Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 124 Cooperation and Betrayal

Aiwass's eyes seemed to be covered with a faint white veil. When he saw the world clearly again, the surrounding environment suddenly became dim and he could not see anything clearly.

But he could clearly feel that he had been tied up.

It was not a method of suppressing the prisoner with handcuffs, shackles and other torture instruments, but a tough rope thicker than an adult's arm, which was wrapped around the shoulders and looped down to the ankles. The person was directly tied into a zongzi.

Aiwass felt that his body was filled with powerful power, and this body was far stronger than his own. But corresponding to this power, he was very hungry and felt weak at the moment.

He needs food.

But Aiwass tried, but found that the rope could not be broken with brute force - it seemed to have some special elasticity, so that the force when expanding outward was relieved.

At this moment, a low, hoarse, magnetic and charming voice sounded in Aiwass's mind.

He quickly stopped trying and listened intently to the dungeon introduction that would only appear once:

"You woke up with a headache, only to find that you had forgotten your name. But it doesn't matter. You have few remaining memories and still remember why you came here.

"This is already the second day since you were imprisoned here. The nine of you are not familiar with each other. They all fell into a trap in search of the holy spear and were captured by the giant Pancoad and his wife for winter food. The only thing you have in common is that you are both strong warriors.

"The giant couple will separate the nine of you into three storage rooms. In an hour, they will go to one of the storage rooms and select one person as their ingredient.

"The selection of ingredients is completely random. But if the giants find that someone has died, they will cook and preserve all the dead humans.

"There is a powerful holy spear sealed in the giant's collection display cabinet. This is the trophy they got after killing an apostle who devoted himself to the road; they also have a magic cauldron rewarded by the Supreme Heaven, which can make the dead ingredients in The pot regenerates and grows in size. So even if humans are small to them, one human can eat them for a day.

"Although you are both strong, it is impossible to fight against the giants. The giant couple are protected by the supreme heaven and cannot be harmed by any means other than the holy spear here.

"But giants are afraid of the cold, so they will stay in their beds unless they are disturbed. But if they hear a sound, they will go to investigate."

"That's all you know. You don't know if you can get out, but you at least want to survive today."

The next moment, the task of this ceremony appeared in front of Aiwass’ eyes:

[Necessary tasks——]

【Stay alive (points: none)】

[Extra tasks——]

[Unnecessary killing: kill other people (points: 300 per person)]

[Escape from the crisis: Leave the storage room where you are (points: 500)]

[Stay hidden: You will not be discovered by the giant until the end (Points: 500)]

【I am a saint! : Hold the holy spear (points: 50 per minute)]

[I can also be a saint: kill the person holding the holy spear and obtain the holy spear (points: 500)]

[Feeding Machine: Let the giant finally choose to cook the people you kill (points: 1000)]

[The nature of the transcendent: Actively attack the giant and cause effective damage (points: 1000)]

[Successful Escape: Find the key and escape from Pancod Temple (Points: 2000)]

[The Supreme Heaven no longer exists: use the holy spear to crush the magic cauldron without being discovered (Points: 1000)]

[The courage to defeat the strong with the weak: Use the holy spear to kill a giant (points: 3000)]

Aiwass narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into thinking.

Apparently, this is a mission specifically released for Beyond the Path.

It is completely different from the mission style Aiwass used when he was promoted before.

...Of course, it may also be because this task was given by the Snake Father, so it is different from the one issued by the Lord of Scales and Feathers during the last promotion ceremony.

Necessary tasks must be completed, otherwise you will be eliminated. The necessary tasks for everyone are the same, so there are simply no points for it.

And in the remaining missions... the murderous intent is very strong.

I’m not sure about the other tasks, but the three tasks of [Escape from Crisis], [Keep Hidden], and [Escape Successfully] should be common to everyone. The text style of the task name is obviously different from other tasks.

From this perspective, this ceremony is actually possible for cooperation. Because no matter how many people escape, only one key is needed to open the door.

In other words... without counting the special victory, three people can escape together after finding the key.

Nine people were divided into three storage rooms. There are exactly three people in a storeroom, and that's a natural ally. If one person is missing, the efficiency of the team will be lower than that of other teams.

