Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 133 Magic Cauldron and Holy Spear

The knight hiding in the corner shivered and was frightened.

He has never seen such a huge and terrifying monster!

Just by stepping on the ground, the vibration is enough to make the knight's whole body tingle!

After the knight escaped from Mr. Thunder, he was looking for the holy spear.

The Knight's idea is simple.

Compared to Antlers, he is the weaker one. The dusk path is good at extending one's life, while the adaptive path is good at hiding. If two dead persons were to be found among the three of them, the knight thought that he should be one of them.

Then all he can do is find the Holy Spear.

——Since the holy spear can defeat the giant, it should also be able to defeat Aleister!

Although after getting the holy spear, others will know where you are... but if you can fight against Aleister, you are not afraid of his attack; if the holy spear is not enough to defeat him, you will be caught up sooner or later. Kill.

And if Antlers and the assassin who killed Mr. Dark Cloud sense the holy spear and rush over, he can also try to kill one of them, or let Aleister, who was also lured over, kill him!

He was undoubtedly the weakest of them all.

Because of this, there is no luck in the knight's mind - he is already weak and must adopt the most risky means to win!

Then the problem arises.

——Where will the holy spear be placed?

The knight's way of thinking can even be called simple:

Since this ceremony was constructed by the Silver Crowned Dragon and the Snake Father, there are no pillar gods like Weizhe and Hourglass who love smart people. That is to say, the puzzle of this ceremony should not be complicated, and everyone has the opportunity to do it.

- If the puzzle is so complex that I can’t think of it, then maybe someone else can’t think of it either! The Silver Crowned Dragon and the Snake Father are unlikely to give preferential treatment to those on the path of Balance and Wisdom, so the puzzle must be simple!

Thinking from this perspective, the knight began to torture himself: Judging from intuition, what should the clues be?

He quickly determined the plan: when it comes to the path of devotion, it is light and fire, which is the candlestick, which is the light.

Since the target he is looking for is the holy spear left by the apostle who dedicated himself to the path, and the surroundings are all dark... then he just needs to run to where there is light, and he must be right!

This should be the reminder left by Pillar God!

In the end, the Cavaliers really found the right one.

He walked straight along the light and soon arrived at a brightly lit giant hall.

There is a huge pot in the center of the hall.

There was no fire underneath the pot, but the food inside was boiling.

A large amount of stew was boiling in the pot, and many rotten stews were pushed out of the pot by the boiling water and fell to the ground. The knight saw that there were eggplants, carrots, onions, corn, cabbage, potatoes, as well as apples and grapes. Food kept emerging from the pot, more and more, higher and higher.

The pot was simmering continuously, and its huge heat made the surrounding air blurry. The steaming water vapor made the whole room damp and fuzzy.

This should be the magic cauldron!

thought the knight.

And when he was about to get closer to take a look, he suddenly heard a banging sound.


An extremely low, somewhat old voice sounded: "What exactly is going on..."

The voice sounded slightly annoyed.

But soon, the huge bed creaked, and a pair of giant red-haired feet stepped on the ground.

The moment he stood up, it was almost as if the sky and the sun were blocking out——

A huge shadow cast down, covering him completely. Like the sky collapsing and a giant object falling, the knight's legs felt weak for a moment.

He couldn't even see the giant's face clearly because the light was too low. When the giant stood up, his face became dark.

But even so, the knight could clearly smell a stench.

He couldn't quite figure out why, but he could clearly capture the smell that was unique to furry beasts.

He was so scared that he huddled in a corner and couldn't move.

Fortunately, giants seem to have poor static vision. The knight didn't move, and he didn't see anyone touching him.

He just lit the lantern and left the hall with bare feet.

Until long after the giant left, the knight could vaguely feel the ground still shaking. He didn't know whether this was some kind of hallucination caused by the initial shock that made his body numb, or whether it could indeed shock him from a long distance away... In short, it took him a long time before he finally recovered.

——Can we really kill such a giant?

The knight suddenly became sober.

His previous ambition to get the holy spear and kill the giant made him look like a clown.

The "part of real history" he heard from Wu Yun also made his mood complicated at the moment - how did the Knights of the Round Table, who were ordinary humans back then, defeat such a powerful legion of giants?

