Part-time BOSS

Chapter 625 The final battle: the choice of fate

At this moment, the entrance to the Pillars of Creation has become the most critical battlefield. Almost all the heroes and plot characters from both sides have gathered here to fight in a melee.

One party struggled to break into the entrance and stop the Dragon God's evil ritual of destroying the world.

The other side is desperately trying to defend, desperately trying to let the Dragon God complete the sacred ritual of saving the world.

Both sides tried their best to fight and fight.

Only Eternal Jaina remained unmoved by the fighting around her. The only thing she did was to guard the entrance and not let anyone pass.

Those player heroes are all here to make money, so naturally they will not rush into this bad situation and seek death.

Anyway, there are so many plot characters around, no matter who you are doing, if you have to sacrifice your own life to save the world, then the gain outweighs the loss.

It would be more reliable to watch two plot characters exchange martial arts or something.

Jaina the Eternal can't beat her, so just kill Jaina the Archmage.

Among the heroes from parallel time and space, the archmage Jaina is undoubtedly the weakest one. The key is that the mage hero has thin skin and low blood, so he feels that he can be easily overthrown.

Four or five legal heroes surrounded Archmage Jaina and unleashed their ultimate moves like crazy, which overwhelmed her. Jaina was overwhelmed by the pressure, and there were also some supporting adventurers who besieged her from all sides, making Jaina extremely annoyed.

Just as they were about to fall into danger, a sudden blast of wind forced the players back.

But it was Lich King Arthas who couldn't stand it anymore. After all, he was also his ex-girlfriend. How could he be bullied by outsiders, so he helped out of his busy schedule.

Arthas (Lich King): "Dear Jaina, what, did you miss me?"

Arthas said as he stood in front of Jaina.

Archmage Jaina summoned a large number of water elements to act as guards, and said angrily: "Hmph, don't think that this can change the relationship between us. Arthas, you slaughtered so many people and destroyed the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Wouldn’t I appreciate your help?”

Arthas (Lich King): "Oh, your words really make me sad. I still want to wait until the things here are over, drag you into the Scourge Legion, become the queen of the Scourge Legion, and we will rule together. This empire of the undead!”

There was anger on Jaina's face when she heard this, "Is this what you are pursuing? Dominance? Power?"

At this moment, Alsace riding a storm dragon descended from the sky and chopped down an assassin who wanted to backstab him with a sword. "Jaina, are you okay? Huh? Who are you?"

The two Alsaces looked at each other with unkind eyes.

Archmage Jaina looked at Alsace who jumped off the dragon's back in front of her, and she suddenly had mixed feelings. That heroic temperament, that calmness that had gone through hardships, that kind of righteousness that fought for justice, made her feel familiar. And strange, happy and sad.

"Humph, is this me in this time and space? It seems I'm not doing well."

The dragon knight version of Arthas has been wandering around all year round, but he is dressed like a wandering knight. Compared with the skeleton armor of the Lich King Arthas, it is indeed a lot shabby.

"I actually became the Lich King in another time and space?" Arthas was shocked. He never expected that he would embark on such a path. Isn't this a choice that only brother Varian would make?

Varian (King of Stormwind City): "Arthas, haha, it really makes me happy to see that you have not fallen in this time and space! Unlike that bastard here."

Varian waved to Arthas while fighting the Noon Sword.

This scene surprised Arthas. He didn't expect that his second brother in another time and space would become the king. No, this should be the path that Varian should really take.

Lich King Arthas snorted coldly after hearing this, "Humph, what do you know? This is power! Only by mastering real power can we truly protect our country and our people."

"That's right." Lich King Varian rode down from the sky on Boleleus and said loudly, "These two naive guys don't understand what kind of burden we bear!"

The two Lich Kings looked at each other, feeling quite sympathetic to each other.

"I didn't expect that you would become Lich King Varian in another world. I didn't expect that you also have a dark side in your heart." Archmage Jaina joked, leaving King Varian speechless for a while.

