Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 127 Gray and Dark Clouds

Antlers did not take the king's head himself, but wanted to give it to another person.

"Let's make a deal... I will only do the mission this time, and you can leave those people to kill."

He discussed this with Lily, showing his harmlessness and kindness.

He spread his hands with his palms facing outward, indicating that he was not hostile: "I will only be your helper and your bait this time. I stand outside to attract other people's attention, and you can take the opportunity to sneak attack at the right opportunity... If I'm in danger, you don't need to show up to rescue me.

"In this way, you don't have to worry about my betrayal, and I can also be your loyal teammate - how about it? There is no harm in this for you, right?"

Of course Lujiao knows that traitors tend to emerge when one adapts to the road.

But don’t he usually encounter less duplicitous people?

He has long been accustomed to contact with this kind of people.

People who are accustomed to betrayal are not necessarily betrayers. As long as you can give them enough benefits and security, and increase the price of their betrayal, these people can still be used.

Moreover, Lujiao was certain that Aleister should be a young man under twenty years old. The "Knight" is only in his early twenties, and now he has determined that the king is one of the very few utilitarian extraordinary people who will no longer be promoted after acquiring mysterious skills.

In other words, all the rest are dual-pathed. Including this "grey robe".

Since he is on a dual path, he is not as extreme as a single-path transcendent... Just like although he is on the twilight path, he is still very good at talking.

And Lujiao always felt that the other party's personality should actually be good.

Because he felt that he had no hostility towards the gentleman in gray robes, and even felt a vague affinity towards him. There is no basis for this, it is just his instinct - but his instinct has always been relatively accurate.

Although Lujiao did not get an immediate response from Gray Robe. But he vaguely heard the king's breathing suddenly disappear and make a very low "gurgling" sound. It was like someone was strangling him by the throat, but Lujiao didn't realize where the "grey robe" was at all.

After a while, a deep voice sounded.

"Okay. I'll give you his body."

——This is less than half a minute, right?

Such a skilled bare-handed he from the strangler party?

Lujiao had some vague guesses in his mind.

But the strangler party may not be unable to cooperate.

He smiled cheerfully: "It's destined... I don't know if you have heard of a saying. Of the nine paths, three are still moving, three are toward tranquility, and three are changeable. Wisdom, adaptability, and dusk are all It is the path of joy and tranquility, and you are a very typical adaptor.

"But for Dusk Road, I talk a lot."

Lujiao said, reaching out and groping on the ground, he found the still warm corpse head.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the other person's forehead, and the dim yellow light slowly crawled along the face of the "King's" corpse like a worm along his fingers.

"My friends, my relatives, my lover. The people I accidentally killed, the people I couldn't save."

The antlers sang in a low voice with a special rhythm: "I am the grief messenger of Boötes, the dog of Ikarios. There is no place for you in the underworld, please come back silently."

As he spoke, he used his other hand to open the king's mouth and blew a sharp breath into his mouth.

At that moment, the king's body was like a lighted lamp.

His whole body lit up with a dim yellow light, and it became brighter and brighter.

These rays of light traveled around inside his body, eventually gathering half in the heart and half in the brain.

The "King" suddenly opened his eyes, and a dim yellow light lit up in his pupils.

He climbed up from the ground neatly and followed behind Deerantler. He opened his mouth slightly, but no sound came out.

"...Can't he speak?"

As people watched the "ceremony of resurrection from the dead", Lily finally couldn't help but ask.

"Well, no. But this is still Mr. King, not an empty shell. It's just that he can't think straight."

Antlers answered simply: "Speech and singing are the realm of beauty, reproduction and emotion are the realm of love. Thinking is related to wisdom, exercise is related to transcendence - the dead and surviving person has been stripped of the four realms, and the dead are Those who still have souls are stripped of the sixth realm, and those who are dead but have no souls are stripped of the eighth realm, leaving only dusk.

"From this perspective, the dead who have been resurrected by necromancy... are actually still in the world of the dead."

This is the principle of necromancy that normal necromancers will not explain.

But for Lu Jiao, who is a lawyer by profession, there is nothing to hide.

Lujiao looked at the huge door and ordered: "Go and open the door."

The resurrected king opened his mouth silently, then rushed over with extraordinary agility and climbed up like an ape.

"It's a pity that there is no bone staff."

Antler sighed: "If I have a bone staff, I can strengthen Mr. King's corpse. There is no need to issue instructions like this anymore."

"Aren't you a big shot in Avalon?"

Lily asked calmly: "Isn't it easy to make a bone staff?"

"That's really difficult. The weapons you can bring into the ceremony must be made by yourself," Lujiao said casually, "I'm getting older, so it's not easy to learn carving from scratch.

He does not mean that.

Just the words "I'm older" made Lily's heart move.

Although it's normal for important people to be older... But for some reason, when she first met Mr. Antlers, she felt a vague sense of familiarity, as if she had seen him before somewhere.

At this moment, Lujiao also asked: "Speaking of which, what should I call you?"


Lily replied.

The "Spider Silk Tantra" she inherited was taught by Hui Tiansi. The name couldn't be more appropriate now.

"I will protect you in secret."

She whispered: "I will always follow you, but don't try to find me...I am the spider in the corner."

Of course, this is a lie.

She was quietly observing the antlers, looking for an opportunity to kill with one hit.

In fact, she didn't understand this mission...but Lily realized one thing clearly.

——You only need to kill six people in total to win. And Master Aiwass can definitely do it.

But the first "antler" to appear in the ceremony is the least controllable variable.

No one knows how many cards he still has. Therefore, Lily must follow him closely and look for an opportunity to definitely kill him.

But besides that...

"You said you were a big shot."

Lily, lurking in the shadows, couldn't help but ask: "Do you know the ministers in the Round Table Hall?"

