Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 121 New Moon Ceremony

Time flies and it is now Sunday.

The attack planned in advance by Lloyd's Club should be in the next week, and the Noble Red Society suddenly stopped moving. The news of the death of old Professor Moriarty has not yet been received. The Minister of Trade has not moved, and the superior of Miss Assassin has also not Still haven't found it.

It's been an unusually quiet, peaceful week.

It was even quiet to the point that Lily was a little restless.

But everyone was enjoying themselves, and probably the only one who felt uncomfortable was Sherlock.

His character is always restless. He usually relies on finding something for himself to do in order to use his unstoppable brain. Now that he had forced himself to take a vacation, he couldn't make any noise yet - according to Haina, by the weekend, he was already studying spells at the bishop's house.

He also asked Haina to bring back a reply with a lot of words to Aiwass. The above densely lists various problems that Aiwass may encounter at Lloyd's and how to deal with them; it also puts forward seven conjectures that can only be verified by having Lloyd's identity, so that Aiwass can verify them when he has time.

From the number of words in this letter, we can see how much he cares about Aiwass and how uncomfortable he is with his idleness.

Of course Aiwass didn't have time.

It was rare for him to have nothing to do, so he took classes quietly for a week. Learn occult knowledge step by step through the school library. He didn't even need much experience to reach level nine naturally.

Aiwass is like a sponge, constantly absorbing knowledge. After reviewing his studies and reading the two books he had planned to borrow, he began to learn Elvish by himself in his free time - because his prayer lecturer, Ms. Meiya, planned to lend him a tantra book on the path of devotion. This book is translated into Elvish.

In order to understand this tantra book, Aiwass has already begun to prepare in advance.

The only thing that surprised Aiwass was...Lily actually reached the peak of the first level in just one week.

Literally not even a week. She had already come into contact with the second energy wall on Thursday. Three days earlier than the best-case scenario Aiwass expected.

This means that this new moon ceremony can indeed be promoted together with Lily - after all, they are all in Avalon, and it is very rare to adapt to the path or transcend the path. This also means that they will be promoted tonight. They will almost certainly line up.

Considering the house at No. 14 Ronin Street, Isabel has the key...

Although it was unlikely, considering the possibility of her coming to play with Aiwass on Sunday night, Aiwass still gave his mentor a Monday holiday in advance and took Lily home to prepare for the promotion ceremony and seal the paradoxical flame. butterfly.

When they arrived home, Aiwass discovered that... the "Golden Dawn" that Master Yanis had said before had been delivered and installed.

When Aiwass arrived home on Sunday morning, he noticed how bright the living room was.

It was as if it was not a wall, but a huge window that spanned time and space——

Mixed with the crimson sunrise, the pure golden light rises from the center of the sacred building made of gold. The Nephthys guards of the Horus Empire were worshiping the sun directly below. The human figures were small and blurry, but they gave people a very real feeling. The light penetrates the many surrounding buildings made of crystal and gold, repeatedly refracting and shining with a halo. Even though it is just a silent painting, it seems that you can vaguely hear the solemn praise.

This window brings a wonderful visual error - it looks like looking out from inside the window, but at the same time it gives people "like looking from a flush angle" and "like looking down from the sky" "Two feelings.

When Aiwass came in from the door and walked forward, as the angle and distance he looked at the painting changed, the angle of the light in the painting and the perspective relationship of the surrounding buildings reflected them. The angle of the light also changes.

The surrounding buildings are real and detailed, even a brick protruding from the wall and a small piece of peeling gold paint appear extremely clear. But if you look directly at the entire painting, it seems that you can vaguely see a golden eagle flying in the blue sky from the repeatedly refracted light of these sacred buildings and the layered structure formed by these buildings themselves.

This is the first time Aiwass has seen "Golden Dawn" in reality. It was so divine and glorious that Aiwass felt his soul become clear and tranquil just by looking at it.

Even people who don't know anything about art can understand the beauty contained in this painting. This is indeed the pinnacle of the magic paintings drawn by Yannis in terms of pure technique.

"When this painting was delivered, Master Edward was extremely surprised."

The old butler Oswald, with his hands behind his back, followed Aiwass like a ghost and whispered: "After he repeatedly confirmed that this was a gift from Master Yanis to Young Aiwass, he kept saying, 'Unbelievable' ', 'How could this be so' and the like. It took me a long time to call in the middle of the night to find out what happened."

His dry and wrinkled face was filled with a wrinkled smile, and his wolf-like green pupils narrowed happily.

"Do you like Master Aiwass?"

"Of course I do."

Aiwass smiled: "It's not just this painting..."

As he spoke, he looked at the portrait hanging on the other wall.

That was the picture Isabel drew for him.

In that painting, Isabel did not draw the wheelchair behind Aiwass, and naturally there was no Lily standing behind him. The background is not a classroom...but the sky filled with morning glow.

Whether it was a deliberate creation or a coincidence, the background of that painting looked like a watered-down version of "The Golden Dawn." It is as if the two paintings are in the same time and space, but Aiwass is slightly farther away from them, overlooking them from above.

Putting these two paintings together, it shows that Isabel's technique is obviously not mature enough.

Aiwass in the painting will sway and breathe slightly, blink slowly, and the hair on the temples will sway in the wind. It looks like the L2D character from the mobile game gacha. Although it is also very beautiful, it is just beautiful. Even the movements are not very natural...the outstretched hand is not so much saying hello or giving a lecture, but rather giving someone a hand.