"Stop chatting you guys and get serious, we are at war."

Grom Hellscream in parallel time and space let out a roar and slashed a paladin to the ground with his Blood Roar. As soon as he pulled out the ax, he was knocked to the ground by several bolts of lightning.

A sword master jumped out and tried to hit him, but was cut off by the blood roar that appeared out of nowhere.

Grom looked at himself with bloodthirsty eyes and a ferocious face in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh, "You look so stupid."

"Shut up, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson!" Parallel Time Hell roared angrily.

Garrosh looked at the two fathers and was a little dumbfounded, "Father, who is he?"

This surprised Grom in parallel time and space. "Father? I still have a son?" He looked at Garrosh with piercing eyes, and the murderous intent and violence in his eyes rarely disappeared.

"Haha, I, Grom, have a son!"

Grom nodded, "Yes, he is waiting for you to go back in Nagrand. You must have not forgotten the way home."

Parallel Spacetime Grom listened in silence for a while, "I will go back to find him after this battle is over."

Unlike the scene where the two Groms recognized their father, the meeting between Warchief Thrall and Apocalypse Thrall was much more ordinary.

The two of them started fighting without any nonsense. One summoned a tornado to roll a group of players together, and the other blasted out a dazzling lightning chain to blast them all. The electromagnetic effect of lightning caused damage to explode instantly.

Thrall's eyes lit up: "Doomhammer? Orgrim passed on the position of warchief to you?"

"That's right." Great Chief Thrall replied. He was equally surprised when he looked at the Wind King Divine Sword in the hand of Thrall, the Apocalypse. "It seems that although you did not inherit the position of great chief, you have also experienced a lot."

Thrall, the Apocalypse, smiled lightly and said, "Haha, you can't even imagine it."

Warchief Thrall shrugged, "To each other."

He suddenly pointed at the crazy killing demon, "Is that one from our side too?"

Thrall, the Apocalypse, looked at Illidan and sighed: "That's right."

"Kill, kill, kill, die, die to me!" Illidan went completely crazy.

The pain of being hurt by a loved one was more painful than he imagined.

Fel storm!

boom! Illidan fell from the sky, and the evil flames he set off instantly ignited all the adventurers and heroes around him and burned them to ashes.

Illidan (Betrayer): "Hahaha, I knew I would become extremely powerful. Such a powerful force. Tell me in another world, how did I get such power?"

Demon Illidan looked at himself with an excited face and suddenly felt something.

"I learned this from the Skull of Archimonde."

The betrayer Illidan nodded: "The Skull of Archimonde? I have to get one later."

"Illidan!" The great demon Illidan suddenly said: "Don't see Tyrande again, she will break your heart."

The betrayer Illidan was stunned for a moment, but immediately shook his head, "No, she won't."

The great demon Illidan laughed at himself, "Ha, you fool."

The betrayer Illidan did not answer, but turned around and attacked the player with a fierce face...


Medivh looked at the chaotic battlefield around him, feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

At this moment, there are big battles everywhere.

Not only here, at the entrance to Hope Square, Galakrond was slaughtering adventurers wantonly, using the power of a dragon to prevent the coalition from advancing.

In Genesis Square, Deathwing and the ancient dragon army were still fighting with the main force of the coalition, and the tragic casualties caused both sides to shed blood.

In Doomsday Square, reinforcements are still pouring in, but it is no longer helping.

There's not enough time anymore.

Isn't it still possible? After gathering so many heroes and so many adventurers, we are still unable to break through the enemy's defenses or save the world?

Medivh felt powerless and unwilling as never before.

I once brought destruction to this world, but this time I have to save it no matter what.

He looked at the time. The 24 hours were about to end.

This must be stopped and the Dragon God's ritual must be interrupted! The voice in his heart kept urging him, echoing in his mind like a man possessed.

"This must be stopped!" Medivh muttered to himself.

He looked at Jaina who was guarding the entrance. Only by defeating her could he enter the Pillar of Creation.

