant bear with a body length of more than ten meters. Its body was covered with thorns and barbs, its claws were like steel hooks, its fangs were like scimitars, and its hideous face was even more... A pair of scarlet eyes of the beast swooped towards Illidan.

"Look, which one of us is more like a monster!" Illidan also got angry, turned into a big demon form, and rushed towards the giant bear.

The two terrifying monsters collided with each other and bit each other, fighting like two wild beasts.

Although Malfurion was powerful, with the blessing of the Eye of Sargeras, Illidan became more courageous as he fought.

Chaos storm!

Boom, the powerful force knocked Malfurion to the ground, and a ball of chaotic energy gathered on Illidan's demonic claws. However, looking at his brother, Illidan still hesitated.

This pause of less than a second brought a fatal consequence.

Luna's Arrow!

Poof! Illidan felt a sharp pain in his heart. When he lowered his head, an arrow emitting bright moonlight penetrated deeply into his heart.

Illidan raised his head angrily, but was stunned when he saw the person who was shooting the arrow, and his face suddenly became unbelievable. It was Tyrande. She bent her bow and arrow, and shot out another arrow.

Illidan suddenly stretched out his hand and caught the arrow in the air. Although he missed the shot, his heart seemed to be bleeding when he looked at his beloved who was attacking him.


Luna's Arrow!

Tyrande shot another arrow coldly.

Illidan smiled miserably, suddenly realizing how ridiculous his infatuation for the past ten thousand years was. His expression gradually turned ferocious, and Tyrande couldn't help but think about it. Just when she thought Illidan was going to attack her, Illidan suddenly turned his head and fled towards the entrance of the Pillars of Creation.


King Saurfang (high-ranking warlord): "Damn it, Go'el, what kind of demon have you possessed? You actually killed your brother with your own hands! And you got together with your father-killing enemy!"

Thrall (the Apocalypse): "He is not my brother, he is just a monster. Yes, I finally understand what the fate Lord Dragon God is talking about!"

Thrall's eyes looked around erratically. The moment he killed the Young Wolf Lord, something touched his consciousness. He seemed to hear a voice whispering in his ear,

Everything in front of him suddenly became distorted, and a strange red light appeared above the heads of the fighting adventurers.

He seemed to suddenly remember some things that he had ignored in the past, some details that made him feel weird, and all of them suddenly became clear at this moment.

"The enslaved orcs are not demons, but some kind of more terrifying existence, but I have awakened. I will follow Lord Dragon God and give you freedom, Saurfang - don't block my way!"

boom! The explosion made Thrall turn his head, and his expression suddenly changed - "Pillar of Creation! Lord Dragon God!"

He hurriedly floated into the air and flew towards the entrance of the Pillar of Creation.

Saurfang still wanted to intercept, but Ba Dao Qingqing immediately shouted, "Dranosh, stop him! I'm optimistic about you! You and Thrall also go to save Aidan. Don't let Aidan lose. I’ll take care of it here!”

A young orc warlord immediately stood in front of Saurfang.

Dranosh Saurfang (Sword Warlord): "Your opponent is my old man!"

"Dranosh? Are you little Saurfang?" King Saurfang was stunned for a moment. The enemy in front of him turned out to be his own son. He suddenly felt angry and said, "I am your father! Get out of my way."

Little Saurfang didn't buy it: "I only follow the orders of the warchief!"

Fearless chop!

King Saurfang yelled angrily, "Ba Dao is ruthless, you bastard! Come here and die!"

Ba Dao is ruthless but unmoved. He is directing the battle while paying attention to the situation on the Pillar of Creation. Aidan, Aidan, you must not lose. I have sent Laohou to you. Then You must not default on one billion dollars. Whether I can be financially free or not depends entirely on this.


Dang, Dang, Dang!

The two divine swords of Frostmourne and Quel'Zalam were constantly colliding. Lothar and Varian were using all their strength at this time, no longer holding back at all, and exerting all their strength.

The Frostmourne in Vali's hands is certainly powerful, but the weapons used by Lothar are equally extraordinary. His sword is named Quel'Zalam, which means 'noble' sword in Thalassian. This sword was the first weapon of the Pantheon back then. Forged to fight against the Burning Legion, it is said that even Sargeras cannot withstand the edge of this sword.

In the original history, Anduin Lothar used this sword to kill Medivh, who was possessed by Sargeras.

However, this sword also has a fatal weakness - it cannot deal with people of noble character. When the wielder uses it against a noble person, he loses his divine power.

Historically, when Anduin Lothar was dueling with Orgrim Doomhammer in the Battle of Blackstone Mountain, the blade suddenly broke and he was killed by Orgrim.

"Varian, what makes you go so deep into the darkness? Turn back while you still have the chance."

"Uncle, I know exactly what I am doing, and I have a reason why I have to do it - don't force me!"

Lothar sneered, "Oh, really, then I'm curious whether that reason is enough for you to kill your own blood relatives with your own hands!"

The expression on Varian's face suddenly changed. His parents were both dead, and his uncle could be said to be his closest relative.

Even if the swords are facing each other. It is inevitable that I still have difficulty making up my mind.

"Why, is it difficult to answer? I thought you had lost all your humanity..."


A huge explosion interrupted the conversation between the two.

Varian followed the sound of the explosion and looked towards the Pillar of Creation, his expression suddenly changed slightly - Brother Aidan is in danger!

Lothar smiled when he saw it, "Your dark master's evil plan is about to be stopped. Let go Varian, you are not completely corrupted yet!"

Varian gritted his teeth suddenly, a look of determination in his eyes. "Uncle Brossa, my answer is - yes, even you can't stop me."

Lothar sighed, "Then come on, boy!"

The two rushed towards each other at the same time.


The sword blades crossed each other, and Lothar looked in disbelief at Frostmourne piercing his chest and the broken sword in his hand.

This is impossible! Quel'Zalam is indestructible, and only noble people can... He thought in disbelief, but if his sword could break, wouldn't that mean...

He looked at Varian, who looked in pain, and suddenly showed a relieved smile.

"Go what you should do..." After saying that, he fell to the ground.

Varian looked at Lothar's body, the pain in his eyes gradually turning into determination.

He rushed towards the entrance of the Pillar of Creation without looking back.

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