Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 126 The King’s Troubles

When Lily woke up, as if by magic, the ropes that bound her were untied in just an instant.

This is the realm of her mysterious skill "Thread Control".

Because [Binding] is also one of the many secrets of spider silk. Threads and ropes are as controllable and reliable to Lily as extensions of limbs, and will not cause any interference to her.

This body was much stronger than her own, so the heartbeat became much stronger.

In pure darkness, she slipped silently into stealth. Lily stood in the corner of the room and closed one eye slightly.

While she was distracted looking at the task requirements that emerged in front of her eyes, she was sensing the surrounding environment with her other closed eye.

——In her perception, the world around her turned into black and white.

With each beat of Lily's heart, clear white outlines appeared in the dark world she perceived, and then they faded and became clearer with the next heartbeat.

But not far away from her, there were two humanoid silhouettes that faded much slower.

In Lily's [Spider Silk Sense] field of vision, a large number of threads seemed to burst out from the position of their hearts. The weak vibrations of the heartbeat are reflected on the ground, forming a network like a spider web. In just a few breaths, the outline of the human figure was outlined very clearly.

After they woke up and realized their situation, their heartbeats suddenly became much faster. The most intuitive feeling is that the spider webs rhythmically mapped on the ground become larger and the frequency becomes faster.

"anyone there?"

One of them couldn't help shouting: "Help me!"

The other person's heartbeat suddenly slowed down.

A faint amber light flashed across his body, and the ropes that bound him were partially petrified and lost their elasticity. He broke free from the rope and shouted: "I'm here to help you - who are you?"

"I am the king...who are you?"

"I am Antlers."

The man who used petrification to untie himself replied: "There should be another person in the room...can you tell us your name?"

Lily coughed slightly to indicate that she heard him.

"It turns out he is the gentleman who is adapted to the road."

Antlers reacted immediately.

This is not good. Lujiaoxin said after reading the requirements for this ritual mission.

None of the allies he had roped in before appeared by his side. Instead, this taciturn adaptor and the botanist with little fighting ability appeared with him.

The profession of botanist is not quite the same as that of an alchemist in the traditional sense.

Although alchemists are not good at fighting, they can at least provide various mixtures... But the abilities of botanists are to spawn, demonize and control various plants. High-level botanists can also awaken huge ancient trees and turn them into powerful treants.

If it is in a forest environment, the "King"'s combat effectiveness will be very powerful. But in this closed environment, botanists are basically useless.

And when they appear in the same place, this is basically a relationship of temporary teammates.

The most important thing is...since the king appears here, it means that the most powerful "Aleister" will appear elsewhere.

Although the combat power of the demon parasitized by the shadow demon is definitely not the same as that of the shadow demon... But even if he only gets one-tenth of the power from the shadow demon, in this ritual, others will not be able to fight against him.

——This is really bad.

Obtaining the holy spear will be locked by others, and it is more difficult for him, a low-level transcendent on the twilight path, to kill and win.

Antlers judged that Aleister should choose to kill and win after seeing the requirements of this mission. This also means that he can obtain a large number of corpses - there is no conflict between them.

His tasks in this ceremony were not difficult to complete, including "putting the corpse into the magic cauldron and resurrecting it". Each corpse had 800 points. And if he can resurrect himself and survive until the end of the ceremony, he can get 1500 points.

In addition, he also has the task of "closing the door"...use petrification to petrify the keyholes of some doors, and you can get 500 points for each door. At this height, he can be petrified but cannot be de-petrified, which means that every time the door is closed, the activity space of all ritualists will be compressed.

But this may not necessarily be a killing method - after making a sound to attract the giants, you can take the opportunity to close the door to seal them out. Doors sealed in advance can also be used as traps.

If he has the opportunity to come into contact with the Holy Spear, he can also petrify the Holy Spear to seal the power of the Holy Spear. Make the person holding the holy spear unable to use the power of the holy spear to fight against the that he can get 1000 points. If the person holding the holy spear dies as a result, he can get another 500 points.

After doing this calculation, his minimum guarantee is 5,000 points. It's very easy to win with points.