The style of this ceremony is obviously different from the previous full moon ceremony in Aiwass... If the last one was mainly about the plot, then this time it is mainly about a game. The plot is even blurry. Aiwass doesn't even know the name of the body he is using, and he has no need to act.

The only thing Aiwass knows now is that this place is called "Pancaud Temple".

And all they have to do is be careful not to make any noise, and find a way to leave while staying quiet...


Aiwass suddenly reacted - this time it was not a full moon ceremony, but a competing new moon ceremony.

If everyone escapes, it means that no one escapes. The amount of points itself has no meaning, it is the ranking that determines promotion.

This ceremony can only promote three people, but it comes with two special victory conditions. Therefore, only the person ranked first in points can definitely be promoted... The second and third places may be squeezed out.

Unless the people who have completed the two victory conditions happen to be first and second in points. In this case, it can be postponed to the third place.

Therefore, it is actually unsafe to earn points together in a group of three.

No one knows the content of other people's tasks, and there is no published standings that are updated in real time. Even if the three of them always act together, their points will always be high or low.

I see.

——No wonder the first mission is called "Unnecessary Killing".

There is no need to kill other people in this ceremony... It is not a life-and-death scenario like the Colosseum, and it even requires a certain degree of cooperation. But because they don’t know the current points and all the tasks of their temporary teammates, they will be suspicious of them and kill them.

Because of the existence of those two special victory conditions, a team of three is inherently unstable and may have one or two spots taken away at any time.

Because of this, the more sincere and efficient cooperation between each other, the more necessary it is to kill each other in the end - because they complete more tasks together, the teammates' points may be higher.

This is a ritual about cooperation and betrayal.

——Help me, Shadow Demon.

Aiwass shouted in his heart.

The thick shadow seeped out from his body surface quietly, corroding the rope easily. He broke the rope with a forceful effort, turned over and sat up. He had little clothing on him, and was wrapped only in an unbuttoned piece of clean linen.

From the perspective of the positioning of the ingredients, it is more like a diaper than a robe...

There was still no light source around, and Aiwass couldn't see anything.

But at this moment, a light blue light suddenly lit up in the darkness. That light attracted Aiwass's attention.

He quickly saw clearly that it should be a dense phoenix-shaped tattoo on someone's body.

The next moment, a blazing flame burst out of the tattoo, burning the rope on his body but not the linen on his body. And through the firelight emanating from the human-shaped torch, Aiwass also guessed who the person was.

This should be the monk who was always silent and said nothing.

Although the body he is using now has hair and clothes, the silent temperament still allows Aiwass to recognize his identity.

The monk looked at Aiwass, who broke free from the rope without a sound, and nodded slightly.

Then he slowly raised his right hand, and the flames rising from his body flowed along his body like liquid and gathered in his palm. In this way, he became a lamp, illuminating this dark storage room.

Aiwass's eyes gradually adapted to the darkness and he took the opportunity to look around.

I feel so small - the huge bronze door is about thirty meters high. From this perspective, it is estimated that the giant should be at least twenty meters tall.

——About half the height of Ultraman.

Isn’t this too huge? Then this is indeed invincible to the soldiers...

To giants, a linen-wrapped human would be about the same size as a pancake. Rather, how big can this magic cauldron make a person become, so that a pair of giants of this size can feed them for a day?

The other person in the room saw that the other two had broken free, and quickly called out: "I am Hong, help me!"

Aiwass turned around, only to find that the body Ms. Red was using at the moment was not a female body—but a young male warrior whose body was full of muscles just like them.

Hong was also being tied into a rice dumpling at the moment, but she didn't look in a hurry. But unlike Aiwass and the monk, she did not have the ability to break free from the rope...or perhaps she wanted to retain her magic power and was unwilling to use her extraordinary abilities to escape.

Aiwass prefers the latter.

Want to hide your strength at the beginning?

——Then you might as well die here.

"Okay, Ms. Red."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes slightly, walked over slowly, and said in his own voice, not that of Shadow Demon: "I am Aleister..."

But just before Aiwass got closer, the monk suddenly stretched out his other hand to block him.

"Don't save him."

The monk said briefly: "Kill him."

His voice was full of murderous intent.

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