She was still a little curious about her biological father, whom she knew almost nothing about.

Hearing this, Lujiao showed a confident smile: "Of course. No one knows those people in the Round Table Hall better than me."

And the other side.

Gordon, the knight, and the rotten wood-like man who went by the pseudonym "Thunder" and were not in a good mental state had already escaped from the trap.

They left the storeroom without attrition.

"Where are you going next?"

Gordon took over the captain's duties very naturally: "Let me see if we are on the same path - if we are on the same path, we can help each other. If not, we can only go our separate ways."

"I want to find the Holy Spear."

The knight said without hesitation: "Then use the holy spear to smash the giant's magic cauldron! If there is a chance, I also want to challenge those giants who believe in evil gods!"

"I can accompany you to get the holy spear," Gordon nodded cautiously, "or I can accompany you to crush the magic cauldron. But I strongly disagree with you attacking the giant - but if you must do it, I will won't stop you.

"I will accompany you and try to protect you. If you are unfortunately killed, I can take your place and take the Holy Spear."

Both of them have a very strong hostility towards giants.

Compared with the Cavaliers, Gordon's desire for promotion is not that strong.

On the other hand, the man standing beside him as quietly as a rotten tree could not help but laugh in a low voice: "Evil God? Hahaha..."

His voice was completely inconsistent with the messy and decadent image, and seemed unusually calm, gorgeous and elegant. He doesn't look like a madman, but like a nobleman.

"Of course the Supreme Heaven is the evil god."

Gordon frowned slightly, but patiently explained to the man: "'Supreme Heaven' is the name given to Him by those who believe in Xiong Tiansi. He is a Tiansi who prefers the path of love and the authoritative path. They yearn for it. It depicts a world of violence, lawlessness, and disorder, where the strong can bully the weak at will.

"In the past, the giant kingdom Alkotos was a dynasty that worshiped Xiong Tiansi. As you saw... they would eat all races, even their own race. And the Supreme Heaven would even bless this evil race -"

"Mr. Thunder! Have you seen the mission of 'Escape Successfully'?"

The knight added on the side: "Snake Father said that we need to find the key and escape from the Pancoad Temple... The place we are in is called Pancoad Temple!"

Gordon affirmed: "This 'giant couple' is by no means an ordinary couple. They can kill apostles, live in a temple worshiping the Supreme Heaven, and have a magic cauldron given by the Supreme Heaven. And it is so huge... This Probably the legendary tall giant.”

Once you reach Gordon's level, you can get access to some historical records about the Giant Kingdom.

Generally speaking, pure-blood giants are only six or seven meters tall.

In fact, giants are not born tall, but the older they get, the taller they become. Although giants can run when they are born, three-year-old giants are less than one meter tall, and teenage giants are usually only two meters tall, making them look like slightly taller human teenagers.

But unlike humans, giants have a very long development period. It can grow for hundreds of years, during which time the giant will continue to grow larger and larger. But generally speaking, depending on the giant's talent, the maximum height that each giant can reach is different.

Because Xiong Tiansi is said to be very huge, the giants he protects are proud to grow taller. Usually the taller the giant, the higher his status. Giants who are tall enough to a certain extent are called "tall giants" and are usually regarded as "a gift from the highest heaven".

The ministers of the Giant Kingdom are all taller than the walls of the royal city. They are tall and thin, nearly twenty meters tall, with white beards like waterfalls.

Human weapons cannot easily hurt them, and it is not much easier for them to kill humans than it is for humans to crush bugs. These giants can cause earthquakes when they run, so they usually sit still and keep eating. Only on festival days do they stand up and wrestle with each other. At that time, the earth was shaking for several days.

Judging from the door in the temple, this giant couple should be at least twenty meters tall. That is three times the height of a regular giant.

"I'm afraid this 'giant couple' are actually Xiong Tiansi's apostles."

Gordon looked at the knight and said seriously: "It is normal for the apostles to guard the temple, so they can kill the apostles who dedicated themselves to the road and seize the holy spear. Just like in the Temple of Akpolis, there will occasionally be Hippocrates and Akpolis appears... The giant dynasty worships Xiong Tiansi and builds temples everywhere. The apostles can fully appear in the temples.

"That's why I don't agree with you attacking giants. Even if Xiong Tiansi's apostle is not as powerful as the Nine Pillars God's apostle... But Xiong Tiansi is the Tiansi of the authoritative path after all. You take the apostle of the dedicated path. I still think it is a foolish move to use weapons to challenge two apostles who follow the authoritarian path."

Hearing this, the rotten man laughed again: "The path of authority? Hahaha..."

Gordon finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He turned back seriously and asked seriously: "Sir, what do you think is funny? You can tell me directly. Please don't tell riddles, it will only spoil the mood - I think we are still teammates who escaped together. What's wrong? Can’t we just say it directly?”

"...Are you sure you want to listen?"

A subtle smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth: "You said this yourself, you can't blame me."

Although Gordon and the Cavaliers felt something was wrong in their hearts, they didn't want to look back at this point.

"You can call me Dark Cloud. I am a werewolf hunted by the Children of the Moon. A...poor writer who is preparing to escape to Avalon. I hope you can give me some convenience...Mr. Thunder."

The man who looked like a dead tree leaned against the huge and rough blue stone wall, raised a finger, and raised the corners of his mouth maliciously: "This is knowledge that you will never be able to obtain in Avalon. Although the Silver Crowned Dragon himself may not He cares, but His apostles do; His apostles may not care, but mortal monarchs must care - who made them not kill all the giants back then?

“This is the secret of the founding of Avalon, the history of the time when the ‘authoritarian’ path did not exist, and the only event of the nine-pillar change that humans have ever witnessed.

"Listen and face the truth..."

The 7,000-word update is complete!

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