Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 122 Antlers and Thunder

Dark, damp.

As if immersed in warm but viscous liquid, Gordon's consciousness was gradually dragged into a deeper level.

When Gordon woke up again, he found that someone had already arrived.

"Long time no see, Director Gordon..."

A deep middle-aged woman's voice sounded: "Is it time to call you Inspector Gordon now?"

Gordon slowly opened his eyes and appeared in a space filled with bright red light.

It’s different than the waiting room for a full moon ceremony. It is not pure darkness here, but rather like being in the sea.

A pitch-black waning moon hung above the almost black crimson sky. And under their chairs that were high enough, there was a sea of ​​blood that ebbed and flowed rhythmically like a sea, with a lot of foam on it.

In the middle of the nine chairs is a huge, fully armed silver-white stone sculpture of a knight. It seemed to be about five or six meters tall, with both hands holding the giant sword in front of it, like a stone monument that pierced the heaven and earth.

But its legs that stepped on the sea of ​​blood and the tip of the sword were stained red with blood. It seems shocking.

This was also the first time Gordon performed a new moon ceremony.

He didn't like the smell of blood that filled the environment. He frowned slightly subconsciously and looked to the left.

There were two people who arrived before him.

This shows that both of them are in Avalon, and their overall level is higher than him.

The first one was a white-haired old man wearing a simple black suit and sitting upright. His belly was so big that it was bulging even though he was just wearing a suit. The old man's hands were placed on his knees, which alone gave people a slight sense of oppression. Seeing Gordon appear, he nodded slightly towards Gordon.

The second person is a middle-aged woman with a simple ponytail. She was wearing a gorgeous red dress, as if she was going to a party. But what was completely inconsistent with her temperament was the hideous boar mask she wore on her head.

——They are all acquaintances. Gordon thought.

Although they didn't have the opportunity to meet each other during the ceremony... but with just one glance, they could recognize who they corresponded to in reality.

Everyone is a transcendent of the authoritarian path. Now there is actually a chance to meet during the promotion ceremony...

"...Yes, long time no see, Madam Hong. We will be colleagues of the Inspectorate from now on."

Gordon also took advantage of the situation and asked, "Which path are you planning to take?"

"Love. Power leads to desire, and I have reached the point of derivation."

Mrs. Hong replied without hesitation: "Also, you should call me [Red] here."

"Then you should also call me [Thunder]."

Gordon responded: "By the way, your code name doesn't seem to have much meaning. I can identify you just from this dress."

"'Red Lady' is also a nickname. I don't need to use a nickname to hide another nickname. Besides, I don't need to hide my identity - just like you."

Mrs. Red replied.

After that, she looked at the old man and said meaningfully: "Minister should we call you here?"


The trade minister named Drost said in a deep voice: "The one I want to be promoted to this time is the Dusk Path.

"Although we are mortal enemies of each other at this time, after all, this is just the first advanced crescent ceremony, and there is no price for failure. There is no need for us to fight to the death - we are both on the authoritarian path, and we know each other's real identities. , How about we form a temporary alliance? Eliminate the others first, and then we can decide internally."

"It's not impossible."

Madam Hong nodded: "Then let's not announce each other's true identity and path to the outside world, and just call each other by our code names."

"Anyway, there are only three promotion places for the New Moon Ceremony at most," Gordon agreed. "It's better than falling on foreigners... By the way, my promotion this time is for the path of dedication."

"The path of devotion? Then do you know how to illuminate?" Madam Hong asked.

"How is that possible?" Gordon shook his head. "I'm not from a church background. I don't want to get into trouble."

"Then do you know other healing abilities?"


Gordon replied without hesitation: "But I can protect you."

——Then you have the nerve to say that you are dedicated to the path?

This was the first time she heard that extraordinary beings dedicated to the path could not heal at all.

Madam Hong's words were stuck in her throat, but she still swallowed them bitterly.

When she heard that Inspector Gordon was going to be promoted to the Path of Devotion, she thought she would have the opportunity to enjoy the healer's assistance during the New Moon Ceremony - extraordinary professions on the Path of Love usually have self-destructive properties, so this Determined that it is very dependent on the healer.

Sure enough, those who dare to participate in the new moon ceremony alone are not serious devotees.

At this moment, blood mist began to rise from the fourth seat.

The three people immediately stopped communicating and looked back at the seat.

"This is……"

Gordon's eyes quickly widened.

On the fourth seat, there was a sticky shadow flowing and condensing into a black figure wearing a blood robe.

"Ho ho ho..."

A low, roaring, hoarse voice like a lion that just woke up sounded from the fourth seat: "You guys all arrived quite early..."

"...You are a demonologist, right?"

Gordon was very convinced and said in a deep and hostile voice: "Are you from the Noble Red Society?"

He was attacked by the Noble Red Society not long ago, and now his nerves are extremely sensitive.

