Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 125 Rules: Crazy Killing

"...It turns out you can talk.

Aiwass stopped and looked over with interest: "I thought you had sworn an oath and could not speak. Or maybe you would show mercy and let me save him."

"There is no need to say those meaningless words. They will only break the will and make people weak."

When Aiwass stopped moving, the monk nodded slightly and continued to whisper: "Mr. Aleister, please be patient and listen to me.

"This ceremony has special victory conditions, which are different from the normal new moon ceremony. In the normal new moon ceremony, even if you kill everyone, you will lose as long as the task is not completed.

"But this time there is a [Crazy Killing] rule, so killing everyone in advance can complete the mission. Even if the mission is not completed, the person who survives to the end will win. The easiest way to win is to reduce the number of people to three People. The giant will give priority to picking corpses, then the remaining three people will automatically win regardless of how many points they have.

"But this strategy is flawed. If all the remaining six people are not killed, but someone survives... he may get a lot of points. This will cause some of the three people to be eliminated.

"So the most stable winner, in addition to the one with the most points, is the person with the most kills. If someone kills one person and the remaining seven people survive, then as long as the giant chooses the dead as food, the person who kills the most will A single ritualist will surely win.

"From this perspective, killing one person in each of the three storage rooms is the safest way. In this way, no matter which room the giant goes to, he will not choose the surviving people as food."

"You are right," Aiwass nodded, "but can anyone else think of it?"

“The team that I didn’t expect was inherently inferior.

the monk replied calmly.

His pupils flashed with the blue light that symbolized the path of wisdom: "Although the person who has never killed anyone is inherently less likely to win - when the remaining six people gather, as long as they work together to annihilate one team, they will gain certain victory. victory.

"Because there are four people left at this time, the other team only has one kill, and the teammates have no kills. Even if the opponent gets a second kill again, the number of people will be reduced to three."

"But it also means that the person who gets the three heads can hide directly until the ceremony is over."

Aiwass shook his head: "There is no need for him to cooperate with his teammates to help him complete the task."

"If that's the case," the monk replied, "his teammates may join the other team or even betray him. Therefore, this is the best way to check and balance, allowing the two to cooperate perfectly without worrying about their teammates' scores being higher than their own. high.

"As soon as our team of two shows up in front of other teams, they immediately understand - if they don't get any kills, you're going to win outright because 1 is greater than 0. With that in mind, they just At least one kill is required to restore balance, so it ends up being a six-player game.

"But if you kill two people, then you won't be able to fight against a team of three versus a team of two. Generally speaking, a team of two has a better chance of winning than a team of three, and a team of two and a team of three have a better chance of winning One-person team. But if everyone is a one-person team, the remaining three will win directly."

After reading the rules of this promotion, the monk took less than half a minute to sort out several possible tactics.

But Aiwass just raised his eyebrows and laughed in a low voice: "However, you missed one situation. That is, people who are killed by multiple people are likely to be targeted by the others together."

"Will not."

The monk, who raised the flame with one hand and looked like the sun, replied: "If we work together to annihilate a team, that is, we kill four people in total, then at most five people will survive including you. Then if someone kills you, He will become the only survivor with the number of kills and obtain special victory conditions. Therefore, for others, there is actually no difference whether you survive or not - it is just that the victory conditions of [Crazy Killing] have been transferred.

"And if someone has already killed someone at this time, there are four people left including you. Then they have no need to target you, because the death of anyone at this time represents victory.

"In other words, the points and tasks are just traps and don't need to be ignored at all. In any case, as long as a team is annihilated, the ritualists who have killed people will gain an advantage; the smaller the number, the greater the advantage. We kill 'Red' and Annihilating a squad ensures that both of us will be promoted. This is the strategy with the highest total benefit for both of us among all possibilities."


Aiwass nodded and praised: "You convinced me. Now that we are teammates, what is your name and how should I call you?"

"Salifera, I am a promoter of the path of wisdom. A temple-protecting monk who practices the power of the four images."

The monk codenamed "Salifero" clasped his hands, closed his eyes and whispered: "I am an ascetic from the ancient Parthian country. I recently marched to Avalon..."

As he clasped his hands together, the fire on his body gradually extinguished. The fire he placed in his palm was gradually sucked back into his body.

Salifro lowered his head and looked at Hong, his blue eyes calm and merciless.

However, Hong, who was lying on the ground without saying a word, met his eyes, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the dense shadows turned into countless sharp blades, directly piercing the monk from his side and turning him into a hedgehog!

He suddenly coughed up a mouthful of black blood.

But before he could make a move, the shadow blade from Aleister was instantly retracted.

Then, a pure shadow like a huge knife condensed and fell, splitting him in half instantly.

This is just the most common attack for Shadow Demon. But he couldn't bear just one attack.

"It's a pity he's late."

This is what Hong has been waiting for. She was deliberately immobile in order to expose Monk's weakness to her allies.

Hong gloated and said: "He doesn't know that we have reached a cooperation - release me, Mr. Aleister. You just heard that it is more efficient for us to form a two-person team than for you to act alone." Much more.”

Aiwass, whose whole body was wrapped in shadows, whose pupils glowed with a coquettish purple light, and whose whole body had many purple wounds, just looked at her silently without saying a word.

Seeing his attitude, Hong panicked a little.

She soon realized why this was - it should be the words spoken by the "Knight" that reminded the simple Aleister and made him realize that the three of them had formed an alliance in advance.

The monk who had just started on the path of wisdom made a mistake...but it was not actually his mistake.

Because he arrived late, he didn't hear about Aleister's experience and didn't know that he was a demon possessed by a shadow demon.

Salifro regards "one person" as a unit of calculation, and assumes that more people are better than fewer people. But in fact, the strength in this ceremony is uneven - "Aleister", who is possessed by the shadow demon, is the undoubted ceiling of strength in this ceremony where the average person only has the first level.

Although she, Antlers, and Thunder have higher-level professions, that doesn't mean they are good at fighting now.

The ritual this time is very simple - as long as three people survive to the end and kill all the others, they can win. There is no need to worry about missions and holy spears.

This is the characteristic of the new moon ritual. You can kill people without knowing how to get it. The only thing to consider is that everyone cannot be killed in advance... But because of the special victory in this ceremony, there is no such requirement.

"I can work with you, Mr. Aleister."

Hong quickly said: "I actually have some work in the Inspectorate of Glass Island. It doesn't hurt to have a friend like me, right? If you encounter some troubles, you can come to me... Although Avalon is forbidden to go beyond the road. However, after all, you are a devil and not a demonologist, so you still have some room for maneuver..."

But Aiwass just stared at her silently, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The reckless and brainless temperament in him disappeared completely, revealing a sinister and evil aura.

"Mr. Salifro reminded me of something, something very important."

Aiwass said quietly: "That is, if you kill the most people, you will not necessarily be targeted by others. Because the process of killing you will also produce the number of kills. There are only nine people in total. Next, it is actually easier to eliminate the weak than to target the strong...

"And the problem of 'killing everyone will cause the ritual to settle early' will also be offset by the special rules of this ritual."

After hearing this, Hong finally realized that something was wrong.

The skin all over her body was swollen red - blood overflowed from under her skin, turned into a blade, and cut the rope.

But when the monk died, the room lost its only source of light.

She was completely unable to avoid the shadow demon, and she couldn't even detect where the shadow demon appeared from.

The next moment, she felt that her throat and limbs were tied up, and she was hung up by silk threads made of shadows.

"Goodbye then, Ms. Red. Demons don't need teammates."

Aleister's voice fell.

Her head was easily severed by the shadow.

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