Now Lujiao is already a senior transcendent.

He knows one thing very well: the task itself is the prompt.

——Considering this mission, the resurrection of the magic cauldron should only be possible once. And it can be used by anyone, not just giants. The fact that the task of escaping the house gives so many points shows that it must be very difficult and extremely troublesome.

Considering the one-hour time limit, maybe there wasn’t enough time. If his temporary teammates were more reliable, he could think about it, but now all he can do is restrict others and prevent them from escaping.

And this is very simple.

All he had to do was find and seal the door - ensuring that others could not escape, so that they would not get the two thousand points and overtake him.

In order to achieve this condition...

Seeing that the antlers had not untied themselves, the king gradually understood.

After a brief thought, he suddenly spoke and broke the deadlock: "Then you kill me."

The king's words made the other two look at him.

Lujiao asked with concern: "Is this okay?"

Hypocritical. Lily on the side scoffed.

The king was very open-minded: "To be honest, I have no intention of being promoted.

"If it happens to be a ceremony in a forest environment, I might be able to give it a try. But in this environment, I think it's better to just give up. This ceremony is a new moon ceremony, and it's impossible for me to be promoted without enough strength.

"You happen to be my big client - so I want to give you my chance."

——He meant what he said. Antlers' rich experience immediately determined the king's true attitude.

When someone voluntarily quit, Lujiao breathed a sigh of relief. In this way the deadlock can be broken.

Instead, Antler crouched, groped its way, and removed the rope from the king. Allow him to sit up in a more comfortable position.

Then, Lujiao asked: "If you don't plan to be promoted, why do you want to participate in the promotion ceremony?"

"I'm here to sell goods, but business hasn't been very good recently."

The king sat up and said very calmly: "Anyway, no one will die in the promotion ceremony at this stage. At most, they will be weak for half a month. And the people who will participate in the ceremony are all extraordinary people near me, and they are all only at the first level. ...I didn’t expect that I would be dragged to Avalon these two times recently.

"It can only be said that Xing Antimony has been in too much chaos recently, and they can't even gather a group of promoters."

"What's happened to Xing Antimony recently?" Lujiao asked with concern.

"The Rosicrucian Society and the Royal Alchemy Association were at loggerheads. The Necromancers did not mediate this time, but instead watched the excitement. As a result, the matter became more and more serious. A very famous alchemist was cursed to death two months ago. . Now the demonologists are being attacked by the newspapers, but there is no movement at Rosicrucian."

The king sighed and complained: "I don't know why, but the price of finished alchemical mixture has increased significantly recently, while the price of materials has dropped. It feels like there may be a war. This is why I came to sell goods in the promotion ceremony.

"The several alchemy workshops that bought materials from me before kept asking me for discounts, otherwise they would refuse to buy from me. How can I tolerate them - I am not the kind of low-quality materials mixed with water, every tube There are enough essential oils!

"...But they seem to have made an appointment. The result is that all workshops do not purchase goods from me, and have to reduce the price to 70% of the purchase price - I am telling the truth, Mr. Antlers. The 30% discount I gave you is the same as before Give them the wholesale price. He’s asking me for 30% off, so I really can’t make any money. I don’t want to be the coolie of those alchemists.”

The king shook his head: "It might be better if I could be promoted to the third level a few years ago. The botanists at the third level can also perform alchemy, and I can sell the finished products myself. But I was busy in the past few years. Making money... Incense, essential oils, perfumes, seeds, made money for years.

"Forget it now. I'm getting older, and I still have a wife and daughter to support... I no longer have the energy to study alchemy again. It's better to go to the promotion ceremony to sell some goods."

When he said this, he took Antler's hand and said sincerely: "I will give you this promotion opportunity. Regardless of the number of kills, you can use my body as you like... You must remember our order. !”

"Do not worry."

Lujiao nodded, exuding a majestic temperament: "I am considered a big shot in Avalon and will not default on my debt. When I get back, I will send a deposit to your address immediately - the deposit is one-half, You can make it after receiving the payment, and then divide it into two batches. This way you will definitely not suffer a about it?"

"You are such a good person!"

The king thanked him.

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