He could tell at a glance that the color of this man's red robe was the color of blood. He even smelled a fishy smell. Materials for the New Moon Ceremony are not readily available, but materials obtained from the human body can replace six of them. It would be much simpler to just get the wax figure, snake, and mirror.

It's just dark now, and the only ones who can enter their ritual at this time are the extraordinary ones who are in Avalon... or even on the Glass Island.

Demonologists have a habit of killing people to obtain ritual materials. According to Gordon's understanding, the demonologist's advanced profession "Devil Incarnation" requires killing a large number of people and extracting materials from living people to perform rituals before it can be advanced. If you don't do such cruel things, demonologists can only be "scholars" at best.

Reincarnation as a powerful immortal demon is extremely tempting. Those demonologists who walk on the path of transcendence are almost unable to resist the call of the power of the path, trying to transcend the nature of life, beyond the limitations of life span and body, and move towards this inevitable ending. .

...However, even Gordon, who is well-informed, has never seen a demonologist who made such a move during the first promotion ceremony.

Even if he has extraordinary levels in other paths, he can only use the power of the transcendent path when advancing to the transcendent path.

How could a first-level demonologist have such a powerful demon?

"You are the demonologist of Star Antimony."

[Antlers] made an old and calm voice: "Who is your mentor?"

At this moment, Aiwass, including his hair... his whole body was covered by the liquid shadow demon.

The shadows dripping from the shadow demon's flakes made his original short hair look like long black hair.

But Aiwass, who had just woken up, just raised his eyebrows.

You old guy is quite experienced.

He actually knew that a demon scholar from the orthodox Kingdom of Star Antimony could make a contract with a high-level demon in advance—he was summoned by a powerful demon scholar and then asked his apprentice to sign the contract. Whether the apprentice can control it or not is their own problem.

Those powerful demons who were deceived into making contracts with weak people would definitely be dissatisfied. Their disobedience and desire to escape from their owners' malice will put tremendous pressure on the young demonologists.

If they don't want to be backlashed by the devil, these young people can only do their best to show their talents. But these demons are far stronger than the level they are at, so no matter how they display, it is difficult to get the approval of the demons.

Just like being chased by wild beasts - these young demonologists will be constantly squeezed by the sense of crisis, forcing out the potential of the transcendent path to the greatest extent.

If you can't control it in the end, it will just be a waste of a student, and there are people like this all over the planet. Countless people aspire to become demonologists, change their own destiny and control the destiny of others. Anyway, the summoned demon is still there, just give it another owner.

After such repeated selections, every demonologist eventually cultivated controls a demon far more powerful than himself, and has an extremely strong desire to transcend.

"Tell him, 'I don't know any mentor. Give me your identity or I won't answer any of your questions'."

Aiwass told Shadow Demon in his heart: "Remember to be fierce, it is best to appear reckless and arrogant - pretending to be the kind of person who seems to have low intelligence and is easy to take advantage of. Make a distinction with me."

Shadow Demon immediately responded with the voice of Miss Assassin in his heart: "Okay, Master."

Then, the black liquid on Aiwass's body resonated synchronously with the sound, making a low and heavily echoed sound like a lion's roar:

"You lack the most basic manners, old man. I don't need a mentor - tell me your name immediately, or I will let the demon eat your flesh!"

As "Aiwass" spoke, the sticky shadows on his body began to flow and condensed into a ferocious monster head. A blooming black flower opened on his raised face, and countless pitch-black teeth were entwined with a sinister black energy.

"...Oh, no. You are not a demonologist, you are a devil."

The old man said with great interest: "Devils possessed by shadow demons are really rare. We actually have such extraordinary people in Avalon.

"Anyway, we still have time, so let's get to know each other, Mr. Shadow Demon. I am Antlers, this is Thunder, and that is Red... Are you a newcomer? In this case, we may be able to cooperate. Let's exclude the others first... how?"

A demon is different from a demonologist. If a demonologist contracts a powerful demon, he probably has a mentor.

But the possession of a demon by a demon is completely random - that is to say, a pure newcomer without a mentor may also be possessed by a powerful demon.

When Shikaku realized that this "demon" might be a newcomer, he immediately realized that Aiwass could be exploited. So his attitude immediately became very sincere, and it seemed that he didn't have much discrimination against transcending the path.

"Thunder" and "Red" on the side said nothing, just quietly watching the antlers' performance.

——You want to have fun, right?

Aiwass realized that the confrontation of the New Moon Ceremony had already begun at this time.

"Old man, your attitude is very good. Then just pretend that I didn't say anything before."

So he narrowed his eyes slightly and let the shadow demon wrapped around his body reply in a natural manner: "Then you can call me Aleister...this is my name.

"Yes, I am a newcomer. I come from the Noble Red Society. I participated in the promotion ceremony for the first time today."

This is the first chapter of today!

Chapter 2 is not finished yet, will be posted at 6pm!

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