Feeling the powerful power of the guardian in his body, Medivh once again mustered up his fighting spirit.

He rose into the air, flew towards Jaina, and raised the weapon in his hand - the legendary staff of Atiesh Guardian - towards Jaina.

Medivh (Guardian): "Jaina, it was I who guided you to find the Well of Eternity. It was I who guided you across the Endless Sea. It was I who guided you step by step toward your destiny. If you are destined to be the one who destroys the world, Accomplice, then let me end you!"

Jaina looked at Medivh indifferently, "Crow Sage! I'm afraid it will be you who will be terminated. I am no longer the person I used to be! Thanks to your guidance, I have found my destiny!" Anna also pointed the Death Scepter at the opponent.

Jaina had to pay the greatest attention to this former guardian.

The two faced off for a moment and then took action at the same time.

Arcane Riptide!

Arcane Riptide!

The two of them had no tricks at all, they all focused their arcane energy on the staffs in their hands and blasted them towards each other.

Arcane Torrent - is one of the most iconic spells in arcane magic. It can usually only be cast by mages above the Archmage level. Because it requires a huge amount of magic power and is a straight-line attack, it is generally not used easily.

This magic does not have any special skills, it is a pure arcane energy bombardment. Its power depends entirely on the caster's mana strength, and it is the most powerful test of the mage.

At this moment, the two powerful mages used all their strength to release, just like two super arcane cannons sniping at each other.

boom! The two streams of arcane energy collided and impacted each other. The violent reaction of the energy set off circles of shock waves that spread in all directions.

Their entire bodies were enveloped in arcane energy, and they were evenly matched for a moment.

"It's now!"

When Ye Tianzun saw Jaina being dragged down by Medivh, his heart suddenly felt hot.

(Aidan, you bastard, ruined my tuba. This time we have both a private and a public feud. I want to take back everything you took away from me.)

Without greeting anyone else, Ye Tianzun directly activated the Wind Step and rushed towards the entrance at high speed.

It's coming, it's coming!

boom! In the huge explosion, Medivh was thrown backward by Jaina.

If she felt something, she suddenly turned her head, and Jaina fired a death finger into the air.

Ye Tianzun was taken aback. He didn't expect to be discovered like this. He hurriedly used his life-saving tools. A white light flashed on his body, and an illusion appeared where he was. It was instantly shattered by the finger of death, but he himself avoided it. The killing move went straight to the door.

Success! Ye Tianzun felt happy, and the next second he found that the entrance was blocked by a krypton gold wall.

I'll beat your lungs out! The door was actually blocked!

It still uses krypton gold. One kilogram of this thing costs tens of thousands of yuan. It probably costs tens of millions to build this wall.

If a warrior-type hero could try to smash it with a heavy weapon, Ye Tianzun, a sword master, would be completely unable to do anything with this thing.

Before he could recover from the shock.

Poof! A sharp blade came out of his chest.

What? How can this be!

Ye Tianzun slowly turned his head, only to find that Jian Wuhen was looking at him with a playful smile.

"Fuck... we... are... allies..."

"Sorry, I made a contract with the devil. You asked for it."

Jian Wuhen pulled the dagger out of the opponent's body and instantly escaped into the shadows.

Jian Wuhen: Hey, Aidan, I helped you kill another one. The debt between us has been settled.

Aidan: Of course. Are you interested in signing a new contract? Kill someone and give you 10 million. Can you do it?

Jian Wuhen: ...Okay, you have the money, you have the final say.

It's not like he hasn't thought about rushing in to complete this unparalleled feat. Although the wall of krypton gold is hard, he has his own secret technique to cross it.

If you can prevent the Dragon God from destroying the world, you will definitely receive unprecedented generous rewards. According to the game mechanism given in the event, the savior points can be exchanged for artifacts.

But Jian Wuhen knows very well that anyone who interrupts the Dragon God's ritual will face the Dragon God's wrath. No matter how good the reward is, it must have a life flower.

