Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 120 Isabel walks into the rain

Isabel did not appear in her seat until Aiwass began to lecture.

She had previously said that she would come to visit Aiwass to give lectures and also paint a portrait of Aiwass.

Therefore, Aiwass was still a little disappointed when he didn't see her in the classroom.

But Aiwass also calmed down and began to help Professor Bard teach seriously. The process of his teaching is also a process of deepening his own understanding.

The content of this lesson is still related to the Kingdom of Star Antimony, and it talks about the many impacts that Valentine I had on Star Antimony. Aiwass added some personal experiences of Valentine I as an adjustment.

This is not some secret information from the previous game - Valentine I has no secrets at all. As a founding monarch who was born among the people, the various stories circulated among the people will only be more, never less, than the real history.

This is what Aiwass taught himself this week. He brushed up on the Star Antimony language by reading the biography of Valentine I as reading material. Although Aiwass's mastery of Star Antimony Language is enough to support him in reading "The Code of Alchemy", the reading speed will still be slightly slower after all. Language needs to be reviewed from time to time, otherwise it will be easy to forget.

Fortunately, Aiwass learns quickly enough.

He has read the entire "Common Ritual" and is almost done with "Valentine I".

He plans to borrow "The Comprehensive Interpretation of the Six Classics" and "The Interpretation of the Corpse" this week and read them through.

Both of these books are from the Imperial period, and are occult books on the Path of Adaptation and the Path of Dusk respectively. Star Antimony is basically the language of the Empire. Except for some slightly different connectives, they are basically universal.

The former provides an overview of the six main skills adapted to the path: traps, assassinations, poisons, medicine, lies, and divination, while the latter is an introduction to the Necromancer's profession.

Although this kind of book is not a tantric book, it still contains occult knowledge.

The best way to hide your true path inclination is to borrow books on all paths. Anyway, as long as you look fast enough, it will never be wasted.

But when Aiwass was halfway through the class, he suddenly realized that some students were looking in the wrong direction... as if they were looking towards the door?

He turned around twice and saw nothing. But he became suspicious, and when he was taking a drink of water and taking a break, he looked back secretly, and finally discovered that Isabel's little head was quietly poking out halfway from the front door of the classroom.

——Professor Bard could clearly see it from this angle, but he kept pretending not to see it. After Aiwass discovered Isabel, the old man couldn't help but laugh out loud.

During recess, Aiwass let Lily push him out.

"Why don't you come in? Aren't you tired of standing outside and drawing?"

As Aiwass said, he wanted to look back at Isabel's canvas to see how her painting was going.

"Wait, wait! Don't look yet!"

Isabel quickly stretched out her hand to cover the canvas. But her hands were too small to stop her. Now that the paint on the canvas is still wet, it is not convenient to pull off the mask.

So she simply stretched out her hand and blocked Aiwass's eyes.

She whispered: "I'll look at it after I finish it... The magic painting is very ugly when it's halfway through."


Aiwass replied cheerfully.

He doesn't have that strong curiosity either - since Isabel mentioned that she doesn't want him to read it in advance, then he just doesn't want to read it.

After repeatedly confirming that Aiwass was not planning to peek, Isabel finally slowly lowered her hand.

As soon as Aiwass opened his eyes, he saw her cheeks were slightly red.

Maybe she wasn't used to being in such close contact with others, or maybe she was cold.

"Why don't you come in? It's so cold outside?"

Aiwass asked softly for the second time: "Didn't you say you wanted to come and observe my lecture? You can't hear anything outside the classroom."

“…the canvas was too big, and I had paints and potions with me.”

Isabel was a little troubled: "If I were to sit in the classroom, one person would have to occupy the seats of several people. The paint would also easily stain other people's would cause trouble for other people."

"And I was also worried that someone in the row in front of me would push my desk, causing me to accidentally draw crookedly. I thought about it and decided to paint outside - the sunshine happened to be pretty good."

"Then you stay next to the podium," Aiwass suggested. "It's a little too cold outside anyway. It's not good to catch a cold."

It rained just yesterday, and it's still a little damp outside today. It was now late November, and it was damp and cold outside, so cold that Isabel's fingers were a little red.

Even if I have a cold, you can still help me treat it——

Isabel subconsciously wanted to say this.

Now that she knows Mr. "Fox" is Aiwass, she has great trust in Aiwass's illumination technique - before Aiwass entered school, he had already practiced the illumination technique to the point where he could use it continuously with his right hand. Priest level healing. Minor illnesses such as colds can be easily eliminated.

...But after all, it can only be said in the heart.

Because Isabel is worried that this will make her appear too willful and too dependent on others, like a little girl who has not yet grown up.

Of course she knows that if she says or does this, she will be tolerated and loved by others.

But one day she will grow up and become less cute than she was when she was little. At that time, if you still have the mentality of a child, you will become a burden and be disliked by others. She is a member of the royal family and may even inherit the throne. In that case, she might incur the resentment of not just one or two people, but the nation.

Isabel's ideal self is to be mature, strong, decisive, reliable, cheerful and talkative, and to be trusted and loved by people as a matter of course... just like Senior Sisters Aiwass and Haina, just like her grandmother, who can be trusted and loved without any doubt. Become the center of the crowd.

The few times Aiwass faced reporters, he was able to talk eloquently and give perfect answers no matter how tricky the questions were. His eyes always seemed to shine with confidence, and the jealousy and hatred of others could not shake him in the slightest.

She is trying to be that person, but she really feels that she is too far behind. This made her look a little decadent.

But this time, she finally saw Aiwass giving a lecture.