Are they too weak? Or is the ancestor too strong?

No matter what, I can’t wait here——

Although the giants didn't see themselves when they went out, they might find it when they come back.

He walked with numb legs and searched for the holy spear in the hall.

——At least, find a drawer to hide in!

Unconsciously, the Cavaliers changed their first target. After seeing the giant, he immediately realized that even Aleister could not defeat such a giant. On the other hand, if you can hide under the giant's nose, you may survive to the end.

As long as he can survive to the end, he may win!

But that's ironic.

When the knight was looking for a drawer that he could get into... he accidentally found the location of the Holy Spear.

"What is that."

The knight raised his head and murmured in despair.

Even though there was no contact, the knight could still identify it at a glance - it was the Holy Spear.

It was a golden spear that was more than ten meters long and looked like a folded umbrella. The outer ring is densely engraved with black runes, which are ancient characters that the knight cannot understand.

It appears to be solid. Even if such a gun was shortened to one-tenth, it would be very difficult for him to pick it up.

No wonder only the holy spear can break the magic cauldron - the magic cauldron that looks taller than a human house would be a ghost if it could be broken by a spear used by humans!

In front of the magic cauldron, a human's gun is probably like a needle for sewing clothes or a cauldron for making soup.

There is no doubt that this is the gun used by the giant.

And I'm afraid the giant holding this gun is taller and bigger than the giant who just got off the bed!

——How can a mortal hold that gun? !

"need any help?"

At this moment, a low and hoarse voice sounded.

As a cold breath came, it lifted the spirit of the knight who was in a trance due to the terrible heat emanating from the magic cauldron.

He turned around and looked in the direction from which the sound came.

I saw Aleister standing quietly at the entrance of the hall. That was the place where he had just come and the giant had left not long ago.

There was a noise that could attract giants in the distance, and now Aleister appeared in front of him again...

The knight suddenly realized - he was probably the last one.

"Are you going to kill me?"

But what surprised Aiwass was that the knight breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to indicate that he did not intend to resist: "Can I say a few words?"

"I'm not going to kill you."

Aleister looked at him calmly: "You said it yourself - at the last moment, you will cooperate with me and the Mr. Gray Hood.

"Now is the last moment. To prevent others from interfering...except for the three of us, everyone else is dead.

"Or...Mr. Knight, you were just telling me lies to deceive me?"

At this point, another person emerged from the shadows silently. He looked at the knight quietly and then disappeared silently.

"So you're not dead?!"

the knight blurted out.

He thought the assassin must be dead!

But at this moment, he felt a little dazed - he was obviously a demon, but he was so honest.

Compared to Shikaku and the others, he was undoubtedly weak.

But Aleister would rather cooperate with him... just because he showed real kindness to him?

"The identity of the outside world has nothing to do with the inside of the ceremony. We are competitors, opponents and potential allies... This is what you said yourself, right?"

Aleister smiled lowly: "I took it seriously. Didn't you advise me not to talk to them at that time?"

"...So you believed me at that time."

Mr. Knight felt warm in his heart and murmured softly.

All the secrets about the path of authoritarianism, and the history of Avalon's founding... all of them are lies and modified history.

Now, as a demon who transcends the path...Aleister showed him what integrity is.

The misunderstandings of the past and present were repeatedly intertwined, leaving the knight in a daze for a moment. He doesn't know who he should believe, who is right, and who is just.

"Mr. Aleister," the knight couldn't help but ask, "are you a good man?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Aleister smiled and gave no answer.

He just asked: "Do you care about this issue so much? Good people will always be good people, and bad people will never be good people?"

"Who defines good people and bad people? Is it the morality in your heart? Or is it the law of Avalon?"

Hearing Aleister's answer, the knight opened his mouth.

He was silent for a while, then suddenly made up his mind.

"My name is Patton. People call me 'Active Patton.'"

The "Knight" named Barton said seriously: "You have never hidden your real name. If I still use 'Knight' to communicate with you, I will feel guilty. I must at least tell you my last name.

"Just call me Barton, Mr. Aleister."

Barton finally couldn't help but asked: "I have something to ask you...

"——How did you enter the path of transcendence in the first place? Do you think it is possible for me?"

update completed!

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