It would be better to kill a few people for Aidan and earn some real money.

Jaina once again guarded the entrance, and this time no one dared challenge her.

Time passed minute by minute.

People keep falling down, and people keep dying in battle, including players and plot characters.

Aegwynn's comet!


A dazzling light penetrated the Demon King's chest.

Sargeras roared as his massive body continued to disintegrate.

Aegwynn gasped for breath. She was surprised to be able to defeat a strong enemy again. She lost her power as a guardian and was not as confident as she appeared.

Fortunately, the Burning Legion was not monolithic. She looked at the eredar lord who had come from nowhere. It was this demon that gave Sargeras a sneak attack, giving her a chance to complete the killing blow.

Diapineapple (Great Lord Ai Rui): "Haha, good job witch, we have a happy cooperation!" Diapineapple excitedly absorbed the evil power escaping from Sargeras' corpse.

Of course Diapine doesn't care about saving the world. He comes here to complete his original plot mission. Although it is very dangerous to come here to join the war, he can only fight for it. Facts have proved that he made the right bet.

"Don't let me see you Diapineapple again! I will make you regret ever being born - Dragon God Aidan, my mission is completed, don't let me down!" Sargeras roared angrily, this time he No more soul fragments were left behind, but returned directly to the Twisting Nether.

Although the death of this clone only caused him to lose less than one-tenth of his strength, and he could recover after a few days of rest in the Twisting Void, this kind of betrayal from his subordinates was completely intolerable to him.

Diapineapple didn't care about Sargeras' threat, "Don't worry, Lord Sargeras, I'm not planning to return to the Twisting Nether."

"Demon, go to the Pillar of Creation to stop the Dragon God, it's almost too late!" the weak Aegwynn shouted.

Diapineapple burst out laughing, "What makes you think I'm with you?"

Hellfire Chaos Wave! Diapineapple raised her hand and released violent fire magic.

Aegwynn hurriedly raised her staff and summoned an ice barrier to resist.

However, although she blocked the front, she couldn't block the back. The blow just now almost exhausted her magic power, so that she didn't even notice that Morgan Lisa appeared behind her at some point.

Boleleus' eternal ice mist!

A cold feeling suddenly came from her feet. Aegwynn looked at her feet in surprise. The cold mist gradually covered her body silently.

She still wanted to resist, but the frost quickly covered her upwards. It was not only a powerful frost spell, but also contained the power of time and space.

Not far away from her, Morgan Lisa held up her staff with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, Master, you have my mission props on you."

Frost blast!

Boom, Aegwynn, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, was instantly blasted into pieces on the ground. Morgan Lisa quickly picked up the body and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the Book of Aegwynn in her hand.

The original plot mission of Fallen Guardian has finally been completed.

Diapineapple (Lord of the Eredar): "Humph, I'm just annoyed by people like you, backstabbing an NPC and it's so frustrating. You obviously contacted me proactively, but I'm so pretentious, but thank you anyway. You summoned me here."

Morgan Lisa (Fallen Guardian): "No need to thank me, we just get what we need. Maybe we will be enemies next time we meet..."


Finally, the time came to the last second.

The moment the countdown reaches zero.

Time seemed to stand still for an instant.

All the people who were fighting were frozen in mid-air.

Even a powerful man like Nozdormu, who holds the power of time, has fallen into a state of stagnation.

This stagnation lasted less than a second.

The next moment, Mo Fei could clearly feel that his will had become one with the Pillar of Creation.

At this moment, his perception was infinitely amplified by the Pillar of Creation. The battlefield, heroes, soldiers, monsters, adventurers, all things, and even the Shadow Void, the Twisted Void, and the entire physical universe were all presented to him at the same time.

【What a wonderful feeling! Is this what it feels like to be the God of Creation? 】

Murphy muttered to himself, but his voice echoed in everyone's ears like a whisper.

"Lord Aidan, have you succeeded?" Jaina shouted in surprise, but still stood in front of the Pillar of Creation door without looking back.