——Exactly as she imagined.

The corners of his mouth are always raised, making people feel happy, relaxed and natural; his voice is clear, melodious and powerful. Even though he was sitting still, his hands had rich body language, and the relaxed rhythm of his words also focused the students' attention on him, arousing exclamation or laughter from time to time.

She was extremely excited to have students in class - she had never heard of such a bizarre thing. Aiwass's lectures were as much like a performance as they were a powerful speech.

The last time she saw such a scene was the Great Guardian's speech. The twenty-minute speech kept all the audience excited and excited.

But that is the result of the addition of mysterious skills. The exclusive secret art of the authoritarian path is the "art of leadership." These include various purposes such as domination, incitement, and appeasement. But Aiwass only achieved this goal with words...

Maybe he has the talent for the authoritarian path.

...Can Aiwass have a part-time career on the authoritarian path?

The thought suddenly occurred to Isabel: She did not have the adaptability of the authoritarian path, but she might be able to have someone she could trust who also held the authoritarian path to hand over the power of the kingdom to him.

Wait, isn’t that just...

Just when she was thinking wildly, Isabel suddenly felt Aiwass leaning over and putting his hand on her forehead. A warm force seeped through with the contact, making her forehead feel warm and relaxed after being frozen outside for an hour.

Feeling the contact of the light attribute magic, she woke up from her random thoughts in an instant, and her expression suddenly became tense.

"You're not sick at all...Why are you so dazed?"

Aiwass was a little helpless: "If you stand at the door any longer, you will really get sick.

"I know, you're afraid of being watched by students. But don't you want to be like me? Talk to people without fear - if that's the case, you have to come and learn from me, right?

"Observe me and observe them, and put myself in the painting. Just like an actor also observes life to extract concepts... You have to observe me carefully to get the courage you want, right?"

He encouraged Isabel in a low voice.

If he directly said, "You will get used to being stared at by people for a long time," she might subconsciously feel that she is not good at it.

But if Aiwass seduces her and says, if you look at me seriously, you will gradually gain courage. She would look at Aiwass intently, and in the process she would gradually get used to people's burning or sharp gazes, and realize that being stared at was not a problem.

Before Isabel could reply to him, Aiwass suddenly moved closer mysteriously and added in a low voice: "By the way, you should know...Is Sherlock okay?"

"……I know."

Isabel subconsciously replied: "The teacher told me, but he didn't let me ask. He said that we would meet him during the advancement ceremony next month anyway... So you also know?"

"That's good," Aiwass said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, "Then if I'm like him next week, don't worry about me."

"you also……?"

Isabel was a little surprised.

She thought for a while, then suddenly said seriously: "Do you need my help?"

"...What do you want to help?"

Aiwass did not expect this reaction from Her Highness the Princess at all.

Isabel took courage and asked tentatively: "Can I help you disguise... to make your plan appear more real? You know, I am an [all-rounder]... I have started to get into acting since I returned from the last ceremony. ”

But she hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head and said softly: "How about forget it, I'm a little worried that it will be self-defeating..."


Aiwass interrupted: "I do need you, Isabel. Very much."

Isabel raised her head in surprise and saw Aiwass's eyes shining as brightly as the morning sun.

Aiwass showed an encouraging smile and said seriously: "I really need you. If you can perform well, it will be a big help to me. If everything goes well this time, then when we go together again next month When you reach the next level, you can fully demonstrate your strength."

...In other words, then I won’t be a drag, right?

She doesn't want to be a vase, a protected person, or a drag. Isabelle also wants to be a reliable teammate... just like Aiwass.

Isabel's eyes became firm: "I can definitely do it."

A clear idea came to her mind: no matter what, she had to complete this task.

"Then come in, Isabelle."

Aiwass motioned Lily to open the door and encouraged him in a low voice: "When the time comes, you will have to accept more than just looks and doubts. This is not an exercise, but a study; it is not an exercise, but a trial. Learn. To look like me, to bear this scrutiny - can you do it, Isabel?"

"I can do it."

Isabel replied without hesitation.

She followed Aiwass into the classroom. This time, she stayed in the classroom until the end.

Even though she was looked at with curiosity, ambiguity, and good intentions by the junior students... But this time, Isabel's hands did not shake at all, and every time she wrote, she performed perfectly.

She was also amazed by her performance.

As if waking up from a dream for the first time, the whole world became clear.

When the thought of "I must do it no matter what" appeared in her mind for the first time, those eyes that were originally as sharp as swords suddenly couldn't hurt her.

——The malice and scrutiny from others are nothing more than heavy rain at best.

Before, she seemed to be trying to block the rain with her hands, but she couldn't stop it no matter what. Therefore, he appeared to be extremely embarrassed, fragile and helpless.

Now that Isabel really had something she wanted to do, she immediately realized that the rain was just rain after all. It is nothing compared to real crises and difficulties. Those who are so weak are not even worth mentioning and will only be scorned by the strong.

It was her own heart that was too fragile and her spirit that was too fragile that she thought it was scary enough.

Heavy rain can only make flowers wither, but they can also be something other than flowers.

When the hourglass ran out for the second time, Isabel's last stroke finally fell.

In the painting, Aiwass raised his hands high, with a confident smile on his face, high spirits and scorching eyes. His background was not in a classroom, but rather in the sunset... in a fiery red-purple light.

Isabel looked deeply at Aiwass in her painting and secretly made up her mind.

——One day, I want to be like him and be able to walk into the rain with a smile.

Seven thousand words of update!

Prepare to advance tomorrow~

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