Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 134 Understanding the version spanning three years

Hearing Barton's words, Aiwass raised his eyebrows with interest.

"...beyond the path? Do you know what you are talking about?"

The true identity of the "knight" should be a reserve soldier of the light cavalry brigade. Possibly a student at Avalon Military Academy.

He was born in an orthodox knight family, and at least one of his immediate elders in the family was armor-bearing. He also said that he might be promoted to an air cavalry... In other words, he had just embarked on the path to transcendence and had not yet completed his first promotion. The griffins given to him were pure-blood griffins without discounts.

In other words, his family status is at the upper end of the Avalon Kingdom.

Even if he chooses not to become a transcendent, he can live his life comfortably.

But such a person... now tells Aiwass that he wants to become a transcendental path?

Aiwass's heart moved and he asked: "Do you know something?"

"I was serious."

Mr. "Knight" said extremely seriously: "It's not an impulse, nor a rebellious idea... I just learned some forbidden history with mysterious power... Then I was thinking, will we Taking the wrong path? The path of authoritarianism is supposed to coincide with the path of transcendence?

"If the essence of the path of authoritarianism is similar to that of power, then the core of authoritarianism is actually power. Power is from top to bottom, but power will also overlap, just like the positions of ministers will also go up and down. There is no upward desire How can people take their jobs seriously?

"——I think the combination of top-down orders and bottom-up promotions is 'power'."


Aiwass raised his eyebrows. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The knight was really right, he was just a little too ahead of his time.

Avalon destroyed the country in the last small version of the first large version [Glass Stairs].

In version 2.0, the player group solved the troubles of the Theocracy and received the friendship and help of the Pope and the Saint; in version 3.0, Star Antimony sought death and began an unstoppable split; and Isabel also grew up after defeating the Fallen Division. Gaining high popular prestige, with the help of the new Theocracy, a team was organized to recapture Avalon.

After defeating the bandits, traitors, and rebels of the old kingdom, as well as someone who was once a puppet of Star Antimony but was now independent and summoned the Shadow Sky Division, Isabel defeated Iris's conspiracy and took back the land of Avalon. and completed the restoration of the country.

At that time, a fire burned out the decayed things, and the reborn "Avalon" was renamed Camelot, the Kingdom of Flowers.

Aiwass still remembers the CG after killing the final BOSS Ying Tiansi in version 3.4. It was one of the few CGs he didn't skip - of course because he felt numb after the fight and was so tired that he lay down to take a breath. .

On the land that was corroded by the shadows controlled by Ying Tiansi, buds grew again, dead trees regained their vitality, and flowers bloomed again on the land that was lifeless. The half-elf Isabel, who wears a flowery crown, still looks immature. She wears a white robe, a crown on her head, and holds a royal staff, just like her grandmother Queen Sofia, standing on a wooden platform wrapped with vines in a city full of life. Publish a speech on it.

As the founder of the Kingdom of Camelot, Queen Isabel chose to voluntarily give up part of her royal power and transferred power to the cabinet and parliament. Convert Camelot to a constitutional monarchy.

This will lead to a complete change in the entire power system - the knight family will no longer be passed down by blood and be superior, and the knight will no longer become a de facto armored noble. This also means that since the establishment of Avalon, the mainstream authoritarian system that has been stable for more than 400 years and centered on "law" and "royal power" has been broken, and the ban and resistance to other paths have also been eliminated. .

It was not until then that the extraordinary beings on the authoritarian path realized... It turns out that the authoritarian path and the transcendental path are not in conflict at all.

Even the Silver Crowned Dragon itself has the characteristics of transcending the path; just like the great philosophers of the path of wisdom and the twin mirrors of the path of beauty, they also have some characteristics of the balancing path.

Since the Nine-Pillar God, who is aloof, is not a pure incarnation of the Tao, he also has his own will and tendency. Mortals are naturally even more so.

Everyone's experience, personality, and talents are different, and few people are "apostles of destiny" who are purely walking on a certain path. There is a great possibility of combining any two paths, and examples of the combination of three paths are rare but do exist.

——In the final analysis, seeking change, progress, and transcendence, and emphasizing the authority to control will, power, and lead others can actually be understood as two aspects of "power."