But even so, Aiwass liked it better.

"Because the temple of Horus does not belong to me, and the bright sun does not belong to me. But it belongs completely to me."

Aiwass looked at the painting and said seriously.

After completely painting the painting, Isabel also felt that her painting was not good enough. She told Aiwass at the time that she planned to paint another painting for Aiwass after she advanced again.

But according to Aiwass' knowledge, she will never stop there. When her technique improves again, she will paint a better painting.

Eventually Aiwass was able to line up the paintings. That will become his photo album and his memories.

Lily behind him silently flattened her mouth and said nothing.

Although she didn't think that she should be painted in this painting... But she felt that Her Royal Highness the Princess didn't even include Master Aiwass's wheelchair. Isn't this unreal?

But at this moment, Lily felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

Although the relationship between Princess Isabel and Aiwass is getting closer, after all, only she knows the identity of Aiwass's hidden demonologist. Now only she can participate in this most dangerous new moon ceremony with Aiwass.

Aiwass even stepped out of the wheelchair and personally arranged the ceremony with her in Aiwass' room——

The rituals of the New Moon Ceremony are completely different from those of the Full Moon Ceremony.

Because there is no such thing as teammates, there is no need to give up.

Compared to the full moon ceremony, the new moon ceremony is darker and therefore requires a more cruel and dangerous ceremony.

Under the direction of Aiwass, Lily fed the poison to a pair of roosters and hens. While they are still alive, they are stabbed to death, their blood is sprinkled on the ground, and the two ritual formations carved with knives are first soaked in chicken blood.

After the blood dries, use a scraper to scrape off the excess outside the ritual circle, leaving only a complete, dark red circle. The originally engraved ritual formation will turn black because of more blood.

Immediately afterwards, Aiwass smeared the silver ceremonial knife with essential oil, burned it repeatedly on the candle until the blade turned slightly black, and then set it aside for later use.

He then used a vanilla stick made of black sage to roast the small silver hammer. After blackening the outside, the remaining sage was burned to ashes and smeared on the rope.

He applied the poisonous blood of the cock to the thick iron nails. They were nails thicker and longer than a human finger, and he made six of them. Two sets of other ritual items were also made. He did not leave this kind of delicate work to Lily to ensure accuracy.

He taped red, light-transmitting paper to the window. Just in case, a copy was affixed to the lampshade, and a wooden board was used to temporarily seal the window leading into the house from Aiwass's bedroom.

Aiwass also prepared two copies of the ritual materials.

Each ritual material includes a live petrel, the heart of a deer that just died today, a miniature wax figure of a philosopher, a snake, a handful of black salt, a horse's penis, a fed A mouse, an oyster, a mirror.

Among them is only the petrel, and Aiwass will not be able to find the second one for a while. So a passing pigeon was found.

Materials for a new moon ceremony are harder to find than a full moon ceremony, but the good thing is that it only requires symbolism. Therefore, many materials can be used to find similar things.

The only problem is, these materials cannot be purchased from the same place. And many of these things are time-sensitive...

Aiwass placed it in order on the nine corners of the ritual array - it was a nine-pointed star drawn with one stroke, but it was not nine equal corners. On the contrary, the nine corners are all completely different in size.

In order from smallest to largest angles, Aiwass placed seabirds, mirrors, deer hearts, wax figures, black salt, rats, riding whips, snakes, and oysters in the nine corners of the ritual circle.

The two of them waited quietly until night, and Aiwass and Lily agreed on a secret code to confirm their identities when they met. Then the two changed into clothes - Aiwass found a red and white robe at home and dyed it completely red with the remaining chicken blood; while Lily wore a very loose robe that was enough to cover her face and Fitted gray hoodie.

After the sun completely set and the new moon rose, Aiwass turned on the gas lamp with a red lampshade, watching the red light from outside penetrate into the house.

Seeing the red light filling the entire room, the promotion ceremony officially began.

"——All nine."

Aiwass crooned, "I'm in it."

Lily imitated Aiwass' chants and followed his movements.

He picked up the rope and strangled the bird to death; he picked up the hammer and smashed the mirror; he picked up the nails and hammered them into the heart of the deer.

He used a candle to stir up the wax figure and let it melt slightly; he cut his fingers and soaked them in black salt with blood; he stabbed the mouse to death with a black ceremonial knife; he used a nail to penetrate the horse's penis from the tip; he pried off the oysters. Open it and drop your own blood into it.

Aiwass did not touch the snake, but Lily did not touch the mouse - she nailed the cold snake to the ground and peeled off the snake's skin with a ceremonial knife.

But Aiwass's snake remained motionless, just curling up quietly in place; and Lily's mouse also raised its head, its eyes shining with human-like activity.

"Except for me, all eight of them will die."

The two said in unison.

The next moment, eight black-red flames ignited. The ritual array was lit up, shining with red light.

——The ceremony was successful.

I accidentally got up late... This is 3,600 words. Today I am taking half a day off to rest. I will not take off after the copy is over!

The cat who asked for leave and wrote nearly 4,000 words is so awesome (akimbo)

By the way, I’m sorting out the details for tomorrow!

Although cats know that you like to be fattened, don’t fatten them to death! Remember to open a custom order when you want to fatten up (miserably miserable)

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