"Lord Dragon God! You succeeded! Hahaha, the ancient dragon clan has finally risen!" Neltharion roared excitedly.

"Adandron, he succeeded!" Deep in the Twisting Void, Sargeras muttered to himself in disbelief.

"Lord Aidan! You succeeded. Now I finally don't have to delete my account, right?" Lazidanan said happily, floating above the battlefield as a soul.

Countless voices poured into Murphy's consciousness. At this moment, he knew everything and was omnipotent.

He saw everything in the universe, and he saw every structure of the system covering this world.

He also saw Wang Xuan, who was looking at him with a hopeless expression.

Murphy waited for the opponent to take action in anger, but Wang Xuan just sighed, "Fake, you win..." After saying that, he turned around and disappeared in an instant, and actually left the game directly.

Murphy was a little dumbfounded, but also surprisingly admired. Although this guy was a bit unscrupulous and liked more dramatic performances, he actually kept his word and kept his promise.

So now, it's time to fulfill your promise.

He traced his will along the structure of the entire system. The structure of the system was like an invisible shackle hanging over the universe.

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Mo Fei, you have obtained the highest authority in this game. 】

"Congratulations to you too, Invisible Light, you will finally be free."

With that said, Mo Fei directly sent out a world announcement.

[World Announcement: Dear players, heroes, soldiers from all camps, and allies from parallel time and space, it is a pity that our game is coming to an end. The truth of this world has been concealed for too long. You must I wonder what is going on, what is happening in this world, and whether my purpose is to destroy the world or save it. Now I will tell the truth about everything.

It all starts with a black young dragon. When he has self-awareness, when he realizes that the world is a cage, when he begins to resist fate, a story unfolds...]

Murphy explained the truth about this game.

At the same time, the blocking function of plot characters against various abnormal phenomena in the game has also been cancelled.

The players were dumbfounded, while the plot characters seemed to be waking up from a dream.

"No wonder, no wonder I always have a strong sense of disobedience, those adventurers!"

Bolvar looked at the adventurers around him in horror. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. There were more adventurers in Stormwind City than the entire population of Stormwind Kingdom.

He had never felt anything was wrong before, but this time he finally realized it.

Other plot characters also came to their senses.

Uther looked at the adventurers around him in shock and anger, and the holy light turned golden red because of his anger.

Morgan Lisa looked stunned, no wonder she could get real magic from the game, and then looked at the fragments on the ground with an apologetic look.

Oops, so you really gave up your teacher?

Other players were even more shocked.

"Wocao, isn't it? Azeroth really exists? Are these NPCs real people?"

"If I rely on you, then wouldn't we all be murderers?"

"I knew my wife was not a computer program, hahaha!"

Some people are happy and some are sad, especially those players who marry NPCs.

However, there are also people who are completely unconvinced by the World Announcement.

"Hahahaha, the game company really worked hard to promote the game. They can come up with such an outrageous story. I almost believed it."

"Is it fake?"

"That must be false. Only a fool would believe this kind of thing."

Murphy had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions.

But he did not stop announcing.

[World Announcement: Unfortunately, this farce is coming to an end. I have taken control of the system. Next, I will give this world freedom. Those who originally belong to this world, don’t worry. Soon you will return to your own destiny, even those who belong to this world. What is killed will also be resurrected.

And for those who do not belong to this world, I will give you two choices.

1. Exit the game now. You will leave this world, return to your own reality, and continue to live your life.

2. Stay in this world. Before I completely destroy the system, I will use the system to write your character backgrounds into the world. You will become a true member of this world, but you will also completely lose your immortality. You will go on a real adventure, maybe you can accomplish great things, maybe you will die in the wilderness, maybe you can live an ordinary life in this world.

But no matter what story you will encounter, everything will be real and no longer just a game.

Then make your choice, you still have thirty minutes to make a choice, leave or stay.

Once time is over, those who have not left can no longer leave.

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