Its essence and core are still authoritarian, and it still has an element of dedication. Only after making up for a little bit of transcendence, the system finally came to life and was able to operate normally instead of aging and decaying.

Authority, dedication, and transcendence go hand in hand to finally reach the three apexes of the Avalon Triangle. And Isabel's path of beauty is just outside the apex of this triangle, without interfering with any party... Just like the royal family withdrawing from the core power, it has become the emerald green gem in the center of the silver Avalon Triangle.

This is probably why the Silver Crowned Dragon ignored Avalon's demise.

For him, Avalon is probably no longer the kingdom of knights he originally wanted to build. This fire actually burned into the heart of Silver Crown Dragon.

Therefore, Barton's understanding is completely correct. Three years later, this is new common sense that everyone knows and recognizes.

But because his understanding is too advanced, surpassing the two major versions... If his words are released now, they will only be called crazy and heresy.

Moreover, his concept actually has no basis in practice.

Today, in the Transcendent Path, new professions such as the Sin Scholar and the Ascension Warlock, which are perfectly compatible with the revised Authoritative Path, have not yet been born. The most mainstream professions beyond the path are demonologists and their advanced demon incarnations.

Even if you include the devils and magicians, there aren't many good things in total. Even if Aiwass himself is a transcendent person who transcends the path, he has to admit that the path beyond the path is the real path of the evil person.

Mr. Knight, who is upright but not very smart, would probably be eaten up and used to death by those people if he came into contact with the transcendental path at this time.

But the fact that the knight can think of this shows that he is indeed a talent - he appears here now, somewhat because he wants to compete for the Holy Spear. Even though he knew that he was absolutely unable to fight against Aleister, he did not want to sit still and wait for death; and after meeting Aleister, he did not beg for mercy or tremble, but just wanted to ask another question.

This tenacious spirit of being unyielding and daring to challenge the strong is exactly in line with the promotion needs of the "Ascension Warlock" profession on the road to transcendence. It also happens to be a perfect multi-class match for melee classes in the Authoritarian path.

But getting a job in this profession is very troublesome. Now that Tiansi has adapted to the road, he has not yet been pulled down by the Ring of Ending Ceremony, and it is too difficult for humans to shed their skin.

...Should I give him a chance?

After thinking carefully, Aiwass decided to save him rather than destroy him.

He said seriously: "Actually, when you ask this question, you are already halfway on the path to transcendence.

"There is nothing wrong with this. Human beings are the sons of the Snake Father and the Eternal Self. They are a race born with the adaptability to transcend the path and the path of love. Everyone is greedy, wants to get better, and is always full of desire. , this is the essence of human progress."

This is what Shadow Demon just said to him. Aiwass is now learning and selling it.

"But the real question is, have you awakened and embarked on this path? Have you already thought about the career you want to work for, or is it 'anything is possible as long as it transcends the path'? Or are you just simply I began to doubt the path of authoritarianism, but I didn’t think about the path I wanted to take next?

"Have you ever thought about what happens to extraordinary people who transcend the path? Have you ever thought about your family, your clan? Have you ever thought about the conspiracy launched by those who are also transcendants against you, their use of you, and their use of you? Persecution from family members?”

Aiwas seriously advised: "If not, my suggestion is - you can keep this idea, but don't advance to the Transcendent Path for the time being.

"At least not in the next few years. After you really get on the right track in your career, if you still have such thoughts, it's not too late to change.

"There are very few extraordinary beings who are compatible with three paths. For most extraordinary beings, two paths are the limit. And you are still very young. Now you want to turn to transcendence, maybe in the future you will want to turn to devotion, and then There is also the possibility that you will want to turn to the dusk after adapting and getting old... If you can leave some room for your future self, it is better not to embark on the dual path as soon as possible. "

It will be soon anyway, Aiwass thought. In another two years, when Die Tiansi is torn down, you can switch to "Ascension Warlock".

Now that you have not reached the second level of the first path, why are you so anxious about the second path?

It's like when you're playing an online game, and you start thinking about adding equipment after you reach the level before even leaving the novice village - we'll talk about that later.

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